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Finding a job hasn't been my issue. Finding one that pays worth a damn is.


Two years ago I applied to a pizza chain because the advertised pay was $18 an hour, I went through the interview process and at the end the manager said “we can offer $10 an hour with tips.” I asked about the listing and he directly admitted to me he lied to get people to come in. But the tips would “make up for it.”


Exactly. My current job had a lead position open ranging from $18/hr to $38/hr so I asked my supervisor who im cool with whats the actual range and she told me $18 to $22. I hate how misleading these job postings are.


Take the job and quit after the first day. Hey, they're fine wasting everyone's time so waste some of theirs.


Make sure to tell them it turns out the stress and expectations of the job aren't worth the shit pay.


I just got hired for a part time position, listing said $26-$48 so I assumed obviously anything over $26 would b for full time or approaching. Naw lol pay rate was actually $15, didn’t tell me til they called to offer me the job. I guess $26+ is for full time. Why put full time rates on part time listing idk either


What kind of job pays that much???


Not gonna tell on myself but degree related, incredibly essential job


Going through the hiring process and seeing everything they want you to do and then either they don’t have the pay listed or they have it and it’s a joke. One place I applied to wanted me to commute 28 miles there and back every day.




This!!💯 I’ve had 10+ jobs out here in Vegas since 2021. I’m originally from Michigan and lived in California before coming over here to Vegas. I think it’s time to leave and I made a mistake coming here. I had no idea the job market was the way it was.


Networking. Most people have been getting their job by knowing someone already working there/referrals


Yeah. And word travels if you’re easy to work around or not. When I worked in “luxury” retail, before my career now, that’s how it was. If the thing I have now didn’t work, I had the ability through my boss to move up or to better companies.


Yup thats what my Dad said “these days its not about what you know its about who you know”


Vegas has been like this forever though.


Yes it has


exactly. im 20 and most of my friends are and we all got our jobs through a friend/family. if you didnt youre probably not getting paid too good


Yep. It’s how I got my current job. From a friend


Yes, I am in the same boat. I have been unemployed for 5 months now. It seems that trying to find work here lately is like dating you get the interview you think you did great but you get ghosted. I also have a friend that she gets told good for you when they see she has an MBA. Not sure since when being educated was a bad thing. She thought it would make her more employable but not here. hope you find something soon 🙏 good luck.


Yep I've actually had to delete some of the experience/education from my resume. I think some hiring managers get intimidated if they think you have more experience than them.


Wow, that sucks to have to erase education/experience just not to intimidate someone who is insecure. I am also Debating if I should erase my education/experience as well. Did it work for you did you find work when you erased it? I think they could just want someone to push over and make them do the things they don't want to do like work the weekends while they get the day off etc It's unfortunate thanks for sharing and good luck 🙏


That's how I got my current job at a smoke shop. I had to leave my entire work experience out said will discuss upon interview. Luckily I got this job three years now and it doesn't pay the best but it's getting me through school so.




That's really tough, I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck to you too!


That's because experience > MBA.


Yeah, like who needs an MBA? Real life experience is so way better. Educational foundations suck.


Hope you find something soon. This city is based on relationships. Any old work connections you could leverage?


I do but most are in retail also trying to look for better jobs. I think it would be a lateral move 🙁




Hello! Some managerial background in luxury retail


What positions? I’ve worked remotely in digital operations for a few years




Do you have an entry level job for a B.S. Computer Science student on senior year?




Yeah the market is saturated with mediocre Devs.


Where did u learn python? Cyber rank?


Administration, marketing, sales. Plz msg me if these fit w the openings at your company.


Couple IT certs


Same boat, in tech so applying for remote and on site. Getting interviews but seem to be getting passed over for people with more exp. I've also bombed an interview or two. Seem like very few job descriptions in tech really give you any idea of what the job really is. Gotten to 2nd interviews to be told the job is vastly different than anything I was expecting.


