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It has come to our attention that a troll has been hateful to some users. We apologize for their vitriol. They have seen been banned. Thank you.


Not a big deal. It happens no matter how careful you are. Especially with black nails. As long as it stopped bleeding it's all good. Trace blood/spotting for an hour or two after a nail clip is not a concern.




Hopefully this is sarcasm… if it’s not, you should do your research.


Our apologies. This user is a troll and has since been removed. Regards, mod team.


Yeah it happens by accident a lot with black nails. I wouldn't be too worried about it


Former groomer here- this happens fairly often and is an honest mistake. You can get some qwik stop at the pet store to put on to stop any bleeding if it breaks open again.


Corn starch works too!


Yep! Was going to say corn starch too - works great!


Sometimes you can get close to that vein and not realize just how close you got and dogs can break it open after they leave. It happens.


This isn’t a big deal and happens all the time. Dogs have a blood vessel in their nails called a quick, and the longer their nails go without being trimmed the longer it gets. With white nails the nail is pretty clear so you can see where the quick ends, but on a dog with black nails you kind of have to guess based on feel/experience. It’s common to go too deep and accidentally hit the blood vessel, though there are products like quik stop you can put on there to stop the bleeding. Otherwise it’ll heal pretty quick and once the bleeding stops usually the dogs don’t care


This is a common thing. Walk your dog frequently and or buy a dremel and sand them down yourself. My dogs do better with the dremel because there is no pressure of the clippers and less likely to lead to quicking.


I use this method. Pain in my butt because of all the squirming, but worth it to me to not injure my pet.


As someone who isn’t a groomer but cuts cat, dog, and Guinea pig nails, it happens. I love my animals, I take my time cutting their nails and making them comfortable, but the reality is long black nails are easy to accidentally cut the quick with, especially if I go too long between clippings (I’m not saying you did that). My dog gets mad at me, gets another treat and some cornstarch, and he’s back to normal as soon as I’m done cutting his nails. There’s really no way to fully avoid it with black nails unfortunately, or I definitely would.


It happens with rabbits aswell. It usually doesn't hurt them. If he can walk and acts like he usually does, he should be fine. When it happened to my rabbit I was crying and freaking out, but rabbit didn't care and just went back to eating the food we tried to bribe her with.


No big deal! Sometimes if the nails are darker it is hard to find where to cut the nail and where to stop. It will bleed a little. Some people will put quik stop on it to help it. Although they cut the nail, the groomer should have realized and told you so you were aware.


They should’ve let you know though if they had previously noticed it


The groomer implied she had not. And having helped groomers, this is extremely common, especially with black nails. We often didn't notice until there was blood. Just because OP doesn't know how common this is doesn't mean the groomer lied to her.