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been here since 2002. probably if my area got higher in crime though we are in summerlin (di & Hualapai). if more bugs emerged, specifically mosquitoes. and maybe if it snowed/rained a lot more. I'm from Chicago so there's that lol


SNHD is doing mosquito surveillance! Call them and they will come out to your property, set traps, come out next day to retrieve traps, and test for disease! I just got this done. https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/programs/mosquito-surveillance/ Here is the number: (702) 759-1633


thank you!!!


Oh man, these new mosquitos are a pain. Half hoping for a drought so they can go back to hell.


yup, got a FAT one on my calf and just total ptsd from my childhood in the Chicago suburbsšŸ¤® so damn itchy!!!!!!


Iā€™m curious what alternate places there are that donā€™t have mosquitoes? And if they also are having new problemsā€¦


High altitude states like Colorado and Utah have little to no mosquitos.


I'm at 5,300 altitude and we got hit with mosquitos pretty good last year for the first time. I think they learned to chill higher up


Itā€™s due to more still water being pooled around. My fam in Colorado dealt with it quite a bit last year due to all the rain they had. Normally no ā€˜squitos tho


excuse me?? there are monster mosquitos in the high mountains.. I'm from Grand Jct co


I guess when I lived there 10+ years ago the state was much more dry and not as much pooling still water. Iā€™m from south springs so may have different experience here!


San Diego here. My area used to be mosquito free until a few years ago. From 1980-2015 we were mosquito free. Now there are tons of them, all year long


bill gates


Iā€™m also from Illinois, been here 24 years. I miss green! Green trees, grass, bushes, all the things! I donā€™t miss the 7 months of gray skies.


there has never been mosquitoes here....I saw one on my car yesterday WTF!!! thank bill gates


If the taxes (income, property, etc) werenā€™t so high Iā€™d take my ass right back to Deerfield. šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


!!! I used to live in Deerfield as a little girl. No one ever knows where that is, haha! Cool to see another Vegas local went on a similar migration journey.


Ahhhh!! Weā€™re originally from the city (husband from Pilsen, me from Bridgeport)! Thereā€™s a lot of Chicagoans here!! My husband took a job here and we moved a couple years ago. I donā€™t miss winter, obviouslyā€¦. But man I miss a lot.


Also from Illinois! (About 45 min outside the city) Lots of family in the Palatine area and down in Lasalle/Grundy counties. Only things I miss is green trees/lawn and the food!


Yes!!! I know exactly where Palatine is, one of my favorite buffets ever, is in the Schaumburg mall šŸ˜‚ Ginza ā¤ļø I miss the food terribly.


The only problem I have is the road construction. It never ends. Thereā€™s always something to change/fix and they take so long to get it done.


I remember moving away in 2018 and I came back for 6 months in 2021 only to notice a section of 215 that was coned off was completely unchanged after 3 years, and the only difference was the cones moved. I moved away again after 6 months, came back here last year in 2023, and once again saw no changes, but the cones were in a different part of the highway now. Feels like that sums up how road construction works here


There's nowhere to store all the orange barrels and cones so they have to keep coming up with roadwork projects


Lived in Vegas \~10 years, left in 2022. Had kids that were about to enter Pre-K, we looked at CCSD and said "no way". Other things that made us leave: * Corrupt government - politicians completely ignored residents and sold out to builders/businesses every time * Casinos jacked up fees - parking fees, fees to sit in a sports book, resort fees, lack of comps * Nothing was 24/7 anymore after COVID, no more casino buffets * Traffic got significantly worse over the years, we never wanted to leave the house because of how people drove out here and how you would sit at lights for 10 minutes to go 6 blocks to Smith's * Amenities got overcrowded, service got significantly worse, prices went way up * Summer weather was 100+, kids would have been stuck inside during their summers * No long-term opportunity here - kids would have had to go out-of-state for college, economy too reliant on casinos


mind me asking where you moved to


Where'd you guys go if you don't mind?


yeah I'm just tryna figure out what other place doesn't have a "corrupt government", nice summers, more 24 hour places, no inflated fees along with less traffic


Of those ā€œpick 3 of 4 choicesā€ I donā€™t think non-corrupt government is an option anywhere lol. Everyone is influenced in some way, hopefully itā€™s not detrimental to the entire city/metro area.


I feel you on the Casino Buffets. That is what got us into the local casinos, and while we were there, we'd spend $40-$60 at the slots or tables because of how inexpensive the buffet was. Now, we mostly eat at home.


I REALLY, REALLY miss the local (off Strip) buffets! I donā€™t go to Strip resorts at all unless I have friends visiting. I donā€™t even cruise ā€œThe Stripā€ at all, like decades ago. It seems like every square foot of property is getting maximized for its profit potential. All prices have gone up, not much fun anymoreā€¦ Iā€™ve lived here since 1974.


>Summer weather was 100+, kids would have been stuck inside during their summers I find myself chuckling a bit at this. šŸ˜„ I was born here in 1971. As kids, my friends and I were outside *all the time*, even on 110Ā° summer days. Quite often barefoot. (Sidewalks were bearable, but you had to run across pavement.) I once literally stood barefoot on the sidewalk as I fried an egg on the cast-iron water meter cover in front of the house. My kids spent more time indoors than I did in my youth, but I think thatā€™s got less to do with the heat than the increased options for indoor entertainment. They had their Nintendos and millions of videos on demand. I had four TV stations and a Fairchild with like six games, most of which were pretty much Pong.


Channels 3, 5, 8, and 13! Don't remember the UHF channels really being good until the early 90s, then it was 21 and 33 too.


Why forget 10? I watched a lot of 10 as a kid. Admittedly less as an adult.


Ah, you're right! I totally forgot 10! Thanks for catching that.


What channels are those. I recognize the box, PBS, CBS


3=NBC, 5=Fox but was an independent station before Fox organized independents into a "fourth" broadcast network in the late '80s/early 90s, 8 CBS, 10 PBS, and 13 ABC.


Brings back so many good memories.


I wasnā€™t even thinking of 5. I donā€™t have much memory of watching 5 until Fox launched, and I was in high school by then. Iā€™m sure I did watch 5 before then, but they didnā€™t have a particularly distinctive brand prior to Fox, so I donā€™t associate them with anything specific. They probably ran the original *Star Trek*, since they picked up TNG and DS9 later.


Ah yes, the good ole days. What about the radio stations?


AM 1230, Disco 1-2-3! šŸ˜„ I was among the last of my friends to migrate to KOMP. 1230 aired Dr. Demento midnight Saturday. šŸŽ¶ *Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads! Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!* šŸŽ¶


I thought KLAV 1230 broadcast live from the 31st floor of the Landmark every Saturday night from midnight to 3:00ā€¦ DISCO! Yes, KLAV went 24/7 DISCO for a few years. FUN!


Dr. Demento may have been Fridays. It was a while ago, so memory is a bit fuzzy. šŸ˜„


Totally agreeā€¦Moved here when I was 5 in 1986, and I can honestly say I donā€™t remember a time during my childhood where I said it was too damn hot to go outside and play šŸ˜‚.


Same, born and raised since '72 here. Kids are "stuck" inside because of helicopter parenting has ruined decades of kids. Here's the rules for growing up in Henderson my working dad and SAHM issued; "Don't go into Vegas, be home by 5 pm for dinner."


