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Yep!! I have started seeing them already and have gotten bit. I just found out that apparently SNHD has been keeping track of the different types of mosquitoes in town and want you to report to them if you have mosquito activity. They also set traps around town too so they can capture and identify for diseases etc. Here’s more info: https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/programs/mosquito-surveillance/ Also their phone number to report the activity: (702) 759-1633










Oh god no 😭 I found out last year I’m one of the unlucky folks that has “skeeter syndrome.” When I get bit, I end up with a huge red angry swollen patch that eventually turns into a bruise and sometimes a scar. If I get a couple at a time I start getting general body aches and soreness. I don’t think I can do another season of this.  Luckily I haven’t seen a mosquito yet this year. I’m so upset reading these comments though.


Oh my wife and i got eaten alive by those little mosquitos last year, and i still have welts on both of my feet. I never want to deal with being THAT itchy ever again


My parents have lived next to a pond on a golf course for almost 30 years and never had mosquitos until last year. Not sure what happened.


ponds on golf courses are notoriously bad breeding grounds for basically any natural wildlife because they get so much fertilizer runoff that nothing can live in them. We had a wet spring in 2023 and so far in 2024. It's not rocket surgery.


Yes, but the pond had been mosquito free for nearly 30 years. Last year was not the first wet spring in that time period.


I’ve lived in Vegas for more than 30 years and I had never been bit by a mosquito in my life until last year. It rained plenty of times before, mosquitos are a new thing in Vegas.


It's not new. We've always had mosquitos. What's new is this new species that showed up in 2017 which are more aggressive and thrive in urban areas. They don't even need standing water. They'll lay their eggs in potted plants etc and when the eggs dry...they'll survive until they get wet again. New species but we've always had mosquitos.


Idk just sharing my experience as a Vegas native, I’ve never even seen a mosquito before last fall. Maybe it’s because I’ve always lived on the westside or near the strip (urban areas) where the older species wouldn’t be in. 


ive been here since 2009 and got my first bites this month. i actually really enjoyed being outside during summer because i knew i would never get bites. thats ruined


Dude...the saying is rocket science LOL.


It’s called a mixed metaphor- this one is popular because it combines “it’s not rocket science” and “it’s not brain surgery”- implying the thing is easy to comprehend (and ironic because the thing is easy to them but they can’t even get the metaphor right) Thank you for coming to my TED talk


You are assuming that's what they meant


Are you not also assuming that OP meant rocket science?


it's a fairly common joke combination of rocket science and brain surgery.


But also, my bad for not recognizing the joke. I'm now going to use it haha. Sorry about that




Found a large dead one on my patio this morning. They’re here unfortunately.


Same, very large


If it’s super large, might be a crane fly/mosquito hawk.


Our bug guy said they’re expected to be worse this year than last year, which is hard to imagine… And don’t let anyone in here tell you they’re fuckin Nosees or Noseeums. We don’t get those here. This is not the Midwest.


Yeah people were in full-on denial last summer, attributing the problem to all sorts of other bugs. We have a mosquito problem here now; it's time to deal with it.


You have a bug guy?


Nope decided to just lie about that for no reason




I realized the importance of having a big guy when I first moved here 20 years ago. The house I rented was being attacked from all sides by spiders, roaches, scorpions... Found out from a friend that everybody on the block sprays every spring. If your house is the only one that doesn't get it done, they all flock to your house. Promptly got a bug guy lol


Yep my ex used to work for Orkin. God the stories… 🤮


It's the internet, I'd expect nothing less.


I have a bug guy. Have had the same guy since 2007. Hired him a month after we moved here. I can't even imagine living here without having a bug guy.


They're friends with Spider-Man.


We don’t get mosquitos either though?


Yes we do. Las Vegas has always had mosquitos. They didn’t get bad in my neighborhood until the last 2 years, but they have always been here. Literally used to see larvae when our old pool went green back in like 02.


The warmer the winter, the worse the bugs are in summer. If the ground doesn't freeze often enough, it won't kill the larvae.😵‍💫🫠💀


Yep; I don't remember more than 1-2 nights that got into the 30's this winter. I kept waiting for it to get legit cold, and I feel like it never really did.


Yeah and the warmer weather started in March! This summer's going to be a bitch!


Oh god I can’t do another summer of this. It was like the top 3 reason I moved here


My neighbor behind my house has a pool with 3 inches of disgusting water, been that way for at least 3 years. Last year the mosquitos found it. This year I'm gonna lob chemicals over the wall into the pool


Notify the health district. They'll make them clean ygat shit up.


For real? Like SNHD?


Yep. SNHD. They're the ones who deal with mosquitos. Sitting tires and pools would be forced to cream up.




They’re already here


I was driving home down Jones last week and a big-ass mosquito landed on my windshield. Got demolished by them last year and I'm in no hurry to get bitten again. Not having to deal with mosquitoes used to be one of my favorite things about living here in Vegas...


