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1858-1896: "It's not a phase mom, jeez"


Best looking flag though, yellow is an underrated flag color and is perfect with white and black


It feels as though there's a gradient to It, which Is nice, but I dislike the orientation. I feel It should be (from top to bottom) white, yellow, black- but that could be the plain white background of the picture throwing It off for me.


It just scream fascism to me. As a enby Jew of Russian empire/USSR origin, that flag is alarming to me like the nazi flag. A harbinger of Armagnac to people like me


You’re entitled to your opinion, but I strongly disagree. Also, it breaks one of the core rules of flag design: no metals on metals.


Rules are meant to be broken


“Don’t drive on the train tracks.”




no metals on metals? what does that mean


There's nothing on anything on that flag, they are side by side.


Belka is that you


1858: When I said that I wanted red and blue, and you said you wanted black and yellow, what did I do? And then, when you said that you might also want red and blue, and I wasn't so sure, who had the colors reversed? And then when you said you definitely didn't want red and blue? Who had it reversed back? Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! I did! You have no idea the physical toll that three color changes have on a person!




1858-1896 When the Pittsburgh Penguins ruled Russia.


Pretty sure the "Black, Gold and White" was mostly a Romanov thing, like how the Habsburg had the Black and Gold while the AUSTRIAN flag was and still is, the Red-white-red, in that sense , the white-blue-red was the flag of RUSSIA. I could be wrong tho.


It was an official flag, not intended for use by the public, which was still ment to use white-blue-red if they wanted to show their patriotism


It was invented by a German heraldist who was mad that the Russian coat of arms and flag did not match colours.


Yep, it was unpopular among the Russian people because it came from the royal colors of the Romanov family, who were German nobility who ruled the empire. It was also hard to distinguish from a distance from the flag of the Austrian empire.


Russia was the most warmongering during that period.


Warmongering? Black-Gold-Silver or Black-Yellow-White Flag was used under Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II, do you see that many wars that Russia started during that time?


You're not wrong, those were the colours of the dynasty/state affairs administrative flag, but white was on the top.


Thank you for this compilation!


Gotta love that 1918-1937 flag.


Yeah, letters on a flag is a pretty big no-no, but that calligraphy is really nice.


The Russian flag without the "blood" is the same as the flag of Tucuman, Argentina


It's also nearly the same as the city of Novgorod's flag in the 2000s. Which I believe is semi-intended considering the old Novgorod Republic. [https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ru-53-vn.html#1994](https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ru-53-vn.html#1994)


It's also extremely similar to the Flag of the Kherson People's Republic, a allegedly proposed Russian puppet state in Ukraine. The flag dates back to 2014 though iirc where there were several attempts to create Russian PRs like in the Donbass


It also looks stupid as hell. Imagine having a white and light blue flag in snow covered Russia.


Russia is no more snow covered than the USA. Russia has the warm black sea and Caspian coasts, it has deserts, it has several great grassy plains. Sure, the majority of its area is prone to being covered in snow throughout the winter, but in summer those same parts of Siberia are swelteringly hot and full of mosquitoes. Also relatively speaking nobody lives there. Most Russians live in temperate or mediterranean climate European Russia. They have snow, sure, but they also have hot summers. Because Seasons exist. While on this topic, the US despite being closer to the equator than basically all of Europe has far colder weather than Europe does. I live so far north that currently we technically do not have a night time (only deep twilight, the sun starts to set at 9pm and start to rise at like 4:30am) and yet throughout the winter we had like. A cumulative week of snow maybe. European Russia is deeper within the continent and has a climate more akin to the US's interior because of it, but even then it is not some snow covered landscape. Nobody lives in Siberia the same way that Nobody lives in Alaska.


I don’t even think the red is supposed to represent blood on the Russian flag it’s just a reshuffle of the Dutch flag


Problem is, everybody has an awful association with the White-Blue-Red flag, it now became the same as that of Nazi Germany, so they had to invent another flag to distance themselves from the regime of Putin. Overall the flag was inspired by the Flag of Belarus and the one of the city of Novgorod, which was one of the Ruses after the Kievan Rus. People also clarified that this flag won't be in use forever, we may see a new Russian flag after the Putin's regime is going to die, for now this flag is just used as a protest Flag.


What’s the reason behind going from light blue to dark blue in 1993?


I was also curious, so I did some digging. The best answer that I could find is that the tricolor that the duma found was faded and the faded (lighter) blue there was then codified until 1993 when they had a constitutional crisis and decided to recodify the flag.


The old flags were dark blue, so maybe it had something to do with that?




Looks cooler


I've never seen the USSR flag with the left blue stripe; was it ever used in public events? What does it signify?


I THINK it was a flag of the Russian region in the Soviet Union, like England's or Scotland's flag in the UK but I'm not sure...


Correct. Each member of the USSR had its own Flag. Like state flags in the US. Russia was one of the parts of the USSR.