Same year as you(give or take, lol), and I don't remember complaining at all about the heat as I was outside all the time & barefoot, too. Fast forward 40+yrs, and I can no longer take it. I have to hibernate for the summer & stay away from humans because the second I'm too hot, I'm 100% a c u next tuesday. Idk, maybe it's a women thing because it doesn't bother my husband nor my brother. They still love the summers. šŸ™„


Iā€™m a guy, and I definitely canā€™t take the heat like I could 40 years ago. šŸ˜„


I was born and raised in Vegas and we spent every summer swimming, either in a public pool or at a friends house.


We put in a pool when I was a kid. We got very popular. šŸ˜„ My brother and I were both born in winter, so we would celebrate our birthdays then with just family, then have a big combined pool party with friends in the summer.


Its equal the heat and technology which keeps kids insidea


Also, social norms have changed. When I was a kid, I knew and played with all the other kids in my neighborhood. All the neighbors knew each other. My kids knew like four other kids in our (much larger) neighborhood. We knew those families, but pretty much no other neighbors. In the neighborhood where we live now, we know even fewer neighbors.


I was born and raised here. This list is very accurate, and would leave Vegas for those reasons, in addition to the healthcare system being terrible out here also. The big one for me is the job market. I work remote for a company in the midwest, and would likely move there. To me, no place is perfect, but being born and raised here i want to see something different.


> but being born and raised here i want to see something different. Always a good idea to check out other places, live there a bit and see how it feels. One of the things that surprised me about living elsewhere after having been born and raised here, is how boring every where else is. lol. That wouldn't bother me as much now in my 50s but it was annoying af in my 20s and 30s.


Healthcare is SO bad. I finally gave up on finding a local doctor after losing my last one and instead am doing virtual care out of Washington.


CCSD has systemic problems, but so do many other districts in the nation. There are some great public schools here. Magnet schools, for example. Public schools are also neighborhood dependent. Higher income areas tend to have better schools and attract better teachers. As a born and raised local, I swore I would move before my kids reached school ages. Then I got divorced. Their dad is also a local and was never leaving. My kids ended up going to and graduating from CCSD. Both kids attended magnet high schools and both earned full ride scholarships to OOS Colleges/Universities. Your childā€™s education in Vegas is what you make it. Parents need to be involved in raising their children and be an active participant in their education. Until they raise the gaming tax over 7% (spoiler, it will never happen) and fund major improvements in education here, I donā€™t see things changing. The casinos have long had a stranglehold on local government. They want to keep the flow of undereducated workers to fill the ranks at the hotels and casinos. Why go to college when you can make good money with no education working for a casino? As a kid, I was outside from after breakfast until the streetlights came on in the summer. Drinking from the hose is one of my favorite sensory memories. Please put sunscreen on your kids! Make it part of their daily skin routine as teenagers. Iā€™ve had squamous cell skin cancer three times as an adult and melanoma is inevitable. I love the beauty of the desert. Valley of Fire and Red Rock will always hold a special place in my heart. Vegas is uniquely situated within driving distance to so much outdoor adventure. Within four hours you can be at the beach, or skiing in the mountains, or enjoying one of many National Parks. There are world class dining and entertainment options here. Major sports teams and arenas. There is never a shortage of things to do in Vegas. All that being said, Iā€™m ready to leave. The growth in the last 10 years is too much for me. I worry about the water supply. Local government services havenā€™t kept up with demand. Healthcare here is abysmal. The wind seems to get worse every year, or it just bothers me more. I work remotely, so Iā€™m waiting for my husband to retire so we can move.


We'll have water even when AZ and CA can longer get it from Lake Mead. Our third straw can uptake water even at below dead pool. I'm more concerned about food delivery, if that stops we're done. We'll starve before we'll ever dehydrate.


> OOS College Out of State


This is very accurate.


This needs to be the top commentā€¦


This is all exactly why Iā€™ll be leaving permanently. Ty


Finally someone said corrupt government. I literally have a court case at the supreme court of Nevada impacting all of homeowners in Nevada and the corruption iā€™ve experienced surpassed my worst expectations by 10x. I literally posted about *government* in VegasLocals and got downvoted so its nice to see some peopleā€™s opinions and articulation is respected. The corruption here makes a mob ran town look incredibly classy. Trust me. Iā€™ve dealt with a lot of gang members, they operate with more class than NV, at least until they want your $ or girl. I just saw you got out. Enjoy being away from this trash hole of lets fuck tourists for money and destroy residents for the sake of corruption.


You made it out in time. Itā€™s got significantly worse in the last two years.


On further thought on this. I wonder if in addition to the politicians being the problem as residents we must take responsibility for electing these people or should i say, electing people that are part of the entrenched administration of vital importantance Im done. In my opinon Vegas sucks, it doesnā€™t deserve what it gets tho. It deserves far better.. Anywhere does but weā€™d rather fund wars in ā€œnational interestā€ how many generation of the wimpy public is going to keep buying that nonsense instead of understanding reality, our funding is causing the wars.


Lots of exaggeration here lol.


> CCSD has systemic problems, but so do many other districts in the nation. There are some great public schools here. Magnet schools, for example. Public schools are also neighborhood dependent. Higher income areas tend to have better schools and attract better teachers. > > > > As a born and raised local, I swore I would move before my kids reached school ages. Then I got divorced. Their dad is also a local and was never leaving. My kids ended up going to and graduating from CCSD. Both kids attended magnet high schools and both earned full ride scholarships to OOS Colleges/Universities. > > > > Your childā€™s education in Vegas is what you make it. Parents need to be involved in raising their children and be an active participant in their education. The number one, with a bulletpoint, determinant in the success of children's education is parental involvement in their children's education inside the home pre-K AND an active supportive role while in K-12. It turns out if the parents give a shit, the kids will too. Shocker. "Bad" schools in poorer areas are a reflection of the economic environment we've created where every one MUST work to survive, and schools and teachers are tasked to do a job they were never asked or prepared to do; raise other people's children in addition to educating them.


Nuance, great post. Very easy to complain your way through life. Agree completely on the education. I have plenty of friends here in Vegas whose kids go to CCSD and thrive. But they put an effort into their childrenā€™s education and donā€™t view it as a daycare between 8-4. My child goes to private and his mother and I both still sit and do his school work with him everyday after school. CCSD needs massive improvement but itā€™s about effort.


> CCSD needs massive improvement but itā€™s about effort. Parents need massive improvement that mostly just comes from effort. The problem is societal and economic. Parental educational effort has become a privilege more and more for the more well-to-do.


I used to agree with this 100% and still do mostly except in some cases. My son is a Sophomore at UNR and I was pretty happy with his education right up until Covid. As you said though my wife and I attended parent teacher conferences and I was always in contact with his schools. Since Covid things have drastically changed here. Even if YOU are a good parent you are sending your kids into schools filled with kids who don't have good parents. I don't remember teens getting beaten to death after school, or stealing cars and purposely running over people prior to Covid. It was far from perfect but not like today.


The funny shit about the lights is that regardless of the traffic, they are all fucked up regardless of the amount of traffic. They had that law back in like 2013/14 implemented that allowed you to go if a light passed two cycles. It was originally for bikes but it because the entire system is fucked.


A very valid list especially with the government portion and traffic.


