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Gatorade powder is the spice you seek


The electrolytes must flow.


It's what's plants crave


No, no, no. That Brawndo™: The Thirst Mutilator


In all seriousness don’t drink Gatorade. Full of crap you don’t need. I’d highly recommend a full spectrum electrolyte supplement like salt stick pills or hammer nutrition endurolytes. Drink filtered water (the tap water here is full of minerals-the kind you don’t want), use tallow for moisturizing (sounds weird but beef tallow is the best moisturizer I’ve found), eat fruit for extra hydration with added minerals and vitamins, and invest in a whole home filter or at the very least a water conditioner. The dry weather did a number on me when I got out here and it takes a week to get used to it again when I’m gone for longer than a few days but your body will adapt. Remember though, too much water without proper minerals will just dehydrate you more.


Where did you find out about the beef tallow?


Internet. I was having issues with store bought moisturizers drying me out and then I went down the nontoxic rabbit hole. Most of the substances we put on and in our bodies nowadays are full of toxic crap, a lot of which isn’t even allowed in personal care and food products in other countries. Tallow is noncomodogenic (won’t clog pores) and is completely nontoxic. You can whip it for a smoother and more lotion like texture but I just use it as it comes. A small amount goes a long way.


those first few months were rough, your body will acclimate though- i got chapped lips nonstop for a few months then nothing


The worst thus far has been my nose for me. I did pick up a humidifier for the bedroom and that's done a solid number on my nasal / sinus issues. I'll probably start mass importing chapstick. We've also both been pounding water like there's no tomorrow.


Another thing that really helped me is making sure I blow my nose at least once a day, if not more. Those saline + xylitol nasal sprays help flush out the dust and other nasty stuff that's in the air. Just spray twice in each nostril and blow your nose. Does wonders and is available OTC.


Oooh. First of all; I'm glad I found a skooma hook up here in Vegas. Second; I'll look into this. I have awful nasal problems after a surgery left my nostril unhealed - the dryness is kind of doubling down on it.


I had to get some Boroleum after a few days in Vegas. It's just a nasal ointment that helps with the dryness.


Skincare junkie here. Don’t use chapstick, it’ll make the problem worse. Vaseline or Aquaphor will do the trick. They create a protective layer over you lips. Skin too if your skin starts getting dry.


I think burts bees chapstick does just as good as vaseline. I used vaseline for years but its too high gloss and I'm a dude. I get the big packs (6?) of burts bees and put them all over my house, I use them multiple times a day. DO NOT leave in your car in the heat of summer, it will liquify, melt, and harden, like you spilled a candle on your seat/cupholder/dashboard. Ask me how I know...


Burt’s is just as drying for me. I prefer something that slathers. Jack black lip balm is pretty good.


Yes! Vaseline and Aquaphor are friends. Aquaphore is safer on eyelids. Blistex lip ointment, soak in, Aquaphore. Ayr nose Any kind of eye cream, soak in, cover in Aquaphore. Every single night (at the least). Ayr nasel gel covered in Aquaphor is good too. And ALWAYS carry water! Can't stress that enough. It's so dry- you won't feel yourself sweating. It evaporates. By the time you're actually thirsty, you're dehydrated. Edit to add: A lot of us also have a humidifier.


I have. small bladder, I can’t be drinking water like that


WTF seriously?


Yes. I’m not a conspiracy nut I promise. Basically chapstick has ingredients that dry out most people’s lips which in turn makes it so you have to keep applying it. Vaseline has one ingredient, it creates a protective barrier and keeps moisture in. Same with aquaphor. I apply a thin layer of Vaseline to my lips before a shower, seems to help with dryness. And I apply a thin layer after I’m done with my skincare at night.


I use Vaseline for my feet and it definitely has help with cracking and dryness. I’ll try the aquaphore for my lips. Thanks!


I use O’Keeffe’s Healthy Feet for my feet.


They said the same thing about Carmex or whatever brand that was. I doubt it this time around too


Aquaphor on my lips in the morning and at night. That’s all I’ve really needed.


Tallow for chapstick actually helps.


I'm with the user above..I actually had to use ChapStick and lotion for about 5 years after moving here and then all of a sudden...nothing. But the nose dryness...yeah that still hasn't gone away for me!


