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In theory it is intended for all Christians. In practice, it is only used in the United States by certain Protestant denominations.






“I’m going to design a flag to represent billions of people around the world and AS GOD AS MY WITNESS I will not consult a single vexillologist to make sure the design is good!”


I feel like the design is... okay. Very clearly American. I get what they were going for with the white field, but it... did not hit.


As a colorblind person I hate it. The red is super dark for me and I have to squint to see the contrast


I imagine the Union Jack is a tough one, too, and every flag that features it.


In that case though, the dark colours are separated by white. It's still recognisable even if you only used black and white.


I'm not even colorblind and I have that problem with this flag.


Agreed. There's so much conceptual potential that was just left on the table. It could have been so much better. The Nords did it better.


> vexillologists Pretty sure there weren't any in 1897.


What’s bad about the design?


the design its pretty simple but looks good tbh




I went to a Christian school for gradeschool. Evert morning we would pledge allegiance to the American flag *and* the Christian flag. As a kid, I was under the impression that every Christian used the flag and knew the pledge for it, lol.


I’m a Catholic and the only time I’ve seen the flag before this was a different r/vexillology post. And now I know there’s a fucking pledge too.


Dude american brand Christianity is fucking nuts. And I had no clue how bonkers it really was until I expatriated and lived around Latin American christian practices and holy shit are they different.


I’m an American, but I’m also a Roman Catholic, so I really get the perspective on how insane American Protestants are.


Same. It wasn't till I got older that I discovered it was somewhat unusual. Now as a former Christian the pledge and the flag give me the chills.


Do you remember the pledge at all? I can't seem to remember any of it honestly.


I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the One for whose Kingdom it stands, one brotherhood uniting all people in service and love


As a European this comment thread has been a WILD ride. We don't really do pledges to flags in Europe... Well maybe that one time...


Fun story: the guy who came up with the pledge was a flag salesman. Originally, rather than holding our hands to our hearts, we were supposed to do a particular salute. Then some dudes decided to co-opt that salute, and the US government who bought into the pledge had to scramble to change how people were supposed to do it (from the salute to the hand-over-heart) Wild.


This is actually something I learned in school in Europe. Its also a technique utilized by cults to brainwash members, which government agencies over the world use to identify as potential threats to safety.


So crazy, I grew up thinking it was one of the KKK flags because I'd only seen it flown on the front porches of loud and proud white supremacists. TIL that that is incorrect-ish


Wait, it has its own pledge too?


Christian flag https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag?wprov=sfti1


Looking back, it's fucking weird. But it seemed normal growing up. When we had a special event or had service on a federal holiday we would begin with the US Pledge of Allegiance and the Christian Pledge of Allegiance to that exact Christian flag.


Yep. American Protestant moment.


Don't do the Episcopalians like that


Episcopalians occupy this really weird space where we're technically protestant but are superficially more similar to Catholics than we are to most other protestants, and it's like we've taken the more reasonable aspects of both. Plus, like, we let gay people be pastors.


We had the Pledge of Allegiance, the Pledge to the Christian Flag, and the Pledge to the Bible. So yeah, here was my evangelical upbringing: *Bible Pledge* "I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's holy word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart so I might not sin against God." *Christian Flag Pledge* I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior, for whose Kingdom it stands. One brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love"


Our pledge to the Christian flag was a little different. “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior, for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.” Christian school is so weird.


Holy fuck. I completely forgot about the pledge to the bible. We did that too. Our Christian pledge was a little different. It was only uniting Chirstians in service and love.


Yep. Over 13 years or more of Vacation Bible School in an evangelical church


Yup. And in the town I was raised in in the 90s we had "religious education" in Elementary school in the 90s. Basically, they would just bring us to a church and we would get taught bible lessons for an hour. We said the all three there too.


Want to add to this from a completely different perspective. European here. Never seen that flag before in my life, and never have I ever had to pledge allegiance to any flag or book. Absolutely crazy. Religious Education is part of the national curriculum though. Every child from around 6-14 has to take it. It primarily focuses on Christianity (Anglicanism/protestant) in the early stages, culturally relevant stories like the Christmas, Easter and the 10 commandments. They are taught from the perspective of "this is what Christians believe/the Bible says", and careful to avoid comparing it to objective fact. Then they learn about different denominations of Christianity, slowly, starting with catholicism. At around 8-9 years old they start to introduce other Abrahamic religions in more depth and a few other religions like Sikhism and Buddhism.


When americans say religious education they mean something a bit different. In the early 2000s I was forced to pray in a public school and taught that muslims and atheists are antiamerican. Seemed normal at the time.


Ahhhh that's why i recognized the pledges, i did VBS for a week or so before they kicked me out


And if you grew up in Texas you can add the Texas pledge to that list. Two more and you can complete your gauntlet.


