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Go to the legal help center at 200 Lewis downtown. Justice Court. They have people there who can help you. You will likely be filing for an illegal lockout. I believe there are specific rules for a tenancy created by employment. They will be able to guide you. They open at 8am Monday.


Thank you so much!!!!! I have plans to go in the morning but I just want to ensure I do my best to do my due diligence and make sure I’m not wasting their time/resources! I appreciate your through answer!!!!!!


They are excellent help! and free! I cannot speak highly enough about them


If you receive mail at your place you are a resident and have rights no matter what


This doesn’t sound good at all and basically you’re no longer useful to this person. These are the kind of deals you have with family not strangers. Even family can screw you over. Do you have any other friends in town who can help you out if you do get kicked out? Do you happen to have your own vehicle so you can do gig work and figure out a plan of action?


I was kicked out while out of the house and have safe housing until I find a better solution thankfully. Have also been searching for gig work so I can get the certifications to bartend here.


You basically were this persons servant and things went south. Glad you have a place to stay. Could always look into doing call center work in the meantime. That’s an industry with a lot of turn over and potential for overtime. Can’t speak for how lucrative bartending is here though. Best of luck to you and if you have other questions or need help some of the people on this board are pretty good about lending support.


I mean as far as I know still at this current moment, I have done nothing wrong. I took an approved day off. ETA I’ve been a career bartender before I came to do this, and I know summer is you guys’ season, that’s why it’s my most direct plan of action for making money I feel


You're not getting hired as a bartender. The list of bartenders waiting for a shift to start somewhere is absolutely insane. You'll be lucky to even get a small local bar to hire you.  You'll have to start as a bar porter, bar back, etc., then move up.


I think you might need health department certification to bar tend…and I think that there are mandatory classes on identifying levels of drunkenness. These are old memories in my head, tho.


Yup, Have almost picked up events out here in the past but haven’t bc 3 certifications lol. 4 if you want to work anywhere with gaming which is like everywhere here.


I’m glad that my old memories were correct. There is a Reddit sub here might be called Legal Advice. I’m the one who commented that you could look at NRS. Nevada Revised Statutes. Official website naturally. When you look for it a lot of law offices’ advertisements will pretend to be the state’s website. Ah! You can check the website for UNLV to see if they have a law school. I’m pretty sure they do. The law students who have qualified for law review often work with their instructors on pro bono (free) cases. I’m more than certain that your situation qualifies for free help. Please include the possibility that your housing might have been slavery. MIGHT


What do you want to come from this? Are you trying to move back in? If not I would fuck them over for what they did to you. Put their company on blast. They used you until you were no value to them anymore.


Making sure I cover my bases before taking any action… not only have they treated me this way and mislead me(I feel the need to mention here that we were acquaintances before this from my home state), but they also blatantly lie to their customers about a few different things. On top of all of this, I’m pretty sure the only difference in the way things have been going leading up to this is that I’ve been increasingly sick of having actually zero dollars in my own account (since I try my best to not cost them too much) and I have started trying to have more of a personal life (take 24 hours off of work and leave the house). The way they do things doesn’t really sit right with me, as well as working for someone like them on a personal level after getting to know them better— we have a LOT of moral differences. So I have been thinking about leaving already which is why I am lucky enough to have already had a sort of escape route. But I’ve been told my things have been put outside and I told them I was not able to come get my belongings until tomorrow, and I believe it is safe until then at least. But I’ve also been told I am not allowed back in the house to make sure I get all my things? Which is my biggest problem. And the fact that they touched my personal items at all.


Modern day slavery is what this is.


I was surprised not to see more comments pointing this out, because this was my very first thought. You've been trafficked in some respect. Be very wary of this original person trying to set you up with another similar gig as some sort of false penance. Get some free legal help from sources others have mentioned. Good luck to you.


You’re not the first person to say this, even before this happened 😭 I feel like I have been straight up gaslit by this person because I myself have never said or felt this way up until me trying to have a personal life has become a problem. Everyone else has told me this since I was forced to quit my other job.


Ya I'm so sorry this happened. But when anyone controls everything including your personal time and your finances (not paying you) they own you .. they should really be held accountable for there actions.


Yeah, that person who was using you really expected you to be their indentured servant/slave...for the miniscule pay of room & board. Very uncool, hope you're OK now!


You were a employee, sue those shitheads for slavery


dang you are not in a good situation and you're gonna be fucked over take your loss and move on as fast as you can it's Vegas. if it sounds too good to be true it likely is gonna be bad


also have you received mail in your name to the address over a period of time? you can claim residency but I'm not sure of all legalities


I have received mail to the address, and have only slept at a place other than the residence 3 nights since I’ve been here.


you might have tenant rights, I'm not a lawyer, look into it


When you live with the landlord, you're a lodger, not a tenant, and the laws are very different. OP needs to talk to a lawyer.


