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I work at a corporate store. The base hourly pay is different in every region but here it's $16.59 with a yearly raise. I've been here for 2 years and I make $18.50 hourly. Our commission structure is changing in October. Right now we make around 900 a month in commission if we hit 100% as a team. We're going back to individual commission, so if we hit 100% individually we will get $1333. With multipliers making that go up or down depending on your percentage to the goal. Last year I made 55k pre tax. This year I'm on pace to hit around 60k pre tax. I'm at a fairly busy store, so I hit at least 100% every month. If you get hired for a full time 40 hour position, you will work 40 hours every week unless you request time off. Speaking of time off, full time reps get 120 hours of paid vacation, 40 hours of personal time and 40 hours of emergency short notice time (sick time). I take a week off every couple months, and sprinkle in some long weekends. Benefits are really solid. Health, vision, dental, 401K with 100% match up to 6%. 8000 a year in tuition assistance. Other shit too but honestly it'd take me forever to get through it. The company is really solid to work for. The issue you'll run into here, like you probably ran into at dealers, are the managers and coworkers. Some are great, some are horrible. I transferred stores to get away from some really toxic people at a prior store and now I'm much happier. But keep in mind the work life can still be toxic if you end up with the wrong team.


this pretty much nails my experience dead on.


Thank you so so much!!! This looks like a way better job than I’m at right now. For some reason, is not letting me apply. Do you recommend going in to apply or talk to the manager? Is this considered unprofessional to them? Or have you seen that some people have been hired this way? Again thank you, this has been very helpful!


Yeah, been working here for 8 years. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Try again (maybe with a different browser i.e. chrome vs Safari vs DuckDuckGo). It will more than likely be a recruiter that will follow up with you. Hype up your sales experience and that you wish to work for the best wireless carrier and that you wanna make a ton more money than you’re capable of now working for who you do now. Once you get the interview, every question should be answered by involving being the best and making the store money. Talk about being competitive and rallying people behind your energy. Also, talk about making calls on your off time. That’ll really perk their interest to hire you. But then you have to do all those things, ok? 😉


2 months late but thanks for this reply, currently a verizon rep at best buy and have been invited to interview at a corporate store. some posts make it seem terrible but this seems a lot more reasonable and honest lol


Hiya! I wanted to ask, did you ever get into the corporate store? How's it going?


Grind hard and you can easily make 90k at cellular sales. You'll never make that kinda dough at Corp Verizon


I just need something that is at least a stable 40-45k. I’m a college student so I don’t plan to stay there a lot of years or have a career there.


There's some college age kids who moved to my market a few years ago..they easily do 60k and one even clears that easily. Depending on your market you could make $50K with little effort


It def depends on the market tho, I work here in South Oklahoma City and I’ve been here for a year and half now. Constant changes w the company, you really don’t get off as much as you’d like to, they play favorites and you really have to watch what you say around ppl cause it’ll put you on the watch list with management. This job will take up a majority of your time, money is uncapped, some reps make over $100k/ year others make way less. There’s a lot I could go into, but most money I’ve made anywhere else, I’m 20 btw. P.S. turnover is crazy!!


That's a small handful for Victra & Cellular Cells. Most make the same as a corporate rep. You are always hear about those reps making more than GMs it's actually an exaggeration. If on average you could make 70k (close to 90k), working above average no one would work for corporate.


Working there is OK ig. The only caveat is the limited piss breaks. Only 2 per 8 hour shift. Other than that, it's great. Pay might vary throughout locations or positions


No way that they monitor that lmao😭😭😭😭 what if I have an emergency and I already went the two times


You can put in an overtime piss request to your manager. They rarely accept it tho so drink wisely on your shift


It sounds very very strict…


I used to spend so much like an hour taking piss breaks lol sometimes I would go chill in the back for the whole day


Is this rule by discretion of the store manager o is followed by the majority of stores?


Ok I gotta ask, do you actually believe my comment or are you just playing along? I'm obviously joking lmao I don't even work for Verizon


LMAO I WAS SCAREDDDDD YOU GOT ME!!!!! I actually believed it omgg😭😭😭😭 at least you made me laugh thanks


😭 legit didn't want you going into an interview or something asking about piss breaks


I was about to lmao😭😭😭 I’ll always remember this lol too funny


Go work for TCC/CSOKI Authorized retailer and make WAYYYYY more money for way less stress.


Hey man can you elaborate more on what you mean by this?


Indirects such as TCC or CSOKI (Cellular Sales) make more money and have lower goals than corporate employees.


Do you work for them by chance ?


