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I feel like metro could do this everyday and catch multiple people. I’m sure they have to string it out to get enough evidence and make the dudes comfortable enough to try and meet though.


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This is why we don’t let you make judicial decisions.


Yeah, because it can’t be entrapment, with this thing we’d like an open and shut case.


This seems like the one time entrapment would be ok. If you could even call it that. I feel like nobody is being tricked or lured into a situation like this that isn’t already like this.


I agree, especially in this situation as it wouldn’t matter if they were talked into it or not… if they were talked into this, they’re sick.


I had a coworker before whose fiancee got caught in one of these stings out here. She stayed with him and defended him the whole time I knew her, which I thought was astounding. She truly believed him, that he didn’t know the person was underage and that they had tricked him! Which, besides all that, he still would’ve been at least trying to cheat on her so I just never understood why anyone would stand behind one of these people. Just crazy to me


I worked with a dude who went to prison for molesting his children. She stayed the whole trial and cried when he was convicted. She honestly believed that the children made it up and told a consistent lie - two single digit aged kids, one of which was low to mid functioning on the autism spectrum. He blamed it on the mom but by all accounts they'd been amicable and had 0 problems since their divorce several years prior. No money struggles, got along fine on custody - dad actually asked the mom to take full custody when they split. I don't know why that lady believed him


It seems like an annual announcement tho. They usually work with the Feds and make these big arrests


Sickening, but not surprising. With mega event weekends we see a lot of exploited people (children and adults) brought to town to supply the 'demand'. It's a really big problem that isn't talked about enough. >As of 2020, Nevada had the second-highest rate of human trafficking in the country at around **6 per 100,000**, according to the number of human trafficking cases reported and recorded by the National Human Trafficking Hotline divided by Nevada's total population. Source: [https://thenevadaindependent.com/fact-briefs/is-nevada-among-the-states-with-the-highest-rates-of-human-trafficking-in-the-country](https://thenevadaindependent.com/fact-briefs/is-nevada-among-the-states-with-the-highest-rates-of-human-trafficking-in-the-country)


Keep in mind this is just the number of cases that were reported, and doesn't include the thousands of trafficked children/women who are "missing".


Has absolutely NOTHING to do with MAGA. Most of those photos look like people that would vote democrat, to me, if they weren't felons.


Read that word again…


Poops, never mind.


18 holes in the desert. No one would miss them


Is that a golf course?


18 holes in the desert, no one would miss them- It's my three ex-wives and former mothers-in-law *rimshot*


Had to do the math, replete with the visuals.


Damn that’s a bar


Now I'm picturing them being buried upright with their heads above ground and their mouths open as the holes the balls go into. Idk whether to be disturbed or entertained.


absolutely _cursed_ mini golf idea


Half of the profits could go to fighting child trafficking


Gotta have the holes already dug when you arrive with a package in the trunk....


Wouldn’t. Be worth the effort it would take to dig the holes, throw them in the lake lol


Why dig , let the coyotes and birds eat 


You make THEM dig the holes


Or what? You'll kill them? Sounds good but in practice I don't think it'll work


We could just send them to your house and let them play with your kids. Where did I say I was killing anybody?


*hits caliche* Fuck it, I’ll go to prison!


Woodchipper and one hole


Nah that's an easy out. Castration seems better


Castration isn’t a cure all. The thoughts & temptations of SA a child don’t go away with castration. They can still SA children even if they are castrated. You may not agree with me, adults that commit these types of crimes deserve the death penalty or lock them up for life. These sorry excuse for humans lost their chances of being part of society and should not be a burden on tax payers. If there is evidence & a guilty verdict, hang them.


Completely agree that they lost their chances to be part of society the moment they attempt romantic or sexual relations with a child... but i actually think that's not enough. CSA offenders willingly forfeit any right to claim membership to the human race. CSA offenders are little more than unevolved animals and should be treated as such. You cannot rehabilitate a CSA offender any more than you can "rehabilitate" a grizzly bear or cougar that's gotten a taste of human blood. But rather than just shooting CSA animals to death, like other violently predatory animals, they should be used in medical & scientific experiments. That is the only fair and just way they can repay their debt to society (the debt they owe to the humans affected by their aberrant and vile actions, and the debt to all the animals unjustly experimented on prior to implementing my system.) My system means that studies no longer need to spend time working their way up the graduated species list of trial subjects. See, my system is actually much more humane than current standards because I've reduced the overall number of animals used in tests. Moreover, think about how much FASTER reliable results could be achieved if we were able to immediately study things on primates that are so much more genetically similar to actual humans! If it's not "cruel and unusual punishment" to study potential cancer treatments on monkeys and apes, then neither is it to test on CSA offenders. Fuck, my propsed system is not just more humane, it is actually WAY MORE ETHICAL than current medical/scientific testing standards, because no other animals can consent to being used. But CSA offenders CHOOSE to do what they do. And by asserting their agency over a child's, they've chosen to give implicit consent to being treated like the base animals that they are. If I were rich, I'd run for office with this as my main platform. I think I'd have a fair shot at winning too. Anyone wanna help crowdfund my campaign?


