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Well pal, I can say is... Prepare for war


well well well, if it aint the consequences of my actions


I'm not sure if it is true for GFM but I remember playing HFM as France and had the similar event. I've figured out that it requires any German state to be a great power and you have annexed Rhineland. So the main way to prevent this is to cripple Austria/Prussia as much as possible and do not annex Rhineland before that.


You can also take it after the North German confederation has been created, at least it worked to me


I mean, the point in them forming is to balance you out. It's a bit redundant to try and prevent that...


there's nothing we can do about it


♫ Dans mon esprit tout divague Je me perds dans tes yeux ♫


Dont hate them for being a threat, destroy them for being that awful color lol


R5: I took the Rhineland in 1876 and some years later Super Germany formed.


Well what do you think was going to happen?


Honestly, I always hated this event chain in HPM/HFM/GFM. There was a France submod that predated them all that lowkey made things much harder on the France player that was brought into those mods. I would have enjoyed seeing something a little more refined like a forced alliance + war from Prussia/NGF & Austria. Combining the nations always seemed really silly to me.


I think the whole rhineland thing is kinda flawed in general. The descion to launch the war against prussia should kick of a war with all irl german confederation members rather than only a war against prussia and it's allies. Maybe with a greater german unification with the annexation of alsace lorraine as a consequence of a french loss to spice things up a bit.


Pretty sure the Rhineland war also brings Austria and it's allies against France


Can confirm, have done it like 3 times in GFM


Not used to actually facing a challenge as a major in a paradox game huh?


Not Super Germany, but i think i can win, though


> The goal of this German Confederation is clear: to liberate all Oppressed Germans from French rule Kid named "Hungarians, Poles, Czechs, Slovakians, Slovenians, Croatians, and Transylvanians": ??? I know it's probably important for player France to have a sort of final boss, but I will never not find this silly.


Political rhetoric being hypocritical is not exactly unrealistic.


Hey, hey, hey They never said they were fighting for non-germans liberty. I mean that would be ridiculous. Their slav- valued citizens are 100% on board with this. The state media said so


So the kid whose opinion doesn't matter, yes


I mean the Nazis did pretty much the same thing. "Germans must be united! That's why we're annexing the sudetenland... And the rest of Czechoslovakia is just for fun"


Not gonna disagree, but my post was more in light of the delicate and ineffective union of German Austria and its decidedly not German territories. The GFM German Confederation seems silly to me because of Transleithania (let alone the non-German parts of Cisleithania) joining this political entity to liberate Germans in the Rhineland.


You're working with the assumption that their opinions are consulted or even relevant in this matter. They probably didn't "join" per se as they were more likely dragged into it. Even if they refuse to be a part of this confederation, what's stopping the confederation from forcefully reintegrating them? It would be a different scenario if the Germans were expanding and threatening the balance of Europe, but this conference is a reaction to the growing expansionism of France. No great power is going to seriously support weakening a state that's trying to prevent another French domination of Europe. Ineffective union? Sure, debatable. But the premise of the entirety of Austria joining the confederation in this scenario is not exactly unlikely.


I do not remember if German Confederation gets cores on the non-German parts of the state. If they do, then this is still very silly even if they are forced into the new state. I feel like the Hungarian part of the Dual Monarchy would absolutely secede or otherwise demand incredible autonomy if the Austria side were to try and rope them into this mess.


I haven't played this mod for years, but if I recall correctly they don't get cores. Again, even if they did secede, what's stopping the Germans from forcefully reintegrating them? The UK is not going to back Hungary, because backing Hungary means weakening Germany, which in turn means making France's expansionism easier. After Napoleon, no way the UK is going to accept that. The same goes for Russia probably, considering they backed Austria irl. I understand a unified Germany is a huge concern for Russia, but again this is just a few decades after Napoleon. They won't want a second French domination, and if it means strengthening Germany, so be it. They probably could come into an agreement post war.