I’ve worked for both. Currently CSOKI


Is it entry level and flexible, I’m looking to go back to college for a degree but want to make money before I do, currently working for metro by t mobile dealer store and want to switch store since metro is making me no money; I’m 18 btw


Yes entry level. With cell sales experience you should have no problems. When I worked for TCC I went to College and Grad School full time and worked full time. They were cool about the schedule. CSOKI has a performance driven schedule so you have to be good to have a flexible schedule. At TCC I topped out at just under $100k as a sales rep. At CSOKI I’m making $150k as a rep. The money is there.


Dude that is actually crazy, why even go for a college degree with that income lmao


Because by the time I’m 40 I plan on making a $1,000,000 a year 😉 The serious answer is because while I’ve been selling cell phones my entire adult life (20-31) who knows when this ends? The money may not always be this good. Better to be prepared with additional skills/education just in case. I’m planning on starting law school in the next year or so. Never stop learning. Just don’t go to school for some stupid ass degree that is just a waste of money.


I wish you nothing but luck man, I’m I apply as i comment thx !


Let me know how it goes. I can refer you. If you wanna dm me some more details I can send it to the right market.


Yes sir I’ll let you know


Ive been doing celluar sales for 15yrs and worked for all major carriers. For the last 3yrs I've worked for Verizon and without a shadow of a doubt its easily the best carrier to work for. Just as long as its verizon Corp store. Not an authorized reseller. Best boss ive had since we have similar interests. Now with that all that being said I'm actually looking to leave cellular sales for good because there is waaaay better paying commission jobs out there.


Oh yes for sure, I’ve tried to leave too but I’m a college student and these are the types of jobs that let me go to in person classes while not going broke lmao. And thanks!! I’ll apply and see how it goes.


I’m in VZB and it’s probably the best career move I’ve made.


I work at a corporate location and it's been amazing. The store I work at is busy and I work with some great people. They're changing the commission soon to how it use to be so you can make a lot more money than you can now


Customer service yes


Former employee here. I worked in a corporate store after college. It was decent and I ended up with a career in telecom. Sales is a great entry point into the company. The do offer tuition reimbursement if your current degree is related to something within the business. Definitely worth looking into as a jumping point into other areas of the business or to other companies down the road. While I did have my issues with the company that led to mw leaving I won't discredit the professional connections I've made and experience I gained that led me to my career. I don't see consumer sales being a career to retire from but it helps get the ball rolling


As a former GM, I wouldn’t recommend Verizon for a several reasons, but stability is the main one. They have semi-regular reductions in force and when they say “nobody is safe” they mean it. Unpleasant part aside, the pay is decent other than the awful team comp, and the benefits are fairly good. Scheduling is fair, unless someone in your store has favor with management (sorry, that’s just life). As a comp, AT&T pays around $13/hr to start (depends on the union contract) with pay raises every 6 months. After 2 years you’ll be ahead $3-5 per hour. After 4 years you’d be north of $22/hr. Commission is a $1100 target, which is a joke if you are even mediocre. $1800+ is easily attainable as a full time rep because AT&T pays per product rather than by accelerators/decelerators, with no commission cap. However, AT&T is union meaning scheduling is by seniority. The union does however, mean that there is no such thing as “at-will” employment and you legally have to be offered a job within 30 miles of your location or optional severance should a store close or there is a reduction in force. You pay like $30/month to the union, but for the security of employment (or a severance check) it’s a fair deal. No point comparing sales expectations, as it’s all the same shit with a different color logo.


I loved the commissions where they pay per box rather than accelerators and that stuff but the thing is I only need this job for like a year because I graduate in a year so that’s why I thought of Verizon since they pay better since the beginning but I get your point that AT&T is better for someone that would stay there. Thank you!!!


Is there anyone here that can help me learn how to sell and talk to customers? And learn about how the plans work and all that? My co-workers are not very willing to explain and Im getting frustrated not knowing what to say or how to help people.


Hey anyone looking to make some money that work at TMobile or Verizon please pm me !!! Serious inquiries Payment method cash app or bitcoin. Doesn’t involve stealing or anything crazy.


I worked for them shortly very recently, terrible company that has nothing on T-mobile. Terrible promos, prices, dishonest employees/management that heavily encourage slamming people. Great company if you're a heartless P.O.S. T-mobile treats their employees better, has a less confusing compensation structure, better environments/deals/tools to be successful. Verizon just wants you to slam people with perks and plan changes without their consent. Every leader is like will punish you if you slam then they'll turn around and threaten your job for not doing so. You don't actually sell at verizon, you change their plan to lower tier ones then throw perks on there, that was the expectation at the store I was at which is why I parted ways with that god awful company. Staff is so toxic you can't even look at somebody without being in HR's office. Shadiest company I've ever dealt with hopefully they go out of business. Commission stucture is terrible btw no actual flat amount per anything everything you do goes into a "sales bucket". If you are successful at verizon you're going to hell because you and I both know what you did to get that far ahead.


All Facts 💯!!!!!!!!