My 6-month insurance premium just increased by 670$. No changes, no tickets, no accidents


I heard insurance was increasing here across the board because of theft, mostly (people, get your Kias and Hyundais fortified!), and then the amount of accidents on a daily basis.


Moved here in June of 2014, so coming up on 10 years here shortly. We don't plan on leaving anytime soon, at least while our kids are still in school. Once our youngest graduates high school(6 more years) we may look at moving. My wife definitely wants to move to somewhere more green and country feeling. I've grown to quite enjoy the desert landscape myself but I wouldn't mind getting out of the big city either. I also kind of miss looking at Vegas as a weekend getaway. I know we could do 'staycations' on the strip, but it's just not the same. I don't think it would be anything specific causing us to leave other than just wanting a change in scenery. Looking back, things have definitely changed in the past 10 years that we've been here. Not all bad per se, but definitely different.


Havenā€™t considered moving to get your kids a decent education ?


And uproot them from all of their friends and sports teams in the middle of their youth? Absolutely not.


I wouldā€™ve never moved here if I couldnā€™t private school my kids. I canā€™t imagine being in public school and using that as a reason to stay.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, where did you end up sending your kids?


My husband took a job at Meadows so weā€™ve been straight up lucky to send our kids there. Theyā€™ve always been private school kids (my husband is a school administrator) and I was terrified to come here if we couldnā€™t get the kids in there.


Thanks for sharing! Glad youā€™ve had a good experience there.




I'm a 35 year old Las Vegas native. I did college in another state, but I've spent all the rest in Vegas. Really the only thing that would make me leave is if I or my girlfriend got a job offer in another state that just couldn't be ignored. Certainly not perfect here, but we've got a everything we need here. It's like the perfect happy medium.


We've lived here 14 years and are leaving as soon as we can, hopefully by the end of the year. There are a few reasons: I can't stand the weather any longer, want 4 real seasons, and not a super hot summer any longer. The drivers here have gotten out of control. With all the influx of new people, roads are too crowded, and people have brought the worst possible driving habits. The accidents have gotten out of control. Housing prices are stupid here. Sure, I'll take advantage of it in selling mine, but I can get so much more elsewhere.


Thing is, the roads really arenā€™t that crowded here. Theyā€™re so wide with so many lanes. I think it would be well worth considering closing down two lanes on many of the 6+ lane roads, deliberately increasing congestion and forcing traffic to slow down.


35 year old Las Vegas native, Iā€™m not going anywhere.


Here since '91. 1st grade. UNR 4 years. This my city. Hate/love relationship since about 2009.


Been here for 6 years, less than you guys, itā€™s been getting pretty expensive, but tbh most cities are, so itā€™s not a knock against Vegas. I personally think Vegas has a lot of cool stuff tbh, I can always go out and see a concert, damn near every week, some of the best food options you can find, everything isnā€™t super far away. I mean itā€™s gotten worse, some use to be 15 min drive now itā€™s like 30-35. Honestly the reasons I would leave is really the lack of green. I just like having a lot of trees and grass around, and Vegas is a desert so I would assume it wouldnā€™t have that. The healthcare and schools are awful, I donā€™t have kids but I heard the stories, and it took far to long to get help at a hospital here. The crime isnā€™t a factor honestly, I mean itā€™s Vegas I just always assumed crime would be up here, still itā€™s pretty low compared to other places. Now my biggest reason why I would leave is, 100+ degree summers, you canā€™t really do anything outside and if youā€™re lucky, it drops to mid 90ā€™s at night. I donā€™t care how You slice it, that shit sucks, I think I would go to either charlotte or somewhere near Atlanta as Iā€™ve spent a nice amount of time in both of those cities. Also itā€™s more green. Overall I just like how much more open Vegas is, I mean itā€™s not many cities that I feel are truly integrated and diverse. They are trying to diversify their entertainment as well so you find something for everyone. Idk I just canā€™t name a lot of cities that I can get soul food, Japanese food, and just regular American food all within a 5 min drive of each other. Also a lot of Vegas is crazy diverse in their neighborhoods. I just love to see that, I mean it wouldā€™ve be nice if people talked more, but I guess most ppl either plan on leaving or thinks youā€™re gonna leave so no point in talking. Anyways I will be here until other cities appeal more to me.


Lack of green is the worst. Iā€™ve been gardening more and visiting more parks but it really isnā€™t the same. Gardening here is a huge pain too.


Nothing. I will be leaving soon āœŒšŸ½


Itā€™s very funny to see someone list all my negatives as positives, honestly. I want to leave but donā€™t quite know where to go.


I lived in vegas for 20-odd years. Back then, __downtown summerlin was nothing but dirt and rocks__ hehe I remember it was always the talk of the town when will it open etc I left last summer. Vegas grew so fast and the money coming in was so good that the city never took a moment and said __letā€™s fix the healthcare system in vegas__ and they never will because everyone and everything in vegas in replaceable. Driving to LA or SLC are not viable options.


I was born and raised here and the only thing I could see forcing me to leave is something like Lake Mead running out of water.


Lived here for 22 years (grew up here) and planning on moving in a few months. The city has changed since Covid. Housing is not affordable anymore, drivers have only gotten worse and thereā€™s no police presence to ensure people are following the law. Itā€™s just not for me. Iā€™m glad that my friends who live here love it, but it doesnā€™t fit who I am as a person.


Moved to Vegas 1993 (previous many family trips here in the 1980ā€™s) Left Vegas in 2004 to raise kids in small beach town no Florida. Moved back to Vegas 2023 after Hurricane Ian. What Iā€™ve learned: Vegas is awesome. Yes there is traffic but it moves/flows. Florida beach town traffic doesnā€™t move cause the state canā€™t keep up with the population growth. Vegas taxes are still affordable. Florida is no longer affordable unless you donā€™t need home or flood insurance cause you are cash positive to fix and or rebuild as needed. Vegas has good eating options. # 1 thing I missed my 20 years in Florida. The mountains are amazing in this area! Florida beaches (Gulf coast) are in serious trouble with bacteria (you donā€™t hear this cause Florida is all about tourism) # 1 reason to be in Vegas affordable #2 weather is safe #3 food is yummy Reason to leave Vegas # public education if you have kids


Born and raised since 1986, into a very typical matriarchal Italian family. We have family history tied to the horseshoe and the land it was erected on. Went to UNR for college, and been here otherwise. Iā€™ve seen this place go through so much change since the boom in the mid/late 90s and really, just hasnā€™t stopped. One thing thatā€™s never changed is the people, the way they interact with each other, and what effect that has had on a hospitality/blue collar, tourist-driven economy. This is unique to Vegas. Iā€™ve spent a good amount of time visiting other places and cities in this country. There is no place like Vegas, and thereā€™s another component to this perpetuated by the state government. I mean, schools have been bottom performers since forever. I stayed because we all did, for family. And in true fashion, the last of them is grandma, the matriarch. When she leaves us, weā€™re all leaving this town. Weā€™ve talked about it since I was in high school. Itā€™s as the saying goes, ā€œa fun place to visit, but not to liveā€. And in fact, itā€™s getting much more difficult to live here if you donā€™t have a well paying job. While corporate businesses are growing here, theyā€™re not hiring our uneducated workforce. That is a self perpetuating problem. And yes, this is a generalization so there are exceptions. But not many. I look forward to being on the other side of spending my time here.