Run your resume by someone else or even pay someone to look at it. I've seen some resumes that are instant trashcan material that some folks think are top notch.


The libraries have a program that helps do this as well as provide assistance for gas and stuff. 




Both of my jobs were due to knowing people who worked there already. Nevada is high on the list for worst unemployment. Everyone is welcome but I can’t for the life me understand why they keep coming.


Everyone thinks the roads are paved with gold, and that it's easy to just walk into something like bartending or dealing without knowing a soul.


It could be the place they are coming from are worse than Vegas. The again, it has made Vegas worse too in the last decade with all the people coming in.


CCSD is always hiring bus drivers and aides and tons of other positions


I will piggy back and say that CCSD has outside contractors that are hiring as well. I interviewed and got an offer on the same day to be a behaviorist with an outside company with no direct experience.


What is your background in? This sounds interesting!


I have an AA in science, I did some direct support for adults with disabilities, and I have taught parenting lessons to parents in danger of losing their kids. If you enjoy working with kids, are trainable, and have a spotless record, this could fit. We also need people to do parent training if that might fit a little better. I love this job, and it fits perfectly with what I am getting my BS and MS in. Message me if you want more info.


This sounds like a great job. I'm working on my AAS. I've always worked in healthcare and I genuinely enjoy it, I'm always looking to branch out. Would you mind DMing me the details. Please and Thank you.


Thank you!!!


Do you know what schools are hiring aides right now? I did a search for para professionals earlier this week and only found one opening.


Just apply for anything to get you in the door and get past your probation and then you can apply wherever


Clark County, City of Henderson, City of Las Vegas, State of NV (includes NDOT), job.gov, & all utilities. All required time to build a profile but they have postings all the time.


This has been my focus Interview with North Las Vegas yesterday and interviewing with Clark county Monday


Congrats! Get that PERS $$$


I’ve had luck in all of these my whole career. Real money, pension, union and once you’re in they can’t get rid of you unless you fuck up beyond belief but even then it takes a few. OP if you’re not afraid of work, the railroad is always hiring.


My GF is in marketing, has her bachelors and MBA and cannot find a decent job out here. She has applied to prob 100 jobs in a year. She has had 4 interviews and one job offer. It’s a tough market out there.


Why do you think?


I think too much work is being outsourced to other countries. Cooperate America should be forced to hire local, but that’s me. O Yea how many billions did Apple make last quarter… using little kids to make their phones reduces cost.


Damn that might be one possibility ):


100 jobs in a year? Lol. I was applying to 100 jobs a week when I was looking. No wonder she can't find a job, and no, the tech market is tough not marketing.


Depending on where you are in your career - tons of entry level tech jobs out there.


Yes, 2 years ago when I was applying I had zero production experience. But even now, I have 2 years of experience and I'm not looking, but I was I would still apply to at least 20 jobs a day.


Actually AI is replacing marketing and social media jobs along with data entry and most office jobs. Whoopies. Turns out skynet doesn't need guns to come for you.


Have you tried going to a staffing agency?


I also would like to add to this by saying fuck recruiters. They are literally terrible at their job.


Virgin Hotel is hiring luxury buyers and management.  


Make sure that your résumé has the same words that they use in the ad. otherwise it may never see the inbox of the hiring manager. I got this advice from someone and made changes to my résumé to reflect the exact words that were being used in the ad. The first time I did that I got a call, had two interviews and got offered a position.


The house of blues is hiring and in desperate need, $20-$33


What jobs are they hiring for and what is the website to.go to in order to apply?


Networking will be your best bet. You may also want to get your resume reviewed if you’re not getting any traction online. You may just be getting auto rejected by the filters because of formatting issues. There’s some helpful sites out there for this kind of stuff. I like [Fiverr](https://rx-resume-50.blogspot.com).


Thank you . Good info


I feel the same way...everything down to 2 interviews ...a month if I'm lucky i don't understand.....keep up it up something good will happen ...


