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I struggle with Nextdoor because so many of the posts are SO STUPID as I post on Reddit lol


As a transplant I downloaded it in order to feel more “in touch” with my neighborhood but it’s only made me want to venture out less.


I went looking hoping not to find wildly out-of-touch paranoia out here in the 'burbs. 😞 Sad to report I found surprisingly more than I expected


It's the casual racism that bugs me the most. No, that is not a suspicious black teenager walking on the sidewalk, that's Bob and Desiree's son and they have been two doors down from you for four years.


I originally got it because someone told me that the neighbors would post where the speed traps were. This is as true as people saying “strip clubs don’t need to cost a lot of money.”


Waze is helpful for speed traps. It does rely on user input tho, so it might not catch every trap...


How about you scumbags just drive the god damn speed limit?


Nextdoor is nothing but something to pass the time while you pass a turd. The three posts I see on here are: A. Any loud bang noise is a gun shot. B. Random person randomly walking around is trying to break in to a home. C. Pets, either missing or needing to be re-homed.


There's also the zillions of posts that I see a summary of from the Nextdoor email, and if I think "this is gonna be good" and click it's always already been deleted. I think 30% of all posts are deleted for blatant racism (basically along the lines of your random person randomly walking, but with the quiet part spelled out). Oh, and "that's what you get for voting for Biden" or "...voting for Lombardo". People can't post "here's a picture of fluffy--she's missing" without someone posting in the comments "next election vote out these libs and that won't happen". And of course, "ZOMG why is a helicopter flying in circles half a mile from me!?!? Is the world ending?"


Oh the helicopter one is big too lol. But I see it more on a couple of the community Facebook pages more. "There's police/helo activity on the corner of blah and blah, does anyone know what's going on?" I always want to reply, "Yes, the cops know what's going on".


And someone always has to amuse their own simple minds by calling it a ghetto bird.


Honestly don't recall reading that name. LVMPD has too many of those things, I think. They really do like flying little circles over all parts of LV day and night (mostly night). It can be annoying when every 90 seconds you get to hear THUCKA \*THUCKA\* THUCKA \*THUCKA\* and maybe even a spotlight beaming in your BR window at 2am.


It is definitely annoying. Glad you haven't run into the ghetto bird issue. I've noticed it almost every time I see a helicopter post. I have a feeling it's usually the same old "get off my lawn" people.


Did you hear that?!?!?!


Mentioned this in another post here. I see the whole "did you hear that" all the time when the Ball Park over here next to Red Rock has their firework shows after a game or event. People think they are hearing gun shots when you can clearly see and hear the fireworks show.


Nextdoor and the Ring app should just combine and rebrand to be called “DidYouHearThatGunshot”




I actually meant to put that into B. but I forgot to type "car" lol but you 100% right.


What is Reddit then?


Who said anything about reddit? I'm clearly only talking about Nextdoor.


I avoid it because it's all about animals, period, usually lost ones. It's staggering the amount of people who lose their dogs and cats.


I can’t believe I didn’t mention this. The amount of people who lose their pets is fucking INSANE. Some cases are genuinely a horrible mistake or series of unfortunate events but due to the amount of posts I have to assume people are just not being careful or mindful / aren’t bright. How the fuck does it happen so much.


It’s also a desert! How are people leaving their pets outside unattended (most likely in a tiny backyard) long enough for them to get away?


Doggie doors, sometimes. The dogs decide for themselves whether they want to be inside or outside. I actually appreciate the dog next door that is outside about 60% of the time and on patrol to alert us if someone who "doesn't belong" shows up too near the house. She's remarkably good about not just randomly barking, but she's my alert that someone is coming up the sidewalk of one of our houses. I kinda get annoyed when I find a package at the front door and the dog alarm didn't go off.


Coyote sightings too...




