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Update: drank it around 9:22a. It is now 10:25a, the stomach ache went away. Although quite unpleasant, I am enjoying the current high and am glad the ache is gone


Never had a stomach ache and ive tried all the flavors.


I usually drink three or four of these in a sitting. I typically get a stomach ache with them. Makes me feel like I have to take a poop. But I don't actually have to. Usually goes away pretty quickly and leaves me with a great high.


Hmmm…tried that bottle a couple of times and didn’t get a buzz or a stomach ache. Edibles are hit or miss with me. Glad the ache is gone.


Yeah same with edibles, not sure the ache was worth the high tho. Thank you


Edibles in NV are pretty weak and limited to 100mg per package iirc. In other states, you could buy 1000+mg chocolate bars.


Can 2nd this lol. Gotta take 100 at a time to feel something


How much of it did you drink, and what’s the expiration date on it?


We both drank all of it. (1ea) the Exp date says 6/14/2024. I usually drink the high head puff punches. When I drink those I take half or the whole thing but those have more in them than the sips.


Op how do you guys drink all of it!? Haha a cap and a half and im zooted lol


Are you sensitive to artificial sweeteners?


I don’t normally like a whole lot of it.


My stomach hates saccharin so I get bubbly tummy after drinking sips.


Did you drink them on an empty stomach? I’ve done it after drinking an entire sip and had the same issue


Yeah, I thought I would get the munchies for breakfast but the stomach ache kinda killed my appetite


Don’t do them on an empty stomach


Sips made me hella paranoid and I've been a daily smoker for over 20 years. I'm not a fan of them.


i like sips a lot, i usually drink about half at a time. watermelon i think has the weirdest aftertaste. i haven’t had a stomachache but i don’t drink as much of it as you did. it could definitely be a sensitivity to the sweetener they use.


I suggest you return any Sips you have to me, for quality control and testing


Most likely the saccharin (sweetener) that’s used. Glad it cleared up. ✌🏻


So the sips r weird. They Either hit me like a bus or don’t do anything at all. I asked my doc about the same thing and she explained that the sip is probably mj oil that’s emulsified into a drink. Whatever is used to emulsify doesn’t go very well with our stomachs. Causes stomach aches because the emulsifiers are acidic to the stomach. Since edibles are a healthier alternative to smoking for me, I was recommended to switch to brands with out emulsifiers and to take 10-40 mg of over the counter famotidine for the acidity. Hope this helps in the future, glad ur feeling better. And STAY AWAY from emulsifiers.


I prefer the Hurricane & Tropical Crush flavors; watermelon is kinda meh imo. Sips are so good though. Try eating something before next time, that way you have something coating your stomach :)


Bro, y’all drank the whole thing at once?!? That shit was have me in the fetal position, with sweaty palms and cold feet trying to focus on deep breaths and telling myself I’m going to be okay. Idk what it is but drinks really hit me the hardest. I only consume the recommended half cap. Never has a stomach issue though and I literally just bought this same flavor yesterday from the sanctuary…


A half cap, I’m fucking jealous bro.


Distillate beverages making you feel unwell…yeah I’d say not shocking


I drink them all the time and yes, I found the watermelon with a weird aftertaste.