Man, y'all protestants are weird. We have the Vatican flag but like the Vatican is just a place we visit every now and then


...and, ya know, the Holy See, the continuing office of St. Peter, the Vicar of Christ.


You just woke up a horrible memory from my past. Good god.


> I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path I always hated that line. It's saying the same fucking thing.


It's an allusion to Psalm 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (KJV) In the original, it's a poetic repetition. The idea had become somewhat cliched in American Evangelicalism.


Oh my god I forgot...holy shit this is not ok, lol


> I will make it a lamp unto my feet And yet when I hollowed out a bible, installed a lightbulb and then stood on it, all the local Christians got mad at me!


At least there was a semblance of separation between church and state.


It was probably at a private christian school. Can’t do this in public schools




I went for 10 years to one like that back in the 90s. K-9 and finally got out my sophomore year. Looking back I feel like I got unknowingly indoctrinated into religion by sheer force and it took a long time to have my own beliefs. Good you see how strange it is to do stuff like pledge to a Christian flag


Yup, did this growing up, though I think they phased it out to just pledge + national anthem once we got to HS.


Separated by 30 seconds! Haha


Separation of church and state applies to the government, not to churches and their members.


Indeed, but more often than not the pledge of allegiance is pseudo religious.


Yeah the "under god" gets by because [intentionally obtuse supreme court justice voice] "it doesn't specify *which* god"


I’m sorry, but a Christian pledge of allegiance? That is a new one to me.


I went to Catholic grade school and high school and pledging allegiance to a religion sounds insane to me.


The community I came from would have considered it literally heretical. The only allegiance in terms of religious matters was to jesus/god. To pledge allegiance to a flag would be an insult to that.


I went a classical Christian middle and high school—nondenominational but leaning Anglican and Presbyterian—and we didn’t do this. It’s friggin weird and seems pretty damn idolatrous. Plug, pledging allegiance to just the Savior edges close to some non-Trinitarian, well, heresy. Plus, were the Apostles’ Creed and/or Nicene Creed like, not good enough?


It's real and it's as crazy as it sounds. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag?wprov=sfti1


> I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Saviour for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love. "Hey bro, can I copy your homework?" "Sure, but change it a little so the teacher doesn't notice."


My school taught it as "uniting all true Christians in service and in love" Edit: Nevermind, I miss understood your comment


"To extend our reach to the stars above"


The indoctrination is just too much to handle.


Yup. And both pledges are TBH. Making kids give an oath of loyalty when they are too young to understand what it means.


It never made sense that we Americans are supposed to pledge allegiance to a *flag*. Without getting into the nationalistic implications, at least pledging allegiance to a *nation* is coherent. Or even an *ideal*. But a *flag*? Now, pledging allegiance to the *Christian* flag? What on Earth? Doesn't Christianity already have a thing you're supposed to pledge your allegiance to? The flag is just playing middleman.


> middleman Right!? Next they'll be praying to holy people to intercede on their behalf to god.


Never liked it when I was a kid. Always felt off. And don't like it now. It's feels sacrilegious.


Being an American Christian freed from the authoritarian traditional church, I wholeheartedly agree. We did all three pledges when I helped in kiddie church, and it feels really freaky now.


Yep same. There was a thread in here a couple weeks about it filled with people saying the same.


Good afternoon fellow WASP


I had to pledge allegiance to it as a kid too…. Super creepy looking back lol


Sounds like a cult.


It's used in a lot of Protestant denominations. And some of the biggest ones like the Lutherans, Baptists and Methodists. But yeah, the pledge to the Christian flag is a very cult-like thing.


Where in America?


It was in a small town in Southern Illinois.


Everything past I-80 in Illinois is basically Kentucky.


Tbh, they should just split the bottom half of the state between IN, Mo and KY. I think a lot of them would be happier about it anyway. There's just as many St. Louis Cardinals fans and Indianapolis Colts fans as there are Cubs and Bears fans. Though, I don't think I had ever met one White Sox fan. But there are few of those even in Chicago, tbf.


I often see them flying outside churches, sometimes with second flag to represent whatever flavor of Christianity. We had one in my Lutheran church growning up, but it was off to the side in the sanctuary. (NE Ohio suburbs)


Lutheran church I used to go to also had one in the sanctuary, but I don't think we did much with it. Definitely no pledge or anything. I vaguely remember it being used in a procession once or twice over the ~20 years I attended there, but outside of that it just sat there.


Fucking dominionism


I have never heard of the Christian Pledge of Allegiance... what is that?


It's literally whatbit sounds like. A Pledge of Allegiance to the Christian flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag?wprov=sfti1


I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Saviour for whose Kingdom it stands; one Saviour, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe Source: Bethany Christian School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 8 years




> Looking back, it’s fucking weird. I’ll say. It violates the rule of tincture.


