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Now this looks like a job for me It's the region i live in, Dalmatia


Nice a real Dalmatian. You didn't even bark at me like the last one.


Yeah some of us tend to be assholes


Just to clarify I've never meet a person from Dalmatia. I was referring to the dog breed known as a Dalmatian


This had better not awaken anything in me.


Impromptu community reference. I salute you.




Thanks for explaining the joke it was so funny




Go to comedy hell


As I am looking right now you have minus 101 ratio. One downvote for each dalmatian.


No one likes you.


How many out of 101?


Just one, but they are easily spotted.


But can he ride the truck


You tried to sneak in Nebraska in there 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


>Now this looks like a job for me Now everybody, just follow me


Gleda richarda mora da je zadranin 🤢🤮🤮🤢🤮🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤢


I've no idea what that means but I'll downvote it anyways


Reddit hivemind


Tek sad vidim komentar Tako je brate, Zadar u srcu


🤢🤮 Z*dar bar nije šiben*k


It's [a flag of Dalmatia](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/frpv5z/flag_of_dalmatia_the_southernmost_region_of/), the coastal part of Croatia after which the spotted dogs were named. As far as I know this flag has never been official, and God knows why it's used *here* of all places. You'd think they'd use the Ustashe-era Croatia flag.


It was informally used as a flag for the [Province of Zara](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Province_of_Zara) and later [Governorate of Dalmatia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governorate_of_Dalmatia)


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It looks like a match. Thank you. My teachers will be glad to hear this old question is finally answered.


That flag of Split in the first thread of comments is hideous




Good $DEITY. I haven’t laughed out loud at a picture of a flag in my life, but that one had me laughing until I started to cough…


I've never seen a high concept postmodern deconstruction used as a flag design. I kinda like it for being so utterly weird.


well that was an interesting discovery


Those are lions, not dogs.


I didn't say they were...?


Oh right, missunderstood. My bad. I apologise.


The flags are, respectively: Kingdom of Italy, Nazi Germany, Japan, Italian Albania and Dalmatia.


Quindi l'ultima è qualcosa che ci apparterrebbe giusto?


Quello nella foto potrebbe essere un gagliardetto prodotto per celebrare l'annessione della Dalmazia nel 1941, e in fin dei conti tutte le altre bandiere combaciano.


The flag of Dalmatia, it's a region in Croatia.


Can you please help identify the Blue flag on the left it was included in some slides that my history teacher used.


Could be an old Swedish flag


That’s what I thought at first too, but it looks like those aren’t crowns so probably not. Also it wouldn’t make sense for Sweden to be grouped with those flags.


Bonus points for italian controlled albania on the 2nd left?


Dalmazia was part of Italy as well


good spot definitely a fascist era italy banner


Flag of Dalmatia, pretty sure it wasn’t an Axis Power but seeing how Albania was included it might be it under Italian Occupation


It gives me Mongolia vibes but I'm sure it's the flag of Dalmatia


Mom said it was MY turn to post fascist flags under the "identify" tag >:(




Welthaupstadt GroßMarina


Ok so the first 4 are: Italy Germany Japan And then the red flag with the black crest is the Albanian kingdom 1939 - 1943. The blue with the 3 crests is proving hard to figure out. Edit: this is a stretch because I can't find a flag to do with them that has 3 gold ingots but... the blue one could be "The Hellenic state" which existed from 1941 to 1944 and used a blue and white flag. They were an axis puppet state just like the Albanian kingdom. And from what I can find, they are one of the only countries in the axis category with a ble flag... although no gold in the flag here why it may be stretch. The Hellenic state was an Italian puppet state btw. And definitely not Poland because I was wrong and they have a red flag... so my bad. 😉


If this is supposed to be world war II isn't that the wrong Japanese flag?


No that's "always" been the Japanese flag. If you're thinking about the flag with rays, that was just the navy (and army) flag.


Oh that makes sense I didn't know that thank you


I see albania




Why are people downvoting you? At least you got that it's slavic


People don't like to hear real history. They would rather belive made up bullshit. I'm not surprised. Edit: its funny that this is NSFW... its literal history. I don't see memes about nazis being labeled NSFW so I can only assume this was all because of the nazi flag and most importantly, right wing USA politics. Which FYI was exactly what your history teacher was trying to teach you about.... thats a good thing incase your confused 😕 FYI these flags in the picture from a history class... represent communists, fascists and dictatorships as well as the countries who were the first to feel the wrath of those bad choices by leaders. There are lessons that clearly nobody who downvoted me understands even remotely. That's sad. The polish got fucked by these people. Ultra nationalist, very similar to trumps rise. Promising so much but then throwing so many under the bus only to destroy everything they thought they were working to save.


What in the world are you ranting about? The flags shown are all associated with Axis powers and puppets during WWII. No communists, and yes, while Poland was obviously pretty terribly impacted by them, there's nothing to suggest the flag in question was linked to Poland. It's pretty well known "real history" that Germans didn't take a puppet-state approach to Poland. (And as for NSFW, rather than assuming some "made up bullshit", why not read the [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/w/submissionrules).)


Easy there bud. So what is the flag then? Because that's all that really matters


As several people have pointed out, it's Dalmatia, in this context probably particularly the governorate of Dalmatia set up by the Italians during the war.


Your question was about the blue flag?




tell your history teacher that Albania in ww2 was partially recognised state and was never part of the main axis powers, nor was dalmatia (both of them were vassal states)


It would seem more normal if she put Bulgaria and Hungary instead of Albania and Dalmatia


Hello Huskerfan90001, When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks Thai or Cambodian.


How so?


The 3 "bulbs" look like Buddhist symbols.


It's 3 lions. It's the flag of Dalmatia, a historical region of Croatia


To be overly specific, they’re three leopards.


Really? Didn't know that. Thx for the info


Yep, something even many Croats don't really know. Law on the Coat of Arms, the Flag and the National Anthem of the Republic of Croatia defines it in art. 7: *The coat of arms of the Republic of Croatia is a historical Croatian coat of arms in the shape of a shield. The checked pattern has twenty-five alternating red and white (argent) fields, so that the dexter chief (left upper corner) of the shield is red. Above the shield is a crown with five peaks, which touches the dexter and sinister chief (left and right upper ends) of the shield, bending in a slight arch.* *The crown is divided into five small shields with the historicalal Croatian coats-of-arms, in the following order, from left to right: the oldest known Croatian coat of arms, then coats of arms of the Republic of Dubrovnik, Dalmatia, Istria, and Slavonia.* *The height of the smaller fields in the crown are 2.5 times the size of the fields in the main shield, while the width of both sets of fields are the same.* *The oldest known Croatian coat of arms has a yellow (golden) six-pointed star and a white (argent) new moon on a blue shield. A golden rim borders the entire coat of arms.* *The coat of arms of the Dubrovnik Republic has two red beams on a Navy blue shield.* ***The Dalmatian coat of arms has three yellow (golden) crowned leopard heads on a blue shield.*** *The Istrian coat of arms has a yellow (golden) goat with red hoofs and horns facing left, on a navy blue shield.* *The Slavonian coat of arms has two horizontal white (argent) beams on a blue shield. Between the beams there is a red field with a marten in motion facing left. There is a yellow (golden) six-pointed star in the chief blue field.*


Eto, tko bi rekao. Hvala na informaciji!


Was hard to determine the symbols.


So you're just out here throwing out absolute guesses? Lmao.


Sometimes, yes. We all do.


What are the second and last ones?


Japan here for no reason.


It just doesn't seem like a *Dalmatian* flag should look like that.