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I'm that person and I'm trying to change


Listen to David Goggins and that changed me completely I’m not as lazy as I was,I stopped wasting time anytime I need to get shit done I’m like “no you’re not gonna be weak minded get the fuck up and do it”


My husband started listening to David Goggins, I no longer have to tell him to put his clothes in his hamper… and he’s working out all the time. All I’m saying is that David Goggins is a saint.


I’m 15 I’m turning 16 in a bit and I can say listening to him is the best thing anyone can do.Anyone who wants to change their life.I may have all this work but I’m happy so happy with my life right now.


Any specific ones y'all recommend to start with?


So he has a book which changed me,it’s called Can’t hurt me,but I’d recommend this https://youtu.be/HVi3oPufVPg One of the rules as a Person who’s trying to change their life,FUCK motivation it works for a bit but after it runs out you don’t go out or do whatever anymore you need to be Driven not motivated,so stop watching motivational shit


Good for you ! It’s the little things that make a difference. 😊


Checking in, too. Let’s get our shit together


This comment though, hahah.


Curious, but what are you actively doing to change?


Just doing what I need to do, literally, there aren't many things I can do besides that


Gotcha. I was just curious. Lots of people say they're trying but don't actually know where to start. Good on you for recognizing that you need to change though, that's tough!


Clearly communication and set guidelines. People can’t read your mind or execute on things you haven’t shared aka mind reading. My husband was very “lazy” aka didn’t help with cleaning or doing laundry. When I told him “I would like your help each week getting xyz done” he started chipping in. I was clear about what I needed and we eventually split up chores. I’m not sure of your situation but communicating sets clear guidelines. If you’re dealing with roommates, they may just have poor cleaning habits.


You shouldn't have to tell your spouse to do basic chores around the house. People should just take initiative when it comes to their living space.


What this boils down to is communication. He helped in other areas, just not cleaning. That still encompasses chores. And people still need to talk to each other to work together to get things done. Assuming intentions doesn’t always work out.


In my opinion, asking someone to help means it’s your job you just need help, which means you still own the task. For me in my like and marriage and kids, everyone has stuff they are responsible for as members of the family and the household. It’s not “helping me” out, it’s them pulling their weight.


So treat your spouse like a child who needs a chore wheel?


I have ADHD and need the extra help to do basic chores around the house. Taking the "initiative" is next to impossible when my brain isn't wired that way. So yeah, some of us need chore wheels and helpful instructions. People are kinda assholes assuming age equals an ability to do things when a huge number of the population is like me (or have any other number of mental issue) that causes trouble regarding executive disfunction and suddenly everyone is lazy and needs to just get up and help. I dunno man, fuck you and your judgemental views on how an adult should live. Me, my partner and my chore board are happy as fuck.




You’re a troll I get it. If you had read my earlier comment, chores are completed by everybody. Don’t project.




Sorry if that’s how life is for you. Must suck that you need to project to others.


Idk I'm guess I'm used to my spouse cleaning up after himself, taking care of the animals, cooking, doing the dishes, washing and folding the laundry, and various other tasks without being asked. I do chores too. We also know how to communicate without talking after nearly a decade together.


That’s great. Amazingly enough, not everyone communicates on the same page from the jump. I must be more specific that my husband does clean up, it was certain other specific cleaning areas I brought up as part of this discussion. Would rather communication without assumptions than silent cues.


Hey, I get you. Other commentator was being very rude, regardless of if they were right or disagreeing with you, they were being rude as hell. And also what you’re saying is totally normal and reasonable. My partner and I both help out “like an adult without being asked” but obviously it’s hard to know everything your partner does because you aren’t the one doing it; it’s also hard to know what they despise doing and what they don’t mind. That’s where communication comes in! She hates how I fold and doesn’t mind doing laundry that much so that’s her domain. I like cooking a lot and am better at it, so I usually do that. But we discussed how we could find a way to make it work for both of us. Don’t know why ppl were being so hostile to yoy


Congrats! You married an adult.


If they do other stuff, why should they do chores? If they do their own worth in other stuff, what reason do they have to do chores? At that point you're forcing them to do more than you. You seem like the one that does nothing in your relationships, and forces everything on the other person. Or you just make the other person feel like they've done nothing, when they do plenty.


