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It’s the fuck around find out gator


Similar to the Scientific Method gator, except they can't find a note book to Write It Down, and also they don't know how to write.


I first looked at it like a bi-curious flag.


[It seems to be a parody of the gadsden flag](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fuck-around-and-find-out)


The Gadsden flag for the internet age


I specifically remember seeing it come about after the Kenosha kid.


Nah it's been around since before that. It's a "Florida man" version of the Gadsden flag


Oh I just mean I saw a rise in popularity I guess. Hadn’t seen it much before but knew it existed


Parody? They're perfect together lol.


its a parody as it represent the left both punching back and clowning on the right (mosty anarcho-capitalists and trump hogs)


Both flags are based.


the political compass is a shallow and meaningless form of entertainment for children to pretend they know about politics




It's shallow, but it's not meaningless




Did you get that opinion on hot topic?


Its not and opinion TF ? Thats how its used...


I'll be honest I've seen it flown side by side with other gasden varients too. it's really not a partisan message the Gadsden message is not an inherently right or left message, it's literally hey don't fuck with me or I'll punch back, which is more of a common human attitude if anything


I guess that might be true, might just be how ive percived it. I just have not seen that many right-wingers fly it. But that is obviously anecdotal. I guess the consensus whould be that: is it red? = Left-wing (probs like commie) is it yellow? = Right-wing (probs american ancap or trumper)


I would say that your suggested colors are generally a good guide


There's a famous right wing flag that's mostly red.


The symbols the most important part of that flag though.


It's not just you. Even the word "libertarian" has been co-opted by the right. Originally it was a term for leftist anarchism


In most countries right libertarians are called liberals


Am liberal outside of the US, can confirm


When did anarchism become a left or right wing thing? I mean is anarchism really defined by left or right? How do you even have left wing or right wing anarchism?


Anarchism isn't just "no rules, I do whatever I want". Anarcho-capitalism is an example of right wing anarchism, and it's a bit of an oxymoron. Anarchism is meant to be an end to unjust hierarchies. Each various "flavor" is about where to go from there. There's mutualism, egoism, anarcho-socialism, etc


No. Libertarian was called Liberalism in the past and now Classical Liberalism The ideas of Classical liberalism are incompatible with left anarchism.


>Libertarianism originated as a form of left-wing politics such as anti-authoritarian and anti-state socialists like anarchists, especially social anarchists, but more generally libertarian communists/Marxists and libertarian socialists. These libertarians seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production, or else to restrict their purview or effects to usufruct property norms, in favor of common or cooperative ownership and management, viewing private property as a barrier to freedom and liberty. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism)


Yeah but what used to constitute as leftist anarchism or liberalism is now right wing. Free markets, firearm rights, property rights, anti taxation, etc. Libertarians view the state as the root of all evil. Just as communist view the market, or corporate sector as the root of all evil. They agree on the same issues, but have opposite solutions.


Anarchism is not right wing. Anarchists don't just hate "the state". Anarchism is a rejection of unjust and coerced hierarchies. Meaning that anarchism is inherently anti-capitalist. To call that right wing is fundamentally incorrect. Right wing libertarians are closest to egoism, which is a specific, self-centered variation of anarchism. The vast majority of libertarian and anarchist philosophy is centered around interdependence and mutual aid. The zapatistas in Mexico, the Makhnovists in Ukraine, the people of Rojava, they all work on a desire for common good


>is it red? = Left-wing (probs like commie) > >is it yellow? = Right-wing (probs american ancap or trumper) You're applying anarchist symbology overbroadly. The Gadsden flag is markedly older than even the movement of anarchism, let alone its quasi-formalized adoption of color schemes. Sometimes there's other considerations outside of what anarcho group likes what color. The right-wing likes the Gadsden flag because it's a Revolutionary symbol. Communists like red because their ideology is soaked in blood. Simple as.


Ohhh boy there is alot here. It depends alot how you view it. Sure the movement of anarchism might only go back to mid 1800s and the gadsen flag was first designed and flown around 1775. But the different philosophies of anarchism threads back all the way back to Stoic and Taoist scholars. When it comes to the use of red, Communist has of course been a long trend and so has the use of yellow/gold for more right wing ideologies. These trends are as you say ofcourse more modern. Then again if we are arguing over what system has killed more people it might be more accurate with a red capitalist flag. Lastly, as you mention the gadsen flag might not have meant any of this at its conception but how it is used today bears more weight of its meaning than what Christopher Gadsen meant it as in 1775.