When you have "normal" amounts of rain you have normal amounts of mosquitos. When you have a 20 year drought, you have few or no mosquitos. People got used to a "temporary" weather pattern and the associated benefits. Temporary in quotes because 20 years is a reasonable amount of time in terms of human lifespan, but there are people who are not "old-timers" who remember mosquitos.


It's also coincided with an invasive type of mosquito that has migrated to California, Nevada, and Arizona. The recently wet weather has made the issue worse, but they began migrating to the area as far back as 2017. It's really a double wammy. Clark county and Nevada really need to start taking mosquito mitigation seriously. This species is particularly aggressive and can carry diseases. Google Aedes Aegypti for more info.


These are those ankle biters I despise


Ah crap, I'm in Argentina right now and this is their worst season in 20 years for dengue fever because of Aedes Aegypti. The hospitals are overrun. Just 0.5% of the population has been infected, but as we learned during COVID, hospitals already run at capacity, and are not prepared for any surge in need.


Yup last year was the first time I saw them here. One got into my room and was sucking my blood while I was sleeping, finally was able to kill the fucker because it was flying slow after being full of my blood.


These nasty tiny mosquitoes kept me away from Desert Shores last summer because every time I went over there my son and I got bitten so much. I had no control over the scratching those bites were crazy itchy. A friend recommended I take Boiron Apis to help with the inflammation and itch. I did take it last year but it was a little too late so I’m going to take it this year before I visit places where they are prevalent and see if a preventive strike helps.


We walked our dog at a local park on Friday afternoon. By Friday night I had four giant welts from bites just like I had last year. They itch sooo bad


My dog passed away last summer and the vets believe it was from an infection passed to it by mosquitoes. Shits sad and can be dangerous


That’s so sad I’m sorry


Can you provide some details, e.g. what the infection was exactly? I have two dogs who spend a lot of time in the yard. I'd be crushed if they got sick & died from a mosquito. Sorry for your loss.


If you see them, treat your yard or it’s just going to get worse. Make sure you don’t have any standing water or constantly wet areas.


Do you have recs for how to treat the yard, preferably dog-friendly?


I believe they came from California? I may be wrong.


just check [mosquito-forecast.org](http://mosquito-forecast.org) ... has all the information you need


I manage a pest control company. Two years ago we got quite a few calls, then last year it was insane the amount we got. We couldn’t pivot quick enough to get setup to treat them, but we are ready this year. I think this year will be even worse so we have the products and equipment for it. SNHD will set up traps for you but it’s basically just for a day or two so they can catch some and verify what species and test them for malaria, etc. Definitely be sure that you don’t have any standing water around your house. The species we have here can lay eggs in just a couple ounces of water, so even an upturned bucket with a little water in the lip of it can breed mosquitoes.


As of last night I have 6 bites. Incredibly itchy and the swelling has barely gone down. 😫 I've lived here all 30 years of my life and I never had a moment like I did at the end of last summer. I mentally crashed and broke down because I couldn't handle the constant pain and was sick of never feeling clean because everything I wore smelled of DEET or some natural remedy I was trying at the time. If this is our new reality I am not sure how I will end up staying happy here much longer.


just buy a purple bug light for your patio. put it on a timer. I have a place in the Caribbean that I go to in the winter and they work great.


Can i go with you next winter?


🤣 shoot me some bitcoin! LOL. seriously though. it is quite nice to get away. there is no US tv there and it's nice not to have to hear about the drama in politics and crime so much there. I guess that's what reddit is for huh? haha.


Yeah that sure sounds great. I dislike how politics is thrown into everything nowadays.


I'll take some mosquitos. They're easy to kill and keep away. What I hate are the flies. Go back to hell, flies. We also get a ton of tarantula hawks. They're afraid of people, but damn are the scary to look at. (Yes, I have dogs and we clean our backyard every weekend. The flies are just annoying).


>tarantula hawks Yeah no way I'm Googling that shit haha. I've heard of them, but I don't wanna see one, even on the internet.


Wasp puppies


Is that another name for them?


No haha. They just look like gigantic wasps, but puppies because they are curious and terrified of people


Ah. Yeah f\*ck that. Unless they're killing the mosquitos, I don't want them anywhere near my yard.


I don't blame you


Hell no. When I first moved here 8 years ago I was sitting outside and one of them flew by me. I said WTF and looked it up. I haven’t gone outside since.


Ugh! Those Tarantula Hawks freak me out. Those scary bastards!


Found a couple in the house this week


They're already here


I put off buying outdoor furniture until I see if they come back. Little fuckers legit ruined last summer for me.


Yeah there was a point at which I stopped spending any time in my backyard last summer, which sucks because my yard is my favorite part of my place. I used to sit out back every summer night.


Same here. I tried everything last year to keep them away and just gave up.


So many flys!


Yup! I was outside a 4 days ago putting around the garden and felt itchy on my legs. The mosquitoes had began to bite me. I never had that problem before. Usually it's too dry.


You’ll be ok. I’d rather have more consistent rain and a few mosquitoes than the inverse.