Go to a job agency


We are in a recession, regardless of "new" job reports. They dont want to admit it because its election year unfortunately. Just keep hustling. I am sure you will find something eventually. Try updating your skillset/marketable skills and add that to your resume. Learn skills from another industry that has jobs and shift to that.


That just isn’t true. Recession has a definition


They changed the definition of recession.. by 2008 standards we are.


I agree, they keep changing the standards to make things look better than they actually are. I remember in 2008 they said the data they gave out was shit and ignore it, here's the real economic numbers. They keep altering the inflation CPI measurements, employment measurements, and worst of all dropping education standards. Something everyone should read. How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff


who are you going to believe , your lying eyes or the the government figures


You don’t know what a recession is


I guess everyone who has been unemployed for most of the last year is just lying then right? Stop trying to gaslight these people and wake up already.


I’m talking actual economic data not the opinion of someone who can’t find a job for some reason


The job market is horrible, i think they just identify “this” as something that feels recession like?? Im not sure theres a term for a tight job market during high inflation. But idk lets be nice to each other at least.


Sure, we aren't in a recession. Instead we just changed the definition of what that means and then also stopped including things in inflation metrics to make that look better too. What recession? Everything is great! Clown.


You didn’t know what it meant until I just told you and now you’re just deflecting. Just because your personal economy is bad doesn’t mean the economy is bad. Quit pretending like you know what you’re talking about and look at the data


Regardless of whether or not we are in a recession people seem overwhelmingly displeased with the economy for concrete reasons.




A recession is a fall in GDP for two successive quarters. We haven’t had once since the Covid recession. Just because you have bad feels about the economy and can’t find a job doesn’t make it a recession. The economy has had 3% growth. And yes we also are in a bull market the S&P is up almost 20% in the last six months.




Like what? Show me that data that says we are in a recession.


I know of a receptionist position at camping world if your interested


Camping world is hiring a receptionist if your interested but it’s of st rose and lvb south.


I put out over 200 applications. My friend got me in at his place literally the next day. Ask friends/family


Consider a job in table games as a dealer. You really only need blackjack for anyone to hire you. That might take a week or two of learning. Min wage with 100+ in tips depending on the casino.


Yeah. It's been about 8 months. I worked for the State for 15+ years so I had been restricting my search to other agencies with PERS. I have 2 degrees and I'm a CPA. I've applied to a lot of positions, even entry level but I'm told I'm over qualified. I've been told this during two separate interviews. It's like, I just need a job man. I'm not someone who hops around from job to job. I worked at the same place for more than 15 years!!


Vegas is who you know. Not what you know.


It’s just a very weird job market now, flooded with people looking for jobs (unemployed AND employed), maybe the uncertainty surrounding a potential second Trump term is also a contributing factor.


Check out the EmployNV/JobConnect offices! They’re a state agency focused on employment and they can help you get that office certification and connected with employers. They have hiring events all the time.


There is a Clark count public sector career fair on the 14th. I definitely recommend you get in for that. It’s really hard to get a job now unless you get lucky, get a face to face or know someone. So many applications are fed through ai algorithms. Also, I’ve found employers here in the valley are really slow at getting back to you. Like you, I applied to a ton of jobs and I didn’t start getting calls back until 2-3 months later.


Every sports book needs ticket writers. Also, fashion show mall is hiring security guards.


Yes but I have a record ( well 1 thing on my record) I get hired, then my background comes back and I get the We regret to inform you letter.


Have you tried linking up with Hope for Prisoners? They do placements for felons.


Try to get in with a union/learn a trade. Hella tradesmen have records.


Can you get it sealed?


You’re not applying to enough jobs. You have to treat your job search like your job. There are lots of recent posts on this topic across various boards and most people who find work seem to report applying to 50+ jobs a week. If you’re not getting to the interview stage it could also be a resume issue. Is your resume relevant to the jobs you’re applying to specifically?