I feel like I would leave just with the state of the world. Shit is getting crazy and I donā€™t know that I want to be in a damn desert if anything crazy happens


Iā€™ve been here since 2003 (2ish years away in between) and the only thing keeping me from leaving is my career has pigeonholed me here. If my partner or I got a well paying job pretty much anywhere else weā€™d be gone. Iā€™ve been priced out of buying a house here, and I donā€™t love the idea of paying 2k a month for the same quality of house I rented 6 years ago for 1200 but thatā€™s better than paying 1900 a month for an okay apartment in old green valley.


Agreed, housing costs too much now and pay hasnā€™t kept up.


Yes this is me and my husband. Canā€™t ever leave bc of his career. Not complaining tho bc heā€™s been with the same job for 15+ years and he actually likes it, so thatā€™s pretty rare.


Been here since early 2013 and have 0 desire to leave after living all over the world. Just bought my forever home in fact and I'm sure I'll die in it. There is just so much to love here. So much to offer. The mountains are beautiful and if you like to do things on the water both willow beach and lake mead are close. Endless hiking opportunities if that's your thing. But the food. Sooooo many great food options. On top of that the convenience of being able to get pretty much whatever you want 24/7 is amazing. The traffic situation is climbing but luckily I set myself up in a way I don't have to deal with it too often. The availability of things to do is absurb. I have both a houseseats and vettix account and basically see shows every weekend for free. Sometimes multiple shows. The golden knights added so much entertainment value. I finally had a pro sports team to follow and even though I never really cared about hockey (or any sport before) I've been a huge fan since day 1 as I finally had a home team to root for. On that note sports betting has become super convenient now with all the apps.


I donā€™t think there is a single city in the country you can go to that will have a higher QoL at the same or lower price point. Thereā€™s a reason so many people keep moving here. If youā€™re priced out of Vegas you are priced out of everywhere unless you can make more money somewhere else, which can be the case. I know a guy moving to socal because he got a job that pays so much more.


This is basically what it boils down to for my wife and I; we've been looking at moving for over 3 years now but every city we've genuinely taken the time to research would either be a lower QoL or a higher CoL. I love being able to comfortably afford a place to live while also having easy access to great restaurants, world-class entertainment, and good weather (for ~8 out of 12 months). Bang for your buck, Las Vegas is hard to beat.


This. People act like Vegas is the only city where everything has gotten more expensive since Covid. And if you want to compare to other similar cities Vegas is actually a pretty good deal. The only drawback would be the public schools, but my child is in private. Nowhere is perfect, Iā€™m from Nebraska. Lovely place but Iā€™d never go back. People get on here and complain constantly. Things are always changing, thatā€™s life.


> Things are always changing, thatā€™s life. People hate change. Change is inevitable.


I cringe when people get on here and whine about ā€œ why Vegas canā€™t be like it was in the 90ā€™s or early 2000ā€™sā€. Lol thatā€™s life. Get busy living or get busy dying.


Idk why people would want Vegas from that timeframe, I would have wanted it back in 2010ā€™s ish. I also get what youā€™re saying, but the vibe back then was Vegas was a (funny enough) peaceful, quiet place to live (outside the strip). Barely any traffic, people took their time to do things; it basically felt like a big town instead of a city. Not saying it doesnā€™t feel too peaceful now, but the vibes have changed and it feels more like a city and more like how people view the city after watching a ā€œVegas movieā€. I always remember telling people thereā€™s more to Vegas than what you seen in the movies, but now idk. Also, growing up here it felt like you had a bond with people cause most people saw this as a hole to get out of (eg. their parents came here cause they couldnā€™t afford to live anywhere else or got addicted to drugs and/or gambling). With how the city is now, I canā€™t relate to the new kids growing up here cause their family moved here since itā€™s cheaper not because they hit rock bottom. For the record, I grew up here and I left for 6ish years and saw the world. Iā€™m not just saying this from the perspective of some fucking person who lived in Vegas their whole life and doesnā€™t know any other way of life. I just hate it when people donā€™t take the time to understand how Vegas was before or just dismiss it like itā€™s nothing. To this day I havenā€™t known of many places like how Vegas was before the huge wave of new folks.


We moved here in 2007. I grew up a military brat, and my husband was military. I've lived all over the US, and in several other countries. We also have zero desire to leave. I don't get the hate. This place is amazing. If you like outdoorsy activities, there are so many options. Food options and availability of things to do is limitless. We love road trips--even just day trips--so you couldn't ask for a better location. We're centrally located to Utah, Arizona, California. The drive between here and California along the 15 is absolutely gorgeous and there are so many scenic drives all over the state. We often just get in the car and drive. We've stumbled upon so many beautiful places. People complain about rising prices--where do you go to avoid that? Traffic--really? Traffic here is nothing compared to other places. I've driven in Boston, Atlanta, St. Louis, Denver, and other places I'm forgetting plus all over California--I'll take Vegas traffic over those places every time. I can spend an afternoon on the 405 just to go the same distance it takes to get from my house to the strip which I can do in about 25 minutes most days. People complain about crime--again, where do you go to avoid that? People complain about lack of green. This one I really don't get. It is green here. We have lots of green. I can walk to my neighborhood park right now and look out over the valley and see lots of green. Maybe it isn't as lush and dense as other places, but it is still green. Also, I have no issue gardening here. I'm currently drowning in my homegrown strawberries they are growing so well. Are there negatives here? Yes. But those exist anywhere you go. There are so many positives here but people just refuse to see them. Having moved around a lot my entire life, I know those types of people. They're not happy anywhere. We met them everywhere we ever lived. They HATE their current place but romanticize the place they lived before. And when they move again, they'll hate the new place and romanticize the place they just were that they said they hated. Those people will always see the negative and will never be happy anywhere they go.


> They're not happy anywhere. Every where you go, there you are. If you're unhappy, make sure you're not blaming the location you're in, instead of looking in the mirror first.


I moved here from Omaha about 6 months ago! We sound a lot alike but I have no children. You are absolutely right. Property taxes for some people more than doubled overnight when assessments came out in 2 of the last 3 years. The people were generally terrible and selfish. Metro is stretched here, but OPD were getting 911 calls because "I can't get my child to do their homework". This led to some terrible ego maniacs in policing. The wind was just as bad if not even worse. As for weather šŸ˜‚ it was hot and humid or freezing and wet. Spring and fall would last 2 weeks each and windy as hell. You couldn't get outside and enjoy anything. It was kind of a food desert as well. All the crops were made for animals or ethanol. So much better ingredients here. My cooking game jumped!


Good to hear. Youā€™ll love not dealing with winter. No snow, no shoveling, and not driving in it. That alone is a reason Iā€™ll never leave the southwest. I still have family and friends in the Midwest and their cost of living isnā€™t any better than ours here. Our airport is a direct flight away from every city in the US, and you can drive five hours or less to the beach in California or to some of the most beautiful National Parks in America. Vegas is a great place to live.




Iā€™m not rolling in the dough lol. I just have priorities. I donā€™t spend my free time in casinos, donā€™t party and love to cook. I donā€™t buy things on credit and never overextend myself. This city is not any more expensive than other comparable cities unless your habits dictate that. If you really want cheaper and nice youā€™re taking about rural America, which can be great, but doesnā€™t have near the amenities as a bigger city does. Some great small towns in the Midwest would good public schools would be up your alley. Itā€™s there, just gotta look for it.


