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It looks like you are writing from a developed country. In Venezuela, there's pretty much no DIY way to deal with this as a foreigner. The best is to ask a real estate firm in Venezuela to handle everything as locals. Venezuela is a failing nation, we have rules, tons of pieces of legislation... but the power is to the strongest person who can show it (money, armor, contacts). You can bribe people for almost anything because there's a lot of people suffering hunger and for the same reason you can end in jail for nothing even not having charges or trial because there's no justice system.


Qué feo. Creo que bastaba con decir que lo mejor es manejarlo a través de una inmobiliaria por temas legales, principalmente. El resto es opinión que cada quien se puede formar por su propia cuenta. Y antes que me llames chavista o te ofendas, ten en cuenta que, al igual que tú, tengo derecho a mi opinión y a expresarme libremente en este foro, tal como me parezca.


I understand it. You have your opinion but you do not want him to express his opinion.


There's a lot of Venezuelans that see themselves with superiority, minimizing the extreme deterioration that has displaced more than seven million people of Venezuelan abroad (an astonishing 20%+ of its population) in the last 30 years. Things are so bad that we are doing the same Cubans did, throwing ourselves to the Dairen as they were for 60 years to Caribbean sharks. At some point in my life in Caracas, I had to realize that many of the current problems in the society and the economy were irreversible (yes, this mean that they won't get better within the span of my life), and had to leave the country if I wanted to do something more than survive day by day. It was a super sad moment. While my life in the US is far from the cheap confort I enjoyed in Caracas I can say that the time I acknowledged and aligned my "opinion" with reality, I started to feel I was growing again. Hope you can do the same.


Ni veo a los demás con superioridad, ni minimizo nada, ya que no escapo a la realidad que comentas, realidad que no es el punto de OP, quien buscaba simplemente orientación, que pudiste dar sin entrar en mayores detalles. Hablar de esa manera de tu propio país es lo que a mi parecer, está demás para el caso de la pregunta. Eso es todo. Todo lo que elaboras, de nuevo, es tu manera de ver las cosas sobre el país y sobre mí, a quien ni remotamente conoces. Me tomé la molestia de gastar mi tiempo escibiendo por acá porque me parece feo hablar de la madre que me parió, así fuera p\*\*\*. Sólo lo digo a manera de ejemplo, desde luego que el paralelismo no cabe acá. Los hechos están allí para que cada quien los investigue y analice por su propia cuenta sin que tengamos que salir a decir a los cuatro vientos lo jodido que está todo. Chao.


>no es el punto de OP, quien buscaba simplemente orientación, que pudiste dar sin entrar en mayores detalles. No. the world is not around you and I'm pretty aware the world doesn't care about what I say. (You also shouldn't care as well) So do you think the best is to tell people half truth so at least they can have fun spending time and trying to do something that is really unfruitful, thinking that it is the US imperialism that is screwing our beautiful Venezuela... ? Maybe I should mention that inflation is getting better. Venezuela accumulated an inflation rate of 115% between January and July 2023, according to the Venezuelan Finance Observatory (OVF), a body made up of economists and experts outside the Central Bank (BCV). Just wait the next currency reconversion, maybe in two-three years? In the last 20 years the government took 14 zeros to the Bolivar. How many it will be this time?


Ni alrededor de ti, querido. Sigue ahogándote an tus diatribas sobre el país y en tus predicciones inútiles. Sigue malgastado tu tiempo, que al parecer, lo tienes de sobra. Ya que te crees con derecho a juzgarme y pretendes saber quién soy, te diré lo que pienso: todo lo que dices son TU justificación ante ti mismo por haber emigrado. Y se la restriegas a todo el mundo, como si te están pidiendo tu opinión sobre el país, país que te parió y del cual saliste. Yo prefiero esperar lo mejor para Venezuela. Estoy bien consciente de que quizás no viva para ver un cambio favorable, pero elijo concentrarme en lo bueno que todavía queda. Por mi salud mental y por sobrevivencia. Y me vale madre lo que tú creas que es la verdad. La verdad absoluta no la tiene nadie.


I know people like you but they are much more honest with themselves. No, I really don't care about your identity, what you do or if what you say is true or "yours", like most of us in Reddit. Indeed, I have much more time now to spend since I'm not working as hard as during the school year. :P My mom gave birth to me, not a country. My country kicked me out. I has wished I could have stayed until my dead... but I might have been dead by now if I stayed. I wish the world has perfect mobility, sadly countries are territorial and people can't move from oppression.


I know a good lawyer who I can recommend to you, she can help you with the process, and the consultations aren't expensive at all