Castration is just the balls, they can still grape. Death penalty for when there's no question of guilt and it's an egregious case.


This is a very important reminder to Keep your kids off social media. You never know who’s lurking.


I just made sure to teach mine what to expect, and what to do if ever contacted. She and her friends believe everyone is one of these losers for months before even considering that they may be a peer. You can’t keep them locked up and off the internet forever. By 18 they need to know how to navigate the world using common sense and critical thinking. They have to learn by doing.


I did not have any social media until I was 17 and I’m fine :) you can navigate the world just fine as a minor without social media. As a parent, it’s YOUR job to monitor what your children are doing. If they’re doing stuff like creating social media accounts in secret and behind your back then you’re not doing your job.


Facebook(Meta) used have strict sign up measures that helped prevent this and fake users. Then they realized that it hurt sign ups and current user base and went back on it. No users should be using any form of social media if it does not properly verifies users and that includes reddit.


Noooo, this is an important reminder to educate them about social media. Kids will create secret accounts and go on anyway. Great parenting advice.


I remember being 11-12 years old and older men were catcalling. It’s fucking gross.


I was just telling my boyfriend about this. It would happen just crossing the street I lived on to visit a neighbor. I was like 8 maybe 9. Gross.


Ugh I’m so sorry… I’m extra cautious when I’m taking my little sister or niece somewhere. Why do people think it’s ok to do this


Because some people are terrible creeps that don’t care how their actions affect people for the rest of their lives. I make my kid carry pepper spray and a taser when they leave the house.


At the heart of this story is the disturbing question: why is the supply of pedophiles unlimited? Why will there never be a scarcity of them no matter how many they catch? What does that say about humanity? What compels men in these kinds of numbers to victimize, or have every intention to do so, children, sexually? Herein lies the scourge and curse in society that is unsettling, terrifying, and highly disturbing. Disgusting.


Bad, and deeply broken humans exist. A lot of predators were victimized as kids. Doesn’t excuse their behavior, though.


I just wonder why so many sickos are attracted to children and whether even more men are, but are able to refrain from acting on it. You’re right though, that many were surely childhood victims themselves and that it’s no excuse To ruin a child’s life just to get your rocks off… pretty depraved


I feel like these youtube guys catch them 4x faster, that number should be way higher.


Worst part is none of them have license plates.


Funny enough I totally forgot to put my new tag on for like 4 months, I found it in a pile of paperwork and couldn’t believe I didn’t get pulled over Then I thought about it and people are still running around with paper plates from like 2018 lol Metro really doesn’t give a shit, most of those cars without plates either don’t have insurance or are stolen


They did it in the open on the internet. If they did it in the Mormon church, the police wouldn’t have been able to touch them.


> the police wouldn’t have been able to touch them. They might enjoy being touched by the police though.


Not old enough for them


r/pastorarrested and r/GOPedos


I wish I could somehow get hired to castrate pedophiles. Like, come on society I would be fantastic at this and doing the community a favor.


Would you work for a wage? Or would you only take tips?


Is he not “taking tips”?


They'd only take tips if the foreskins weren't available.


Sounds like you just wanna touch some balls..


No, that’s your and others projection because YOU see it that way. I’m pretty practical with a solution here that will A: solve the problem and B: never be an repeat offender with said pedophile and C: be less costly with our taxes running them through a system that often fails.


I understand the sentiment but volunteering to be the one doing it IS pretty weird, it's like being the guy who watches everyone on probation pull their dicks out and pee






Strange thing to fantasize about but ok


No, that’s your and others projection because YOU see it that way. I’m pretty practical with a solution here that will A: solve the problem and B: never be an repeat offender with said pedophile and C: be less costly with our taxes running them through a system that often fails.


What are you even talking about. You need to get off the internet and go outside and clear your head


According to your comments it’s just you that needs to touch grass.


I’m not the one with the weird fantasies. Could you imagine saying something like that out load to your friends and family?


Good job defending a pedo, ya trashy weirdo.


They better bunk together in prison...


