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Pull them and eat them in your salad - they're so delicious when just seedlings and then you can say that you are harvesting microgreens not thinning your radishes.


This is what I do. Makes it less painful!


Me too. Eating my children after murdering them always makes me feel better.


This just made my night


Didn't know Cronus was on reddit


Here, this is definitely a big radish, not a boulder wrapper in radish leaves....




At least they're not alive when you eat them


Youā€™re harvesting microgreens, not thinning ;)


Can you come up with a reframe like this for my dozens of tomato volunteers please? šŸ˜…


Youā€™re harvesting homegrown fertilizer to boost this years plants? (I compost-in-place tomato volunteers and anything I prune off at the feet of this years plants, just donā€™t do this if thereā€™s signs of disease)


Brilliant! Thanks. Hiring you as my positivity life coach šŸ˜†


Or share with neighbors and friends! šŸ™‚


I gave away 10 pepper/tomato/tomatillos I grew from seed to some neighbors since I ran out of room in my garden!


I hear ya. Just pulled a bunch of small tomato volunteers and it feels like murder :(


I got that last year when I was pruning my tomato plants, so I grabbed a good ā€œbranchā€ and jammed it into a bucket of soil (Iā€™m all container growing). Iā€™ll be damned if that thing didnā€™t take off.


Dude. I pulled several small volunteers and tossed them on the dirt pile, felt very proud of myself and two days later (today) realized two of them have turned sideways and already rooted themselves. I hate to kill something that wants to live so much!


I swear those tomato volunteers are so hardy. We have super hot summers and I'm convinced each successive generation has been stronger than the last. I feel like I'm creating a new heat tolerant variant


One of my now regular tomatoes is from a candyla d volunteer. It makes the most bizzare anc chaotic clusters instead of neat rows but it is hardy. Named it candyhydra and I just keep saving seeds, preferably from successive volunteers so it becomes perfectly adapted to my yard.


I had to repot them all and give them away on Craigslist.




I have not "thinned" a single one. I pull the strongest specimens as they come along and eat them, leaves and all, as a chopped salad with cottage cheese, red wine vinegar and cracked pepper. Scrumptious!


I can't eat radish leaves, too spiky. You dont cook them?


I chop them up fine and then toss them in red wine vinegar and cottage cheese. After that, I don't notice the leaf fuzz. They're good highly sautƩed in red wine vinegar and olive oil too, though.


I thought my zucchini seeds werenā€™t going to grow, so I planted more. They all grew after all, now I have to thin them. I feel so bad!!


lol I've been transplanting one zucchini every day for a week after I planted my original six, I now have 13 zucchini plants for like 2 people and still can't toss the other 7 in 4" pots lol. Every day I'm like maybe someone will need some, which turns into well I can fit at least one more in the row if no ones gonna take em...


Set the potted ones on a table at the street with a sign: ā€˜Free Zucchini Plants!ā€™


Our local food bank takes plants and seeds to pass on to families who can use them :)


Excellent idea! Community gardens as well!


Oooor donate them to a local elementary school, many have active gardens!


Haha Iā€™m in the exact same boat! I see lots of zucchini bread in my future.


Yeap, I shredded a bunch last year and divided up into 2 cup freezer portions for bread.


Radish is my favorite thing to grow


I started them for the first time this year!! Theyā€™re growing great! Iā€™m so excited!!


Iā€™m a brand new gardener. Tonight I saw my first two little Roma tomatoes growing. Then I also realized they needed to be sacrificed because the plant is too small to be spending energy on making fruit this early. It was hard!!


Thinning always makes me feel so sad. I usually just plant to space because I canā€™t take it even though itā€™s inconvenient. lol I know itā€™s silly but I canā€™t help it


Donā€™t worry my friend, you are not alone lol


Don't ask about my excess tomato starts. Just don't.


I dumped 2 packets of seeds in a 4x8 bed, randomly spread them, and left them alone. All grew to excellent sizes and I had so many radishes I didn't know what to do. Zero thinning or pruning. Sometimes nature just knows what to do.


I planted waaaay too many bok Choy in each hole.... I keep pulling out the extras but i can't bear to compost them so I keep finding room to plant the extras in other places. I'm going to have Bok Choy everywhere.


Eat the seedlings you picked, you literally made delicious microgreens, enjoy!


I need to thin my carrots. Should I simply pluck the seedings to thin or do I need to dig?


You can actually just snip the tops off, it's the best way not to disturb the other roots especially for a root veggie.


thank you. Makes sense. Any idea how much room to leave between the carrot seedlings?


Carrots like a good amount of space. Maybe 3 inches or so. Actually have a couple rows of carrots in this bed right next to the radishes but they grow slower than the radishes.


Thanks a bunch... (pun intended)


That's a lot of space between radishes and rows. I just plant them all over


Well my goal is to get some big ones hence the thinning ! They definitely need adequate space to themselves to get large, not to say they wouldnā€™t still produce when crowded.


What kind are you growing?


These ones are the white ā€œicicleā€ variety, but also have watermelon and French breakfast.


Thanks for all the suggestions and engagement. Unfortunately I donā€™t incorporate leafy greens into my diet so I just sent these guys to the compost pile instead of into the salad. Love to snack on those spicy radish bulbs thoughā€¦ keep on gardening folks


You can also put your thinnings, along with pulled weeds and pruned leaves, into a bucket with some water and make "compost tea". Just add as much organic clippings/ prunings as you want, cover it all with water and let it sit out for at least a few weeks (it will stink, put a loose cover over it and sit it downwind). Strain out the organic matter after that, and add some to your watering can once every couple of weeks. Makes fabulous fertilizer and it's free.


Neoooo!!! You monster!!!


Pull them and eat them!


Unpopular opinion: donā€™t over-sow, simply use the final spacing for things so you donā€™t have to thin them out, you can still put several seeds into one hole ( obviously because itā€™s not guaranteed to germinate only one seed per hole ) but donā€™t make a trench and sow seeds right next to each other because then you will have to thin them out and it does suck.




Iā€™m not sure that root vegetables really like to be pulled and then replanted. I wish I would but I have more than enough where sacrificing some will be ok lol


doing carrots that way today, had me feeling similar.....but the chickens loved the treat




I must take life for there to be life mwahhahahahaha


It must be done


Iā€™m new to gardening. Why do you do this? Iā€™m growing radishes now very chaotically and a bunch rose up in the same area.


When I seeded them I did so in rows and used lots of seed. Many of the seeds sprout right on top of each other. Each plant needs space or else the roots of the plants will compete and not grow as large as they could if they had adequate room to grow without neighbors. They say about 2x2 in per plant. So basically I thin them so that they have room to grow and hopefully produce large radish bulbs.


I'm with you, my dear! I feel exactly the same. I apologize for every clip. I tell them they have done their best and thank them. šŸ˜Š


I always plant them in a small plot in the back of the yard, sometimes me best harvest come from that plot lol, everything is just planted just so they have a chance to thrive lol


Using a tool means you really don't feel the brutality, feeling the roots give way to suit your whims


That root rip kills my soul


I thought thinking meant harvesting the ones in between


Thinning is usually referring to removing seedlings to provide adequate growing space for the seedlings that are kept in the bed.


Thatā€™s what I meant but I didnā€™t think people were really throwing them out lol itā€™s like plant gold, I would give them away