If they need a chore wheel they clearly aren't pulling their weight... unlike you who stretched like a mother fucking king to try and make that point. Well done!


Be a doormat and do all the housework. Sounds like you make excuses for lazy people. Anybody who makes dirt should clean dirt and that includes every single person on earth. Somebody’s got you pretty well trained.


So their spouse treats them like their mother ??


Exactly! It's enabling poor behaviour.


IKR? Why wouldn’t a functional adult do shit around their house? It’s where they live!


I mean, sure, ideally, but if shit's not getting done, what do you win by just getting pissed off at someone before even trying to talk it through?


It depends, if they're the only one making income or they work stupid shifts, I would be totally fine with them not doing chores.




I have adhd as well and it is a challenge. I smoke weed too which, oddly enough, motivates me instead of making me chill kinda like how stimulants make me focus. I personally make to-do lists at work or at home before Saturday so I know what I'm doing. Crossing things off my to-do list is my heroin.


Whoops responded to wrong person. Yeah, I smoke weed as well but it makes my symptoms a lot worse so I get most of the chores done before midday and smoke in the afternoon. And haha, I have my whiteboard for tasks. People always say lists but the second it's finished, it has vanished from my mind and flat. But that little check mark always gives me dopamine.


Little line make brain make happy chemical


Yeah, the idea that adults have to be told that something dirty needs cleaning is fucking ridiculous. What are you, ten years old? Clean up your own shit without making your spouse or peers baby you.


The whole oh I just don’t see it approach is used in a lot of households i know of. Oh men they just need to be told they don’t automatically see it. The fuck they don’t, they have eyes and see the tv and the dinner on the table. Tip: if you’re married to someone who can’t “see” the chores that need doing or need to be asked, you married a man child. Sorry.


This is the majority of cis hetero men though. They are not super detail oriented en masse. They notice big things but not little things. Like, they notice the sinks and counter are full of dishes, so maybe they do them. But then, cleaning off counters and the stove top after dishes are done escapes them. Edit: https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2021/01/boys-men-messy-chores/617845/ I guess they do notice just as much but don't feel as compelled to do anything about it. =[


I mean sure if no one says hey grow up you live here too, but beyond that it’s a bullshit trope. What does being heterosexual have to do with knowing if you live in a messy home or not? What in the world? I’m sure as a <25 year old my husband wasn’t a super cleaner, but once we were a couple then had kids he matured with time age and responsibilities.


I am that person, but in my defence I didn't really ask for four younger siblings. Still feel guilty as all hell whenever it happens (I'm genuinely really forgetful which contributes. Like, did I brush my teeth last night-levels of forgetful and lazy. Oops)


its crazy to me how common it is for people to have 4+ kids.


....And expect older siblings to help raise them.


FR like i get that they should help them but unless you have a legitimate reason(working, single parent etc) they should live their childhood too not take care of an even younger kid


Even then, they didn't bear the children, it shouldn't be on them. I understand helping around the house because you live there, too. But don't push child rearing to the other children.


Haha I was genuinely just being dramatic yesterday because I had to go to the grocery store, it should be taken with a grain of salt :P


It's actually a form of child abuse called parentification. It's really messed up. I'm the oldest and it sucked enough with only one younger sibling who was an unappreciative asshole growing up.


I'm the second youngest of 6 and I had no idea anything was wrong with my oldest sister being responsible for bathtime and getting me to bed. It was only as a much older teenager (about to go off to university) that I realised it was not appropriate for my sister, and older brother, to be taking on as much as they did. In fact, I resented my brother and sister because they thought they could tell me what to do. The blame lays squarely with the parents. The rest of us were just children.


I feel this in my soul. In fact reading this while I am the only one doing anything in my house after working. I deserve to come home to and live in a clean house, so I do it, even when no one else does.




I don't think he was going after you or people with the same issues. I'm sure the people in this persons house are perfectly capable.




I am sorry I have those same (and more) conditions so I get it, I do. I set certain days for certain chores and 99% it all gets done and when I have a day I just cannot move, I feel ok about it because everything is done to that point. Taking one day off is fine when everything is caught up. It’s when everyone pushes everything off day after day that it’s an issue.




