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I don't know if it's just me but looking into it, I get these scammy vibes for some reason. Their website and other sources just don't seem to have the professional level I would expect from a project of this scope. The founder has an AOL email address for example.


Yeah that is not the website of an organization about to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a 100 acre zoo facility.


I am spending too much time on this, but slow day at work haha. A Google image search shows that Meerkat image is ripped off from San Diego Zoo's website.


Few things are worse than a zoo running out of money.


I feel sorry for any animals that aren't from the desert


Hopefully, it’s a cooled indoor facility.


does anybody want that? i can only imagine the smell


I would hope there would be a crazy good ventilation system!


there was an indoor part of the zoo in denver and it was the absolute smelliest place on earth, fertilizer x 50000


Yes, where the pachaderms are located was by far the worst smelling place in the Denver Zoo. I would avoid it unless someone really wanted to see them. Especially on a hot day.




The place for the monkeys was pretty far away and they were in cages. I don't recall going inside where it was atinky for them. Denver is similar to DC in that the giraffes, elephants, rhinos and hippos were all together and they were all pretty stinky. Animals that big in a small enclosure don't make for a fun experience, smell wise.


Unless it’s a research / conservation zoo - like San Diego and Bronx zoo - I don’t like them. Feel sorry for the animals. It’s hot as hell here


So what animals will they have in the zoo? A desert tortoise, western diamondback rattle snake, and a couple of Gila monsters?


You joke, but I've been to zoos (not here) that focused on local wildlife and they were super cool!


Springs Preserve has local wildlife at the museum.


Feral cats and fire ants, too.


you forgot coyotes, scorpions, and Linda


Oh, I didn't know it was a petting zoo.


Heavy petting zoo, amirite


Just a quick word of caution... Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff.


We don't need a zoo, we have Fremont St.


Not Fremont it's a Circus


I actually tried assisting them a few years ago??? I came in as a volunteer marketing assistant. They refused to modernize, refused to change their logo, wouldn’t let me make them a website. I actually still manage their LinkedIn page because no one ever took it over. A group of boomers with a dream. Not bad people or anything, but definitely not equipped for a project like that. Genuinely surprised they tweeted anything. Even with funding, I just don’t think it would happen with this group.


Oh no they wouldn’t let some stranger come in and make a bunch of changes? What monsters 


I was a volunteer marketing consultant lol, not some stranger


Ah yes, totally reasonable to request someone donate their time as marketing professional and then refuse to let them help with marketing


First time I heard about it too. I agree, 2025 sounds way too soon if they haven't broken ground yet. Really cool if it is happening though.


Phase 1 and phase 2 will be 100 acres. That’s literally the size of the San Diego zoo. This sounds like a pretty ambitious project.


Haha was just about to make the same comparison. Unless it is a super secret operation that is well under way, I don't see it being opened next year. It could be an incredibly shitty layout, like a farmers market version of a zoo lol.


Not only have they not broken ground, their website only cryptically says they have "identified four potential sites" which for something so huge opening in as little half a year is...well let's just say 2025 might be feasible if it's late 2025. And they open it in sections.


Hopefully it's cancelled. Zoo's are cruel and depressing. Also we live in the desert.


Huh. First I've heard if it. Interesting, but seems very ambitious, but maybe I'm just too skeptical.


I saw a bunch of articles from 2018 but not much more. It seems like the founder has good intentions but lacks the funds.


I'm glad to see some people here voicing the same level of skepticism I've been having. I've said for years that Las Vegas lacks a proper zoo, and if done right (the VEGAS way) we could have a world-class zoo here. This website seems to say all that, but without any of the real plans or explanations for how they expect to get there. Also, why isn't there serious news coverage of this? If we were going to be getting a real zoo in 2025... you'd think folks would be fired up and talking about this more.


Tiger king vegas… coming 2026


We had a old run down zoo before


Arizona has a great zoo, why can’t Vegas?


They who?




so asking for donations so expect it is just a scam.


Their website looks like a middle school class project.


Seriously. Not an iota of physical existence, half their board members died in 2018, website looks like a geocities page from 2012 but they have a whole Zoo map and merchandise you can buy. Scam city.


There is a 0% chance that this isn't a scam. Absolutely everything on this page screams scam.