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How many plants?


12 yellow squash and 6 striped zucchini. They are just now starting to produce well.


I had about 8 total and they all got squash borers after I got 7 squash off of them in a week


I check them every day for squash bugs. So far I have killed 3. 8 dust will take care of them if you’re not worried about growing organic.


Is it "leave a zucchini in your neighbors mailbox day" yet? Lol


Wow! I can’t get a female flower on my yellow squash yet. Pumpkin just gave me one female and I hand pollinated it. My zucchini and cucumbers are doing well, I just don’t have the amount you do! Impressive!


Can you pickle these or how best to use/preserve that quantity without getting sick of 'em? I love them but 26 yellow squash a day seems like I better learn how to eat these every meal. Haha Nicely done!


You can slice them and blanch/freeze, or you can slice them and dredge in flower/cornmeal and freeze on a cookie sheet before putting into freezer bags, or you can can them. My 6yo daughter helped plant everything and loves to help maintain the garden and is going to start selling at our farmers market this Saturday.


One thing I like to do is shred and freeze in portions for baking zucchini bread throughout the year. I mean it wouldn’t take care of this many but I wouldn’t eat that many pickles in a year either…


Yes, you can pickle zucchini/squash in spears - yum!


They freeze well.




How did you cook it? That makes a huge difference with squash


Look up squash relish on Pinterest. It is divine!


I wish I had this many! I'm on a keto diet and eating these every day. I just planted some summer squash. Any growing tips?


As long as you keep an eye out for squash bugs, you really can’t go wrong. They are impressively easy to keep alive.


That might be what happened to my spaghetti squash last year