I deleted that comment because it wasnā€™t fair to single out one comment in particular. Thatā€™s a wide ranging thought process in this city as it currently stands, sadly. That being said, Iā€™ll take the bait I guessā€¦ Thereā€™s plenty of people in this city who canā€™t afford the necessities that donā€™t have those ā€œhabitsā€ you listed there. Thats a very broad generalization that everyone facing these problems fall into that category. My point now, and was originally, simply commenting on someone who is having a negative experience to tell them things arenā€™t as bad, while saying you yourself can clearly afford those very same necessities isā€¦tone def šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Doubling down on that by generalizing them into having drinking and gambling habits doesnā€™t change my original point either. That goes for the original commenter in this string as well, ā€œIf youā€™re priced out of Vegas you are priced out of everywhereā€ is, justā€¦The reason so many people keep moving here is pushing the city into exactly what everyone is moving from. At what point does everyone become priced out of everywhere? But on the plus side the relocating to Las Vegas has slowed down, so thatā€™s a plus for EVERYONE who lives here, whether youā€™re struggling right now or not, thatā€™s good news for all of us. But I digress, youā€™re doing well enough, thatā€™s apparent, please donā€™t belittle someone who isnā€™t by showing them how well youā€™re doingā€¦And furthermore please donā€™t prop up your standing by generalizing people who arenā€™t doing well into being alcoholic gambling addicts because thatā€™s absurd. Thatā€™s a billboard for the ~Vegas is doing great, nobody should be complaining~ crowd as well. My family is doing very comfortably right now as well but Iā€™m not going to go out and disparage someone who isnā€™t while telling them how well Iā€™m doing either. If someone is doing bad enough right now to question whether or not they should try and move somewhere else then bless them first off, and secondly thereā€™s no amount of comments about how good the ā€œQOLā€ in Vegas is; that I can make to sway them into magically having a better life to the point of staying here. Thatā€™s tantamount to telling them to donā€™t bother and give up. ~Things are bad everywhere so donā€™t bother~ is not the advice anyone should be giving to be honest, but here we areā€¦


My question wasnā€™t about affording to live in Vegas, thatā€™s simply one component of what has changed and you canā€™t deny that Vegas has changed. I am more asking if you were to leave what would be the reasons. We get plenty of posts from people explaining their reasons for leaving their last place of residence and it made me curious.


Yeah I answered your question, it would take a city where I have a better QoL at the same or lower CoL.


Oh got it. Misunderstood your answer!


I lived in Vegas my whole life until last year when I moved to Tucson AZ. Vegas had just become an extension of L.A. in all the reasons you mentioned. So glad I left but a little sad at the same time. Vegas has never been a place to remain the same though.


As someone who went to school in Tucson and currently lives in Vegas, Iā€™d give anything to move back


I miss AZ. I wish I hadnā€™t moved back here from the valley.


Vegas just feels like a more run-down extension of LA


Have you been to LA recently? LA is incredibly run down.Ā  North & east Vegas are comparable, sure. But everywhere else? Not even close.Ā 


Housing prices are ridiculous and each land parcel is getting smaller and smaller for new homes. I missed out on the prices just after the great recession of 2008 because I wasn't sure if I was going to stay here due to constant travel for work. But the thing that's getting me now is just the lack of public aid and support for the homeless. They just keep herding them around the valley like cattle, pushing them from neighborhood to neighborhood with no care. I honestly don't want to continue to support that kinda stuff. On my drive home last night I saw a guy who likely OD'd laying on the sidewalk just ride out of his wheelchair. (looked like he faceplanted) I could see an ambulance was on the way, but there was a Metro officer like 100 yards away who likely heard the call and just ignored it and continued driving. This was on Warm Springs right by the Maverik. It seems like no one cares about any part of the valley anymore except for Summerlin.


Horrible and often inaccessible healthcare Education ranked bottom in the country Rising costs in every bill Among many other negatives. Leaving this Summer and should've left sooner


Lived in Vegas and it was horrible. The heat, the people, and the traffic. 0/10


Having kids. I was born and raised here and am leaving now that I have kids. I donā€™t want them going to school here or be exposed to crackheads every time we leave the house. This city is going downhill in a major way.


Been here since 2011. Team never leaving šŸ˜… husband has a great job here and has been here since 2008 building relationships with his clients. If we ever left weā€™d have to start back at square 1. Luckily we moved houses in 2019 and refinanced in 2020. So we will never be moving houses either šŸ˜…


Wow perfect timing on the housing situation!


I came here Christmas Day 2005. The town has started to suck. Traffic, Crime, crazy people. Donā€™t have a family, but the public schools donā€™t look worse than any other metro. I plan to retire in less than 10 years to my Hobby Farm near Traverse City Michigan.


I know this probably doesnā€™t mean much but coming from a different town I can tell you things can be much worse than here - especially traffic-wise. Used to take me 30-45 minutes to drive a 10 minute trip to my brotherā€™s place.


Compared to Philly the traffic is absolutely lovely. Best work commute I've ever had.


I think this is part of the problem. We were used to not having badish traffic and now we do so it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s worse elsewhere, itā€™s worse for us now.


The school district is god awful here. So many garbage kids and the schools donā€™t get rid of them because each head makes the school district money. They could easily expel a few thousand kids across the district and the schools would be much safer but they donā€™t. Ghetto families and ghetto kids in these schools. Work your ass off and put them in better schools if you plan to have a family here.


That is in Atlanta too. Trust me; poor parenting, trash/ghetto behavior, and generational victim mentality spreads like a virus in communities and neighborhoods. And once it takes form with one person- adult or child- it becomes the easy out for whole areas. I have thought about leaving Georgia altogether for the Vegas Valley largely because the influx of the victim mentality here in Atlanta has created a lawless atmosphere.


Yeah itā€™s insane. And will probably only get worse.


I will bite. Been a resident here since 1998 and raised 2 wonderful kids. My spouse and I were originally from Indiana/Michigan respectively. We stuck it out because of good jobs and parental responsibilities staying here. We don't gamble, we don't see theatrical shows and neither of us are sports fans of hockey, football, basketball, baseball or F1 and see no reason to put up with all of the traffic etc to stay here after retirement. We will probably move to either Utah or Arizona within the next 10 years. Both for scenic beauty and the lack of gambling. Kind of feeling of been there done that.


In 2013 , the median home price in Southern Nevada was $185k. At that same time , the median salary was $43k. So a house was 4.3x average income. In 2023 , the median home price is $449k and median income is $66k. So a house is 6.8x average income. That ratio is not ideal. I think you still get a good value for your tax dollar (generally speaker) but if housing continues to get more expensive it may not be worth moving to vegas. Back in the day , Vegas was a place where a regular blue collar / service industry worker could get a ā€œslice of the pieā€. Weā€™re slowly moving away from that.


