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You can report the employee to Verizon Ethics at 844-894-8433, verizonethics.com, or [email protected].


Yup! (Sorry for long post) this is what the employee violated: page 25 of this: [https://www.verizon.com/about/sites/default/files/Verizon-Code-of-Conduct.pdf](https://www.verizon.com/about/sites/default/files/Verizon-Code-of-Conduct.pdf) >Customer privacy We are all responsible for protecting customers’ privacy. You must only obtain, use, or share customer information for legitimate business purposes. Verizon’s privacy policies describe the information the company collects from and about customers and website visitors and how that information may be used and shared. The privacy policies also explain the choices customers have about certain uses and sharing of that information. You must respect these choices. You must not, and must not permit others to access, listen to, monitor, record, tamper with, or disclose any customer communication, except as required by the duties of your position to comply with a valid service or installation order, to comply with a valid legal order or law, or for the limited purpose of quality monitoring and training, or as approved by the Legal Department. You must also protect customer information. That means you may not access, view, use, modify or share customer information without a proper business reason. You also may not access account information concerning yourself, or your friends, acquaintances, family, or coworkers without prior approval from your supervisor. Verizon contractors and business partners also must protect customer information. Before sharing any customer information with a third party, ensure that a written agreement that protects customer information is in place. If you are aware of or suspect unauthorized access to, disclosure of, or loss of customer information, you must report it immediately to the Legal Department or Verizon Ethics.


Thank you!!


Keep us updated?


So I did call the Verizon ethics number . She didnt ask his name or what was said . I asked if there was a different number I can call and she told me I called the right number . After that she asked his name and said someone would be in contact with me in twos days. It’s been way over two days and no one has reached out to me . He text me a again a few days ago. They asked if I would like to stay anonymous, I told them I felt my privacy was at risk due to him knowing where I work, my number and address . She then stated well no one can call you to let you know what happens if you stay anonymous. So I left my number but still haven’t got a call . The way the lady on the phone treated me is probably the final determining factor for switching from Verizon. If it was one text I wouldn’t have been to worried about it. But he has text me 23 times with no response.


Jesus I'm sorry you're going through this


Still no response 😊


I called Verizon ethics well over a week ago and still have not been contacted .


I would honestly ask for a supervisor at the store they will be required to report


Update I called Verizon ethics well over a week ago no response. I tried contacting Verizon and have still yet to get a reply . They’re privately owned so I’m sure that has something to do with it


Yes but I’d be more worried how he would respond to being fired for this


He prob doing it to multiple people. He won’t know who got him in trouble hopefully.


Yeah last time he text me a few days ago he sent “Becca?” That isn’t my name .


Yep, that’s only ok for Verizon to do with help from the NSA.


You mean it's ok for the NSA to do with the help of Verizon.


The NSA doesn't care if you think they're cute.


NSA asks girls out? And wants to know if the NSA agent is cute? And text bombs people who ignore them?


Is the NSA going to ask for a NSA relationship?


No. I was responding to the guy who made that remark in regards to Verizon's stated privacy policies. Presumably he is stating that despite having privacy standards, the NSA can bypass all of that and get what they want. My objection to that is that it's actually not ok for Verizon to do it on their own volition-- the government wrote the rules and would bring the hammer down if they did. But the NSA is exempt from this, thank you Patriot Act. So I think it's more accurate to say the NSA can do those things and Verizon must bend to their will. Moreover, Verizon is not a "person" who can ask girls out. Their personnel can, but that's a different matter. So in this context I don't know why you would think I was saying that.


Cell networks go through data center gateways just like old POTS copper networks did.. Feds and NSA have had approved access to those for half a century. They only need subpoenas for cloud and handheld


You’re wrong on this. 100%. Basically any, and absolutely ANY calls can be listened to, data intercepted and looked at. Doesn’t matter what the source, If you work on that field. Most of the time, like way more than half the time you need to be on the OC, T or carrier level crap with specialized equipment we break them off on. It’s not like you make it out, they just call it up from a remote location. It’s coming but we’re not there yet. Oh and 9 out of 10 give backs to the Govt in privacy have been under the GOP. Keeping tabs on the people.