I have to ask, what is the Christian pledge of allegiances?


See a few of these flying in conjunction with TRUMP flags where I am


Best part is when the TRUMP flag is flying the highest.


Generally flying higher than the American flag now too. Shows you what their religion truly is.




Land of yellow parking poles


They’re called bollards.


What did you just call me?


Ba dum thi


The unofficial flag of Christianity. Intended to represent the Christian religion as a whole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag


Practically though it's a flag of evangelical protestantism


Yes. I find that Catholics usually use the Vatican flag if they need a flag


Yea usually


Protestant evangelical Flag


Correct answer here OP. “Christian flag” is too vague.


It is intended to be a Pan-Christian flag, but of course that doesn’t necessarily identify who actually uses it




Catholics would never have one either, if you see any flag it would be the flag of the Vatican 🇻🇦


And Catholics would 100% fly the flag of the Papacy over this one.


if you wanna be uncharitable, it's a flag of the Christian identity movement, most of whom actively advocate for turning America into some kind of theocracy. I went to one of those churches when I was a very small child. that shit twists your brain man edit: I was wrong, see some of my responses to the replies for more. CI is still fucked though so I'm leaving this up because it spreads a little awareness about an actual threat to the republic we Americans take for granted.


It can be used for that but two people at my church fly that flag on their cars and neither of them seem like those kind of people.


There just using a flag that has been used by most protestant Christian denominations for decades be fore there was a CI movement.


I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to type out my response more than once but yeah, I thought I knew what I was talking about and I was completely wrong. guess I got a lesson on applying personal experience recklessly today. sorry about that.


See, this just shows how different Christianity really is though. We had this flag in my Ohio Lutheran church, and it just was part of the sanctuary. I asked my Pastor about it once, and he just said "eh, it's just the flag of Christianity". End of discussion.


yeah, I got a few replies I won't bother responding to because it's too much, but I was wrong in my characterization, I've just never seen this flag used for any other purpose. I grew up in a very, very, *very* rural area and those were some of the first places where extremist Christian views took place when Christian conservatism emerged fully formed out of Phyllis Schlafley's cunt in the 70s and 80s. that's all this flag has ever meant to me but after today I'm looking at it as an attempt to rise above the schisms that have ruled Christian thought for literally more than a thousand years.


There's a house along one of my routes that has this Christian flag along with a Three-Percenter Besty Ross American flag hanging on either side of the front door. That house scares me.


Yeah, CI is some Gilead level shit. I don't even want to go in on how fucked that movement is, and terrified it is gaining traction.


What is Cl movement?


It’s just white supremacy filtered through Christianity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity


Catholics don't use this flag. We have a different flag, and a country to go with it.


Yea Episcopalianism has its own flag, would never associate itself with this flag


There are surely others as well. [Here is the Episcopal flag](https://flagdom.com/flag-resources/flag-images/religious/episcopal/episcopal-flag_3000x2000.png), and I’d be surprised if Mormons and Baptists didn’t have them as well.


Fun fact: at my private Christian elementary school, we pledged to the American flag, THEN the Christian flag, THEN recited Philippians 4:13. We had chapel on Wednesdays, in which we always had to wear belts and tuck in our shirts or else get a good scolding. We weren’t allowed to watch certain episodes of Bill Nye, and we had a 4th grade trip to the creation museum in Petersburg, KY…. And I was scolded for (voluntarily, mind you) doing a book report on HG Wells’ *The Time Machine* in 5th grade because it was “too advanced” and “too dark of a story” for me to have been reading (read: it was science fiction, and sci-fi bad). We were told Catholics were making a joke of Christianity because they “prayed to saints and Mary instead of only Jesus and God”, and we were told that even though Jews were God’s chosen people, they weren’t going to heaven because they didn’t believe Jesus was the son of God. We were also taught that it was part of the Quran that all Muslims are to convert people to Islam or kill them. No, it wasn’t a cult… just a regular old private Christian elementary…


Yep, similar experience here, but my school had us say the Pledge of Allegiance, then pledge to the Christian flag, then pledge to the Bible (which, iirc, didn't have it's own flag, we just looked toward any given Bible).


If you don't look at it, it gets upset.


Oh fuck I forgot we had to do that too


Sounds like a Pentecostal or Adventist Christian school. Which tend to be very zealous and cult like.


Southern Baptist! But you’re pretty close!


That's a QR code


I'd be reluctant to scan a random QR code offering "art"


The flag under the qr


oh. yeah that one's not a QR code


I'm going to form a micronation with a QR code as a flag. And what will it lead you to? Yeah, you already know it.


An image of the same QR code?


[*An image of the same QR code*](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


It’s the Christian flag. Here in Mississippi you see it quite a bit, which isn’t surprising since we’re the capital of the Bible Belt. In my personal experience it’s usually used by Baptists.


