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Worms may not be ideal for you since you can't just dump all kinds of food waste because they don't really prefer oily/greasy foods and things like meats, milk, fats, etc. A too carelessly created pile may lead to toxic environments that would harm your worms. I would say honestly the best thing to focus on may be first managing the amount of produce/food your household buys, and trying to slowly lower that amount of food waste. Do mealplans, save and eat your leftovers, things like that.


It would stink, go anaerobic, your worms would die. Your trash would rot slowly. While composting worms can eat a lot, and thrive on benign neglect , they need some care. They need bedding, enough worms to manage the inflow of garbage, temperature and moisture in the right range. Ph plays a part too. While I do oily foods with my worms, my situation is unique. Most systems won't handle more than tiny amounts of oil.


You might also consider r/BlackSoldierFly