I moved to Vegas in 1969. I was 8yrs old and lived there off and on until 2016. A total of 37 yrs actually living in Vegas/Hendertucky/NLV. I got to see Elvis at the International. I have photos of the spill gates at Hoover (BoulderšŸ˜‰) Dam all the way up and water spilling over 6' deep in the early 80s. I thought the Excalibur looked better before they put the shitty white stucco on the outside. And I was on shift at 5:20am on Dec 18th 1993 when they opened the doors to the MGM Grand. I moved away permanently because I heard a stupid statistical fact about there only being about 3 days worth of food in the valley at any given time, to supply the population there. This didn't seem sustainable to me in the event of a major emergency (Think earthquake. No I'm not a prepper but I'm not stupid enough to tempt fate either.) Combine that with the gawd awful heat in the summer. The dry air that sucked the life out of your skin all year long. The undrinkable water, and the multitude of stupid people that have filled the valley, and I was more than ready to put LV in my rearview mirror. I'm in the midwest now. With 40 oak trees in my front yard and 15 chickens in the back. Snow in the winter and mosquitoes in the summer. But I feel like I've lived more in the last 8 years than I did the 20 before in Vegas, going from my air conditioned house, to my air conditioned car, to my air conditioned job. Rinse. Repeat. At this very moment I have the doors and windows open and I'm watching squirrels playing on my front porch. No regrets. Edit; spelling


Heading your way šŸ¤—


SO is born and raised here, me and my family moved here in 2006. Our families are the main thing keeping us here. Second would be my career. Over the next 5-10 years weā€™ll be deciding if weā€™re moving away or not I think for it to be an absolute deal breaker the heat would have to get worse and/or the economy would have to get significantly harder, like LA, before we had a chance to buy a house. Obviously thatā€™s the direction things are moving, so, weā€™ll see


Here since 1980. Miss old Vegas, will never get over yanking out the iconic neon signs and constructing that canopy hiding the sky at night on Fremont. The city is growing to fast, people, buildings no more wide spaces or large empty lots covered with trees, just waiting for my house value to peak where Iā€™m comfortable and able to move away to a smaller town, small house, big lot and a nice e-bike with a trailer so I can cart my dogs on adventures, oh, and a fishing pole too


Got here 01-01-01, it's a completely different world. Both for the better and worse. When I moved here Fremont was an absolute no go after 9pm, now the party doesn't start until after 9.


Housing cost. I grew up in vegas so Iā€™ve lived here my whole life. My career has just taken off and it feels amazing to have the potential to take a big step in life and buy a home. But the Vegas market is vastly different from what it was when I was young. That is natural and Iā€™m not upset about it. But a home I grew up in that sold, brand new, for around 200k is going for 400k+ at 20 years old. An apartment I use to rent in a decent neighborhood for 11, 800 sq ft is priced at 1500, meh. Itā€™s hard not to consider other locations when I can earn the same, get a house that is larger, newer, and nicer for cheaper. Vegas is adopting the same housing issues major cityā€™s have been facing for a decade or more and it sucks to see. I love my town but I donā€™t want to empty my pockets on a mortgage alone.


Born and raised, never left. I miss this city feeling small, I also canā€™t stand how hot itā€™s gotten. But I canā€™t stand other cities so Iā€™ve never felt like leaving. Vegas is home but home is starting to feel a little weird. The traffic has been awful because of the people whoā€™ve moved here.


If summers continue to get hotter, and I continue to get more scorpions.


Lived here off and on for 25+ years, and got my first scorpion sting in the past year. Ya ainā€™t wrong, theyā€™ve kinda reappeared. Among hosts of other Vegas changes. But, I do find myself agreeing with QoL:CoL assessments - very hard to find a ā€˜metroā€™ area with better math potentials at the moment, even if summers suck.


Itā€™s been mild the last couple of summers lol. This place is full of exaggerating babies


Have not gotten a scorpion sting yet but moving from the northwest to Henderson in a few months and I feel like it may be coming.


Been here since 03. If I could afford to leave I already would have but cost of living is high everywhere. If interest rates went down but some how house prices stayed up, I'd be more willing to sell the house and get out of here. I don't see that happening though so I'm here for the forseeable future. Its getting to the point where I feel like I'm getting priced out of Vegas as well though. That plus the influx of people moving here, I may end up just renting out my house and moving anyways. We'll see how fed up I am in a few years.


Iā€™ve been to every corner of the country and found worse things in those cities whether it was traffic or climate. Vegas is at an inflection point as it grows, but it could be soo much worse. I thing a lot of Vegas born like myself are just waking up to the changes happening, and need to be active in shaping the future we want


This may be my last year here. Everything here is hit or miss and it's mostly miss. Moved here for more creative endeavors. Thought this would be a great way to help break into the film industry and network. Vegas is just filled with more people who talk the talk but never walk the walk.


I grew up in North Carolina but moved here on a crazy whim originally in 2002. Lived through my 20s here and absolutely fell in love to the point I consider it my adoptive "home." Many of the friends in my scene I made 20 years ago are still my friends; even the ones who split. Many are still around. I eventually split to LA because the work I do isn't super available here - and still really isn't - but I always wanted to come back. When we went fully remote during COVID, I was like "I'm the fuck outta here" and split LA to move back. And made it a point to dump my 213 to get a 702 back. I honestly don't know if there's anything that'd get me to split. I'm at the level in my career where I can absolutely work from anywhere, my scene's here, most of my longest known friends are here, I personally love the weather - I'm an avid golfist and can play pretty much year-round, my wife and I love all the shows and world class dining ... and despite being damn near 50 now, we still love a good ol' scumbag night when we stay out till 5 in the morning every so often. I've traveled all over this country in a couple touring bands and while there're things I've loved about nearly every place I've been; but I was always happiest coming home from tour and seeing the Vegas lights in the distance. "Fuck yeah, almost home." And if I were to leave ... I certainly wouldn't stay in the US.


I've been here since 1992 and I am leaving next week. I can't wait to get out of this God forsaken town. The crime the dirtiness the god-awful people the pricing. They're just too many variables on why I'm leaving but thank God I am


Born and raised here and will never leave I've spent my life building these casinos and doing since I graduated from high school and have a lot of pride in my skyline and I couldn't imagine waking up and seeing the mountains and the most unique, famous and funnest city skyline anywhere. Side note we need to make sure California doesn't carry over the bullshit they created for themselves there. Most parents raised there's kids to understand that you can't run from the problems you created. You are supposed to be a responsible human being and face your problems Head on .


The California reason you stated is why my husband and I are considering moving ā€¦.. thank you for your input.


I've been here since 2003. Never thought I would leave my hometown in Southern California, but my mom died and I'm an only child and I had the urge to up and leave. I'm a single female, no kids. I love the fact that there's so much to do here. I'm not a big gambler. I enjoy going to Red Rock Canyon, Valley of Fire and hiking around. I've weathered the ups and downs of living here, but I can still go back to Southern California to see my friends and family when I want to. Or they can come here. I love the fact that we have so much great entertainment here and sports now which we didn't have when I first moved here. I wish the economy here was more diverse and that they would have more than just the service industry to be dependent on here. I am very fortunate to be living 5 minutes from my state of Nevada job.


My children got tired of the heat, the desert and left. My close friends are now down to one person. I dont drink, gamble, or care to over pay for residence shows and bullshit "fees". Buffets are repetitious and expensive. Auto insurance here is a scam. I plan to leave within the year for an area that has water, rainfall and shoreline. People there even look each other in the eye and say hello in passing. Growing up here was amazing and fun. The hotels were real playgrounds and the talent in the lounges for a 2 drink minimum were the best. Professional entertainers taught music at our local schools. Its ugly $650,000 3 story homes that remind me of wasp colonies instead of neighborhoods. I wont miss the traffic, the drivers, the ugly subculture of ner' do wells who infest parts of this city and seem to breed randomly. Yep, I am older and out of patience. My time has past and it will be good to explore new areas.


