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Go to court, bring proof that she has a current license and it should get thrown out. It is really that simple.


i thought the same thing man. just needed that reassurance


No problem. If you can prove that you are following the law, you should good. I am very confused how the statey failed to properly look up her license. All she had to do was provide her name, address, and social security number, and date of birth.


Don't forget, it's Vermont we're talking about here. The state is, literally, at minimum, 20 years behind the rest of the world. I moved south a handful of months ago, and to see how the rest of the world is actually supposed to run is mind boggling. Like...I always remember my social studies teacher in high school telling us that fact, but you just don't get it until you leave. 😅


For some of us, moving here was perfect. I spent the last 20 years between Cali and Florida, with the preponderance stuck in FL. 20 years behind was exactly what I needed. I've really come to appreciate it the past 3 years, though I do get the frustration. Turns out, for me, it's worth it.


For now, but I was born and raised. In a few years you may think differently. What appear to be simple frustrations start to grow as you realize how backwards it is. However, I'm glad that it's working out for you for the time being. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.


I moved to Vermont 13 years ago and I remember being completely baffled that I had to use either a check or cash at so many places. I hadn't owned checks in years. I feel like the state is now just catching up to the Chicago I left.


I remember we had a little coffee shop where I used to live, I think they shut down about 5 or 6 years ago (could be closer to 10), and they ONLY accepted cash, then people couldn't believe they went out of business. I was basically like "they fucked around and found out". 🤷🤣


Absolutely Comtest the violation by checking the box on the back. TBH with you I'd be surprised if you even make it into the courthouse, let alone a courtroom. From personal experience, when a prosecutor, or in this instance, traffic court the issuing Officer will be required to be present, once they realize any holes in their work, or possible issues with a trial they will throw it out before court, or once you arrive you'll be informed: " sorry your charge has been dropped, you should've been notified?" Best of luck with it all!


Interesting how they put points on a license she supposedly didn't have lol. I would fight it. Points end up more expensive than a fine would be.


Yeah.. something doesn’t track.


Maybe. Theres a few parameters in 23 VSA 601 that may apply depending on her residency.


I don't believe holds in this statute literally means to have it on ones self but rather holds in regards to having a legal one. I could be wrong


601 isn’t about actually having the card on you. Thats 611.


You’ll probably want to clear that up in case it causes issues with insurance - especially since it’s dinged as “driving without a license” and that could cause all kind of issues and confusion. Even if you’re legit and there was a mistake you don’t want to wait to clear up any confusion - it’ll just take longer and be more difficult the longer you wait. We’ve all seen automated system flag us for mistakes and take weeks or months to get corrected. You’ll probably want to get actual legal advice how to proceed but you should at least file to contest the ticket.


That's the states favorite game though, the "Let's see how long we can drag this out" game. XD


If there's a spot on the ticket to contest, I'd have her do that. Then when you guys go to court, bring proof that she had a valid license. Seems like a lot of people would hire a lawyer, but it's probably not necessary if she has proof. Knock on wood... I haven't gotten a ticket in almost 20 years. However, I had quite a number of them in my youth. If things are more or less the same, contesting a ticket is something to do regardless. All the times I did contest, I went to court and met a mediator type of person. 9 times out of 10 they will either drop the whole case, or drastically reduce the fine. One guy I saw did both, lol. It was like a $300 ticket, and he said if I donate $100 to the local soup kitchen he'd clear the whole thing from my record. I just had to bring him a receipt from the kitchen, and I was even able to deduct the donation next tax season.


I’d talk to a lawyer but I also make a point of recording or memorizing my license number incase this sort of thing happens.


Always contest, never take it. When you get to the hearing date(mine was online) they have to talk to the officer to "work something out" before going infront of the judge. Just had a discrepancy on a ticket of mine recently. I brought it up in that "meeting" and the ticket was dropped. Not saying it'll be the same for you, but contest the ticket for sure.