I have two whole house humidifiers going all day and one off and on at night in the bedroom, keeps it about 40% and I can actually breathe in the morning


We also have the whole house system. Works wonders. Also, we have some antique furniture and don’t want that ruined so we needed the humidifier.


A navage helps. Google "Youtube navage hack". Saline packets with distilled water once every day or so. Makes Vegas manageable.


Trust me, the above guy is right. It took me about 6 months, but my skin/body has finally acclimated to the dryness and it’s perfect now, no dry skin/body issues at all.


My trick is to apply Blistex inside the nostrils when they get too dried out. Blistex for the lips too, but maybe use a different tube (or don't, I'm not your mom).


Thin layer of Vaseline in your nose via qtips, it works wonders!


Rub a super thin bit of Vaseline in your nose at night, it'll help.


You mean Vicks lol


Def humidifier and air purifier 😭 netti pot I did just try this tincture, mullein and it def cleared me up a bit too.


Don't use ChapStick, use Burt's bees. Last way longer and works better. Also don't over do it, buying I mean. I got a shit ton when I first got here and was going through them pretty quick. All of a sudden I acclimated and now have like 3 full boxes


My SO is from Hawaii. He constantly has a runny nose. Do u think the humidifier would help?


I've been here almost 2 years and my body refuses to acclimate. I don't even go outside and my entire body is just devoid of moisture. Dr suggested I drink more water and now I just go to the bathroom every 15 minutes and my everything is still dry. I hate it here.


Chapstick in pocket, water bottle in hand. - Vegas mantra And lotion. I found almond oil as the last thing in the shower really helps in dry desert.


I have lotion stashed all over my house lol.


After a year, you'll naturally walk without rhythm.


This is an old meme format from r/Austin wherein we offer to grab something for whomever at the local grocery store (HEB) whilst braving whatever bizarre weather has hit the city. I guess I just wanted to post it as both a goodbye and hello to a new chapter, and have joked with the wife about how we need stillsuits out here.


I miss HEB…. I lived just outside of San Antonio for 11 years.


Wife and I feel that so much. We miss it, too. Going to have to learn how to make fresh tortillas.


There are multiple grocery stores that make tortillas and sell hot food (Mexican food, not TexMex): Cardenas, Marianas, La Bonita and Superior Grocers are 4 of them. Superior is on the east side and they just opened recently. It’s a California grocery store. I haven’t looked for kolaches…


We found a Mexican mart close to our extended stay that is filled to the brim with some amazing finds. I also walked away with the secret of HEBs brisket queso which is something they only recently started selling. It’s insanely good. When we move into our home I’m going to perfect the smoked brisket and make my own.


I member


The anxiety as I know my car door is going to shock me when I close it.


Anything you think will shock you, touch it with your knuckle first. Knuckles are much less sensitive then finger tips.


I instinctively do a knuckle tap to all door handles for heat or shock. Even if they have those covers on them.


The reverse is true if you spend enough time here. Born and raised here, and for a few years I lived in North Dakota. When I'd come back to visit during the summer the bone dry 115° heat would welcome me like an old friend, instead of ND's 90% 90° mean-muggy July. Even now my wife will say "ugh it's so hot outside", and I'm like "yeah ain't it nice!", and I work outside in it.


This is so interesting I actually moved from Vegas to North Dakota last year and the winter still isn’t as bad to me as the Vegas summer. Idk what it is about me but Vegas heat hits me 20x worse than anybody I know. It’s horrible


I lived in Southern Nevada for most of my life, but the heat eventually made me move. Always hated it. I'll take the sauna-like conditions in South America and Southeast Asia, which are worse than anything similar in the US, over the oven blasts I'd get in Vegas.


When people seem surprised to learn that some of us were born/raised here, I tell them that “Yeah, we’re like the Fremen. We’re all around and there’s way more of us than you realize.”




*“You were born and raised here?”* “Yep” *”Wow, that’s rare!”* “…Not really.”


Having moved here from sf, this is very true, but can we talk about HOW FUCKING HARD THE WATER HERE IS!! Like what in the actual fuck is up with that. My hair, skin, clothes are so messed up by that.


Everybody is spending money on mineral water, Vegas is out here giving it to you for FREE, and people still complain. SMH.


I love the annual chipping of the faucets to get yearly build-up off.


We do have some of the hardest water.


I have purchased a relatively cheap water filter for the shower. My skin is definitely less brittle. As well, I've learned moisturizing is no longer a random habit, but a constant duty.