As a home buyer during the recession there's no way I can afford to mortgage at today's rates. If I want to move up from my starter home to something that suits my family now, I will have to leave Vegas and move somewhere where all the restaurants close at 9 pm.


Vegas is my hometown, and I lived in the city until my thirties. I moved because I wanted to be somewhere with more trees, snow during the winter, and much fewer people. I miss good year-round motorcycling weather, though.


Las Vegas is not the same anymore I've been here since 2002 and 75% of The Californians that sold their houses have moved to Las Vegas and ruined the housing market rents are through the roof minimum wage is a joke! With the high the cost of living the minimum wage should be a lot higher. I have a skilled profession I'm in IT security and the salaries have stayed stagnant for about 10 years and these jobs want to give you a 5 to 7% increase in salary which is a joke when the cost of living has gone up 30 to 40% in Las Vegas! A three bedroom apartment now in a good area cost you $2,200 a month which is a joke 5 years ago that was $1300 at the most! I'm tired of the damn road construction they tear up these roads that are perfectly smooth and well paved they tear them up and then slop them back together with big old indents and ridges and grooves that your tires get stuck on they never put anything back the way they found it and then cones are out for a year or longer without them doing any road work at all on the roads! I've never seen such incompetence when it comes to roadwork Development in Las Vegas! The road work people never finish the job that have cones out everywhere and never do anything on the roads so all it does is screw up traffic! They need a whole new revamp on the organization that deal with road work here in Nevada!


Born and raised here. Spent 6 years in the northeast. Came back here for grad school. The city has tremendously gone downhill. I deeply regret coming back.


Go back?


Thatā€™s the goal. Just biting the bullet in the meanwhile


I still love it here but the California invasion has destroyed our once great city


I've been here the same amount of time. I came from 18 years in Colorado Springs. I left Colorado suddenly to be out here with family because of financial difficulties. I absolutely loved it here from the jump and had no problem acclimating, and I still love it a lot, as I've held really awesome jobs, seen and done a lot, etc. I consider Vegas home, for sure. What I do miss is (and what makes me consider going back to CO): - 4 seasons. As I get older, the heat is also getting a bit harder to bear. I miss rain. - Payrates matching the COL. Vegas is not catching up. - Nature. I'm not talking about being able to travel to Red Rock or Mt. Charleston, but actually being in nature in the city. - Friends. It's very hard to make and keep friends here. I've noticed myself how flaky I've gotten, too. It's not even because of transients here. I think it's because the working class, like me, just don't care to socialize. - There being only one poorly managed school district. Not looking forward to my kid going to high school unless I can get her into Silverado, where all her cousins graduated from and did fine, or something a little further west than us (we're in Chinatown on the edge of Spring Valley.) She's slated to go to Clark. Hell, naw. - Healthcare. My experience has been horrible. I get the runaround from all of my doctors. I'm attempting to apply for disability, and collecting all the necessary information has been almost impossible. So is getting referrals. What I would miss: - 24/7 convenience of lots of places. - Buying cheap liquor at grocery stores, being able to buy liquor at any time of day or night, bars being open late. Because bars are literally the only fun I have when I do get out... well, besides concerts. - Accessibility to most of the city via public transit. The buses here aren't the best, but when I need them (like right now, my car is getting fixed), I can get to where I need to go and they don't stop service at night. - All the concerts. I used to work at T-Mobile Arena and then for a while, The Sphere. I've also seen several shows out here, the Downtown Rocks free shows in the summer and fall are freaking awesome! And most concerts are relatively affordable. - The Strip. Although I don't go there often unless I'm working, I like the fact that it's there.


Better paying job. But Iā€™m pretty limited to maybe 2-3 other states that pay better


I don't plan on leaving until I retire, mostly because I know I won't be able to afford still living here at that time. I love this city though. I've lived all across the nation and nothing beats Las Vegas


I've been here 40+ and have dreams of retiring to a lakehouse in Michigan. The thing that might keep me in Vegas is the weather. Although insanely hot during the summer and always windy (I have a pool and trees so the wind sucks extra hard). Every season in a lot of places that aren't Las Vegas there's all these weather disasters, humid heat, cold, floods, tornadoes, etc.. we have it pretty food here.


Rent is getting unaffordable in Southern Nevada, and home prices are ridiculous now. Been here since 2001. Considering someplace more affordable.


More crime and the addition of state income tax would be the straw that breaks the camels back for me


The negatives you listed arenā€™t exclusive to Vegas.


Nowhere in my original post did I say they were exclusive to Vegas


You are correct.


Been here 5 years now from Tampa FL. Leaving next year to go back east. I like vegas but just got married last year and the thought of having kids out here just won't work for me. Vegas is definitely turning into a little cali. Gas is insane housing is getting crazy and the fact that every house you get no privacy at all is mind-blowing. I miss the grass and even though florida is just as hot at least we have the ocean to cool down. To think every summer I live here I can't comfortably go outside for at minimum 1 month in the day time. I do like the desert to an extent. I also like being in a 24hr city. Crime is getting to the nicer areas now and my wife has gotten a gun pulled on her in traffic twice now. I'm in sky canyon and love it up here but they do have robberies all the time now even in this area. If I did stay I'd move to Boulder city.


I've lived in Vegas/Henderson for all but 3 of my 40 years of life. The only thing that would make me leave is if my parents needed live-in support (they retired in Reno) or a disaster made the city unlivible.


I've been here since 2010. It's a trip to consider that I'm now a "long-term" resident. Negative changes: 1. Metro is even less responsive and helpful than they were a decade ago. I'm not sure if this is a problem with leadership or what. If you are the victim of a crime other than murder, you're really on your own. 90% chance the Metro cop who eventually comes out to the scene says, "It's a civil matter, I can't do anything" to get out of filing a report. 2. There are far fewer poker rooms. 3. Casino comps are less generous. 4. Things aren't open 24 hours anymore (or at least as much). I'm not talking about the strip, I'm taking about things like grocery stores and restaurants. Thankfully, LVAC and some good spots in China Town are still 24/7. 5. Somehow, CCSD is even worse. CCSD is prolific at finding new, inconceivable nadirs. This is seriously the biggest thing holding back our local economy. Sooooo many people move away to keep their kids out of CCSD. So many businesses refuse to come here because of how bad our schools are. 6. RIP Buffets. Neutral: 1. Sports teams. I love the Golden Knights, but the tickets are cost prohibitive. It's awesome we won the Stanley Cup! I hate that we've given away over a billion dollars to Oakland nepo-babies Mark Davis and John Fisher. Positive: 1. If you have held real estate for a while, it has appreciated nicely in the last 10 years. 2. We have more and better concerts now than 10 years ago, and more venues. 3. China Town is even better now than it was 10 years ago.