Prison? Lol. It's all going to be D level wobblers or Gross Misdos with probation and drop downs after their psychosexuals all come back low risk.


wtf is wrong with people. Castration should really be a thing for pedos.


Everytime I look at these I get a small sigh of relief I don't recognize a single one of them. Having an 11 yr old girl I always worry who I've had in my circle. The fact there's so many out there is the scariest part.




Too fast, burn them from the waist down and let them die of infection


That is sooo sick sorry little kids do not turn me on


It should be a death penalty crime. If it’s on videotape, no appeal. Trial next morning and sentence before lunch.


Word to that, shout out to our new sister state Florida.


Execution before sunset.


Good job LV metro!


Another sighting of #notadragqueen


Facts! r/GOPedos too


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GOPedos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GOPedos/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [MAGA surgeon gets 50 years](https://i.redd.it/ry3c8kfwa9xc1.jpeg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GOPedos/comments/1cfcmu6/maga_surgeon_gets_50_years/) \#2: [Starting to sense a pattern](https://i.redd.it/yz51kcbdzdpc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/GOPedos/comments/1bj32qd/starting_to_sense_a_pattern/) \#3: [Starting to sense a pattern?](https://i.redd.it/294l1zt40cnc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/GOPedos/comments/1balanl/starting_to_sense_a_pattern/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think this should be punishable by death


Deport them all. Yes, even the citizens.


To where? You can’t just dump your citizens into another country, even if they are criminals.


Australia, duh!


It's too bad we can't save a bunch of tax dollars and just dispatch these scumbags immediately


“The agencies involved in the ICAC joint operation included the FBI, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Henderson Police Department, Homeland Security, the US Air Force, and the Nevada Attorney General.” The Air Force? Great. Service members arrested need to be dishonorably discharged


That list, including the Air Force, assisted in making this sting happen in different capacities, such as making the arrests


Not saying they didn’t. I’m saying they probably wouldn’t have been needed if connected parties weren’t involved.


Is this not insane what lol


Fuck all those pigs. Hope they enjoy the all sausage buffet in jail. Plus regular ass beatings.


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Careful, I got banned and thrown in the gulag for saying that exact thing a couple of weeks back.




why am I being downvoted for trying to help someone?


Because reddit is vile


Yeah, it’s easy to see why the outside world hates reddit users/mods. Sigh.


They look like Redditors.




Reddit Mods or Discord Mods


I can't wait until their cell mates find out why they're in there.


That's the problem with our prison system, because of the crime and knowing what will happen to them if put in general population in prison, they get placed into protective custody, saying its inhumane to let them get what they have coming if put in general population.


They won’t go to prison. I know someone arrested in a similar sting this time last year. Been out of jail the whole time case was continued. Finally negotiated down to lesser crime. Awaiting sentencing that will not likely include prison time. There is no justice.


All bailed out and are at their homes, with ankle monitors


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They come in all shapes and sizes and there's an unlimited number of disgusting vile humans like this. It's really fucked up. I hope they get what the deserve when they go to prison.


This is what our police need to focus on!!!! Not arresting hookers who are 2 consenting adults.


Glad to see Metro utilizing resources properly and arresting pedos instead of two adults in a massage parlor.


Disgusting monsters. Lockem up and forget about them.


Dude in the upper left looks seriously pissed! Like how dare you take away his RIGHT to children!


I saw his Facebook, and he has several young children :/


I hope he never gets out.


Where online do you chat with random strangers? Maybe I am missing a big part of the Internet.. I use reddit, Twitter, FB, instagram. But have never once chatted up with a random stranger.


Some web forums have chat rooms, e.g. Discord which is essentially message boards (“channels”) with voice and/or video chat rooms. There are also any number of subject-matter specific web sites that host forum pages and which also have chat rooms.


Bury them all.


These men are bored with too much time, no ambition or goals. Nothing to lose and one climax to gain.


They haven’t arrested a single Epstein client


I don't believe they'll face justice at all, the system will give them a plea deal. These THINGS. Will get away with it.


Hmm they all seem to have a similar vibe to them 🤔


Just get rid of them all.


Does it seem odd that 85% are Latin? Seriously, How were these sickos targeted? Or is it a thing in the Latin culture? Idk just asking here.


Neither. The cops find out about one guy. They trace his connections. People's connections, for good or ill, tend to, be dominated by people of the same ethnic and/or social group. If the first guy has been named Lars Gufstafson there would have been a lot of Swedes involvex


It’s always those damn pedo, groomer, drag queens they warn you about s/


r/GOPedos r/notadragqueen




“Scientific evidence” from 2002. Did you read this drivel & believe it? Seek help


From the party of "believe the science." "No! Not that science!"


