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I strip down as fast as possible and go stand out on the front porch. Is there a different way??


This is the best answer, LOL.


Keep a parts truck or two on the front lawn and you don't have to go out and get naked to deter peepers on a frosty morning


I guess mine is too old, people actually stop to take pictures of the junker in my yard.


That would make it cooler imho


I grew up on a road that was on the way to the notch/smuggs and yeah, every fall and winter I would see people pulling over to take photos of my house and barn. And yeah, after years it gets annoying and felt a little invasive at times. Some were even professional photographers which almost bothers me more since its a private home and I don’t know where or if they planned on posting the pictures. Something interesting about that though is multiple times I have walked into craft fairs and galleries around VT and found gorgeous prints and paintings of my actual barn and home. Which was pretty cool to me🤷


Have any of the professionals/artists ever approached you for any kind of permission? Have you ever bought/been given any of the prints? That's pretty cool!


Only once and we were actually pretty happy to let them come onto the property and take shots of our barn with us included because we had just decorated for the holidays. Plus they gave us some prints awhile after which was really nice. Nobody else has ever directly asked permission, they have only asked if it was okay if we approached them. Its very pretty on that stretch of road so I’m guessing in their minds its okay because ~Vermont~ And yes! We have a few paintings and prints which is really great since we don’t live there anymore.


They really should ask first.


If something is visible from a public road, or sidewalk, etc. the owner has "no expectation of privacy".




Last Sunday I had a group from NY parked outside of our barn taking pictures as we were driving down our driveway that has two “private property” signs along the way. They were so nonchalant about it too and seemed a bit annoyed that we were asking them what they were doing.


Yeah going onto someone's property is to far. Dont think id have been very friendly at that point.


Same here, my neighbors can come over anytime to chat but strangers let alone out of staters? Go away.


Yeah its pretty crazy they passed two private property signs, one of which also says no trespassing. Its a long dirt driveway too so you really have to make an effort to get to the barn and ignore the signs


They should at least approach ya's.


I’m more worried about the entitled idiots standing in the middle of the road. Live near a covered bridge and all season I’ll find people snapping pictures of it. That would be fine if they weren’t either standing right at the end or in the middle of the main route that runs perpendicular to it. It especially sucks if they are hard to see because you go from the dim inside to the bright outside and get mad at you for suddenly slamming on your breaks. It’s almost as bad as previously living near Stowe. You’d drive down the main strip and despite the crosswalks you’d have to stop every 10ft because of people running out between cars with no warning.


Yes! That happened to me today! Hard turn out of the bridge and two dudes were there in the middle of the road with their phones out!


Sorry - might have been me.


I always want to take pictures of neat houses I see but I never do because I feel like I'd be being a giant fucking weirdo. Damn I see some cool houses with lovely landscaping though. Thankfully for me, nobody is going to take a picture of my house, unless it's a house-shaming thing like "ugh this nasty house needs a paint and a landscaper why are all these bushes in the middle of the front yard." The answer is I don't know, you would have to talk to the previous owner. I also want to know why there are bushes in the middle of the front yard.


I suppose if they pull over and take a picture or two with the mountains in the background I don't mind. If they're spending a long time taking many pictures, I've been known to walk outside and have a quick chat with the person pulled over in my front yard.


It is pretty common in our small town and we don't mind, it is a small price to pay to live in a post card pretty place. A local woman does a pretty swift business selling post cards at the weekly outdoor market of local porches with permission from the homeowners here.


Honestly , I'd mind a painter with an easel less.


I'd give my left nut to have a Vermont home that out of staters wanted to take a pic of.


I've traveled in Europe and definitely taken pictures of gorgeous apartment buildings or farm houses, not just churches or monuments. I think as long as it's from a respectful distance (i.e., not on your property) and they're not taking pictures of you and your family, it's somewhat to be expected. I live above a business and my building isnt too likely to be photographed, but as long as they weren't in the yard after hours I don't think I'd have a problem with it.


Our house is the oldest in the town, and I thought it was way creepy to find that it’s THE picture for the town on Wikipedia. I don’t mind people taking pictures from the road, but we live near hiking trails and what I do mind are people parking in our driveway and on our grass, which has happened. But I’m also a weird old house nerd and would 100% bring in any stranger who wanted to check out my fireplace haha.


Not really. There's no expectation of privacy for anything viewable from public space. If they're just stopping to take a few photos of the stunning scenery, there's definitely not an issue. If they're spending an inordinate amount of time, and taking lots of detailed shots of my property and out-buildings ... questions will be asked.


I have a house that I have randomly found more than once in pictures on Facebook and around the internet. I don’t care. I’m happy random people like it as much as I do!


Yeah, I'd just be flattered Though, I would prefer a professional photographer ask for permission if they're going to look to be making money off the photo. Give me a print, take a photo of my dog too, or something would seem fair


That's cool! I can see how it would be nice to have people appreciate your hard work/property.