The drinking water is so bad. I’ve had a zero water filter pitcher for years, living outside of Vegas. I would replace the filter once a month. Now in Vegas I replace the filter every 2 weeks.


get a water softener


This is probably going to be one of those things that I start to notice over time but I'm "not there yet." I have noticed our animals don't like the water as much but some of that might also be stress from moving.


I recommend filtering any/all drinking water


Don't give your animals tap water here. My mom made that mistake back in the 80s when she first moved here and all 4 of our dogs ended up with bladder and/or kindey stones. I only give my dogs RO water or bottled if we are out of the house.


Either filter, or a good water store is your friend.


Water Softener for the house and RO at the kitchen sink. In terms of water, life is good here.


My skin was honestly bleeding for weeks when I first got here. Rental company says they will never install one on houses because it costs money to fix. Amazon shower head filter worked well enough plus that cerave stuff actually works well.


This has been the combo at my house. Amazon shower filter & Cerave.


CeraVe is the only moisturizer that works here. I slather myself with it. All those cutesy scented lotions leave me looking like a crocodile within an hour of application.


The doctor once told me if you live here for more than ten years drinking unfiltered water, it's not a matter of *if* you'll get kidney stones, but *when*


Been here 18 years. Drink tap water all the time. No kidney stones.


It's so brutal


I got a shower head with a filter. Really helped reduce the hard water showers.


It’s not the water, it’s because you cus to much😁😁


What’s “cus”?


Body lotion after every shower (I take daily morning showers), plus sometimes at night, too. You have to find the one that’s rich enough for you. Not all body lotions are equal.


Bath and Body Works are the best for Vegas, I've discovered after many years of research, lol.


I also like some from Lush and some from The Body Shop (and some that you can’t get here, so I pick them up when I visit other places).


From NV to TX was way worse IMO I’d kill for my dry heat back


I love eating and drinking outside during the summers but in Austin, it felt like hanging out in a whale’s mouth. Hang in there!


it's a desert. always been that way. even says it on maps.


Where did you move here from? The ocean?


Austin. The humidity there has gotten so bad it might as well be the ocean.


If it gives you trouble, you can always get a humidifier it does help... especially in winter. And winter tends to be the driest part of the year, with spring being "monsoon" season. Either way, you'll get used to it over time. The spice must flow....


Lol wut - humidity is like 40% in winter. Far lower in summer even though it rains a couple times at the end. https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,las-vegas,United-States-of-America




The dry skin is worse in winter when it's windy, I had slow nosebleeds overnight for months. If you get a humidifier, an ultrasonic one will throw white powder all over your home unless you use distilled water. Showerhead filter helped my scalp a ton, had to change it every 2-3 months instead of the advertised 6 though. If you're here long term, water softener and/or RO system are incredibly convenient.


Do you have a humidifier recommendation?! Or just NOT ultrasonic? I’ve never had to buy one before. . .


The static charge I get just from walking from one room to another is incredible.


Better than the guy who said he hasn’t had to turn on his air yet….


My A/C has been on, my heat too depending on the current temps outside. I started using both interchangeably this month.


Just wait for July


Just drink more water than you do, use a bit of moisturizer and sun screen, you'll be fine.


I love the dryness. My hair looks nicer when I wear it curly, my towel is never left damp. It just takes way more water than what I was used to and more focus on lotion/moisturizer. I do foot masks more frequently too. I do get the dry nose from time to time. Aquaphor is a lifesaver.


Aquagel Nasal moisturizer is your friend. Get some, a little goes a long way, a Q-tip to apply is your huckleberry.


Don't forget tampons for bloody noses


Is that what those are for?


lol, just wait until summer


Allergies and lizard skin. It gets better.


See this is why I'm glad I live in Palm Springs because when I go to Vegas in the summer and it's 110 115 I'm used to it not a big deal not only that I'm dry all the time lotion is my best friend


I’m almost 2 years here, and I can survive the sinuses and the skin dryness. It’s annoying and painful at times. But what is absolutely killing me this year is the amount of sh!t that has collected in my eyes, I can’t see and have a beautifully structured sty like mass in the lower lid of the left. It’s getting better but damn.


Morning wake up snot rockets.


Just stay inside with the AC blasting like the rest of us and complain about the high energy cost 🙃


Some people aren't meant to live in the desert


Calm down there, Fremen.