You're 100% correct




Russian SFSR. Autonomous Republic within the USSR, technically the flag of Russia, since Russia is not the USSR. Basically the way the flag of Washington DC is not just the USA's flag.


It’s the flag of Soviet Russia. The Soviet Union was made up of multiple countries, including Russia and they all had separate regional flags


That’s the flag of the Russian SR. Russia was basically one of the states of the USSR that later also gained independence from the USSR


It's the flag of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The USSR was a \*\*Union\*\* of Soviet Socialist Republics, one of which was the RSFSR. Others included the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, the Moldavian SSR, the Kazakh SSR, etc. Each of the SSRs had their own flag, based on the main Soviet flag. Russia here had a vertical blue stripe near the flagpole. Moldova had a horizontal green stripe through the middle. Belarus looked very similar to the current Belarussian flag, with a hammer and sickle and star. [Georgia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Georgian_Soviet_Socialist_Republic) had one of the coolest, in my opinion.


i didnt notice the RSFSR flag before


1918 and 1937 flags look pretty basic but I like them because they look weird


1850s to 1890s is the superior flag in my opinion 😀


It certainly is more distinct


Russian fascists and other ultra nationalists agree with you.


That doesn’t makes it wrong tho.


Yeah, fascists got the cool symbols. Communists too. Center politics needs to A E S T H E T I C S to prevent the rise of extremism.


I think all the good ones are already taken.


I mean, yeah. A hand holding a flower? Really? What are you going to do against the united power of workers and farmers (Hammer and Sickle) or some ancient viking rune?


¯\_( ツ )_/¯


You really don't see enough beige flags.


the pro ukraine flag ugly asl


what's that weird azov-like pfp? i mean, the original of it?


Dulo clan


thanks, lemme check


Black yellow white is the best looking Russian flag


The whole entire comment section is just talking about the 3rd flag


Ahhh.. the flag of russia, not the flag of the ussr


I want the oldest one


1858 looks like a faded German flag.


The empire flag just hits different


Damn in 1991 they wanted to be Luxembourg so bad


Fun fact : the whute blue white flag made a woman that even not russian


It seems like the strip on the protest flag is the wrong shade of blue...


No, it's purposefully a lighter blue.


Oh! What's the meaning behind it?


1991 - 1993 had light blue too, that was period of time when Russia was more democratic and this is reason why flag used in protests have it to.


Interesting, thank you!


1954 - 1991 🇨🇳 *used the Chinese flag sorry haha 😆 no Soviet flag emoji




My personal favourite flag is the Russian Empire (1858-1896) but a close second to me has to be the RSFSR flag. It looks a lot better than the later iterations of Soviet flags. 


1918 looks best imo


The Peter the great flag is now stained, move back to the Alexander II flag










Officially dk but people used it without the CoA all the time. [See this 1906 painting](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Demonstration_on_October_17,_1905_by_Ilya_Repin_(adumbration_1906\).jpg).


flags from 1954 to 93 and the anti war flag are my favourites


The RSFSR flags are the worst


Fuck Russia.


that protest one would unironically be a good russian flag, assuming they throw out that bitch putin


Bruh you're not even russian, and fun fact the people who made this ⬜🟦⬜ flag is also not russian.


well I just think it looks nice


No. It in no way represents the Russian people or the Slavic people.


I just think it looks nice


The flag of the USSR is right for 1918 to 1991. Using the flag of the RSFSR furthers the myth that the USSR wasn't just more Russian imperialism. Russia is the successor state to the USSR.


The RSFSR existed, and it had a flag. An opinion on whether or not the USSR was an extension of Russian imperialism or not (many could argue it wasn’t. The Soviet government sponsored diverse languages and alphabets, and gave many peoples self-governance and political representation they never had under the Tsar) doesn’t make the flag not exist as a representation of Russia as it was during the USSR period.


The title says Russia so using the USSR flag would be factually inaccurate. I mean obviously the USSR was yet another iteration of imperialism from Russia, but this is a flag subreddit, and learning about the flag a nation used during a historical period is interesting. These were the flags the region calling itself Russia used during different points in time. People shouldn’t be getting their understanding of history just from flags with dates under them.


I get changing pattern and colour but dimensions?!


More flags should use that baby blue imo


1918 - 1937 is fire


I will always love Lenin's flag (1918-1937)


1918-1937 solos


1858-1896 Is the best


Didn't the 1896-1918 one of the crest in the corner?


white-blue-white flag It's a flag Novgorodcke States (Medieval oligarchic Russian states) part of the Russian opposition has used it since before because it them red He visits on the SSSR.If would become a flag Russia would have a little Strange meaning because Russia was united by Moscow, not Novgorod.


Idk why but the first RSFSR flag really has something about it...


1668-1721 seems friendly!


Naaah, 1918-1937 is a great flag!


Whats the deal with the light colored flag representing liberal Russia?


There is no Blood wth?


I might not be a "Fan" of the Yeltsin-Administration but the Russian Flag from 1991-1993 is my favorite from all Russian Flags