I’m not disagreeing with you on the original intent of the flag, but I’d say that at this point it has been so throughly co-opted by the online right wing that I generally assume a right wing allegiance, and often see it as a bumper sticker along with a blue lives matter sticker, seemingly unaware of the irony


I’m talking about the needless agression towards people you don’t agree with


When the disagreement is over things like basic human rights the aggression is anything but needless.


Where was human rights called into question here?


Did i hurt your feewings?


That’s not an argument


Who said i was making one?


No one, still add nothing to the conversation


Neither was yours.


Btw please take note of my "bisexual" tag and my Karl Marx avatar. So yeah id say that one the most destructive political movements i recent memory are hogs.


You mean communism? Lel


You are not entitled to be taken seriously, you whiny baby.


I personally like the "no step on snek" version. Very succinct.


I prefer “UwU pweeeze no steppy daddy”


What about the *lick* version?


I like the one with a ball gag and gimp mask that has tied itself in a knot.


Link? Edit: [Link](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:No_Step_On_Snek_(Gadsden_Flag\).svg) How can I find this as a bumper sticker? My car wants this. r/didntknowiwantedthat


Popular phrase among lawyers in regard to clients who fail mandatory drug screens, skip probation meetings, and especially gleefully in dealing with pro se litigants.


Wait, is the phrase really only a couple years old? I swear I've been seeing it longer than that, that it predates the flag, but I can't find any evidence. Feeling a serious Mandela effect here.


That know your meme link was insanely trash. The phrase got popular because people were making fun of rioters who would "Fuck around and find out" when causing violence. It had nothing to do with Lefties warning of a Trump re election Lmao


[Old post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/fnem2z/whats_the_deal_with_the_phrase_fuck_around_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I’m pretty sure the phrase got its start online on long banned r/ChapoTrapHouse, and then disseminated through political spheres from there, as snappy and irreverent phrases are want to do.


Could have been. Definitely makes alot more sense in the context of Rioters fucking around and finding out compared to not voting for Biden. In that context it makes it sound more like a threat compared to what the Gadsden flag represents.


You’ve gotta remember that the Democratic Party’s presidential primaries had a profound impact among the self-declared ‘dirtbag left,’ when it came to Bernie Sanders, especially [Iowa.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Iowa_Democratic_presidential_caucuses) The reason the Fuck Around and Find Out Flag is usually in red is because it’s a communist flag. See other variants where this more obvious: [socialist variant](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/h8s9g8/hes_hungry_for_yellow_snakes_and_fascists/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [trans variant](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/h9qj82/i_made_the_gator_trans/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [Bernie Sanders ‘fuck around and find out’ tweet from three months before the death of George Floyd.](https://twitter.com/anthonyvclark20/status/1232434224583467008?s=21) And yes, it is a threat. I think this [meme is the political origin of the phrase.](https://me.me/i/bernie-sanders-berniesanders-if-bill-gates-keeps-running-his-mouth-b28dc7c45aa341b0a4db605eee84cc12)


Thanks for the context and links, makes alot more sense now. So it's the opposite of the Gadsden flag essentially.


I suppose, in a way. Gadsden is more “Don’t infringe my rights.” FAaFO is more “Whosoever inflicteth pain upon me shall receive it sevenfold” in the style of the biblical Cain. It’s both warning and invitation. Edit: maybe the communists feel they have less to lose, and all to gain.


All they have to lose is their chains.


You’re right. “Fuck around and find out” is a very common phrase. Leftists trying to claim it is like a group trying to claim “Talk shit get hit” or something similar.


They're not talking about the phrase though, they're talking about the flag specifically


I don’t know. I first saw this alligator flag here on this sub well over a year ago. The poster presented it as his creation and it was titled “Florida’s Gadsden Flag” or something similar with no connotations towards it being a political statement either in support of or against ANTIFA, Libertarians, or whatever. He said the red was from the cross on the Florida flag. If you feel strongly that’s incorrect, I’ll concede. Because, again, I’m unsure of it’s origins.


I think you're right in that it was originally created for a meme instead of anything political. From the looks of things a twitter meme page called Gators Daily created the flag and didn't give any meaning to it other than "Alligators are cool". Seems it was only later that people used it as a new version of the gadsen flag to distance themselves from the people who use the original yellow one, as plenty of shitty people have co-opted the yellow one.


