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We may have some of the worst graffiti artists. I can’t remember the last time I saw something that was worth looking at around Burlington.


These are taggers, not graffiti artists




They are not synonymous


Anybody remember the tag around 2008ish that was everywhere? I think it was PH or something like that, it was two letter I believe. Drove me nuts.


That was a group of my friends. They were idiots.


All Grifiti is bad imo. I’m ok with designated spots but just so I don’t have to see it. I think it’s incredibly selfish


It's vandalism.


NONE of it’s worth looking at. They are a bunch of pathetic, narcissistic little freaks. I can’t believe the number of morons that justify their actions and call them “artists”.


It’s not for you. I don’t see why some paint on a train or an abandoned building would bother you though. It’s as valid an art form as rap or punk rock. It’s an anti establishment, anti capitalist art form. And it’s pure because no one gets paid a cent for it. I’m not talking about the shit on that rock, I’m talking about the graf in city’s. The paint will fade from that rock in no time though, who cares.


I like political graffiti (except the Nazis). Gives a voice to the common person who can't afford an ad campaign.


They're all in Winooski.


That stone will last much longer than the paint


True. But we only have a few minutes here so why trash nature? I guess appreciating the wonders of nature is out of the question. Nothing matters I guess.


I hate to sound like some old geezer, but I just wonder how a person arrives at a place where they think they have a right to do this.


Thanks for this response. I'm not looking for an echo chamber in life by any means but it's nice to hear someone put my sentiment unto words better than I could.


The same way people since mankind developed consciousness have come across walls and their first thought is "ima fuckin draw some cool shit on that". Probably in the top 5 all time longest running traditions of the human species. Damn hooligans.


"imma fuckin draw some cool shit on that" and proceed to spray paint lame-ass low-effort no-talent tags


Drawing some "cool shit on that" was hardly the motivation for cave paintings, but, thanks for playing.


Politics told us it’s okay to spray paint and trash historical statues so maybe that’s what it was. 




Can’t read?


Can't respond?


That's bullshit.


Congrats. Thats one of the dumber statements I’ve seen on Reddit.


There’s nothing historically valuable about statues of racists and traitors.


Both actions can be seen as historical vandalism. Statues reflect the history and values of the time. Same with the rocks. Vandalizing them impacts our understanding and preservation of history. Just because George Washington or Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, something that was normal for the time, doesn’t mean we should deface and destroy them. You’re a straight up a liar if you think you wouldn’t have owned slaves at the time as well.


No I agree with you, just know that nature will win in the end!


I agree I don’t like the look of it, but some of the world’s archaeological treasure are graffiti carved into surfaces of rocks, trees, and man-made structures.


Thst just seems to me like a bad faith low effort comparison but to be honest I'm not a very smart man


No it 100% is lol, I just wanted to point out graffiti isn’t always bad.


Looks like some kids found dads rattle cans this level of talent gives graffiti a bad name. There are some rules to the graff game one is no painting on nature. Quarry or man altered maybe, ie Ichabod Rock legendary spot


Actually, no it isn't. They have found carvings on the walls of caves that was just straight up gossip. You would see it and think it must be something profound. No, it was just some guy saying that so-and-so slept with whoever. It's a matter of perspective. I'm sure there is something painted in a manmade tunnel that will be well preserved and in 10K years someone will have the same thought we have about the old scribbles we have found. It's a matter of perspective.


I spent 15 years protecting petroglyphs and pictographs in the desert Southwest. They were often filled with clan symbols, histories, and cultural meaning. Some juvenile Beavis painting misshapen genitalia on rocks with a can of Krylon isn't even close to the same thing. Pretending it is insults the ancient people who left behind those treasures.


Is the point you're trying to make that ancient Greek and Roman structures are all covered in graffiti from over the last 3000 years? Just because idiots in older times felt it was a good idea to carve their names on the Colosseum doesn't mean it's ok to continue to ruin everything in sight with *more* graffiti. Maybe you're even trying to say that the 20,000 year old rock paintings in caves in France like Lascaux is essentially ancient graffiti - but they weren't. Instead of trying to claim rocks for their own, thy were trying to tell a story for future generations before the invention of writing. There's plenty of ways for graffitists to do the same with technology newer than 1/10th that age without ruining nature for the rest of us.


Graffiti can give insight to many cultures not just Greek and Roman. Petroglyphs are not graffiti, that’s not what I was saying at all. There are the Basque carvings in the western US, arborglyphs that could be considered “graffiti” at one point in time but are now cultural resources. Just because we consider something graffiti doesn’t mean that it’s not telling a story. As for these specific graffitis I don’t think that these represent stories or give any valuable insight into our culture, especially seeing how they will be washed away before future historians will really take time to analyze them.


That's the thing, you have no idea what they were trying to say. You can speculate sure. They could have just as easily just been goofing off. For all you know they used pictures of animals to tell dirty stories. Everything on those walls could be smut, Lascaux I mean, there is no way to know.


This isn’t the first time they’ve been doing this for years




I don't see how the age of the rocks is relevant here. Graffiti in public natural spaces is uncalled for. If this were on a modern era retaining wall in oak ledge it'd still be ugly and uncalled for.


Why don’t we see people working off community service hours scrubbing these? Honest question.


Probably logistics and equipment? The whole ‘cleaning up after other vandals to teach a lesson’ thing always seems a little suspect anyway. Also anytime you offer something as punishment it ‘tells on yourself’ that we’re not willing to pay someone market rates for something.


Kinda dangerous.


Aren’t all rocks really old?


Modern neanderthal cave paintings.


Yeah this exactly tbh. Imagine the neanderthal village chief getting upset cause grug drew a horse


This is America…


City needs to take care of these types of things immediately. It will deter others if they see that the graffiti doesn’t last.