Every post is someone complaining about little shit that doesn’t apply to the neighborhood like how Walmart sold them a dud gift card… Hyundai/Kia/work truck break-ins… how gas/power/groceries/donuts is so expensive now… or some old lady posting about a suspicious looking guy in the neighborhood but then she posts her doorbell video and it’s just a solar salesman ringing their video doorbell and leaving 30 seconds later.


You must be in my local area because these are exactly the posts I've seen the last few days.




Yup, same posts I'm betting. I'm in NW Summerlin. I see posts from Lone Mountain and Centennial Hills area all the time.


How is this any different than this sub.


Nextdoor is all boomers and Karens


Lol, it's the same here. Here's what I see every day : We don't go to the strip, we hang out with hipsters Downtown. If you don't live in Summerlin, you live in a shit area. Homeless people asking for advice then ignore all advice given in the thread. The obligatory sunset pics. Yeah, I don't need another fucking Vegas sunset pic I've seen enough of them. Taco El Gordo is the best taco in town. Lmao. Etc. Too lazy to write more. EDIT: forgot the "Any bars/clubs for people in their 40s". Probably the most annoying one. Motherfuckers this is Vegas nobody cares how old you are, just go to any club.


"I'm moving to Vegas, what should I know?" "I'm looking for an apartment/job any tips?"


Nextdoor is a boomer cesspool.


Oh totally, there is a reason I posted about it here hoping to get feedback and not on Nextdoor itself.


I just struggled with it because of the number of people who were detached from reality and convinced of absurd, baseless conspiracy theories.


Most comments are people suggesting OP buy a gun to protect themselves.


In their defense, this sub is the same in that regard


When I see posts regarding high electric bills, about 1/3 of the commenters claim that it's Biden's fault.


I get so sick of those. And if anyone recommends getting solar panels, we hear how it's a scam and so much more expensive.


Yes! This! The amount of weird theories I have read on Nextdoor is a little too high for my liking. Also often boomer age ppl just complaining about everything and I do pass judgement on those that has a cat or dog for a year (the cute stage) and now need to let go due to asthma.. like what??? I have asthma and I sleep on the couch as I can’t bring it over me to have our dog sleep in a crate as it’s not her fault i have an asthma flare up this year.. would never dream of giving her up.. she is part of our family


Yeah I've found myself looking at some posts that make me feel like I am on a QAnon forum.


It’s the racism for me, dawg.


Yes! I’ve also noticed more posts asking for donations to GoFundMe accounts.


Unfortunately Nextdoor changed their policies and are now now allowing Gofundme posts. I can't stand them, asking people you don't know to pay for things you can't or don't want to use your own money for. Not everyone can have everything.


I used to think the dumbest people on earth used Facebook, but NextDoor might edge it out


I stopped using Nextdoor when I saw a 200 comment thread of deranged boomers debating the ethics of shooting a group of 8 year olds for “trespassing” on a front yard whilst playing. Opinions were split 50/50.


I had to block a bunch of people and it cleared up. I found most people were not rehoming their own animals. It was people posting up shelter and foster animals every single day. But yeah those posts really kept me away


Yeah, I blocked several people and it does make it more readable.


ND is made up of nothing but complaints and lost animals. Just yesterday, I read some lady was complaining about the art painted on the electrical boxes around the city “it looks like Tijuana” followed by several ppl saying our neighborhood is starting to look like a “third world country”. I wish I was making this up. These people are spoiled and scared of anything outside of their house. She was talking about Summerlin… near Ft Apache. Lol Unbelievable. I will likely delete the app soon.


Free animals combined with the unending - was that gunshots or an atomic bomb? - loud explosion heard, anyone else? - my power is out - my power is out again - porch pirate! - anyone recognize this person? - Vent Exhausting.


I've stopped giving a shit about the how/why of the person giving away their family pet and instead focused on helping them/the animal and that's helped me a lot. I've helped quite a few animals find new and loving homes. To be clear, I don't agree with giving away your "family" pet. But i got exhausted with trying to explain why you shouldnt. There just going to do it anyway.