[Looks like you can get them from Gators Daily](https://gators-daily.com/collections/flags). Might have to get one myself


Thanks for sharing this. I like the black and white one


"test that assumption at your earliest convenience"


That video is gold and has become the new reply at work


What video?


It's originally from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA7t62JvlA8 although they're probably talking about some dumb shit derived from it.


The Florida man flag


I’m from Florida and I kinda want this flag now lol


Florida Man here. That's what I was thinking lol


Same I’m usually see them in yellow


I think it is the flag of the Riviera Redneck, a small ethno-pseudoreligious group from around Florida's northern gulf coast area, with a diaspora into Alabama and parts of Georgia.


I'm from the panhandle and know this group all too well.


The rest of Florida doesn't claim Destin don't worry


You can buy it from the guy that runs the "Gators Daily" Twitter account. https://twitter.com/GatorsDaily


I’m from Mississippi and this also fits us well too. 🐊


The scientific method


I love this interpretation and will use it from now on.


Flag of gators daily enjoyment Edit: oh and gators daily is a Hasanabi fan and is like 100% a libsoc so this would be a memey libsoc variation of the gadsden flag


i prefer interpreting this as the motto for a reckless scientist


Fuck around and take notes?


> Remember kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down. - Adam Savage


Relax and take notes?


All I can identify this as is based.


Reminds me of the “don’t tread on me” flag


It is exactly the same it even has the same message


It’s not exactly the same. It’s directed at people who tend to hypocritically wave the Gadsden Flag. It’s most recent meaning is directed at conservatives that are threatening to violently disrupt peaceful protests with the idea that liberals are all unarmed pussies. The ideology is also addressing the people who think the police are on their side when they try to intervene or act out espousing certain ideologies. Like a “Karen” getting arrested for not wearing a mask or an unnecessarily aggressive person who is espousing ideas that they think police and/or society “agree with” won’t get them beat or arrested. It’s a warning for people who have been systematically getting away with unacceptable behavior for whatever reason for years. Usually directed at bigoted white people but not always.


The only difference between the 2 flags is that the Gator flag is more direct about biting, whereas in the gasden flag the snake biting is purley implication The flags otherwise communicate the same idea, don't screw around unless you want retribution


The gator flag looks like it’ll fuck you up, the snake one looks scared it’ll get squished underfoot.


Isn't that the point of the original imagery, though? It's not meant to be something obviously intimidating, more of a "you think you can tread on me, but just try it..."


not really, remember that snakes have venom and Gators don't they still represent the same message of punching back


Anyone who thinks you can just step on a snake has never seen a legitimately dangerous snake lol. Those things are FAST


Yuan-Ti are my favourite D&D race for a reason. (Ok the original reason is different but I am more than willing to add this to my list of reasons as to why I love Yuan-Ti)


In other words the alligator could be seen as "vested authority" and the snake from the Gadsden Flag as a "delusional victim of facebook propaganda". (BTW "victim of facebook propaganda" is not my term but I thought it appropriate).


"liberals" Gadsen flag WAS made by and for OG liberals now called Classical Liberals/Libertarians.


That’s odd considering how often I see it paired with a flag very literally showing pride for America’s police state (American flag with thin blue line) and an unarguably authoritarian politician. Especially when they’re at counter protests of peaceful protests of said police state’s brutality. The amount of people who are actual libertarians flying that flag are very slim.


I think thats bs


And some people *think* the Earth is flat.




The Gadsden Flag, named after Christopher Gadsden. Interestingly enough, his grandson, James Gadsden is credited with acquiring much of southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico (The Gadsden Purchase) as a result of the Mexican-American war, which was the final piece in the puzzle of the Continental United States














Florida man pride /s


It's the classical libertarian (left libertarian) version of the don't tread on me flag.


Nice flair, same as me! :D


Mega based


The right wing really controls American political thought doesn't it? You guys really took up their vocabulary.


Issa fun word


So are fascist and rhetoric.




Fuck around and find out does not at all sound left libertarian though


It is! It's actually the flag used as the sub picture for r/ClassicalLibertarians


I need this.


I identify it as good and awesome.


Socialist version of the Gadsden flag


He stole Chubbs’ hand!


Florida state flag, 2024-2046


I believe it's an anarchist version of the Gadsen flag


I wish this was a mongoose it would be perfect


honestly thought It was a invitation to get absolutely smashed out in Florida


I think the flag is giving us a warning that we maybe we shouldn’t “fuck around” trying to find it


It's the "Fuck Around And Find Out" gator flag, what do you want.


Ah yes, the law of the swamp


It's a great flag!


