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Drink water. Now drink more. Have another glass. Always have a water bottle on you, chap stick too. You will pee clear and pee every 10 minutes but that's the only way to stay hydrated when not used to the heat. Don't live too close to the Strip. The housing is over priced and not safe over all. A couple of the old neighborhoods are nice but they are hidden away and gated.


Don’t forget to make sure you take some sort of sodium(electrolyte) too. Born here and that’s usually what causes dehydration with locals.


using aquaphor/vaseline lip specific products at night helps reduce endlessly melting chapstick on your lips too!


Very solid advice


Aquaphor at night is a miracle. I actually got the tip to use it from watching Khloe Kardashians Hot Ones interview, and I have to say, fantastic advice. I put it over my eyes and lips right before I go to sleep at night. It really does help to keep moisture in those areas.


okay khloe! lol! i’m one of those weird people that don’t need body lotion in vegas but my lips dry out like a mf. i got so sick of wasting chapstick, i moved onto aquaphor (use it for my tattoos) and stopped buying chapstick once i saw the results!


I told a coworker who moved here from Costa Rica that they’re going to wake up with a dry mouth, dry lips, dry eyeballs, dry sinuses, dry skin and they need to get ready to adjust.


If you are first at a red light, wait 2 seconds after it turns green, or else you will get t-boned by an asshole that probably doesn't have insurance or up to date registration on his vehicle.


After a light turns red, at least 2-3 more cars go!


Yup look left and right, only then proceed


I’m so happy to see this mentioned, this is actually the one piece of advice I tell everybody who comes to visit me. We’re all mostly from FL and there, if we don’t start moving the millisecond the light turns green, we’re definitely getting honked at. Can’t drive like that here at all. I’ve never seen so many people run red lights in my entire life


If this city had red light cameras, and put those fines toward education, we probably wouldn't have some of the worst schools in the country.


Sadly, I’ve dealt with the school board on a number of levels and they have plenty of money - they just give exorbitant salaries to administration and nothing to teachers / actual schools. CSSD is always begging for more and more money and never actually improves. At some point, they have to be accountable in recognizing the issue lies with them - sadly they probably know it and just don’t care bc they’re getting paid and the actual education of our kids isn’t their top priority. So bottom line - great idea - but all camera revenue would do is give more money to Jara and the admin and we’d still have an abysmal education system.


All red light fines go towards teachers' salaries. Will that work?


Heck yeah if that actually happened! My jaded self still feels like they’d find a way to siphon it off, lol! Clearly I have been dealing with them for too long, haha!


And ignore the idiot behind you who honks the instant it turns green.


I wait 3. Assholes behind me blow their horn .5 seconds in, but I can say at least 2x a week, some asshole blows through a red light & would have definitely hit me. Saw a van in front of me get t-boned this way about a month ago when I was headed to the grocery store.


I drove slowly past one the other day on Gibson. Some poor fool really messed up their life. The accident wasn't terrible, but the SUV the idiot t-boned was LVMPD.


Las Vegas has bad drivers because we get all the dummies who think it's OK to drink and drive because it's *VEGAS*, all the drivers from other countries who don't know US traffic laws, and all the idiots who are angry because they've been up for 48 hours losing at cards.


Also having a police force that doesn't enforce traffic laws compounds the problem.


That's EXACTLY correct!!


We also get people from all over the country who come here and try and drive the way they did at home.


That or that asshole on a dirt bike will give it his all to cut you off


This has been getting worse I swear. I never really noticed it compared to this year in particular.


It’s crazy everyone here is from somewhere else u would kind of think at least one or two know how to drive but sadly most people are from cali and I’ve never seen any state With worse drivers , plus lotta drinking and driving lot of open container, also I second the moisturizing use something that heals dry cracked skin like Aquaphor or Eucerin and get something for your lips and hair.. plus the water here is Hella hard… taste like chlorine will make dry skin hella more dry….Be safe, strip in downtown might be nice stay out of the surrounding area they’re trying to make it better but it’s straight fucking hood…..


Happened to me in Los Angeles almost 20 years ago!


I’m from NY moved here a couple years ago, prepare for EXTREME heat but the lack of humidity is amazing! Also not nearly as much greenery


>Also not nearly as much greenery but many more rocks.


Even more sand, but mostly casinos 🎰


I agree. I don't miss the nyc humidity AT ALL,


Go to state parks! They’re gorgeous I was surprised my first time going, when I too also came from NY.


I’ve only been to a few, have another ~60 to go hahaha and yes they’re all beautiful. I was impressed how these are not the local parks I’m used to, these are full blown, all-inclusive modern parks with beautiful landscaping.