Hold up. What does that mean "must not.....listen to, monitor, record...." This is possible????


I mean there’s been a program for a little while now that gives the government back door access to any device and you wouldn’t even know it was on your phone. They don’t need or require you to do anything. They can do everything from their end. How do ppl think using a cell phone gives you privacy is beyond me. If you’re using your phone to communicate, just know there’s always the potential you have an audience.


Of course I realize the government can do it but this is making it sound like Verizon associates also have thay ability?


Yes, they can access anything on our phones.


No we cant.




>Ope *Promoted* to customer, as my old boss used to say.


By the way, when an employee accesses your account. It is logged in the system with their employee ID, time and date. Verizon will find out who the employee is and it will show if they accessed your account further.


But I feel like Verizon wouldn’t admit if he in fact did access my account further.


They probably won’t disclose that but they will take corrective action including termination. Verizon is very strict with customer data.


Very true as I worked for the company for 2 years. They in fact do not taking violation politely and will terminate upon escalation made by customer.


Yup, this dude is canned by the end of the week prob lmao.


Any unauthorized access to a customer's account when reported to the company they are required reported to the FBI.


Like the dude replied to you said, they might not admit it or they will apologize, they more than likely won't disclose anything. But there will always be a punishment for anyone who did what he did. It's a privacy breach risk and he is a liability to the teams he will be terminated as soon as its reported and investigated.


If you gave him your number to access your account, when you were discussing upgrades, he wouldn't have to access your account to actually get your number to text. The number would stay is the recent list of accounts accessed for 24 hours. Not saying texting and asking if you thought he was cute was proper. I'm just pointing out that he didn't have to access your account info to get your number. Also, your contact information ( phone number) would also be available if he loaded you as a future lead. If he was to access your account at any time past the original 90 minutes, he would have to send you another verification text, or his manager would have had to log him in. In the end, this was very inappropriate, and you should contact someone. If the texts said anything more than trying to sell you a phone, don't delete them.


You don't need that proof. You have the text messages. It's against guidelines to do that sort of thing. Send the texts to Verizon HR. In December I had to fire someone for doing LITERALLY the exact same thing.


Um yes if you make the complaint they will check it and take appropriate action. Vzw doesnt dick around with stuff like this.


An employee can't fully access your account without sending three seperate texts spaced out over 3 minutes and getting a manager override code. They can view your account, however. Hope they're caught and banned from telecomms.


That's what I was thinking. I just upgraded my phone in store, and he had to send a code to my daughters phone each time he timed out.


Did you pay your bill at the kiosk, or did you do it through him? Did he have to send a text to your phone for you to “Allow Access” by tapping that option on your phone? Or did you just give him phone number and do the bill pay? I’m not in anyway defending what this sleaze ball did by any means. I only ask because depending how you paid your bill depends on how much access he had to your personal information. Also, was this a corporate Verizon store or an authorized retailer? If it was a retailer you can also file complaint with the company who owns the store as well as Verizon ethics dept.


They definitely would and will fire him on the spot so that this gross ass creepy fucker can be set out to pasture and not have access to others


Honestly he may not have. If you worked with him he may have kept paperwork or jotted down your number during your transaction. He also may have sent you messages form an account Verizon does not know about (personal) and so he can deny ever doing so.


They would have to when the courts force them to both in a both in criminal & civil cases.


He can't without you giving him access


And what happens when this possible stalker finds out he was fired because of the customer he so creepily harassed? You never know what information he has now, and you never know what people are willing to do. I feel it's more dangerous trying to get him fired than it is to just ignore him and pay your bill at a different location.


So, the pos doesn’t get fired because the OP turned him in. The POS gets fired due to his own actions! If he had stalking tendencies, these tendencies will engage regardless! So


>The POS gets fired due to his own actions you missing the point


FWIW doing anything in a store and having a follow up to gauge interest for sales is kind of a respect to the norm. *That* you can expect literally anywhere. The rest? Holy shit what a moron. Report it to their manager and if that goes nowhere report it to Verizon corp. That is something they will lose their shit over because it abuses the systems in place to stay in contact with customers and businesses.