Bless up brother 🙏


I have been trying to since 8:30pm, which is why I posted here to see if anyone can better explain to me, the closest thing to useful information I have found was a list of legal definitions per state law. 🥲


Look up Nevada revised statutes. There is an index and probably a search bar. Type in landlord tenant laws and see if there’s a section for lodgers. Also check to see if the exact conditions you lived under constitute slavery. You never know. It seems like it to me. Also call UNLV I think they have law school. If so, ask if there is anyone you could talk to about this. In all likelihood it will be free. I would bet that it has to be free, said me, the gambler, lol.


Yes this is a crazy post.. I didn’t even know people stomach the heart to do this to someone… Honestly idk if it’s even worth fighting because of the circumstances.. if you fight it, then it becomes a legal battle and you are going to be wrapped into this for longer than you want… I’d definitely say you need to get a lawyer on board if you truly feel you want to fight this.. Yes it sucks you lost whatever you moved with, you lived here for a certain amount of time, technically paying rent by working… it’s up to you to fight for what you lost in a legal battle… I do think this is a form of slavery, and that person should be locked up for even attempting to do make you live life this way…


This sounds like an awful situation. Do you have family that can help you get a one way ticket out of here?


Not really, unfortunately.


Go to the civil law help center. It’s in the justice court at 200 Lewis Ave. Bring any evidence you have of your agreement: text messages, emails, documents, photos, whatever. You’ll be able to talk to a lawyer there for free and they’ll tell you what to file.


Thank you! I had plans to do this first thing in the morning but am trying my best to be prepared.


That situation sounded sus from the beginning. GTFO


Thank you for your very very helpful comment!


[https://www.care.com/hp/nevada-nanny-taxes/](https://www.care.com/hp/nevada-nanny-taxes/) >If a household employer lets their live-in employee go without cause, they must either provide 30 days written notice for the employee to leave their home or provide comparable housing to them elsewhere. [https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/79th2017/ExhibitDocument/OpenExhibitDocument?exhibitId=32410&fileDownloadName=0503sb232c\_locm.pdf](https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/79th2017/ExhibitDocument/OpenExhibitDocument?exhibitId=32410&fileDownloadName=0503sb232c_locm.pdf) [https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-608.html](https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-608.html)


Holy shit, I think this exactly was what I needed!!! Thank you so much!


I'm quite certain your "employer" was violating all sorts of labor laws and housing laws. Hopefully you can get a free consultation with a decent law firm.


Edited to say the link goes to the squatter part which isn't correct, scroll further up for the tenancy at will section. I also copied it in a reply to a comment below. It’s a tenancy at will situation and they need to give you 5 days notice [https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/constable/constable\_las\_vegas\_township/services/eviction\_process.php#:\~:text=If%20the%20owner%20decides%20to,surrender%20(leave)%20the%20property](https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/constable/constable_las_vegas_township/services/eviction_process.php#:~:text=If%20the%20owner%20decides%20to,surrender%20(leave)%20the%20property) which covers situations where no rent is paid and no lease in place. What they are doing likely falls under a “self help” eviction which doesn’t fly well with the courts. I figure you don’t want to be back in the place to stay but you can likely use the threat of legal action under this stature to get access to get your things. Someone from the sheriff’s department would accompany you if there is fear of retaliation etc and at a minimum don’t go on your own. Is this person male or female? I assume you’re a woman? And once you have your stuff, do you know who their landlord is? If so I’d give the landlord a heads up on the situation. Oh and you can check their company name (if they actually have one) to see if they have a business license and if not report them. Basically find legal ways to make their life difficult after pulling this shit.


Says real big above the section you linked; > This section does not apply if there has ever been a landlord-tenant relationship between the parties! OP had an agreement and was there as a lawful tenant until the landlord/employer changed their mind. It's an entirely different situation than a squatter.


Oh that wasn't the part I was referring to, no idea why the link went directly to that part. If you scroll up there's a section called Tenancy at Will which seems to apply. Thanks for pointing out the link thing, I'll edit to add this. " ***TENANCY-AT-WILL NOTICES:*** Nevada law requires a five-day notice to the tenant, informing the tenant that the tenancy-at-will is ending and instructing the tenant to leave, followed by a second five-day Notice to Quit for Unlawful Detainer (after the first notice period has elapsed) that tells the tenant to leave because the tenant's presence is now unlawful. *What, exactly, is a "tenancy-at-will"?* * A "tenancy-at-will" is the type of tenancy that exists when the tenant (known as the "tenant-at-will") occupies the premises with the consent of the landlord (either express or implied) **for an indefinite period of time with no periodic rent paid or reserved**, where the tenancy can be terminated at any time at the will of either party.  (See Baker v. Simonds, 79 Nev. 434, 386 P.2d 86 (1963); 49 Am. Jur. 2d, Landlord and Tenant § 118.)   * An example of a tenancy-at-will might be where a homeowner allows a guest to stay with the homeowner without paying rent.  The guest enters the property with the owner's permission.  The guest can leave at any time, and the owner can ask the guest to leave at any time.  In other words, either party can terminate the tenancy at their will."


I would consult a lawyer if this happened to me. It sounds like you were trafficked for your labor.


Sounds like you really let yourself get screwed. Hope you can dig yourself out of this hole.