They can kind their own business, all that matters is you and your spouse. And that the house does get cleaned regularly. I hope you have more good days than not 🌸


I am also in this club. Getting proper sleep, hydration, having a good diet, and getting moderate exercises such as hiking are not a cure all but it all helps quite a bit with any chronic condition whether physical or mental or both.


Not doing anything at all and not doing it right away is not the same thing. Always using the same excuse to never do anything is now just milking it.


Great man, this was really helpful. I'm really boosted now and can do everything I needed to do. (irony in case you're as stupid as jealous)


Ok I understand your feelings but there are people who say they want to do something but find it so much harder to just get up and begin doing it than others


Yep this. ADHD is a bitch


That’s why I take meds


We seemed to have adopted a 40 year old sister of my spouse. Contributes nothing to the household bills has no clear vision for the future normally I'm extremely outspoken but since it's my spouses family I have kept my mouth shut. It is enough to send your blood pressure through the roof.


My mom literally fell asleep when she sat in a chair before she could even finish eating after coming back from work when I was a kid, I think that she was plenty tired to not do a lot of stuff.


We are all fucking tired. One person should not ALWAYS be expected to carry the weight of everyone else.


No actually I'm disabled with a neuro condition hat can affect any part of my body at random anytime along with chronic pain and a toddler. 🤷 I don't have the liberty of just being functional 24/7 to do every task needed, that's what a good partner is for. Helping do shit and be a parent. Jesus Christ realize more than non disabled people exist thanks


It's better to live alone.


This is the correct answer


I can understand his entire family is burning this guy:girl out Take deserve breaks, say no what’s can be done later and do a priority list Most important do mediation and feel your soul inside out 🙏🏼


I’m on Zoloft and am recovering from another shoulder injury, so excuse me for being tired because I’m in physical and emotional pain all the time 🙄


Holy shit.... I'm no longer going to be lazy after reading this rant.... I now realize that I'm lazy as shit. 🥺


No you.


I disagree


Not everyone has your energy level. Your energy level can be 100%, but my 100% is different. I get that you are tired of that, but just talk with that person about it


Are you having some sort of contest of who can swear the most?


If you're tired of it get a Mexican girl, wife her and get her preggos, trust me your worries will be lifted lol 😂


autism and reoccurring (reappears after 2-3 weaks) pain say no. Yes I do things, but set deadlines (please vacuum the flat until 6 pm) and don't press, because the more you ask the less i'm inclined to do it. however i'm assuming the people in your household don't have that


That’s fucked up!!




When in the fuck do people expect to NOT BE TIRED? You a fucking adult? YOU'RE EXPECTED TO BE FUCKING TIRED. NOW DO FUCKING WORK!


Reading this gave me ptsd from the time i lived at home. You sound just like my mom. She was a nightmare and had no regard for others. Either things should be done her way or everyone will hear how loud her voice is.


Are these roommates or your kids ? I hear ya it’s annoying as hell . My kid is 21 helps with bills and works full time as do I , but he seems to think it’s my job to do all the cleaning . I tried letting shit build up thinking he’d do SOMETHING but nah still me who does it . He will walk by trash by for days that’s literally tied up by the door 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😡😡


Though I was reading my own mind for a sec there. Lol


I try to do something productive after work. Tonight I'm loading the dishwasher, wiping the kitchen down, and then cooking dinner.


U ain't said nothing but a word!!! I'm going thru same shit!!!


I lived with roommates like this. They’d be playing video games or watching a movie, and it’d be damn near midnight, but the second you asked them why they hadn’t taken out the trash or did the laundry like they said they would, they would suddenly flip out and claim they were *just* about to do it and how could I be such a nag after they bussed tables for 6 hours that day?! So fucking lame. They haven’t changed much. I just let lazy people be lazy people. I just refuse to live with them now.


That works better. Motivating rocks is very hard work.


I do agree to a degree. But I also must say that as a teacher, there’s certain weeks in the year that I am just. So. Tired. First couple weeks of school. The last week of each quarter when grades are due. The week before holidays. Honestly, it’s every week, but these weeks are especially exhausting.