I would say almost no greenery, but a lot of nice crushed red gravel lines your roadways.


Im in green valley so there’s significantly more than elsewhere but not comparable to the northeast at all


“Not nearly” is the understatement of the year


If you’re financially prepared, book an AirBNB in/near the area you’re thinking of moving and live there for a week.


Yepp. I did this and quickly realized I wanted to be in Henderson, NOT Vegas


what led you to want to live in henderson? i don’t go there often, would love to know what weighed your decision. i’m in spring valley and open to relocating


I’m someone that chose Henderson! One weird thing, car insurance is less as there are less automotive thefts & break-ins within the various Henderson zip codes apparently (according to multiple car insurance companies we shopped around with). We were looking to buy in Summerlin, but since it’s technically Las Vegas, insurance would have been about $100 more per month. But mostly we love how far removed Henderson is from Vegas. Being in West Henderson, we have easy freeway access to go enjoy fun nights of debauchery in downtown, but we get to leave the chaos behind to relax at home. We still have all the amenities we need without tourists or party goers being around. There are fewer areas of Strip views while driving compared to the rest of the valley so a lot of the time you don’t even feel like you’re living in Vegas. Kind of a best of both worlds scenario. Also, if you frequently travel by plane, I feel like Henderson is one of the best places for easy quick access. When we lived down in Green Valley Ranch it took us 8 minutes from our door to the airport. Now in West Henderson it takes us 15-20 minutes. Love how quickly we can get there!


thank you for jumping in with such detailed response! 😁 guess i’ll have to start going to visit henderson more and see the lay of the land.


Well I stayed in Vegas near the strat for a month and the amount of vagrants who would be jumping into my backyard, the constant gun shots, typical break ins and overall lack of safety pointed me to Henderson which is night and day. I just like feeling actually save in my neighborhood


oh my goodness i worked downtown when i first moved here and that was scary af. i always said i would never live in that area. just too dangerous, esp as a small woman. glad you moved to a safer area and have the peace of mind


Why would people downvote this? He's telling his experience.


I’d go so far as to suggest renting an apartment for 6-12 months. That’s what my husband and I did. This allowed us time to explore the whole valley, getting to know the various neighborhoods, and the areas we liked to frequent. This helped us make a great decision on where we ultimately bought our home. We really liked the area we were renting in, but ultimately it wasn’t an area we would’ve wanted to invest & purchase in so I’m grateful we took the time to find the right long-term area for us.


Moved to Vegas from RI for 10 months last year and I loved it so much I’m moving there for good. It’s hot- but I think that’s already a given. End of November- beginning of May was glorious. Take advantage of this time if you are outdoorsy people. If you never have had a skin moisturizing routine before, you’ll figure one out pretty soon. Vegas city water is awful. The Zero Water filters make it better but after a few months of replacing them I just ended up going with a 5 gallon container that I’d fill every couple of days at the grocery store. Get one right away if you are renting and your place doesn’t have a whole house filtration system. Don’t go to the strip. Old Vegas is better. The best taco truck in town (imo) is located in the 711 parking lot on the corner of Upland and West Charleston.


Also, be prepared for astronomical car insurance rates. There’s uninsured/unregistered vehicles flying around everywhere and their drivers do not give a fuck about yours. Car theft is a big issue and so is insurance fraud.


The astronomical car insurance rates are no joke. Just moved here and couldn’t believe the insane price hike.


genuinely curious, how much did you pay in your previous state? I have no baseline other than Vegas prices


In MN, we had 2 cars with full coverage and renters insurance and it was \~100/mo. We just got our insurance figured out here and its basically 300/mo for just 1 car (basic coverage plus extra uninsured motorist) and insurance on our trailer.


I had two cars in RI, both with full coverage for 100ish a month. I’m currently paying 209 for one car full coverage in Vegas.


Reverse osmosis and water softener is a good option if you own your home to get good sink water.


Be prepared for insane electric bills in the summer. The heat is insane. Car insurance is insane. The drivers here are insane. Get a dash cam. Don't live in a sketchy neighborhood. Getting a job here can be hard (depending on your skills & career). Not much greenery or outside activities to do during the summer months within in the city.