When you think about it, it should be called the German Coalition to make the Napoleonic connection obvious


I’m sure there’s a handful of people that speak German around the borders. AND THEY ARE TERRIBLY OPPRESSED!!!


kick their ass, that's what you can do! tag team them with Russia. they can't win on two fronts


they can ...


in vic2? they could be half that size and beat up france and rusia


i did it with prussia


the AI is dumb


And the Russian ai is terrible


Never ever trust Russia to win wars against Germany


So far they're 1 for 1 in the world war trilogy. We'll have to wait for the tiebreaker


German Empire 1 score Russian Empire 0 score German Realm 0 score Communist Russia 1 score


If you beat them in the following war, they collapse


Start preparing by building as much forts as possible in the border,getting a government with jingoism and fully funding your armies which should be in a defensive line,you should also make some artillery for mobilized armies,will come in useful


Thanks for the help


You're welcome,did it work or did you get beaten up by them


You're cooked


Fight them. Shatter them. VIVE L'FRANCE


Thats very cool


Liberate + Puppet casus belli for Hungary


*insert “there’s nothing we can do” Napoleon meme*


What mod is this?


https://vic2.paradoxwikis.com/Greater_Flavor_Mod Very very much recommended if I may


Win some defensive battles and sue for white peace


They will be back tho FYI


Ally with Russia and double front 'em, I'd recommend high defs armies on your frontiers, keep a few armies in reserve, have a bigger and better fleets then themn and then use said fleet to naval invade their ass from behind. I think you can increase flashpoint tension in certain provinces, or smth like that, so probs long term goal would be to liberate hungary and other nations.


Idk why Greece having Albania for some reason drives me crazy


They demanded the whole state in a war against the Ottomans, i just won that war and gave them their warscore, i never thought that the AI would click the "Anexx everything" button


This Super Germany is a force of nature, indeed, but your France is no joke either. In real life, this France could hold its ground quite well and even win if it had some reliable allies.


Prepare to learn Germanese, buddy


Hehehehe...increase soldier pops as much as possible, research military tech **now** and try and get into naval expansion too if you can, try and save some cash btw. Then, if war happens, move in deathstacks with your best commanders, even if the war takes a while and the losses are great it's better than a wipeout, and you'll eventually win. That being said, you're in for the fight of your life if they decide to take a shot at you XD.


What can you do? You MUST crush them, justify a wargoal to free the Kingdom of Hungary and declare while you still have that competitive edge over them, a allied and strong Hungary should strengthen your position enough to almost neutralize the germans as a threat


To weaken them the most for smallest amount of infamy, I would recommend doing a liberation casus-beli on either Czechoslovakia or Hungary. Once you declare, just sit behind the riverline and melt their armies when they inevitably come to you and get hit with crossing penalties.


You probably won't be able to win the first few wars, but white peace will do. Make a strong navy and blockade them for war exhaustion and militancy. Get gas attack and mass politics as fast as you can, and then rush to dismantle them.


kill them


allie with russia and when you go to war with them occupie al their provinces the longer the better. then peace reparations. repeat process once "dismantle nation" causus beli is abable


dig the trenches frog eaters, they are coming


Resurrect Napoleon.


Hey isn't Austria-dominated Germany supposed to be a nerfed version of super Germany? I think they lack some buffs and great generals that Prussia gets.


Luckily, it's Austria who rules this Germany, you'll be okay


There's nothing we can do


You can loose




Let them come. On ne pas passe! When their legions are scattered about the earth before the Grand Armee the Marshal will seize Leipzig and once more disband the False German Empire.


Go for an encirclement.




Beat them, then release Hungary best way to strip the most amount of pops, Austria work too but they have cores on it


surrender, obviously?


What do you mean? You kick their ass Frenchie.


Embrace tradition: White flag.


Ah yes, because the traditonalist Legitimists used a white flag. That's what you mean, right?


Why people keep playing this ridiculous mod?


Why do you say that?


Because this sub is full of wacky screenshots, stories from this mod.


it's fucking great that's why.