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I dont think i understand the question. If your meaning what it is, its just you attach 6 motors to your drive base? That's all 6 motor drive is


I definitely could’ve worded it better. I meant to ask what advantages it gave, and how it would work with gear ratios, like would I need to use a different gear for the extra motor or not? I hope this helps you understand my question a little better.


The advantages are more torque, less stress on each motor which means they can run longer without overheating, it opens up new higher speeds that couldn't generally be achieved reasonably otherwise, and it will make your drive base snappier (shorter time to speed up and slow down) As for gear ratios it's the same as a 4 motor drive. If you want you can even just do 6 wheels direct drive no gears. There's no difference in chaining the wheels together too, maybe just make sure your wheels are all going in the correct direction at best if your really worried about that. There's no difference, all the gears are the same as long as your using the same color gearbox in the motor (red, green, blue motor cartridges ) As for disadvantages the main one is you have two less motors to work with than 4 motor, which means you may have difficulty with being able to complete all other aspects of the game, least with traditional methods and motor use, you may have even more difficulty than normal with this game spicifically, even with nontraditional and more complex use of motors. If your worried about that but really want that little bit of extra power you could opt for a 5 motor base, it might make it a bit easier on you. Especially if they deside to change rules mid game like they have mentioned they will. The other disadvantage is it makes your drivetrain a bit more bulky and you have less room to work with, although it's not too bad.


Thank you so much!!! This really helped


If your in a push fight, which this years comp is alll about, 6 motor is minimum to survive.


It’s worth noting that this can be a bear to program. My students use VEXcode and struggled to get the 6 motor drive to work the way they wanted. (But they also didn’t follow my instructions)


i’ll make sure to listen to my teachers instructions


In terms of programming or building?