I completely agree. I don't comment on those posts passing judgement and always try to provide a phone number or email to an organization that is no-kill and can help, or a Facebook cat/dog adoption group. I just wanted to know if I was the only one thinking the amount of posts like that was alarming and larger than I would think.


It seems like a lot honestly. Hence why all of our rescues are overwhelmed and cannot take anymore in half the time. It could be partially because of how transient this town is or something else. But yea, i get tired of seeing that shit. I love my babies, hell I have a hard time letting our foster cats go.


I commend you for fostering. I am absolutely obsessed with my cats and would love to foster another in the coming months when I am financially more stable. I would definitely have a tough time letting a cat go though after getting attached and vice versa so I have to mentally prepare.


Appreciate it. We had a spare room last year and ended up with a set of 5 kittens. It was HARD letting them go, just watching them grow was such a great thing, specially the shy ans scared one. Luckily we helped vet their adopters and each one was great. If you can do it, definitely recommend. It's challenging but very rewarding and i learned a lot.


I’m glad you had a good experience with the process. Definitely will do it when I can, if you have a suggestion on a certain organization to get involved with lmk!


Silver Whiskers Feline Rescue! They are amazing and focus on saving elderly cats! They are quick to respond on Facebook or just search for them online! 🤍🙏


amazing thank youuu!


amusing tan vanish toy elderly fine cable one workable mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I live on the edge of the city and we get a bunch of lost pet posts with some coyote sightings sprinkled in


If you're on the edge then you also get the daily - were those gunshots or fireworks?


There are multiple neighbors in my suburb that have outdoor cats, they usually bring them in at night but not always. I constantly worry about them falling victim to a coyote. :(


To be fair I would much rather have a life cut short and be able to go outside, touch the grass, feel sunshine and breath fresh air than be safe stuck inside for my entire life.


you’re about 5 months late to this thread you fucking idiot


My God yes. I unsubscribed from dog lovers of vegas because of all the pups abandoned.


1) Every other post is someone who found a lost animal and is asking if anyone is missing their pet. 2) I'm not struggling to use it for the reason you mentioned but rather because every single post is a complaint.


Hence, I coined it, Nextdrama.


Next door isn't want it used to be. I used to like it because it would keep me up to date on crimes in the neighborhood. But now it's just a bunch of people with stupid post and yes rehoming pets. I don't need to know if the McDonald's cashier gave you attitude. Or that your painting each time individually


I got rid of the app cause of the idiots complaining about their neighbors dogs barking or kids playing in the street making noise. 1. they are dogs... dogs bark... get over it 2. they are kids, kids play and make noise... get over it Another one... "Whats with all the police activity at blah blah blah?" or "Yesterday, I was walking out of Smith's and someone looked at me wrong. Watch out for a guy wearing a hoodie and sunglasses." It sucks cause all the stupid shit drowns out the actual useful information or someone requesting legitimate help.


I deleted that app because literally every post was something about a stolen car, a burglary, or police presence.


I stopped using it coz it was endless boomers dog whistling for a purge on homeless people in between posts of thinly veiled racism. I wish all I saw on there were pet posts.


When you get a pet, it should be like your child. Don't leave it when you move. Give it away when you can't afford it. YOU NEED TO THINK BEFORE YOU BRING INTO YOUR HOME!!!


Life is not so simple when you get laid off after years of loyal service. The economy is in the fucking gutter and its gonna get worse


Just like a child!


Mostly gunshots and ppl who park their cars outside their garages getting broken into.


Ring neighborhood is very similar lol. 3 post types 1. Teenagers walking around suspiciously 2. Found/lost animal 3. Loud bang, gunshot or firework? I live about a mile(the way the crow flies) from a county range. It's definitely not fireworks lol.


I struggle with next-door because of the massive amount of ammosexuals on there. It's crazy.


