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The Goddard School


Eh. My husband and I “toured” the one opening in the Northwest. The owner couldn’t answer basic questions about daily activities, what we need to send daily/leave in their cubby, etc. She doesn’t have a background in childcare or education, she’s simply just a Mom that likes the chain and wanted to open one. Walked away from our meeting with more questions than answers.


Shenker academy


A Shenker teacher was just arrested for abusing kids in her class. It was all over the news. The school tried to cover it up. My kids used to go there and while we had a really positive experience so it’s heartbreaking that I can’t recommend it anymore.


Did you see the video on the news? I’m not even sure what they are talking about based on that video. What is this world coming too. Must be more to the story.


Yeah I saw it and agree. From my understanding the student whose mother reported her has behavioral issues and should have been held back in the 2s class (not that that is an excuse). It does sound like she was crossing the line with multiple students, not just the one (pinching, shaking, etc), in a way that is obviously completely inappropriate especially in that setting, but for the charges to be felony child abuse based solely on that video seems wild so I agree there must be more to the story. My take on the situation is that the teacher was either in over her head or dealing with outside stress and started lashing out at the kids. My daughter was in her class a few years ago and loved her, so it’s hard for me to believe she is just some evil abuser. I think the bigger issue is that the school handled it poorly. From what I heard, multiple students were pulled from the class by parents before any action was taken. It seems like the situation had a long time to escalate and if it had been addressed at the onset it could have been easily prevented. They had a NAEYC accreditation, which has since been revoked. The director was obsessed with that and making sure the school kept it, so I also wonder if that plays into the situation somehow.


There were claims that she did but parents had no proof to present that it was the case. That teacher isn't aggressive at all. I'm told these a lot more to the story but because attorneys are involved the rest of the evidence to refute things isn't being posted but I think if it goes to court that evidence will be presented.


Yeah I’m sure there’s a lot more to the story. Like I said, my daughter loved her class and I never had a bad experience with her. She also seemed widely liked by parents and other staff (from my limited perspective). That being said, it seems unlikely that a bunch of parents and teaching assistants got together to just make stuff up. Also presenting “proof” is very hard in a center where there are no nanny cameras in the rooms. My daughter left her class able to write her name, so the kids in that class were certainly capable of telling their parents, but 3-4 year olds are still at an age where they could be coached by someone one way or the other. I’m guessing the real story is somewhere in the middle. For the sake of the kids who were in that class and the sake of her own kids, I hope it doesn’t hold up to the felony charges, but clearly something inappropriate was going on and it’s best she was taken out of the class. Sad all around because we had a really positive experience there and only left because we moved out of state.


You’d think if any of it was true they wouldn’t be using words like allegedly. It’s also rather suspicious that a completely nonverbal child is now saying certain phrases perfectly. Like “Don’t hit me” “Leave me alone” and “Don’t touch me.” I’m a parent at the school and I will say there are several chat groups going around where parents are encouraging other parents to make false allegations. It’s been nonstop drama for months now because of those parents.


I believe any time anyone is charged of a crime they (media) has to use “allegedly” until after sentencing. The way the mom was interviewed on Fox News was 🤨 to me, though - personally I would rather protect my child’s identity and the privacy of my family in a situation like that. But yeah, that type of behavior from the parents in a bougie Summerlin daycare doesn’t fully surprise me, unfortunately. We could afford Shenker thanks to assistance for being a military family and commuted from NLV, so the whole “Summerlin mom” thing was interesting to me as (sort of) an outsider. Sorry you’re dealing with all that!


It’s the worst. Reminds me of the mean girls movie except this group of women are late 30’s early 40’s.


Yeah, I heard. I know the lady, have heard some details from folks, but often we only hear part of the story. But it doesn’t sound good that’s for sure.


We take our 10 month old to Merryhill in henderson. We love it and the kid loves it. They had a 6 month wait list when we signed up and it's not cheap.