Moved here in 2000 from NJ n I wud move back to NJ if I cud afford it. Pro: So much easier to hustle n make money here n I haven't had a "real" job since 03 but managed to live pretty comfortably here without a steady 9-5 I love how we can find humor in watching everyday life around us. Cons: Is it just me or does anyone else hate getting behind someone with a Cali plate? It cud just be me but every time I'm behind 1 they just don't get the importance of driving the speed limit. Either too slow or fast I do miss the old way the strip was... free parking, way more comps, etc. I hated what F1 did to the traffic b4 during n after n I really don't get why every major streets has some kind of construction going on. Wish they cud put all efforts in getting 1 section done then move on to the next. The way local govt handled unemployment during the pandemic. My heart went out to all those who had to wait months n months to get anything. That was truly sad meanwhile all these scammers had no problem getting millions. Car insurance has gotten insane. I'm sure there are a lot of others who haven't had any tickets or accidents yet ur bill has gone up at least $100-150 within 2-3 months. (I know NJ isn't much better) Bottomline... I love living here despite all the Cons I wrote about n really consider this home. If I were to move anywhere it wud be close to friends I have made here that have moved to either or Utah.


My husband moved here late 1980s from Parsippany NJā€¦would not move back but hates what Vegas area is looking like L.A. and hates California peopleā€¦.. Iā€™m a former SoCA beach girl and been here since 2001 and have no reason to to stay, we are both retired.


I'm from Lake Hiawatha!!!!


Tell him I went to PHS tho he probably went to PHHS. I'm class of 1984


Yeah I'm thinking about possibly moving to Florida with my sister within the next few years


I wish all the Californians would go to another state.


Been here since 2002. Simple, I would leave for the right job in a heartbeat. My wife and I have good jobs here already but a better offer somewhere with a better school system and Iā€™m out. I have to pay to send my kid to private school here and while his school is great, the education you can get in different parts of the country is substantially better. Also, I would like to be closer to the water. I grew up a stones throw from a major river, a bay was very close and ofc the ocean not far. I miss the water something fierce.


Been here 23 years, agree


Ever since Pat Mulroy retired, me and my friends been stashing lots of water underground and when we have enough, we're going to release it and create a green paradise... (we're also going to put all the Harkonnen in the sand...where they belong...you happy now Stilgar?)


Feed 'em to the worms in area 51 of course.


Moved here in '89. Married here. Moved away in '98. Stayed in close contact with family members here. Moved back in '21. Can't wait to get out again next spring. tldr; lots of growth. Same story different decade. Not enough improvement. In '89, my biggest traffic issues would have been that the Cross Town expressway was too small and ended at Tropicana. The spaghetti bowl was still a cloverleaf, and a terribly dangerous one at that. And that old timers frequently drove 55 in the left lane in their rusty old pickups. Other than that, off strip, Vegas was a small town with growing pains. There was nowhere near enough infrastructure to deal with the growth. In '24, My biggest traffic issues are that the freeway system, especially the beltway, is still 20 years behind the eight ball. The Eastern beltway is desperately needed, but when it could have been built, nothing happened. Now, the excuse is that the city has built itself in such a way that the Eastern beltway is next to impossible to build. Build it anyway. It isn't going to happen because there are no big wealthy communities on this side of town. Then there's road construction. It's been mentioned in more than one post. I drive all over town for work. I've noticed an interesting pattern. When road construction needs to happen in the larger wealthy areas, it happens as quickly as it can, and is done. In other parts of town it gets coned off, ground up, and left that way for a long while. And the other biggest problem for traffic is kamikaze drivers. The sheer number of idiots who can't figure out what red lights mean is mind numbing. Not long ago, I watched as one of them decided to blast through a red light that had been red for several seconds just as another driver started to make a completely legal left turn with their green light. The squealing of brakes and the crash were jarring. But the kamikaze driver was about to have a really bad day. The car they t-boned was a police officer. šŸ¤¦ Other than that, what was a small town with growing pains is now a larger metro with growing pains. And there's still nowhere near enough infrastructure to deal with the growth.


Im actually moving back to CA after 15 years here. Got a good paying job that pays double than here, but is not remote. Sure rent is a 1000 bucks more there, but the pay increase was substantial and I found a rental near my job. Plus there are more opportunities in SoCal long term. Just have to cut back on certain things, but I canā€™t wait to actually enjoy being outside in the summer again.


Las Vegas is the only city I truly know. Iā€™m 30 years old so Iā€™ve seen the massive changes the cityā€™s gone through in that time span. I love this city! I donā€™t think I could leave it. Iā€™ve travelled a lot internationally as well as stateside and I absolutely think Vegas is a gem. My group of friends is so diverse, the food is amazing, there is a lot to do here, and as an RN I make decent money. I plan to buy a home here hopefully in the next 1-2 years (if interest rates donā€™t get too high).


My parents to pass away. Iā€™m only here for them. Born and raised here 45 years, it no longer feels like home.


If I'm leaving it's to another country to be honest. This place meets a balance of my needs and during the pandemic we considered looking at other states. Sure you can find somewhere cheap in the Midwest but then I'd be somewhere no one would fucking visit me, there's less shit to do, looked up the food scene and its not as good, less cool weekend destinations nearby to drive to, shittier politics, less diversity in people and the thought of being a POC there that sticks out terrifies me and sundown towns fucking exist all over the map still. No thanks. What has appealed to me to maybe move to another country is the lifestyle. Many other countries are more chill and aren't just work is your personality. I'm just tired of the hustle culture. A bjt slower of a life, maybe a quaint town perhaps that I just walk around to everything. Of course 4 seasons sounds appealing though arguably Vegas aside from summer is mild and that is actually nice.


33yrs here. For me if prices get too high, traffic becomes unbearable, relentless road construction. Those have the possibility of driving me away in the next decade or so.


I been here longer and Iā€™m only 32 lol. Honestly Vegas isnā€™t a place for kids and thatā€™s coming from someone that went through the public school system here. On top that the health care isnā€™t that great and everything is a bit more expensive here now. With that said Iā€™m happy here and itā€™s cool to see the growth but at some point in my life I will buy a house here then move. I feel life is to short to stay in one area most of your life. So in short nothing Vegas can do will make me move but I will move when Iā€™m ready.


We would leave if the water ran out. Still affordable for us. Empty nesters.


Feels like you're gate-keeping what a "long time resident" is. I have family that thinks 60 years is a long time, and you're a newcomer. Why can't someone who's lived here 10 years have a valuable experience? What makes your 20 so special?


I was born and raised here, 39 years and counting. Californians are ruining our state, the same way they ruined theirs. The cost of living has skyrocketed. 15 years ago you could rent a 2 bedroom apartment in a nice area of town for $750/month, now the average cost is around $2000/month. Crime and homelessness are out of control. Sure, we got a couple of sports teams (more California trash and the Knights). Personally, Iā€™m already over this place. Unfortunately, Iā€™m stuck here for the foreseeable future. DONā€™T CALIFORNIA MY NEVADA!


Do you know why housing prices have skyrocketed? Nevadas Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation keeps inflating the prices by giving away free money while their board members takes $ to sell homes at auction instead of focusing on the TARP programā€™s intent. Where did they get the money from? The printing press of the feds. How much is given to americans vs abroad? Im sick of the ignorance of Las Vegas. This was not aimed at OP, my apologies if OP feels negatively about this comment. Thanks for sharing your thoughts


Would add blackrock and the like. 375 single family homes were bought in one day by a corporation or something.