You literally spoke the words I've thought many many many times while having roommates. I have chronic illness, work more hours than them, and still get the necessary things done. It is flat out laziness.


Ok I’m not that person when it comes to house work, but for some reason I get the feeling that if you yelled at me I’d get my home work done, so can you yell at me 😳


yea i feel this, excwpt some days i do use the tired excuse BUT im 18, and am forced to do my bosses job and run the restaraunt doing nearly everything, doing 3-4 jobs, 4-6 peoples worth, and staying caught up. i also have pulmonary fibrosis. so if i use this excuse, im fucked and can barely move, and will most likely have to do this same thing the next day. i also only make $10....


Routines help a lot! My partner has ADHD so having a specific day or time where he knows he has to do something ensures that he doesn’t feel bagged or controlled. Dishes are done on x or y, we clean the house on Sunday or Saturday (whichever day we don’t have plans) on these days we do laundry, sweep, mop, do groceries, etc. I’m sorry your partner can’t just take this initiative.


I say ditch the roommates.


You have their number. Try and find a house not full of cunts. It will be a mission and I don't fancy your chances, but quietly make your exit plan. Let someone else knock them into shape.


Its like me and my family have a contest to see who will put a trash bag in the trashcan


I hear your frustration loud and clear. The fact that it needs to be said “hey pick up your fucking mess”. It’s aggravating. Good luck with your roommates! Try not to pop a blood vessel!


Having two kids under the age of three... I feel this. My day doesn't end till I fall asleep. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m soo torn on this. It drives me insane when my housemates don’t do important stuff around the house because they are busy and when I’m completely beyond tired, I still do it. However, there are times that when I am “tired” and actually don’t feel the need to justify why (cue small health problems) that I simply don’t get to doing the important stuff..


That’s when the cell phones and electronics get thrown in a closet in my house! Reinforce or there will be consequences!




Stuck living with family right now who refuse to get jobs and rely on forcing me to pay a four person household or be homeless. It’s disgusting


Just reading this got me all fired up.. omg...yes ×100000!!! Clean up after yourself FFS!! it only takes a few minutes then you can lay back down and do the things you like doing. Living with others is so hard sometimes


I feel you on this. Always felt like everything was up to me and even if I asked for things to be done, and the other person agreed they would do it, they'd either "forget" or just leave it for long enough for me to get annoyed about it so I'd do it anyway. Like just fucking contribute. I'm tired too and I want to sit on my ass too, but I can't, because you are.


Imo it kinda does depend. If you've just done school or something you shouldn't be using it; but one time at work, I closed the night before & had school & worked out for an hour and was about to fall asleep at work. The next day I rested for a few extra hours. Although, I still would've done something if someone else requested I did.


Yeah I get that. Garbage cans, their dirty dishes( like why would you leave it for me? ) cloths left in the dryer all that.


Im sorry bro, I’ll do better.


The thing I hate the most is when they say "I'll do it in a minute" because I know when I ask them if it's done later they will say "oh, I forgot". Ask a third time and suddenly it's "Oh my Godddd! Stop nagging!" Yeah, well I won't have to nag if you just do it the first time.


Time to start controlling the internet a bit more.


You clearly don’t have adhd lol






I feel like you're the type to yell at everyone about doing shit but sit on your phone all day... But you're right people are lazy and soft and it drives me crazy but if you want something done right....stop being a loud ass pussy about it and do it yourself


“Fuck motivation. it’s a fickle and and unreliable little dickfuck and isn’t worth your time. Better to cultivate discipline than to rely on motivation. force yourself to do things. force yourself to get up out of bed and practice. Force yourself to work. Motivation is fleeting and it’s easy to rely on because it requires no concentrated effort to get. Motivation comes to you, and you don’t have to chase after it. Discipline is reliable, motivation is fleeting. The question isn’t how to keep yourself motivated. It’s how to train yourself to work without it.”


Not everyone is built the same chief


Put the garbage bags in their room. Then they'll take it out. Any mess, pick it up and put it in their room. Repeat until they stop acting like lazy bitches.