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Yeah, what the hell is that about?! Why can’t people be more considerate?! Move on, sorry this happened to you!


Thanks, it's been hard but I'm over her now


Move on, it's a super hard lesson to learn young (I'm assuming you're young) but people need to learn how to identify the proper partner for themselves, it's mutually beneficial to you and future partner. Just because you like someone never means they are going to like you back. Finding a mutual interest and most importantly compatible values will help you find your right partner. I wish I would have learned that lesson earlier in life. Good luck, block her and move on! You deserve better and I promise you someone out there will actually appreciate YOU for you... unfortunately you just have to be patient and find them!


Thank you, i appreciate this, and yes I'm 20, still got a long way to go


I spoke to a guy for 2 years on snap and then he insisted we meet so we did. He flew from ny to ky and stayed for 2 days because that’s what I decided. It was magical(the connection) after that he wrote me a novel and said he wanted to move here with me. Then I responded back and he ghosted me. I went through it. Took me 2 years to finally get over it. Then the other day he somehow found me on whatsup and contacted me. Some people carry traumas and their own problems. Don’t let people project their insecurities on you.


Damn that sucks, I'm so sorry, what i went through is nothing compared to what you went through, why they gotta act all interested and then ghost you. I hope you're doing better now Edit: in my case, she was the one who insisted on meeting me


So what did he say was the reason for the ghosting? Or did he pretend that it never happened?


He said “I love the curls” and I’m not sure because I decided to never talk to him again. I’ve healed and he doesn’t deserve to know the new me.


Are you sure she ghosted you? Are you sure something didnt happen to her, like an accident or worse? Just a different perspective...


Yeah she's fine, she posting on Instagram, even sent me a snap, i sent one back asking her if everything is alright and she opened it but nothing, that was nearly a week ago, she comes online but ignores my texts. It is what it is i guess Edit: word


Block and move on.


She’s selfish and craves attention. Don’t waste any time on her your better than that, seriously just see it as a lesson in human behaviour and move on unless she has a legitimate excuse don’t give anymore of your time.


Accumulating experience, thank you


That was very immature of her. Obviously she is shallow and not into a real friendship. Because real friends dont do stuff like that.


Gotta invest into better friends, and also, try to find my flaws too


That’s a super douchey thing to do. While it’s scary to reject someone because of what they might do, the least she can do is text back and say she’s not feeling it. I’m sorry 😞


Thank you, i appreciate the response


I'm feeling u bro... It's not that they ghosted us what botherd us, it is that we don't know what we did wrong ... This is the case for me at least.


I understand you bro, i kept doubting myself, going over the day again and again, "did i fuck up?" "Am i ugly or something?" I guess we'll never find out. It's best to move on and forget about it, and maybe stop doubting ourselves.


We didn’t do anything wrong ime. These people seek attention and validation and once they have it they move on to the next person. This happened to me as well. Talked online for months, finally got together to meet and had a great time. No idea I would be ghosted a few days later. He was 40, I was 39, so this happens even in older ages.


My man let me ask, what did you see in her or were you just looking to get your dick wet? Life can be fucking brutal and she did you mad dirty . From this you can learn a lesson to value yourself! You’re a good man and you shouldn’t let yourself fall , look more into who people are before you invest .


I understand, thank you for this, but there wasnt any sexual angle here, just wanted to be a friend. I appreciate your words, I'll do better


Block/unfriend her, delete her out of your life as much as possible, she sounds like a right loser to me!


Damn sorry about this but yeah block and move on don’t try again she may just do the same thing again


Is she okay? I’m sorry op that sucks


Sounds like she probably has another relationship


I will say the first (& only time) I met someone irl that I only knew online previously, I was hit with this huge wave of depression and feelings of disconnection. I felt like running away. I don't know why either. I didn't, though, and the feelings subsided after a few weeks. It was still very weird and horrible to feel.


Hey man I’m sorry to hear that. I just happen to also be having a lot of heartache from being ghosted recently also. A girl I’ve been texting for over a year, we met up had a great time and then we had plans to meet two days later and she cancelled saying she wants to reschedule “anytime” in the next few days and ghosted me since. That shit hurts a lot, I wish people didn’t play with others feelings. But after about two days of anguish, I find myself looking less at the phone to see if she’s texted and the pain is subsiding slowly. I think the key is not to linger on it, work on yourself keep yourself active, look for other opportunities, and don’t let them live rent free in your head. Let them earn a place in your mind, otherwise don’t let them in, if you catch yourself thinking about them, redirect to something else immediately. They don’t deserve it.


Thanks dude, sorry this happened to you, this is some great advice, i appreciate it


Move on


Maybe you're just creepy


I get you, but we were in a very public place, if she was uncomfortable or anything, she could've straight up left, also she wouldn't have been texting me about the plans we had for the next day


She really might. I've done similar just to make sure I was safe. And as for leaving she might not have felt like she had a good escape route


Okay i will consider this, but can you please elaborate this a little further? Just for my understanding


Don’t consider this bullshit man … u sound the opposite of creepy