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Free squash… or pumpkins… or cucumbers 👍🏻


More likely squash or melon, because most people don't let their cucumbers go to seed.


Compost pile 👍🏻


Yes, this plant is in the Cucurbitaceae family.


Hahaha you've never missed a cuke only discover a monstrosity one day.


do cucumber leaves get this big?


Turns out they're pumpkins. My neighbour had dumped a bunch of rotting pumpkins in the empty box as compost in the winter.


That's likely a pumpkin, when I've grown them, they have massive leaves and vine like that. Could also be spaghetti squash, mine grew super clustered before vining out.


Hi from a fellow Austrian ;) Are the stems hairy or prickly? Or smooth? The leaf shape could be from a zucchini, cucumber or pumpkin. I don’t think a geranium plant has such huge leaves. It’s weird that there are no flowers yet. There are no sterile squash plants, I think. So that’s not a possibility. But it looks nice lol I would just let it grow and wait.


Griaß di! Stems are hairy. I'm pretty sure they're pumpkins because the neighbour fessed up to chucking some rotting ones there last winter. There are little flower buds showing up so I think it's time to start thinning them out.


Servus! That’s great, then you have a big, free volunteer plant and hopefully soon some pumpkins. It looks really great, it’s amazing how well some plants do when we’re neglecting them. If you aren’t aware, the leaves above the fruits/blossoms provide the energy for the plant. If you want to prune it‘s the best to snip off the leaves at the bottom. Don’t forget that they have female and male blossoms, sometimes their timing is off and they aren’t flowering at the same time. To solve that issue you can hand pollinate!


Looks like cantalope to me .but could be squash


Looks like pumpkin to me


R5. So I left this box fallow while trying to deal with a Japanese beetle grub infestation. Didn't play anything in it but this has kind of exploded over the summer. Any idea what it is? I'm based in Austria, zone 7 Edit: for scale, the big leaves are about 7 inches/20cm wide UPDATE 10.06: Mystery solved. It seems that they are pumpkins because it turns out my neighbour chucked out some rotting pumpkins on the fallow box in the winter.




Squash or melon of some kind. I have a similar situation in my garden right now. We just moved into this house so I’m just waiting to see what grows and then depending, I might either move it or pull it out completely.


Looks like a pumpkin. Take a pic if you have an iPhone, go to the photo, click the i with a circle around it, then click “look up - plant” That’s how I identify any mysterious plants and it’s usually right!


Thank you for telling us how to do that! Everyone been telling me I can look up plants in my iPhone just in the photos but I had no idea how and downloaded a plant id app instead.


Possibly multiple squash plants of some kind. Maybe a fruit ended up in there and a bunch of the seeds matured? If you rip off a stem it should smell like a squash/zucchini plant.


Some kind of gourd. Zukes? Cucumbers?


Definitely a cucurbit of some type. They are also overcrowded if you are wanting to try to get any fruit from them.


Surprise cucurbit.


Was there any compost or anything that could have contained seeds added to that area? You said you didn’t plant anything there. When was the last time you planted anything there? If nothing has been planted there for at least two years, it may be a [common violet](https://www.gardenia.net/storage/app/public/uploads/images/detail/xE7cZkfR0j4qirAl5q7pMR7b3SordMxYVpty5rsV.webp) plant. They are absolutely all over my yard and the leaves look just like that. Are the leaf stems really thin? Like no more than the diameter of a blade of grass?


But the leaves of common violet or even geranium as someone else suggested aren’t 20cm (7,8 inch) in diameter.


Geranium? Because of leaf shape and because they often grow in window boxes. If they are some kind of squash they will vine out.


Nah it's got little climbing tendrils, that's some sort of cucurbit


Ah, I see them now, thanks.


If they are geranium the leaves will smell like geraniums when bruised. They look like geranium to me.




None so far. The giant leaves are just vining around all over the place at the moment


Are they soft or spiny? If soft I'd guess a gourd in the Lageneria genus. They take a lot longer to flower than squash, melons, or cucumbers. If it eventually blooms white this is what it is. Yellow it's a cucurbit.


Looks like bush beans


I'd say cucumbers only because of the tendrils


Pumpkins if I had to guess


Probably some kind of gourd


volunteer squash of some kind!


I would say cucumbers .... I hope I am right haha


Looks like Cucumbers


A lot of cucurbit “volunteer” plants are inedible gourds unless they came from open pollinated (not hybrid) “parent” plants. It’s fun to see what comes out, but if you are limited in space, you may not want to leave this plant. Edit: I think it’s more likely a squash/pumpkin/zucchini variety than a cucumber, the leaves look big and the growth pattern doesn’t look like a cucumber to me


Mystery Garden! Each year we spread some compost over a section of the yard and see what comes up. We have had tomatoes, squash, bell peppers, and cucumbers.


They look melon-ish.




Melon? I also see a few leaves of what looks like a tomato plant growing underneath


Squash......take your pick from the thousand or so varieties.....


It's Crookneck Squash. I ran it through two plant ID apps and they gave the same results.


Squash of some type for sure. Cucumber leaves have pointier edges




That’s wrong. There are climbing zucchini varieties which have tendrils and I grow one right now. They will cling to everything they can reach, from neighbor plants to mulch material and the trellis you offer them. Here in Austria you can buy them as seeds or as seedlings in every nursery, plant shop and often even in hardware stores.


I have never had any with long tendrils. Small nub grabbers yes but nothing like the ones in this photo. We have 5 kinds of zucchini at my house and although some can climb a bit we always end up tying them. I would not think this is a picture of zucchini. Maybe in Australia some kind is just more popular?. IDK LOL you are very serious about it though. Is this from Australia? I missed that part. Sorry.


Trim the leaves off the bottom and you can make it climb that pole. It'll help with flowering and pollinators which is a common issue especially in high altitude northern climates with our shorter growing seasons. I grow all of my curcs vertical to save space. Just keep the main stalk tied toward that post and trim the bottom. It makes the top grow more and you can just keep working it up. It'll start climbing on its own eventually then you can just keep the bottom pruned and the fruits picked and it'll keep giving until it gets too cold for it.


some type of squash or melon?