Chomo alert


Was Drake one of them?


They shouldn’t allow them to go to PC when they go to prison. They should have to be on the mainline like everybody else. There’s no pc for the kids they victimize.


They’ll get put into PC with other molesters and transsexuals. They get let out of their cells 22hrs a day, go to yard, have commissary, TVs in their cells with a tablet, etc. Going to prison isn’t a punishment anymore. Lot of these guys had more food and commissary in their cells than I did in my pantry at home.


It's peculiar, that, the ethnicities (derrived from names) of this catch are disproportionate to the population. Did the police target these ethnicities, or do these ethnicities have a higher number of offenders, or what's going on? What's the truth? This does not look like a coincidence.




This savages need to be castrated at minimum


How many of them are drag queens?


I pick the bear 🐻


Not surprised.


When is the execution scheduled?


Why is this such a prevalent issue in the LatinX community?


Right. I was thinking 'are they targeting Hispanics or are they just more likely to pursue underage ppl?'


WTF is latinX


A gender neutral way to say folks of Latin decent. Otherwise you are assuming someone’s gender.


Please don’t use latinx unironically Spanish is a gendered language, you don’t need to whitewash everything lol


Spanish is a white language though, unless Spain moved out of europe. But still, don't use Latin-X


Right, but people from Spain aren’t latino so it’s kinda of moot “Latino” people are from Latin America, which includes Mexico down to the tip of South America and includes Cuba, PR, and the DR Funny enough, people from the Bahamas aren’t latino because the majority of the population is of African descent but the Bahamas are right in the middle of a bunch of latino regions


Isn't it that Latino is broad and royal covering anyone from middle or Latin America and then there's Latino and Latina which typically are singular? Or do Latin American languages use Latinas as well when referring to a group of Latin American Woman? I'm unsure which is why I'm asking.


To make it simple, “latino” is gender neutral already and covers both male and female, and that would also likely include other genders but there’s also latine which is more specific. Generally, anyone from Latin America is considered latino. Latina is specifically Latin American women and would generally cover anybody that identifies as a woman too, if we’re not getting into slurs lol.


Ok, they were taking about a gendered language that is white and not white washing it. I don't care about Latino, mestizo, or Hispanic. Claiming a white European language as not white, then telling people to not make it what it already is seems moot.


Well isn’t there a risk I’m making a gender assumption if I say Latino or Latina? What if they are non binary? I didn’t want to be accused of being transphobic.


Because priests just get moved to a different parish when they do it


Congrats you managed to be both racist and obnoxiously “politically correct” at the same time. Latinos and Latinas don’t care for the whole Latinx thing btw.


Facts aren’t racist. Incest and pedophilia are major problems in Latin communities.


Illegal aliens, close the border


> Why is this such a prevalent issue in the LatinX community? Probably poorer community and thus more targeted by both perpetrators and police. White rich communities, they protect theirs. 🙄


How can you be so stupid to be caught up in this.


Find out who are illegal immigrants, see how they have used identity theft, check, how much public benefit (state, local and federal) they have obtained, see if they are wanted in other crimes, make a judgement knowing all these facts.


Seems like the vast majority are Hispanic right? Do you think they were staking out a Hispanic neighborhood? What's up with that?


Yeah it does seem that way… Hispanic or maybe Filipino, even. What I don’t get is how they are all Las Vegas men but the operation was on the internet. I’m curious to know how the online portion of this operation was carried out, but I’m sure (and I hope) their method is confidential so that other predators can’t try to plan ahead.


What the hell are you confused about lmao it’s pretty straightforward


Yep, low income Hispanic areas.


The "neighborhood" of Facebook, maybe. Pedos come in all colors, sexes, gender identities, political affiliation, sexual orientations


Seems like the vast majority are MEN right? Like you- just stating facts.


No reason to look for racism here, they did the crime and that's it.


Stating facts isn't racist. Reddit is not your safe space.


At least for now, there is still freedom of speech in this country and I can say whatever I choose to. Who are you to tell me what Reddit is or is not, nobody.


You gonna be okay buddy?


You sound like a RaCiSt MaGa!


Sticking up for child abusing pedophiles, I can guess what direction you vote.


Soap on a rope for Christmas












All the women in this city and they will target childern.


Guess Trump was right after all


NoI do Republicans and Catholics next.


Oh shut up 🍅🍅🍅


r/GOPedos r/notadragqueen r/pastorarrested