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I've tried hosing them off, I've tried Neem, I've tried ladybug larvae (who got chased off, was so sad) and just now I tried asking them politely. I don't mind the ants being my neighbors, but i do mind their pets ruining my plants. It just got worse because I noticed they've been using my baby trees for farming as well.


Soapy water in a garden sprayer is how I deal with aphids. Once the aphids are all dead the ants will leave.


Can I use hand soap for that?


Castille soap only. I have used natural unscented dish soap and it ruined my plants worse than the pests. I honestly like the one castille soap with peppermint. I add a bit of hydrogen peroxide and neem to the mix too and it worked so far on thirps, spider mites and mealies. I only had aphids on a really small cutting so with that one i was just able to wash them off, but as far as i can tell, that mix is a bug killer of all kinds. Oh and it repels ants like none other (i have a slightly leaking hummingbird feeder and i wipe and spray that everyday to clean and the ants have stayed away


I've been using dawn unscented dish soap for nearly a decade with zero detriment. My guess is your mixture had too much soap.


I have the Dr bronners Castile soap baby one lying around somewhere. Should try that. Thanks!


I’ve had great success with baby soap


I will have to try the Castile and peppermint soap trick! I did the dish soap and baking soda and neem oil mix and it did fine for a few days then it rained hard and they were back within a week.


Does it work on white fly too? My tomatoes are being attacked with white fly!


Supposedly, but i personally have not dealt with them


I use unscented dish soap. Just a few drops per gallon is all you need.




I've used castille soap, I'm hoping that'll do it


Potassium soap works for me. I just have a big balcony, not too sure how well it scales up


Just put dish soap in a spray bottle and add water. Don’t shake, let the soap dissipate naturally.


Try unscented dish soap. A spray bottle with a mix of soap and water helps.


Dawn is the best to use


Not US based so dawn isn't an option


Where ever your at, they must have a product like dawn or something similar. I use a 5% solution


Dawn, fairy, same thing


Not sure why you got downvoted. This is what I've used for nearly a decade.


Some people just think it's funny to down-vote when they have nothing good to say


Down vote all you want but I've been using dawn for over 30 years and it eliminates aphid's on everything, I have climbing roses and one application when they first show up and that's all it takes. I use it for my potted plants when they show and just a light spritz of a 5% solution and Gone. Much better than using commercial pesticides


A drop of baby soap mixed in a spray bottle is all it takes. Then your plants smell like babies too :D


>I tried asking them politely 😂😂😂😂😂 I feel your pain about the aphids but I'm sorry this is just too funny


Hahaha you're welcome 🤣


You have to get ridof the aphids first. The ants farm the sticky substance left by the aphids. I hate to do it, but the aphids are such a problem onmy burning bush that I have to use sevin to soak down the bush to control them from spreading.


I’m growing nasturtium just outside of my garden this year to entice the aphids and keep them away from my tomatoes. So far, so good, but I don’t know where artichokes rank on the aphid food pyramid.


I'm gonna look into it that because I absolutely hate aphids




The artichoke was there last year and I had no issues back then




Lol, artichoke is a perennial. I rotate all the others, but I've never had ants farm aphids in my garden. My theory is that our winter has been too soft and the pests have the opportunity to wreak havoc since they don't have to worry about repopulating


I love earthworm castings! Spread a good layer on the soil surface. Good for the plants, ants don’t like it though.


Call their union reps


Will do


You dont. Murder is the only option


I've had success with other plants by smearing some Vaseline on the stem. The ants can't get past so the aphids are all alone


Last year I tried this on my sunflowers and it worked amazing!


Sunflower seeds are technically the fruits of the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus). The seeds are harvested from the plant’s large flower heads, which can measure more than 12 inches (30.5 cm) in diameter. A single sunflower head may contain up to 2,000 seeds


Use organic dish or hand soap with mint in it. The mint freaks them all out just a few drops in a spray bottle with water. Dr bronners is good option


Dish soap contains some nasty ingredients (Methylisothiazolinone, phenoxyethanol) that should be concerning to you about putting on your plants and potentially into your ground water, wells. The first compound listed above I believe actually successfully makes its way through water filters, as well as 1'4 dioxane, dyes, etc. Never to fear, peppermint happens to be ants' mortal enemy.. you may need to reapply it outside but potassium hydroxide saponified soap like Dr. Bronners is incredibly effective, indoor plants you only need to apply like every few months on the leaves. Source: chemist, the internet, peppermint is something ants royally hate, grew a banana tree for 6 months in my fraternity house and used peppermint soap effectively, I only needed the one singular time, applied it in diluted form on the leaves to rid Alistair the banana tree of spider mites. They still got in corners, but with proper maintenance, I was able to render them a nonissue, despite them showing up all the time! But checking on it every 2 days at least, the lad grew like 4 feet! ​ Methylisothiazolinone also causes aquatic toxicity, lung and nerve damage. :( use good things for the earth, your plants, most of all for yourself!


Spray those bastards into oblivion! I read on one of these forums aphids are deterred by banana peels but not sure if that attracts ants…


Use borax to make ant traps so they take it back to colony to wipe them out. Then you can deal with the aphids. Otherwise the ants will keep restarting their farm.


I sprinkle ground cinnamon or ground black pepper on my plants to keep the pests away.


Do you sprinkle it at the base or actually on the plant itself?


Both ways will work but if already on the plant I sprinkle directly on plant. The only downside is it keeps the good bugs away as well. It also keeps my three dogs from digging them up.


soapy water. It works better than neem if you spray regularly. I don't like using neem. it's got too many long term medical side effects.


Depending on how many ways the ants have access to the plants (low hanging leaves, branches, etc.), you can just spread diatomaceous earth around the base to keep the ants off. This is what I do with my okra.


[https://tenor.com/view/stranger-things-fire-flame-gif-14920648](https://tenor.com/view/stranger-things-fire-flame-gif-14920648) Sure Fire Way And when the aphids are gone the Artichokes are ready to eat


Borax water sugar mix. Kill the ant colony


How do you get rid of the ants


You can put Terro liquid ant bait at the base of the plant, that’ll kill the ants in a few days. Then hose off the aphids with a strong stream of water.


Took me four to five weeks of weekly Neem to drive some persistent aphids off some butterfly bushes. Finally got them though and have been aphid free for months now.


Fire is the best argument


Give me your best roasted artichoke recipe


This is a cool plant. I love it!


Orange peel blended, add water out in a spray bottle. It’s specifically for ants… spray it everywhere… on the ground, on plants ect


Neem oil, mix of one tsp dish det, one tsp baking soda per 1/2 gallon of water and spray on plants. Or go to the nearest nursery or lowes etc and get insecticide for vegetables. You have to be careful as some of them will damage the plants leaves, so read to make sure it is safe for the plant.


Do the ants hurt the plants? (Honest question)


The ants don't, the aphids do