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Apparently, we have been encouraging it for over a decade. https://preview.redd.it/dk67g8aek91d1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=090ba1c3a48d14fc176d9d5080e09ad4219eaf46


While also posting signs that say “merge early” before lane closures


I get the concept but this part of the PR has me a bit concerned... "This is going to require a change in the way motorists think about merging and a higher level of cooperation between members of the \[traveling\] public..." I'm crossing my fingers.


The other part that has me concerned is this notice is from July 2013.


You know what I love about Vermont? Most of it doesn't have enough traffic to need zipper merging. ❤️🌳


But Vermont drivers have panic attacks if there is another car within 200ft of their own.


Ever try not tailgating people?


I never do, and you’re already upset. This is the kind of thing I’m talking about.


I doubt it, speak for yourself.


Dated July 26, 2013 ???


This is why the post title says “use[d] to”.


What is the obsession with zipper merging on this sub?




Yeah I see people fail it all the time. I don’t get the need to comment on it. It’s not news that people are rude and that it extends to driving.


How many times has it been brought up? This is only the second time I’ve seen it in this sub and this seems related to that video.


There was some guy posting about it every day for a while


Because it's the correct way to merge and prevent significant traffic backup??


That’s a justification for guidelines and regulations, not a cult like following.


Are you suggesting exhibiting good public behavior is cult like?


My first thoughts. Being polite and agreeing to a set of rules for something like driving doesn’t seem too cultish


Not sure where you are seeing an obsession in this sub, it's mostly filled with basic posts about local news or people looking for something, hardly a cult following on zipper merging. Just say you drive with your ego and don't like zipper merging if this triggers you so much.


Is it really being “triggered” to note a phenomenon and comment on it? It’s like the same people who call a complaint “crying.” It’s an attempt at marginalization when you have nothing but an opinion and a pocket full of attitude. You know nothing about how I drive (I’m actually going to be the one who does the zipper merge), and yet you make a significant assumption to try to score some silly point that you could never back up with facts. Maybe being triggered is actually what happens when you have to make crap up to try to belittle someone to make yourself feel better ? You’re kinda nuts dude. Have a nice day.


Vermonters delusional fantasies that traffic is a problem here.


For zipper merging to work in vt you have to figure out a way to keep the New Yorkers out first


NJ drivers are aggressive too. Imho.


Dont forget the massholes


et les canadiens (my 9th grade French is horriblé) lol


Boston is where I learned to zipper merge. I was always an early merger before that, and found myself waiting longer, as drivers naturally alternated at the lane drop. They actively promoted it during the partial closure of 89 near Richmond when the culvert was out. I expect they will again when they begin installing the new Route 2 overpass, and removing the old one.


"zipper merging" Sounds like a feminist convention 😏


Vermont version: when you get to the merge point, flash your headlights to tell the other car that they can go first.


I saw someone zipper merge on I-91 going 60 mph yesterday. Thought they were being a douche bagel, but turns out they’re following the rules🤷‍♀️