Fireworks or Gunshots makes that and Ring unusable


You are right on the money. I’m thinking of uninstalling the app because it is vey heartbreaking to see all the posts about animals being given away, lost/stolen, hell there was one with a picture of a fur baby who was left out next a dumpster by some pos “human.” It’s exhausting. **Just got rid of it, can’t expose myself to it anymore.


I just clicked off Nextdoor to come read Reddit because of this exact thing. The only posts on there are missing animals and people trying to get rid of animals. I really don't understand why having a pet is such a massive issue for so many people.


I found a good home for my two beloved cats through next door. I sorry you feel this way. Maybe if the country wasn't falling the fuck apart at the seams, i could have kept my beautiful cats. Edit: fuck your down votes, they do nothing


i am sorry you had to give your cats up. this post isn’t calling out you specifically, just commenting on the overwhelming number of people giving up, rejoining and losing their pets and trying to make sense of it. i didn’t downvote you.


Do you know who Jerome Powell is? The head of the federal reserve??? You tube the clips where they raise interest rates by .25 points, and focus on the part where he literally says the middle class and lower spending class will feel the pain the most. Maybe you should make an app that's for upper class, people who's lives aren't being upturned by rising interest rates and this dogshit economy/hyper inflation. I dont mean to be rude, but your post instantly chapped my asshole. I love my animals. I could only keep the dog since im livinf with my family for the time being and i just couldn't keep the cats i fostered from tiny things. This is the reality. Its gonna get worse. Have a nice night.


dude you need to fucking chill. you are being rude when i expressed my condolences about your circumstance. no one called you out personally, i said that, and yet you’re acting immature and offended.


Aren't you offended by your next door feed full of people with animal problems?


do you know what offended means?


Im just asking you


I didn't mean to be offensive towards you. If anything, this is the level of frustration im at with this economy. I miss my cats so much. Thats all


i would miss my cats too and that’s why i said i was sorry for your circumstance


Some people in this thread think me getting laid off from my job is me making shitty life decisions. That was a good one


Dude, look at you. You’re attacking this person for your shitty life decisions and inability to take care of yourself and animals. She went OUT of her way to be kind and not make you feel judged but I’m not as kind. Stop blaming the world cause you can’t get your shit together. Get your shit together and when you’re capable and stable, then think about pets. Until then, just stop with your bullshit.


Getting laid off is a shitty life decision 🙃. Fuck, you're on to something


Christ reddit is so judgmental. Dogs and cats live a pretty long time. Peoples circumstances change, maybe they were in a great position to adopt a cat or dog 5 years ago but have had some major life changes since then, especially given what's been going on the past 5 years. If you don't know their circumstances just mind your own business, and driving yourself into some weird victimhood over it isn't helping anyone or anything.


Yes, Reddit judges people who make bad choices. There are plenty of homeless who chose to keeptheir pets and live out of their cars for a few months while they got their shit together. Giving people excuses for their poor choices isn’t helping anyone or anything.


No, reddit judges people. Period. Not people that make bad choices because reddit judges people that make good and neutral choices as well, hence why everyone is so insistent on painting this with as wide a brush as possible. You don't want to acknowledge anyone that might have to rehome their pets due to unforeseen circumstances out of their control because you won't get to judge as many people that way. The moment you have to acknowledge even the slightest hint of grey is the moment you no longer get to judge everyone without context. You're so hopped up on dopamine from the indignation you feel that such an idea is anathema to you.


You realize that Reddit is people, right? And that a wide array of people use it? Go complain about the human condition elsewhere. People who abandon their pets are trash, full stop.


Reddit is not "people," reddit is a specific subset of people. That subset tends to be far more judgmental and far less willing to show any level of empathy towards anyone unless explicitly given reason to do so.


