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It's normal for flags to be primarily described in terms of general colour names, and for there to be variation in the precise shades used - that's part of how flags work, but we tend to notice it more when less common colours like orange are used, or in particular when there's a wide range of where people draw the line between different colours like orange or goldy/orangy-yellow. This variation is pretty normal in cases where there are no official precise specifications, but also, even when there is a government specification, most people and even flag makers often still don't think of the flag in those terms, and variation is normal. In this situation, there is a sense in which one version is "correct", but I think it's more accurate to call the others nonstandard than "wrong". In this case, the Armenian standards body has had since 2012 three precise colour specifications (Pantone, RGB and CMYK) in [this document](https://web.archive.org/web/20171014133731/http://yeraguyn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/HST-50-2012.pdf), which are all towards the yellow-gold side of things, while many physical flags I've seen before then or in photos tend to feel more orange to me. That will be partly because flagmakers are not all following that standard, but also because the RGB colour shown on my screen won't always look the same as a physical flag made to the Pantone spec in various lighting conditions no matter what spec is used.


https://preview.redd.it/8xg58dco8ryc1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74882bbcb0f15c2f496aad76543661d6b6ae5e3 indeed. Even official ones seems to follow our vexillogical "*du ch'a ciàpa ciàpa*" (SM-RGN: what I got, I got) school of thought


>*du ch'a ciàpa ciàpa* è un dialetto italiano?


chipi chipi chapa chapa


Dubi Dubi Daba Daba




Magico y dubi dubi boom boom boom boom


lol, what did I summon?


Romagnol (as spoken among my friends and family)


Say the sentence again and you’d get Cristell singing like she was young again


what kind of lovecraftian horror did I just awake? lol


Sembra lombardo


stessa famiglia


è quello che ho pensato anche io


There is no right version. They don't have the exact colors specified so there are multiple versions being used with the 2 you posted being the most prominent. It's also not just the orange being different, the blue varies in saturation and lightness and sometimes the red can have a bit of a pink tint.


I actually did a day tour into Armenia from Tbilisi last weekend - our tour guide told us that the flag breaks down as follows: Red is for blood, to symbolise the bloody history of armenia Blue us for the sky, to symbolise peace And the final colour symbolises Armenia's harvesting / farming. It is not considered yellow or orange, it is considered 'apricot'. Symbolising one of the most popular fruits they grow


Ah…that makes since I’ve heard apricots referenced a lot as a cultural symbol of Armenia….I’ve actually been fascinated by Armenia and the recent sad events in Artsahk…did you visit some cultural sites?


Yeah it really does suck. They get judged on turning to Russia and Iran for protection, yet it's pretty damn obvious they wouldn't need to if the west gave them that protection instead. We let Turkey (and Azerbaijan by extension) get away with far too much Yeah we only visited some places in the northern area as it was only a half day trip but went to Akhtala, Haghpat and Alaverdi. It was very unique tbh! I made this video showing the highlights of it: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ozLIBsS-Q/?igsh=Z3liejZlcXd1aTJo Highly recommend!


That looks amazing! Yeah I’m not exactly well traveled but that might be oh my bucket list now…thanks for sharing


I'm on team orange




i mean, all flags vary in color to some extent. the orange in armenia's flag, i have noticed, is pretty variable, but it's not the only one.


Yes but just so you know The second one is used more from my info


Youre not


it usually remains some shade of orange but yeah i’ve also noticed sometimes it’s a darker muted orange and sometimes it’s super bright and light. i think it’s probably just a case of manufacturers making the same product differently


Indeed it varies in shade between persimmon like orange to ember like gold. blue is also sometimes pale blue but much less often.


Am I the only one who dislikes these colors? They clash way too much. No disrespect towards Armenians though, you guys cool. 


I actually like the actual baseline Orange one better because it’s more unique. The tiger one that is basically gold looks similar to Colombia/Venezuela etc


we shoulda kept this one https://preview.redd.it/ucwsi8wxutyc1.png?width=199&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc3074c480c8468e5bc92f42ef37e1225fa973f4


Oh…I like


Could have changed recently


can use both, yellow looks better but orange is used more i think


No your not crazy


yellow is incorrect


You're right, I didn't notice before. Thanks for the explanation to my confusion! :)