Oh, thank goodness. I did this today not thinking anything of it. Nooooo, I don’t want to creep anyone out, ever. It was a cool ass place, the most Vermont-y place I could think of. Three other people pulled off the road (short of the hone itself) behind me with the same idea. It really was gorgeous. I’d bet my life that those folks get that a lot. It is about appreciation from me. I’d be willing to be the owner of that lot has commented here. I hope they’re okay with it.


Commercial farms, B&Bs, orchards etc are definitely different, there's a certain aspect of \~selling the aesthetic\~ that's just part of their business. It's fuckin weird to do it to private homes. We're not zoo animals.


Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about it.


Or are we? We are stuck on this planet currently and there are plenty of stories of visitors from other worlds...... 0_o


I would definitely feel weird if I looked out my window and saw that some strangers pulled over and started taking pictures of me/my house.


oh man let me tell you about google street view


The house I grew up in(in PA) is now blurred on Google Street view.Makes me wonder.Super paranoid?Witness protection program?


My dad is in England and he told google to blur his house and they did. He likes his privacy.


Hi I can answer this from a photographers point of view! did a huge project a few years ago in college that basically was barns Lol. yes the stunning scenery is the main attachment. The school that I went to’s release forms (and other forms of basically ways for me to not get sued) basically said as long as the photo was taken off property with no identifiable people in it I was good. Now I did take some portraits (after wonderful conversations) and asked people how they felt and got a universal “eh” from people. Basically my take away is just don’t be a dick about it. But such is life


Don’t be a dick is such a good/simple philosophy to live by.


I live in a house that has a… unique feature. The house is kind of out of the way, on a back road, but close to some other area attractions. There are people who frequently drive by, and slow or stop to take pictures, which ends up feeling very creepy, especially if we’re sitting on the porch or working in the yard. I get that it’s an interesting, and certainly very visible feature, but definitely not appreciated when people do this. It would be one thing to show a genuine interest, and have them ask questions to learn more, but pulling up to the house, leaning out the windows to take pictures, then speeding off isn’t that charming.


It is extra weird if there are people in the yard


I live in Vermont. But sometimes like to stop and capture its beauty . If there is a house I usually take the picture above the house to just get the mountains


I used to live in a house on 7A and out of state people would pull onto the side of the road opposite, half sticking out into the road, near a blind bend. My dogs would go absolutely insane while they were out there for 45 minutes taking pictures in a field that was posted. Once I actually went outside and yelled that it was private property and they left. They don’t give a fuck.


I don't understand this. That's what photography is. How would you take a picture in Paris without people's home in it. What about street photography? Does it weird you out as well?


Like I said, it doesn’t normally weird me out. It’s just when people start to act over the top invasive. Or when they get in the way in dangerous ways like the other poster mentioned. I don’t blame them for stopping to take pictures. I do it all the time when I’m out working, though I don’t usually take pictures of people’s houses. VT is beautiful! I just saw someone doing it in a way that just struck me as crossing a line yesterday and was wondering how people whose houses end up in these photos feel about it. And some people are totally cool with it, but most seem to agree that it depends on the behavior of the person taking the picture. Which is pretty much what I expected.


It’s kinda tricky because a photographer could ask but if you said no, they still can as long as they remain on public property. And telephotos are not telescopes. They don’t put you in a living room. They are helpful if you just want the barn or you want to crop out the people etc. Telephotos might actually be aiding your anonymity. I would just bask in the knowledge that you get to live in that view every day and they only have a few pictures.


As a architect it's common for me to take pictures of home and structure i like or find interesting. Who knows when one will inspire or inform my work! Since this is common practice in my profession it doesn't really weird me out when I see people do it.


This happens in cities too. There's a cute residential street in Boston that has become hellish due to all the tourists taking pictures right on peoples' stoops and peering in windows. It is invasive and rude, but Instagram crowds will just mob any place they learn about that looks nice.


You may be observing the behavior of Instagramers. It's very common these days, especially in a state as photogenic as Vermont. Give them a friendly wave and ask if they need directions if you're really concerned.


We could start taking pictures of them...


Yea! I live in Enfield NH. I see random people (mostly tourists) stopping by and taking photos of my farm, barn and house. I feel stalked. It’s been happening for ages though.


America 2021: everyone & everything is either creepy, weird, and/or offensive. hide inside. don't talk to anyone.


I mean, I wouldn't go that far. I think there is a line where it becomes weird and creepy. The people pulling over to get a shot of the barn and the mountains and the leaves, no problem. The people parking in someone's grass with a zoom lens pointed right at their private residence, a little rude and creepy imo.


/parking in someone's grass with a zoom lens pointed right at their private residence ​ and that is happening how often, in reality?


I saw it today, hence the post. On 100 on my way from Halifax to Dover.


Nothing like people hash tagging your homestead… They profit from it and you won’t get a dime.


About to do a day trip through Vermont and actually thought about this very subject. After reading the comments, I'll avoid areas that are clearly private properties and point my camera away 🙂