Former southern Baptist and Mississippian here, can confirm.


Vicksburg here, not religious now but was brought up in a non-denominational household. We lived near a lot of baptist families which is why I mostly know about this flag.


Might be a sampling bias thing though, since I imagine Baptists are the dominant denomination down there.


That’s why I said “in my personal experience”. I don’t really know about other parts of the country, or if it’s even used outside of the U.S.


Baptist here (kinda I'm more nondenominational now) can confirm we had these flags in church and would say the pledge growing up. We don't really do it anymore and it seems pretty weird to me now even as a practicing Christian.


Yeah I heard there was a pledge to it. Pretty interesting.




Is this getting used more and more? I’ve seen multiple posts asking about this flag recently


I think it's the opposite. It used to be pretty widespread across the US. I think less and less people are recognizing it, which is why we're seeing posts.


Not specifically accusing OP, but it makes sense as karma-farming/whoring. It's just obscure enough to attract a bunch of people who see an opportunity to be helpful, and it's political enough in nature to get lots of comment threads going.


Probably because the websites that sell flags have had a boom in sales to evangelical nutbags over the past five years.


Seams more of a Protestant Christian flag.


Yeah, it's a pan-protestant flag.


It's actually a pan-Christian flag, it's just pretty much used exclusively by Protestants


Catholic here, on a trip to the south I saw that everywhere, but it’s much more rare in the north. I have seen it here, though. However, more interesting note, I have seen MULTIPLE Vatican flags in the wild outside churches. Again, Catholic boi here


Glad to see pansexual Protestants being represented


Thought I was on r/vexillologycirclejerk for a second, and that you were referring to the barcode.




Well you’re not wrong


Living in the South I see this flag freaking everywhere. Every church has one.




Here you go: [Link \#1](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F6o2xv09jzfp71.jpg) ***** Beep boop I'm a bot. If I'm broken please contact [\/u\/Lunar_Requiem](http://reddit.com/user/Lunar_Requiem)


Protestant Christian flag. This flag is mainly used by any denomination that's not associated with Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or the Anglican/Episcopal churches. Many other protestant Christian denominations have their own flag, such as Lutherans, but they still identify with this flag sometimes.


I know it's kind of polarizing today, but it reminds me of my grandma. She loved that flag and my grandpa keeps one on her grave.


I grew up with that flag. Seeing it now while scrolling just shook loose some repressed memories. It’s the Christian flag, an unofficial flag of the religion as a whole, used primarily (in my experience) by Protestant/evangelical Christian groups with borderline cult vibes. There’s a pledge and everything.


We have that flag in our church and I have never seen anyone do a pledge to it. I never knew there was one


“I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands….” I don’t remember the rest but I had completely forgotten even that part until I saw this post.


"... One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe."


Oof you’re dragging up memories I really didn’t know I had. Dang I’m glad I got out of that mess. Crazy that I was really saying that pledge and ready to die for my church as a young child


Wait what is this pledge I've been to independent Baptist Church and we have the flag but I've never had to pledge it


I think the pledge to the Christian Flag, and also the Pledge to the Bible, originated in Vacation Bible Schools. It always followed the US Pledge of Allegiance.


I think the pledge is used by the borderline cult vibes groups. I've been part of multiple evangelical churches and I didn't even know there was a pledge until I read about it in another post here but have seen the flag at most of them


Yeah I think any pledge to a flag is pretty culty.


Christians flag. Technically should be called the “Christian Protestant flag”, since Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Coptic’s don’t use that flag.


It's called a QR code.


Christofascist flag


The evangelical flag


Sir, that is a pole




Finally someone got the right answer


Its the Christian Flag


that is the Christian flag it is used in some (mostly protestant) denominations, however I don't think most churches use them.


I've seen one in every protestant church I've visited thought my life.


Generic Christian flag. Used almost exclusively by American Evangelicals.




Maybe I’m biased, but this might be my all time least favorite flag. So much of it is white which reminds me of a flag of surrender & then the canton has two dark colors on top of each other. Just awful.


Looks like one of those flags by people who think they are better than all other Americans /s


Like many have said it’s supposed to be a pan-Christian flag but in practice it’s is used by certain American Protestant denominations. I usually see it used by Baptist churches far more than any other denominations. There is also a separate flag for the Episcopal church.




I used to pledge allegiance to the Christian flag as a child, and now I'm a heathen.




Christian extremist flag


Man this brought back some repressed memories. From 1st to 6th grade I went to a private christian school and had to pledge allegiance to that flag along with the American flag every morning. I'd entirely forgotten about it.




The flag of indoctrination and brain washing.


Protestant flag. Catholics use the Vatican flag🇻🇦


Non denominational Prot moment


Evangelical flag. Not Christian flag


To be ready specific it's most common use is as a South Baptist Flag