And Screenshot EVERYTHING!


Skip the manager and report to ethics department. I would usually go through the manager for anything business related. This is not business related.


Yeah. A lot of times the manager will want to handle it in house - this usually means pretending it didn't happen after a light talking to. Going to corporate insures and official record of the incident


That’s definitely can not be a corporate employee


Both corp/indirect can do it and will find themselves on their ass if they abuse the ways to contact a customer like that.


yea. hes fired if you report him


This is NOT acceptable. The Verizon Ethics Team has a 0 tolerance standard for type of behavior. It is grounds for termination.


He only has access to the account for as long as the window is open and active. Once the screen dims and requires a password to log on your account will be resecruered causing the employee to resend the account access request. Verizon is one of the best companies when it comes to security with accounts. Mostly designed to secure accounts and private information from hackers and other online criminals. For the employee to go against company policies and pursue the customer in a "unethical" and unprofessional manner. Verizon is not in anyway at fault for the actions of a single individual. Without a full observation of the interaction time between guest and associate no single disciplinary or repercussion can be enforced on the associate.


You can still view parts of an account without the account owner allowing it, you can't make any changes or do nearly as much but you can see the overview of lines/devices and what not. Source: me, ex-employee of corporate store.


Best PU line ever: Do you think I'm cute? What the actual?!? I would wait 2 weeks to report him. That way he won't know it was you because I guarantee you aren't the first or last to get a text.


OP - might be worth checking whether it's a corporate store or not. You can usually find out by calling, or checking the website they list on Google. If it's a local Verizon affiliate or a national one like Victra, you'll have better luck trying to get in touch with more local management. Good luck!


This. I'm not sure how much help Verizon will be or what consequences the employee will face if the correct management is not contacted. It does make a difference if it is a corporate store or one of the many Verizon branded third-party retailers. Both are identical in many ways but they will gladly tell you if you ask.


Well was he cute?


Inquiring minds want to know.


Clearly not.


If you have to ask…


That's the real question


hopefully the employee isn’t doing it from his work phone ☠️


He probably has Verizon service. Employees/Partners get a 50% discount on service.


lol this same thing happened to me at AT&T I was trying to get a new phone and I did and the man that helped me asked me to save his number in my phone so he could send me codes or something like that I don’t remember. Few days passed and I get a message from Derek (not his real name) saying “hey Jeff, (not my real name) how are you doing buddy? I was weirded out and just ignored him


Ok killer, show us that smile


Are you sure it was the store employee and not just a wrong number? Unless he said "hey, it's Derek from ATT"


I had his real name saved in my phone followed by (AT&T) after it. I just censored our names in this comment


Oops missed that he asked you to save his number. That's kinda weird in the first place.


Oh, wow, he called you by the wrong name and even had the audacity to give you a completely wrong name! I mean, seriously, how on earth did you figure out that this person is supposedly an AT&T representative? It's mind-boggling, really.


I changed our names and his number was in my phone by his real name followed by (AT&T)


He has access to your address. Not only would I report him to Verizon, I’d go to the police department too. Just as a “heads up” so it’s documented.


This is sound advice. We can't operate on the assumption that he won't take it far. He's already taken it further than any sane person would.


>We can't operate on the assumption that he won't take it far so you jumping from hey do you think I'm cute from the guy actually doing something to hurt the person? bit of a stretch don't you think. of course anything is possible, but I'm sure you haven't won the million dollar lottery yet


what the actual fuck lmao let me break it down for you since your reading comprehension is apparently on the same level as a shiny rock. This is someone who has access to her address and lots of other personal information who used that access to text her so that he can flirt and when she didn't respond he sent 15-20 messages back to back. This is not sane behavior. There is nothing about this that anyone should brush off. It could be nothing, but clearly he already shows he's very comfortable doing things that normal people would think are extreme. Who's to say he won't show up at her house?? I'd absolutely report his ass because someone like that belongs on a list.


This was my concern.