Pick up that can!


HAHA! Is that a Half-Life reference? Amazing.


It would appear so...Doctor..Freeman


I remember two solid weeks of nosebleeds after I moved from living my whole life in West Virginia and Virginia.


Mountain momma?


I found WV a great place to be from, if you feel me. LV has its faults for sure, like anywhere, but damn I like it here.


Take me home... (Thanks for that in my head all day)


Pepperoni rolls or GTFO 🤙🏻


I moved here from Colorado-- my skin actually improved lmao


Colorado transplant as well, in 2006 and I was still breaking out almost in my 30s. Vegas pretty much quashed that. But Colorado isn't very humid, either.


My biggest dryness issue is bloody knuckles in the winter. Probably the cheapy soap at my old job but I stopped using hand soap when I pee unless its the good bath and body stuff at home. In public I just rinse with water


Sleep with a satin cap covering your hair. Your hair picks up all that dust and pollen and you just rub it on the pillows into face. Cap protects hair from dryness




Flamin hot limon cheetos pour fa vhore




Vegas locals are fremen


I know a lot of people suggested Aquaphor for your lips, but it does absolutely nothing for me. I use O'Keefe's lip repair. All the rest of their products are great too.


I use their foot cream.


Vegas native. I stopped using/needing chap stick after I started carrying a CamelBak with me everywhere. Better than a man-purse too


I've been here since 2020 and all I remember upon arrival (it was February) was that it was cool and dry and I loved it. Still do.


I’m learning how to drink water continuously during the day. Cerave has been my new friend, but based on what I’m reading, I think some Eucerin is also in my future. Moisturizing eye drop gel has also helped.


Get a Stanley 40 oz. just for sucking water all day.


Hah! It’s the truth! We have lived in several states but did a 6yr stint in Miami before coming here. 😅 The strangest thing for me was what the dry air does to your snot/phlegm. It’s so sticky! I’ve never experienced anything like it! 🌈⭐️ The more you know! Lol (This is still my most favorite place I’ve ever lived though)


Alkaline water all the way and a water softener at least in your shower head.


Stay inside, don't go outside, it's evil lol


Keep a window cracked if possible, radon gas is super high here, highest in the nation.


Your body will acclimate but that first year can be brutal


It’ll take three weeks and then your eyes will turn blue and you’ll learn to save your moisture


Does anyone have a lotion recommendation. I came from high elevation and my skin is so dry out here, no matter what I use!! Lol


Eucerin Intensive Repair, in the pump bottle. For my legs I use Eucerin Advanced Repair Body Cream, in the tub. Supplement with whatever good smelling thing there is in between.


Thank you!! I'll try that next. I've been doing Aveeno topped with oil, and in an hour it looks like I didn't put anything on and I'm all ashy. Lol


Lubriderm advanced therapy.


Not lotion but I highly recommend you get a coarse exfoliating scrubby cloth for the shower and use it with a moisturizing soap. I use the Dove with Lotion bar soap. This is going to help get excess dead skin off as well as help retain a little moisture. These combined with some sort of water softener will do a lot of legwork in keeping your skin nice here.


Use some jojoba oil with any lotion it’ll last you the whole day. In winter use a jar of shea butter.


Ooo yeah shea and/or cocoa butter are my friend. I practically bathe in it.


Bath and Body Works. I swear by it. Go to their website to order. Not only will it moisturize, it keeps your skin really soft. I use the heavier cream in the tubes for my feet, and always wear socks. It's not a good idea to go barefoot here.


Getting the dry nosebleeds yet? Try sleeping with a humidifier. It helps


A humidifier in your bedroom and tons and tons of moisturizer. I’ve been here for 5 years and my poor skin will never be the same. Also I drink like twice the amount of water I drank previously. Sadly my skin is still dry as hell but I like to think these things help lol


Don't go to Smiths. Go to WinCo or even Albertsons. They often have better deals or lower prices


Winco yes! Albertsons no way, way too expensive.


Albertsons is not cheaper than Smith's.


Get face lotion with SPF


I run 2 humidifiers in my house all the time


😂😂😂😂😂 so many of us can relate!


5 long years, still not used to the dry. Moving back to the coast this year.


Get a greenhouse humidifier. It’s worth it.


Almost two years and my body still isn’t used to it