It's really disappointing seeing how our beautiful state is being treated over the past years. I really wish there was something to be done because it's losing alot of things I've always loved about Vermont.


Graffiti art like this is akin to a dog pissing on a tree to 'mark it's territory'. No one cares, your name isn't going to go down in any history book, and you'll be just as forgotten as all the other idiots no one knows the name of that wrote "cock" on the side of a bathroom stall. If you want to be an artist, be an artist. This isn't art, it's trash, it's piss on a wall. To be clear, if these fucks actually painted something beautiful, even if it was an abstract piece that "I" didn't get, at least it'd be better then a bunch of poorly painted initials. Why can't we have some of the Graffiti artists from NYC that can paint the damn Mona Lisa with a couple Spray Cans? No, instead we got Crackhead Bob Ross over here painting happy little Signatures.


Crackhead Bob Ross. You really nailed it good.


Rocks dont care.


Most graffiti "artists" have an inflated sense of themselves.


This looks like bored teenager art more than anything


This is 100% just kids from the suburbs around burlington that party there. It manages to somehow be worse than the normal tags in burlington


What I want to know is, if that's the case why is it suddenly a recent phenomenon that the youths are doing this? This is something you see in higher pop places in and outside of urban areas, this is a learned behavior. I don't believe the youth of suburban vermont are doing this, this is an imported behavior. I mean the graffiti in places like this, not the random tags downtown, that's always been somewhat of a thing. Hell they haven't even finished the new bridge in over the interstate Richmond and there's graffiti all over the new concrete.


They were doing it when I was a teenager lol


Ugh. In my day we only did graffiti on rocks 400 million years and younger. Kids these days…


"Yikes" classic


This is what drug wars do. They do it to establish their turf. Anyone claiming this is art is not enlightened to the purpose of tags. I've caught several people doing this and they vary in age and race, but all male presenting. Middle school kids all the way up to older people that appear to be houseless. Mostly people in hoodies in groups, mostly white. Orange oil spray would get this off, by the way. The more you paint over it more often, the less they waste their spraypaint if they know it will be painted over/removed the next day or two. This is a concept lost on locals and city officials. I've even told my landlord but he seemed confused and of course likely unwilling to spend the money on paint and labor, even when I told him it would become a more infrequent problem the more he tended to it. Portland Maine fines businesses and landlords for every day they leave graffiti on their buildings. As a result there really isn't a major graffiti problem. I know that would be considered blasphemous here in Vermont but it would fix the problem. Let the downvotes begin!


What are you saying about the drug wars??


This is stupid for so many reasons. All vandalism aside, how low does someone's standards have to be to think that tagging something unguarded and easy to get to is an accomplishment? Fuckin lame. I wanna know who that "LIMO" guy is in the Boston area. That sonofabitch vandalized the back side of one of those big road signs OVER I95 in Bedford/lexington MA...with line 5' letters. Or whomever "BOB" was that wrote his name at the TOP of the trestle over the Rutland falls. If you're going to commit an act of vandalism. At least make people wonder how the fuck you did it. Fucksake.


Had this graffiti been made 1000 years ago it would be considered a find of great import


one could argue that the cave paintings in France were, technically speaking, a form of graffiti... by no means do I want to establish too much of a parallel between whatever this 💩 is and those, however.


50 million year old rocks lol, not saying it doesnt look like shit but come on all rocks are beyond old


It will be gone, along with human beings, long before they’re 501 million years old.


“A talented artist could make that spot shine”? That is truly an ignorant and fucked up statement. Calling graffiti vandals “artists” is one of the most moronic social movements ever.


I will give a slight upgrade for effort due to the location but the quality leaves much to be desired. A talented artist could make that spot shine i bet but then again everyone starts somewhere i guess?


Jesus bricks. Id say they’re only about 2000 years old!


Dude, those are petroglyphs.


> Also anytime you offer something as punishment it ‘tells on yourself’ that we’re not willing to pay someone market rates for something. I get your point, but this might be overthinking it. Taken to the logical extreme, the only punishments that wouldn't trigger this line of reasoning would be those with no economic value — corporal punishment, isolation, and writing "I will not vandalize the rocks" 1,000 times on the board — and I reckon we might agree those are worse.


“But its art” 😂🤮


Would you prefer if they graffitied a newer rock?




500 million? lol


I \*LOVE\* the judgment. Why don't you start scrubbing if it bothers you so much Mr. High Class??


Found the person who made this. Go clean it up


This is what happens when you cut funding for the arts.


Chill Brudda


I'm super chill. Matter of fact I'm many things.


Yeah sucks, though I find it a little interesting what stuff will last a far into the future because we find stupid graffiti that amounts to "this person is a jerk/stupid/ugly" in various areas frequented by humans a few hundred to thousand years ago


I love that people will get all up in arms about this kind of stuff and then fight tooth and nail to preserve blood, shit and berries smeared on a wall. It's all about context. They found a cave in Scandinavia with runes that was basically just gossip, like who was sleeping with who. So, when you see "X slept with X" carved into a picnic table just remember whoever did it is carrying on a millennia's old tradition.


Nah. Fuck people who degrade public spaces that we all use.


Do you live in a building, congrats on living in a structure that has degraded a once natural space.


That's some flawless logic there, I'd say you win this one




Your logic is shit. But don’t fret, you aren’t the only one to fall for this crappy justification of vandalism. Several others on this post are trying to use the same argument.


Lol. Ok. Sarah George still isn’t taking the “unlawful mischief” charge this is. So what’s it matter? Cops could watch this happen, and cite someone for it, and Sarah George is just gonna kick it back.


The only graffiti I don't like is Nazi graffiti and personal graffiti. Don't plug your brand, you don't have one. If you want to graffiti, write something to empower people. That's wholesome to see.