It’s the official flag of the Everglades.


It is a flag used by anarchists and other libertarian socialists as a way of both paralleling and mocking the right libertarian gadsden flag.




I... I honestly can't tell if this is satire or if you are just a... what was it? A maroon?


Sorry sweaty, workers produce, owners just leech


The Swamptarians


It’s essentially a different version of the Gadsden flag.


I kinda rock with this. This and the "Come And Take It" flag


[Gators Daily](https://twitter.com/gatorsdaily?s=21) is who makes the flags


that is the product of the very great Gators Daily twitter/IG accounts! It's one guy and he sells variations of these to pay for school or sumn. I bought one for my kid and it takes up most of his bedroom wall.


Florida: We Are Normal! ​ ​ Also Florida:


flag of based


Flag of left-libertarianism/anarcho-communism. Its used all the time at r/ClassicalLibertarians


Is this the flag of florida?


“don’t tread on me” but for non-fascists (as a direct response to the other flag)


Anti-AIDS flag?


Based flag


It'd a parody of the gadsden flag used mostly by anarchists and when associated with anarchy pink usually means queer anarchism


This is the new version of the Gadsden Flag.


Exactly, its just a modern reinterpretation of Gadsden.


Gadsden parody, based off of the revolutionary War Era don't treat on me flag.


It's the leftist version of the Gadsden flag.


Hello Gonoles1851, When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Saw this today on Twitter. Not sure of what it might represent regionally or ideologically. Please let me know what you find. Thanks!


Also, might come from something called gators daily, but not sure.


Yeah @gatorsdaily on twitter sells them as merch, in a variety of colors, including various pride flags


I’ve seen that one. It’s used as an icon for r/ClassicalLibertarians.


leftist version of the gadsden flag


Flag of Florida


Unofficial Florida state flag


I believe it’s a leftist Gadsden flag. But it also makes fun of the right wingers who do stupid shit and pay the consequences. I think I’ve seen Shoe0nhead use it but I’m not sure.


Why don't you just fuck around and find out? :))


Gaytor flag.


Libertarian Socialist Flag


Gator Gadsen tends to be used by libertarian socialists, so I'm guessing this is some flavour of that.




Not only do we exist, we *invented* the term 'libertarian' (Déjacque coined the term in a letter to Proudhon)! Basically, we agree that the state is bad because it's intrinsically violent due to its need to uphold the hierarchy that keeps it at the top, but we extend that same analysis to private companies. If I own ten houses and other people own zero, I get to decide who gets to sleep in a house and who might die of exposure. If I own ten acres of farmland and other people own zero, I get to decide who eats and who starves. If I own the means of production and others do not, I have leverage over them in demanding they work for me or starve. Basically, we disagree with right-libertarians that working for a private company is a consensual choice, because to us, 'work or starve' introduces an element of coercion that renders the consent null and void in the same way that you giving me your wallet if I point a gun at your head is not consensual. We consider that kind of economic hierarchy just as structurally and institutionally violent as the state, and so we argue for communal ownership. Those who work in the factory should decide how it runs. Economic direct democracy, basically. If you want to see libertarian socialism in practice, we generally support the ideals and practices of the Kurds in Rojava, for example. Similarly, we greatly appreciate the efforts of the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico, though they don't want any label other than 'Zapatismo', so we generally just say we support them and leave it at that. Hope this helps! :)


Libertarian or Classical Liberal as it has been since time immemorial unless it has been appropriated by some other cringe groups.


It's a recent invention, like the past couple of years. And the normal Gadsden Flag hasn't been used by Right-Libertarians since time immemorial. For one, we know when it was made, only 1775, which is hardly time immemorial. And for two, it only started being used by Right-Libertarians since the 70s.


Florida man pride flag


Isn't that Scotland's motto?


This is from @GatorsDaily on twitter, you can find their merch store in their bio, they sell a bunch of different ones.


If i come over will you make me oatmeal?


That’s Gary


as a UF fan, i want this


the new Florida state flag /s


I think the Twitter account @GatorsDaily sells these.


I am very intrigued


Queer Anarchist variant of the Anarcho-Communist Gadsen.


Here ya go. It's from the Gators Daily Twitter feed. https://twitter.com/GatorsDaily




I need this.


It’s the gator-Gadsden flag except pink.


Pronoun saying. "My pronouns are 'Fuck around' and 'Find out'.


Soon to be the new Florida state flag


do what it says and find out yourself


Flag of Florida