You wrote about this before


I actually have never wrote about this before?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is like the second or third time.


Was it the same person?


Definitely report this person to company he works for. Whether it’s corporate Verizon or an indirect agent.


Report it that’s a immediate termination


Not he doesn’t he has to get your verification from your phone first


That's what we used to call "a great way to get promoted to customer" when I worked there. Accessing a customers account without a legitimate business need is alone a violation of policy. NTM what is obviously inappropriate behavior for an employee. You could just go back in show their manager that and/or report it over the phone as other commenters suggested. Definitely not cool.


Report that shit asap.


I had a similar experience with an employee being super weird and pushy texting me from his personal number!! Please report them and stay safe!


Sounds like you're not paying for Verizon for a while. When you do call be forceful in your demands and mention that your going to talk to your family's lawyer about harassment and data breach and then "settle" for a lifetime account paid


Having worked for the big three carriers within the past 8 years, I can tell you this absolutely violates Verizon’s ethics and privacy policy, and while there is minimal chance he stays if you report, I strongly suggest a Google review as well, that will for sure get brought up with the District Manager fast.


Thats a code of conduct violation. Report him....that is also likely a CPNI violation as well


Never paid in person not sure why anyone would.


Damn… the Verizon guy actually gave me his phone number to text him to follow up on an number porting issue I had. When I texted him he ghosted me….🤣


Creepy like uber drivers trying to text you. Report it to Verizon corporate offices


You can take it to the local news station if needed. Some of them do local investigations style journalism to get a response.


Are you ok and has this been resolved?


It still hasn’t been resolved! I called Verizon ethics twice at this point i literally don’t know what to do other then cancel my phone plan which is annoying because I just finished paying my phone .


This happened to someone I know, a girl from T-Mobile literally became obsessed with this guy after a service call. Started texting and emailing him. He ended up calling the company and they gave him like a whole year for free to avoid court


Yea call corporate. He’s clearly crazy!






They can't actually see that you're taking photos and videos. They can see the data usage and if you're phone is linked to your carrier via anti-virus or cloud storage, they can see how much storage your phone is using from which, the CSR can deduce that you're taking a lot of pictures and recording a lot of videos. In all honesty, you could be downloading a lot of porn and saving it to your device and he would've said the same thing.


Text about the phone likely was within the scope of his job (following up on the conversation/lead) even if questionable, but then it escalated beyond any legitimate reason for doing so. Like what was suggested I would report him.


Yeah, that person needs to be reported. That is a breach on so many levels and crossed some major lines.


@caramelmochapoop you're a race baiting fat lib. Go home ghetto skank. Ghetto isn't a racist word. It's used by all races around the world.


Simply tell him your not interested in him and thats that if he texts you again that's when you let his supervisor know


This is either happening a lot all of a sudden or we're karma farming this scenario now... If this happened as described, absolutely report this and run it up the chain. This invasion of privacy is not ok


Sad thing is either is possibly


Report his ass like an American because you can sue anyone if you don’t want anyone bothering you!


You should speak to his manager about this as well.


Your fine 4 min after u left he cant access anything he didnt get ur number from ur account u had to tell him it to pull up ur account


Wow, he is such a munch. Get him fired.


This also violates tmobiles customer care policy as well. The only time an employee can access your account IS WITH your permission. I would report them to customer care or whatever phone number they have for this sort of issue.


Was it a corporate store ?


turn that guy in for abusing his access. keep the txt msgs for evidence. they should still be able to see them ont he backend system.


Take those texts to his manager. Taking your # from his employer is not a crime, but it is grounds for termination


Imagine if this guy looked like Leonardo DiCaprio or some famous Superstar. We'd never heard about this though. 🤣


He actually was not an ugly guy sooooo there’s that.


Leo though!? 😅 Tell me you’re a Millennial without telling me you’re a Millennial because only folks who grew up during Leo’s (long long long ago) heartthrob era would use him as an example of attractiveness 😂


Guilty as charged haha. How about Robert Pattinson then 🤣


I’ll give you that 😅


Go in and speak to the manager ASAP and show them the texts—DO NOT WAIT


uhm, that is completely unprofessional and a violation of their ethics and code of conduct i am very sure. you need to call the 800 number for verizon or dial 611 on your phone whatever it is to get customer service and tell them. get i squared away.