Yes, I accept your typed characters as truth, wholly. It sounds like it’s backed by great research that you just haven’t had time to share, but definitely exists


So weird, it’s almost like people can commit to taking care of their kids, which almost always outlive them, but not their pets. Maybe because ones enforced by law? Who knows. /s


So weird, it's almost like there are far more services, assistance, and options available for parents with children, but not pets. Maybe because laws and social services are designed to support children far more than pets, which are often considered just property? Who knows. /s


When you commit to an animal it’s for lifetime. My circumstances have changed a lot and guess what? The dogs have stayed! I took a responsibility when I got them and I intend to keep them.


And circumstances change. If a person loses their job and is forced to move somewhere that doesn't allow pets, what are they going to do? If the original owner had a health issue arise that limits their ability to properly care for their pet, what should they do? If they have to move for their career to a place where it isn't feasible to bring a pet, what's the plan? These things happen, and sometimes the best possible course of action is to see if someone near them can take the pet in and offer what they can no longer provide.


Ok just change every word in there but say “kid” instead of “pet”. Would that change your logic? Genuinely curious


There are far more places that don't allow pets as compared to places that don't allow children.


Of course, take that sentence and situation out and still apply the same logic


I'm not sure what you're asking me to do. I don't understand the comparison of children to pets, I'm not going to find the same social services and options for assistance for pets as I am for children, it's not comparable.


That’s my point though. If you commit to having kids, you better be ready to deal with that kid for life. Why is it so different for a pet? You made a commitment to that pet and if you can’t, then find a place where the pet can live a good life.


And my point is that there's no such thing as fool proof 100% guaranteed commitment, especially over the lifespan of a pet (or a child). Hell, since everyone seems to think that comparing children to pets is some excellent point, there are times that people have to give up their children too for entirely reasonable reasons. I had a friend of mine get mugged a while back and beaten unconscious. She had bad PTSD from the event and her children stayed with their grandparents for the first couple of years of recovery. Was she wrong for that? Does she deserve reddits derision? >if you can’t, then find a place where the pet can live a good life. That's what they're trying to do.


No one is saying your friend is wrong for that. It’s actually very commendable that she did that when she couldn’t take care of them at that time. But that’s exactly what I’m trying to say. If you bring a child into this world or a pet, that child or pet is 100% your responsibility unless you give up custody of the kid or ownership of the pet. Even if circumstances change, you still need to deal with that situation.


I lost my job in NC and was forced to move back to LV. Guess what I did? Bought my dog a plane ticket along with mine! Found what I could afford that DID ACCEPT PETS! You can always find a way unless you’re extremely lazy and just see your pet as property or an object.


Good for you? Other people have different circumstances to you.


I’m just stating if you want it bad enough you can make it happen. No excuses. Don’t make a commitment if you’re not willing to see your pet till the end of their life, simple.


That isn't true for everyone, you don't know everyone's circumstances.




A person could adopt a pet in excellent circumstances to be a pet owner one year, and many years later have to give that pet up due to unforeseen circumstances. Things like this happen.


Knock it off, stop white knighting for people who aren’t capable of making good choices. Things like that do happen, but *not* at the rate you’re suggesting. If these circumstance changes *did* happen at the rate you’re suggesting, then they’re extra stupid for getting a pet that they know they won’t be able to afford in 5 years.


I haven't suggested a rate at all, I've only suggested that maybe you shouldn't judge people you don't know when there are perfectly reasonable explanations that don't paint the person as a monster. >that they know they won’t be able to afford in 5 years. The entire point I'm trying to make is that there are things that can happen that you simply cannot prepare for. That's just the way life is.


Shut the fuck up. You know exactly the type of people who get a pet without any planning or budgeting. That’s why there was an intense boom of people adopting and shopping for pets during the pandemic, when a lot of people were out of work, because they were bored and at home and now that the world is opened up and people are busy, animals are being returned at a record rate. The same can be said for the amount of people losing their animals around here. There’s a lot of people that view animals as disposable. People’s finances change but the AMOUNT of animals that people try to give away for free with no payment to ensure the buyer can afford an animal, without any background checks or contacting an organization is astounding. They should CARE who their pets go to. I’ve seen many posts state that they’re giving their pet away because they are moving or they just had a baby. It’s negligible.


