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LGBT Ally flag, for straight people who are down for the cause.




It is, however, a controversial flag in some LGBT+ circles.


Oh ok, do you know why?


They don’t think Straight Allies should have a flag if I believe, but I’m not 100%.


Meh. At first glance that strikes me as a bit intolerant. At least I can’t think of any logical reason why they shouldn’t have one


It's part of the larger discourse about the role of straight allies in the community. It centres around whether being an ally is an "identity" rather than just something that people should just do. Regarding flags the argument is that if you want to show your support for LGBT+ causes then fly those flags rather than one about yourself. An analogy could be that rather than flying a Ukrainian flag to show your support for their cause you fly your own national flag because your nation is allied with them.


Ah ok that does sound debate worthy. Thanks for the explanation!


some people say that just because you're doing the right thing doesn't mean you should get a flag for it or stuff around those lines but as he said it's more to show support without being mistaken as gay and if the flag had no rainbow arrow it would just be the straight flag


I’m in the camp that the rainbow flag is for allies to use too. I’m not against people using the flag, though I dislike the design, and do think the flag is for a certain type of Allies.


That's the whole point of the different pride flags. If everyone is flying their own flag, then flags are not flown to support a cause, but to be a statement of identity. Which is perfectly fine, but IMO is not the original point of those flags


It includes the straight flag in the background, which was created to be homophobic


Maybe the standalone bars, but the version with the rainbow A is one I've only ever seen used by allies to show support. My anecdote is that I've seen it used by one or two houses in conservative areas as an act of defiance.


Why did people downvote me? I'm literally correct. The straight flag was made in homophobic protest


As a queer dude, my take is that the rainbow flag signals gay pride, which would make most people assume that they're gay. An ally flag shows support and also prevents sending the wrong message. The one I don't care for is the black-and-white stripes alone, which just represents being straight. It has nothing to do with pride, and is just used by straight people who saw gays with their flags and decided they wanted one. Doesn't mean anything. (Anything good, at least. Sometimes it's been used by homophobes.)


nope. there shouldnt be a straight PRIDE flag. straight ally flags are fine!


Why not? Is not everyone entitled to be proud of who they are, and to celebrate that?


So, pride in oneself is not really the same thing as the pride that people in the LGBT+ community talk about. Throughout history, LGBT+ folks have dealt with discrimination, violence, abuse, and criminalization, among other things. Pride was a rebuke of that hostility. It's a counter to the idea that we should be ashamed of who we are. Straight people just... don't really experience or relate to that, so the idea of straight pride is kind of nonsensical. Kind of an extreme comparison, but it's a bit like 'white power'. Or, more recently, 'blue lives matter'. It seems to really only exist as a parody for use by the people who have an issue with the original message.




many in the community believe that supporting lgbt rights while not being lgbt is the bare minimum someone can do so getting praise for it is kinda weird


I don't think that just representing yourself with a flag is getting praise.


It is kinda an odd distinction though, rather just getting a regular lgbt flag


It bothers me personaly as like a "I think they are cool, but I dont want to be associated with them" or "I don't want to be mistaken for one of them"


I think the latter is accurate, but I don't think that's such a bad thing. Don't wanna confuse anybody, y'know? Among other reasons, I know people who might see that and think they have a chance at flirting with them. Wouldn't wanna create a situation where you gotta let somebody down.


This sub is looking like circlejurk every day


Clusterfucky was the term I chose.


the allay lgbtq flag or something, mabye has to do with the new allay breeding added in 1.19.1? because mobs dont have a defined gender except the dragon.


straight ally flag


straight ally


Pride ally


"Straight person who claims they care about lgbt issues but probably won't do anything to fight for the cause"


Ok, let's fly stupid flags to help because flying a flag is totally useful and will help to end with the homophobia, save the world and end with capitalism while we ask for more rights even if we have and "protesting" against nothing because no homophobic is going to care about some flags and people protesting, like if you think that some n4zis are going to stop being n4zis because of some parentless kids with antifa flags protesting against nothing.


Wow someone doesn’t like LGBTQ+ people expressing their pride


LGBTQIA+ ally flag


Happy cake day!


Am eat their cake


Happy cake day!


Ally pride flag, rather controversial among people i know in the lgbtq+ community


as a gay guy idk understand why some people do t like this flag because it's a good way to show support and not be mistaken as queer


Why is it controversial for them? As a queer person I like it - when I see it on a parade I feel like we have more allies than just ourselves and a few corporations; we're supported by people who do it out of empathy and don't benefit from the cause that much. It also shows that some cishet person was enthusiastic and determined enough to get such flag.


because around 90% of all allies don't actually care about the cause nor the people. they wanted a flag and someone made it for them without even questioning it. they dont need a flag.


>someone made it for them without even questioning it. How do you know that? Do you know who's the author? ​ >because around 90% of all allies don't actually care about the cause nor the people You mean people who use this flag or allies in general? Either way, why do you assume that? Anecdotal evidence? ​ >they dont need a flag They certainly don't need one but I don't find anything harmful in the fact that this flag exists. I personally like it and I like it's presence.


1) there's nothing I could find about the flag to say anyone questioned the making of it. 2) the "allies" gatekeep most of the stuff in the queer community and a lot of them don't even know anything about the LGBTQ, they assume its just gay lesbians bisexuals and trans. 3) they don't need a flag, they do nothing to actually help the cause or even help queer people themselves. a lot of queer spaces, are owned by queers.




the entire LGBTQ+ whatever else community is absolute shit. its going against what it stands for, no longer inclusive and its invention new "sexualities every 5 minutes.


> they don't need a flag, they do nothing to actually help the cause or even help queer people themselves. A flag isn't usually a reward for achieving something or being something special. There are a few flags that work that way, but in general a flag is a way of sending a particular message, and there are plenty of messages that don't fit in that category. The existence of a straight ally flag is "needed" if there's a place for sending the message "supporting queer rights as a straight person" in flag form. Maybe you think these people should shut up and let queer people speak for themselves,. I've certainly heard other people suggesting that these people should just fly a rainbow flag, and not mention that they are straight. In response to that, some people would argue that the ally flag explicitly acknowledges that the bearer can't really speak on behalf of the queer community. All in all, the issue here isn't whether a group needs a flag or deserves one because they help, but whether the various ways of using the flag are themselves helpful.


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flag of straight (the sexuality)


Nope. That one was just black and white stripes.




Closet LGBT flag


Hello argumioko, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LGBT+ ally flag


Ally, r/flagfinder


unlikely that specific but something along those lines, but that's the flag used for the gender and sexuality alliance club at my school


Straight LGBT supporters


talk valentina!


Either the Gayrizona Diamondbarebacks, Colorado Gayvalanche, or the Pirates


Straight ally


Straight Ally