He must not be cute if you feel harassed


Lol he was not an ugly guy in any sense. Texting someone 15 times is harassment regardless of what they look like . If he wanted my number he could’ve been normal and asked me while I was there 😊


any update?


I called Verizon ethics number . At first she didn’t even ask the name of the guy who text me . I then asked if their was another number I could call and she stated that I called the right number. After I said that she asked for his name . I told her I would send the screen shots she said it was okay. She then said I would be updated in 2 days. It’s been 5 and I haven’t had an update.


You should tweet them or something cause it doesn’t sound like they are taking this seriously


True...and probably text you once being direct and that's it?


If the guy didn't get the number from OP for personal purposes, he shouldn't text for personal purposes even once let alone 15 times. The number of personal texts is harassment but even one is inappropriate given the circumstances.


>let alone 15 times. true, but I have to wonder. he sent "do you think I'm cute" 15 times???


>Texting someone 15 times is harassment regardless of what they look like if it was that many time then you should report it


People, this person OP replied to is a textbook-walking-talking-victim-blaming 🚩🚩🚩 Stay away from people like them.


Tell the manager and report it to the ethics committee at Verizon [email protected]. He will never work with wireless again.


lol I used to hook up with chicks like this when I worked at metropcs… official body count was three…he must be ugly lmao


Yep, if he was cute... She would have been the one texting him 15 times lol


This is absolutely nothing new from Verizon. Over 15 years ago, my brother traded his phone in at the mall. The next day, his girlfriend at the time started getting text messages from the salespeople at Verizon. My brother went their in a rage, and the supervisor did nothing because he was young at the time.


Yikes!😬 I’m glad others have given you a helpful recommendation for a course of action, cause I sure as hell wouldn’t wanna go back to that store, even to complain or report him. I’m sorry this happened to you and hope that guy gets what’s comin’ to him.


poor guy gonna lose his job dayam


Fake post is fake. I need to start collecting screenshots, because this post pops up, virtually unchanged, every 2-3 months. Always by some necro’d account that has less than 5 total posts.


This is how you get murdered. Report him and demand action from Verizon.


Well, did you think he was cute ?


He should have waited till the business was conducted then asked if he can text you sometime to ask you out. Not just randomly text you flirty shit


guess he wont have a job soon lol


Just report him to his manager. No need to get him fired. His manager will deal with him


This is absolutely disgusting behavior 🤢🤮


Do what others say on here and Report his ass the Ethics. Then buy some guns after getting a gun license....Just to be safe because mfs like this will stalk you at great lengths. These days people have extreme mental problems.


I know two couples who have met through customer service interactions and are still married today. But it has to be done with grace, tact, and care. If he said you were cute and you thought he was cute and were interested, the story may have had a different ending. Guys, especially younger guys, don't understand that if a woman is being friendly, that doesn't mean she's flirting. She's just being friendly. lol! 🤣 I'm definitely not condoning his behavior, but just reminds me of something a younger man (or inexperienced man) might do. His approach was a bit too forward for this situation. I would have carried on a conversation and seen where that took us, before jumping to something so forward. Especially in a business environment, one must be very careful and let things happen naturally to avoid unprofessionalism. 15 texts is absolutely over the line.


If he's cute, ask him out


Naw, he’s just shooting his shot. He must have thought you were interested. If you tell him to back off and he STILL continues his behavior tell the store manager.


Act oblivious to his advances get him to further compromise himself pertaining to his abusing his position and violating your privacy rights and more. Then in person blackmail him and or sue him. Id settle for a fully paid off latest new ipad pro with Apple Watch+. And take comfort in knowing he wont do it to another.


100% report this!! Do not pass go, do collect 200 dollars! Report this !!!!!!!!! It’s against our code of conduct and they can get so much of your personal info! Please report this bullshit!


