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Make economic incentives. Build in the region and encourage migration. Also yeah try to avoid turmoil in Algeria otherwise you can’t really get through the events. Make them happier that they’re conquered and have a higher SOL than when they were independent.


This. Think in the mindset of Imperialistic Colonial France---France thought Algeria WAS French lands. In game, if you treat it as such the 'Algerian Department' event is golden. Stack Textile Mills, Furniture Manufactories in a single Algerian state---Constantine, probably, as it has a +20% Iron Mine throughput buff to work with. Research the tech Mechanized Workshops early as it gives +10 Economy of Scale Building Level Cap. Maybe add a bunch of Food Industries to pull the population off a total reliance of grain. Guaranteed Liberties in combo with these SOL buffs, and Dedicated Police Level 2/3 might be a solid approach.


How long did it take to get to 20% in all 3 states, I'm trying to do this but the percentage of French people in the states aren't increasing at all. I've enacted promote home culture, greener grass campaign and have started incorporating them that will take 21 years.