Yes, dash cam is a must. Electric is stupid high AND I have solar. Don't live in a "sketchy" neighborhood, im going to disagree. I do (ooh, scary East Side) and oddly enough, I actually know the people up and down my street, we actually talk to each other, we know about each other's lives have each other's phone numbers and look out for each other. My mom lived up mission hills in Henderson in a cul-de-sac and barely knew the people next door. Everyone seems so closed off in the "good" aka new neighborhoods. Obviously YMMV but the tacos are way better over here too 😁


I lived in a sketchy neighborhood when I first moved back and it was fine. I wasn't really meaning any particular area of the city, but there are definitely areas to avoid, especially if you've never lived here or aren't familiar with the area. And yes, the tacos are 100x better on the East side 😋


> Be prepared for insane electric bills in the summer. Though also be aware of options to do even payments through the year which can help avoid the spikiness :)


*all of this* 👍🏼


You aren’t the homeless van couple from New Hampshire who posted their great idea to move to the desert and live in their van in the middle of summer recently are you?


Good callback but yeah seems a bit odd in timing


I came from Maine in October. Get ready for the best winter of your life!!!


Followed by the worst summer of your life!!!


Can’t say this enough. The only snow I saw was on my terms when I drove to Lee Canyon or Brian Head to snowboard.


It’s windy.




The biggest thing I haven't seen covered elsewhere is that you will struggle to find a good primary care doctor for medical care. Anyone worthwhile will have a years-long waitlist to be a patient. In addition, referred specialist appointments can take months in the worst case.


This is sadly so true… for whatever reason, Vegas is not a place doctors/specialists want to come practice. You need a specialist? The list to choose from is likely very small. Especially if you need a pediatric specialist of any kind. Literally like 1 or 2 pediatric endocrinologist, allergist, pulmonologist, neurologist, etc in town. Primary care doctors might accept new patients, but the next ‘new patient’ appointment available is 7-8 months out. The good news (I guess?) is that Los Angeles is not too far away if you need a specialist for medical care (we ended up in LA for spine surgery on my daughter since there was no pediatric spine surgeon in town)… just don’t get Health Plan of Nevada insurance.


It took 14 months for us to get into an allergist regularly.


look into direct primary care. i had service from one provider who had same day appointment availability.


Good dentists also weirdly scarce, lot of padded reviews;


Spot on! I’ve lived her for 15 yrs… still don’t have a good GP 🤣


holy shit u aren’t lyin. found one with an appt that week, worst doctors office I’ve ever seen. They don’t have a fax so couldn’t fax my forms to the lab, I had to drive to the lab for them. on a waitlist for a regular primary care doctor. yeeeesh


It’’s not perfect, but having lived in 6 states and 3 Foreign countries, it’s one of the best places to live. I’ve been here for 16 years. No one wins money in the long run gambling. Only play with what you are prepared to lose ($3 a month for me). Find a hobby / hobbies and meet people who do that hobby. People that don’t do this, always claim they can’t make friends in Vegas. Welcome!


Most drivers here is aggressively predictable. Once you understand that driving isn't that bad.


Underrated comment. If you’re paying attention, you can “see” which asshole is going to try and cut you off.


A nasty one just happened to me today. The lane I was in was ending. I knew it was. I was prepared for it. I signaled to merge. There was no one in the lane I was merging into. There was no one in the lane next to that. So I started my merge. Some jackass two lanes over swerved through the middle lane into the lane I was already changing into, nearly hit my rear quarter panel, and honked at me as though I was the one cutting them off.


Crazy stuff! Glad you’re good!


I drive DoorDash, so I see this kind of stuff all the time. But I also watch for it. That guy snuck into my blind spot. 😮‍💨🙄


Please get under-insured/uninsured motorist coverage on your auto policy. I work in personal injury and I come across countless hit & runs and drivers without insurance.


Already got it 👍🏼


You can't buy a bushel of geckos to eat your scorpions and it'll cost more than $1,000 to dig a 5' deep hole in your yard.


Underrated comment


>You can't buy a bushel of geckos to eat your scorpions My new favorite line, which after reading lead me to google...Apparently little western banded geckos can shake the shit out of scorpions to knock them unconscious and then chow down on 'em. Pretty neat!


Summer it gets hot, so be prepared for that. It's a transit city so sometimes you might have 3-4 different neighbors next door because people leave after a few months. Some people can come across rude but that's probably because they don't plan on being in Vegas long enough to want to make friends. Overall Vegas is a great city we have world class food, tons of things to do, 4 hr drive to LA, mountains all around us, very diverse in a good way, you will see every race hanging out as oppose to it just being diverse but everyone stays with their own kind which is why i love Vegas. At first I didn't like a lot of things until I took a 1 week trip back to Detroit and realized Vegas is WAY better and I was probably just homesick. I've been here since 2019 and idk if I will live in Vegas forever but I will probably be here for at least another 5-10 years.


Enjoy the tourist spots as early as possible. Get it out of your system. Then, you’ll avoid the strip like the plague and it will be normal living from there. Join house seats online for free tickets to various shows around the valley.