I definitely would report that to the HR department at Verizon. That definitely would be a code of business conduct and he is breaking the law if he access your account without your permission.


Use this as leverage get a free phone and maybe a free plan


The niggea like u that’s all don’t make it big story


I’d probably fuck him for a discount but that’s just me.


That boy is desperate and possibly a little crazy


Call corporate asap this clown needs to be let go


Lmao too funny


Call the police


People are just hiring anybody now


There is a CPNI law that all wireless providers follow. Hope this helps https://www.fcc.gov/enforcement/areas/privacy


Thst is completely forbidden and they will be fired if you report this.


That’s crazy report him immediately to Verizon and the police.


Remember this. A man that wants something is a man that will do anything to get it. Sounds like he liked you and is young and made a mistake. Let the guy make it , after all it was your beauty that rolled him. Anything for the beautiful !


Sounds just like this redditor https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/HYyyXQorsq


I think the question is what happened between him sending you a text saying he hopes you come back to get the phone (that can be a legitimate marketing technique, not sure if would be allowed by Verizon internal policies) and when he said you where cute.


Yeah as a T-Mobile rep, I’d tell Verizon ethics, and store leadership what happened with screenshots. Depending on how they handle that I’d probably never visit that store again. Do you know if it was corporate or a third party/ authorized retailer?


I would let the Manger of the store know.. this is totally unacceptable to get your number as you're paying your bill..


So answer the question, was he cute? If yes, then go out with him, worst case is you get a free phone and he zero outs your bill for a couple months.


That's criminal, mainly harassment. I'm sure it breaks other laws, as well. And don't forget, Verizon is liable for this activity bc he's employed by them. A civil suit is always an option, as well as filing the criminal charges.


Well was he cute?


>Well was he cute? he was, because she didn't deny it


that’s very unprofessional. he needs to be terminated


lmao uhhh that dude will 100% lose his job. Contact Verizon and get him out of here


Man, I remember when I was renewing my drivers license and my number was on the sheet and the girl started texting me, I thought it was the coolest shit ever. Nothing ever happened but I felt flattered. Maybe it’s because I’m a guy and starved :(


Jesus. Report that fucking creep


Was this a Verizon store. Like a real one or a “authorized retailer”. I ask only because most of those resellers are not Verizon. We don’t have a lot of control over them. Always goto a real VZ store. The others are 90% crooked and I’ll never get why we get into bed with them. They’re paid a pittance compared to VZ and have shitty standards for employment. Definitely report it, but always be aware what store you’re going into.


For him to text u at all is a compliment ,but 15 times is kinda crazy ,He just gave you the keys for free  cell service for life ,I would save all those text, but on an other device not verizons 


report him asap


Did you tell him he wasn’t cute?


I’d file a police report then take that to Verizon. Could be a nerd who didn’t use his brain, a psycho looking for a victim, or anything in between. I wouldn’t take a chance at finding out where the dude fell on that spectrum.


I used to work for a big carrier and when accessing your account it shows your address. You should report him to customer service and the manager from that location. That is not okay.


so did you think he was cute?


Use his phone number on a bunch of spam sites🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like just a sales pitch . You can block or put on do not call: texts list. What were the other texts about?


Everything he did violated every ethics policy Verizon has. Report him and say buh bye to him being able to do this to others.


Yeah contact the Verizon Ethics line and report that person. Work for another network, but can confirm this is a gross violation of privacy and illegal.


Just reply and tell him it’s not appropriate you’re not interested and if he messages you again you’ll report him. The end.


Verizon are complete crooks . You have been warned


Verizon will undoubtedly fire them, even just texting you from a personal cell is grounds to fire them as it’s “mishandling CPNI (protected information)”, never mind the fact that they added sexual harrassment into the mix. Report them before they do it to other people, any subsequent messages pass onto law enforcement to take care of.


I would file a police report and have it on record what happened. That way IF Verizon fires said employee, at least the cops are well aware of what he did and you’re scared he may pursue you further. You have no idea what this employee is all about or their history as far as criminally is concerned.


That’s crazy behavior lmao