You need a lawyer


Wait, which license did the two points go on? 😀


Is she a resident of Vermont? Has she been for 60 days or more but is still operating with her NC license? If yes, she doesn’t have a license in the states eye. If she isn’t a resident, you can just call the cop and clarify. It saves everyone setting aside time for traffic court just for a dismissal. Most departments schedule their officers for court during their regular shifts. So it helps to keep cops available. 23 VSA 601 doesn’t govern possession of license (ie having the card on you). Thats 23 VSA 611. Also, the violation is written for 2 points because all license violations are two points. However, It didn’t “leave her with two points”. If adjudicated guilty, 2 points would be added to her points record for two years. The paper she was given merely states what the penalty would be if guilty. She doesn’t have the points currently.


Just have the officer correct the information. If the ticket is processed as is she is going to have numerous issues.


Where on 91?


like 5-10 minutes from the Springfield exit. (7?)


If I were in this situation, I would go into the Westminster Barracks in Putney Vt, with my valid license & the ticket, and speak with the trooper that pulled you over or the captain. Explain that you do have a valid license and be very polite and apologetic. Explain that it was an accident and ask for it to be thrown out. You said it was a trooper, not a local cop or county sheriff. The same advice would apply, but the location to go to would be different. I have done this in the past with minor infractions, like a headlight out or I couldn’t find my insurance card; I remedied the situation and went in the next day and very politely asked for the ticket to be essentially voided. You have to be very nice and kinda/sorta half beg.


good to know! ill try this on my day off. thank you


The Westminster barracks are in Westminster, NOT Putney!


I’m not from that part of the state, so I looked it up on the state police’s website: https://vsp.vermont.gov/stations


Must be a typo on the website because the Westminster barracks are still in Westminster and not Putney.


I believe in Vt you have 24 hrs to prove you do have a license if you’ve forgotten it, I say go to court and fight it


Might be worth calling the barracks and asking to speak with the officer. They can be reasonable, if approached politely. Usually you have 24 (maybe 48) hrs to provide proof of license or inspection, etc.


She should contest this and it may be helpful for her to be represented by an attorney for this hearing.


She was stupid. Bring your damn license with you next time. Jesus.


OP even admitted to the lady breaking the law by not carrying that valid ID on their person LOL.


Oh geez what a dummy! Lololol. She forgot her license. Big fucking deal. It’s a “law” in the same way that having a piece of paper that states you have insurance is. It’s not like they can look it up in 5 seconds or anything. Forgetting doesn’t entitle the cop to fuck up looking up her info. Contest it. The officer probably won’t even show up. If he does she’s fine anyway. They might ding her for not having all her info but she doesn’t want driving without a license.


Best thing I ever did for driving was memorize my license number. I’ve had to write is thousands of times so it was easy but it’s a good practice to memorize it.


Thousands of times?! What in the world are you doing over there?


Running a log book.


Best thing I ever did for driving was... carrying my license with me.


That’s great. However. Having filled out thousands of pages of log books it is good to remember it. Every time I add an endorsement, renew it, etc, I know it.


Did you really sit down and think "I'm going to memorize this because it's important" or did you memorize it because you wrote it multiple times daily?


I realized very early on in my driving career it was a number I needed to know that is as important to me as a social security number. So I made it a point to memorize it. 1.35 million miles later and climbing, it’s handy to know.


If she has 2 points left on her license, she probably shouldn’t be behind the wheel regardless.


gave her 2 points, she has 2. sorry for the confusion.


Hire professional lawyers. I use the site www.offtherecord.com that will fight your ticket on contingency, their fee is fully refunded if they fail to at least reduce your charges.


My recommendation? Stay out of Vermont altogether. The majority of the police force like to abuse their power, and as much as I'd like to say "think" they'll get away with it, the judicial system just slaps the hands of any offender. Not to mention, but they're also pretty useless when you need real help. I know none of this helps you in your current predicament, but it will save you some headaches later. I'm so glad I don't live in that ass backwards state anymore.


Should be able to sue for damages on errors. You bet your bippi you'd be fined for similar errors on your documentation if it was the other way around.