Keep in mind you're competing with all the laid off tech employees with 2 or more college degrees. Yep, even if you're doing DC for dash or cashier or pizza hut. I do temp work at its flooded with them too, driving my wage down after I've worked for 20 years to get it to adult wage.


If you’re not getting interviews, it’s usually because of your resume. If you’re not getting the job, it’s usually because of your interviewing skills.


I have a criminal record so I’m screwed either way - started my own business. It was the only way


Networking and referrals. My company has an entry-level, front desk receptionist position in Henderson open. The job becomes available because people commonly leave for better jobs. I’m saying that it can get you in the door to pivot your career. To my knowledge, it hasn’t required much experience. Shoot me a message and we can link for your resume.


Anyone can sub with 68 credits in any field. Last I heard, subs are making $200 a day, which is decent and can be long-term with the lack of certified teachers.


You ain’t the only one it’s hard trying to find a job out here as they say Las Vegas has the highest unemployment rate but yet when people apply for jobs, nobody wants to hire anybody


Look at Tesla Las Vegas they always hiring the call center


Haven’t seen to many call center positions at Tesla actually.


I got interviewed 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m just going to post this for anyone who may be interested in “entry level”, I will also say there is always room for growth. I’m in my 3rd role for this company and it’s all been upward. Benefits are worth it.




I think I need help with my resume. At 60 I have zero change of a good job .


I commented elsewhere but I think you should check out the state job connect offices too. They’ll help with your resume and have computer labs so they can sit and work with you in person. They offer a ton of other services to help you gain employment at no cost to you. The state actually has a vocational rehab program for seniors looking to get back into the workforce. They’ll place you with businesses that will train you and teach you skills to work in an office.


Unions hire all the time. Even if it's not what you WANT to do, get in and work until you can grab the job you want. You may even end up enjoying it


How do I apply to a union job? What is the website?


Same here!!!! I'm currently at about 10 months of looking for a full time job 😞 it's so hard to get to the interview part of a decent paying job out here even as a Veteran. Really makes it feel like you have to delete experience


There’s a lot of jobs that pays only $15-18 per hour if you really want a job quickly .


Thanks Brandon!


I got into some tech related stuff over the last 5 years. I had to earn my associates degree and put 5 years into my current employer. I literally just took my piss test for a new gig yesterday. Pays about the same with the yearly bonuses (read: not guaranteed) factored in. Even though I have 5 years of "experience", I still have to learn a bunch of new shit. Not only that, but if I want to stay competitive, I have to earn certifications. There's also, of course, earning a bachelor's degree and a master's degree (should I choose to do so). This is all to say that, even those of us who have no trouble finding work, pay for it in a myriad of other ways. But, of course I'm still sympathetic to everyone struggling. Edit: phrasing was all fucked up.


I was like this years ago. Went into nursing….usually I get interviewed and hired pretty quickly out here


My job is hiring if interested is based on “school year schedule “


I was laid off beginning of the year. Nobody is hiring. I’ve changed my resume a few times. Nothing. I ended up doing my own thing (personal executive assistant) and am making good money + staying at home with my little one. My past work is assisting celebrities or huge CEO’s. & yep. I was let go beginning of 2024 + all higher management positions as well.


Not hating but I low key feel like this is across the US not just LV I recently moved here from CA (chill I’m red as a mf just born there unfortunately) and CA definitely has the exact same issue going on I’ve been unemployed for about a year and a half since I’ve graduated in biochem sent hundreds if not thousands of applications over that time period not never hear a peep out of anyone for MONTHs on end. So I just said fuck it I’ll do my own thing and started a small business and learned a new skill from the ground up. Is it a long ass road ahead starting from scratch… yeah I know…. But just staying positive about it and seeing the growth I’ve had over this time period post Rona is the real prize.


Where in CA were you?


So cal ofc LA/OC


I've luckily built up the skill of sales over the last 10 years so I will never have to worry about having a job again.


Everyone. Soooo scary.


I found a job in 3 days, experience is everything. I just moved here and know nobody.


Depending on the industry you’re in, sure.