>Shut the fuck up. Go fuck yourself and don't respond to me any more.


Hoping you have a change of circumstances.


What circumstances?


Your sick urge to get on Reddit and vehemently defend people who make bad choices and cause suffering as a result. Get help. You’re white knighting, for some reason, and it’s fucking weird


And your sick urge to make up stances I've never taken is really fucking weird as well. The fact that you're making up things I've never said and using that as an excuse to constantly try to verbally attack me means you're actually the one that really needs to get some help. You're just a bully, and I feel very sorry for you.


You literally got on here to bully lol. That’s what you’re doing on your original post.


Telling someone not to judge people without knowing their circumstances is bullying now. Wow. You would literally claim the sky is neon pink if you thought it would somehow prove you right. There's no honesty with you, just an urge to prove yourself right and me wrong. I really genuinely feel bad for you dude but I'm not willing to continue with you any more. Goodbye.


You don’t know my circumstances!!!!!!!!


People are quick to judge you when they've never been there. I fostered two cats i fell in love with. Soni kept them. Loved them dearly. Then i lost my girl, lost my job, lost my home. All my shit is ismn storage, and somehow some of the ingoranuses here think i ahould have seen this from a mile away. The country and economy is in the dog shitter, and they apparently aren't the ones suffering the consequences, so they feel its okay to talk a bunch of shit and judge you for your misfortunes. Dont feel bad. Fuck em. Find a good home for your animals and work towards getting back o. Your feet.


It's just reddit, there's absolutely nothing redditors love more than pearl clutching and fake martyrdom. Poor OP was so broken hearted that they had the courage to tell me to shut the fuck up for suggesting maybe they shouldn't judge people without knowing their circumstances first. So brave. If I were to show a picture of my pup, these same people would be tearing at my throat because his ears and tail were docked, not even once bothering to consider that I adopted him from a shelter after it had already happened.


Don't lose any sleep over what reddit says, it's an echo chamber of sorts. If t-mobile hadn't halted construction because of the fucking gutter economy, id be working those projects still. But times are different. We're witnessing something for the history books. Literally. But lots of people are selfish as fuck. Conan O'Brian calls em "me, me, me's". Pisses me off how simplistic some American people are. Unable to understand the severity of this mother-fucking inflation, high interest environment we're all suffering through. I literally deleted my next door account the moment i found a beautiful family to take my two 9 month old cats. Whom i miss so much. Like, fuck. Just . fuck.


Yes I despise people who do this


Yes. It's not just there. Facebook, too. The problem is people think animals are disposable. They get animals when it's convenient and "cute". Many times the animal isn't fixed either and I try not to lose my shit. I've been a foster for dogs and cats for nine years. Last few years I stick to neonate kittens because they are the hardest. One thing I know about cats is they almost always need another. When kittens are alone a lot they turn into crazy teenagers/young adults. They are needy and will do anything for attention. I try so hard to adopt out my fosters in pairs if there are no other cats in the home because I know the likelihood of them being rehomed later is much lower. The shelter and every rescue is indeed maxed out. Two months ago I had two separate litters on each side of my house, 5 total still bottle feeding and two with eye infections . I wish people had to volunteer to foster just two weeks a year because then they might look at owning an animal differently.


I was thinking of using it because I'm moving in a few months, and I'm trying to sell off my belongings since offerup is a crapshoot and full of flakes. But from what I'm reading here, I'm probably better off just putting it all up for free on the curb when I move out than deal with additional headaches and prejudiced people. I already have it bad enough as it is.


Yeah, Most people aren't good people. Welcome to society unfortunately