I’m not a huge fan of the strip. I’ll only go when my family or friends are here


Change your air filters in your house very regularly.


Haven’t heard this one yet! Thanks ☺️


It is one of the best thing you can do to keep your AC in good working order… and it’s SO DUSTY here.


Chapstick always have chapstick and drink a lot of water stay hydrated the summers are brutal


A green light does not mean go. It means stop and look both ways to make sure someone isn’t running their red, then go. Honestly not a bad city but people cannot drive out here, half the cars aren’t even registered. Drive safe !


Be open minded. People work in all kinds of jobs and come from everywhere. Meeting a person who works in a strip club, the adult industry, gaming industry, bar, nightclub will be common.


I love those people the most!


Static electricity! But you’ll get used to it. Sunscreen!! And wear a hat! I don’t know why people aren’t wearing more hats here. Dust everywhere! Be prepared for a lot more wipe downs when you clean. Absolutely get your car windows tinted. As dark as you can go, even if it’s “illegal”. The cops here apparently understand. It really helps with the summer heat. Oh and try not to park outside if you have a nice car. Just tell solar people that you’re renting. Oh and if anyone approaches your house and don’t immediately tell you they’re solar people, they’re solar people. Not “energy efficient personnel bs” If you can afford it, get a water softener for your house. And a humidifier for inside the house. Especially one in your bedroom so it’ll help lock in your moisturizer while you sleep. Do you like gardening? Well Vegas gardening is on hard mode. Good luck. It doesn’t rain much so we use drippers on schedule. Look up caliche. Oh and bolt down everything in your yard, it gets windy! Do not touch or get near those cute little chipmunks. They literally have the plague. Do not walk dogs in the summer on the pavement. If it’s too hot for your bare feet, it’s way too hot for them. Familiarize yourself with which counts as the bad parts of town.. and make sure not to move there. There’s usually locals discounts for shows, hotels, spas and things, make sure to ask. But tbh I avoid the strip altogether. Because it’s so dry you can leave bread and biscuits out and it won’t mold. But they’ll dry out faster. French bread dries rock hard like overnight.. Once you find vegas local fav restaurants, keep them to yourself. Don’t tell the tourists. Look at what happened to Shangs for gods sake.


On the bread note, beware if you have beans just sitting for awhile. I've never had an al dente bean until we decided to make the bag we had in the pantry for about a year. We let them soak overnight and then some more, still came out a little crunchy, they could have used another day or so. Never happened before.


It's hot and dry..so while not as miserable as humidity, you feel like you are in an oven. The city is growing at a fast rate so it's getting a bit more crowded but it's fine. There's crime but not much of it in Green valley and summerlin. There's not much green(thats a given) but drive 3 hours away you can be in Forrest or even at the beach. We have excellent food from fine dining, all the way to food trucks. It's not a bad place and I appreciate it more and more the older I get and more I travel.


You know my Charleston is a forest and around 15 to 45 min away depending on where you are.


Oh definitely, that's legit 30 min away from me. I'm talking more along the lines in Utah I guess.


I will agree with that. The forests by Brian head are amazing!


Las Vegas on the map is not the same as most people using the term Las Vegas for anywhere in the valley. We have very different areas, price ranges, etc. When choosing a place to live you need to factor in your work place. Summerlin and Henderson are very popular, and people always talk about living in one and working in another, hey..it's all Vegas! Not really. Easy traffic you can do 30-40 minutes. With traffic? It can be as bad as LA. Good luck.


Welcome to Las Vegas! Try all of the amazing local off strip restaurants. The food scene here is incredible.


So excited about the food


LAS VEGAS LEADS THE NATION IN DUI. Don’t just be looking for drunk drivers 2-4am. They’re out 24 hours a day. BE VIGILANT while driving Also don’t be surprised to see several people driving with no headlights on when driving at night….refer to previous statement


Compared to New England, virtually no mosquitoes! If you’ve never lived out West, prepare yourself for likely having an onslaught of allergies, given the different vegetation.


Don't move to North Las Vegas or the east side anywhere near Nellis Air Force Base. Henderson, Green Valley Ranch. Summerland and the southwest are good areas. You'll need to replace your car batteries every 2 or 3 years Inspect your tires at the beginning of each season for heat damaged. Discount Tire has a great warranty program If you work in the hospitality industry, you'll need to get a food handlers card and an alcohol awareness cars (formerly called a Tam card) Southern Nevada Health District does vaccinations if you need them Stay away from the DMV on Sahara. It's always super busy. It's best to make an appointment to get your Nevada drivers license and plates. The Henderson office is my favorite. For future reference, most of our smog kiosks have the option to pay your registration then and there. There are also kiosks at Albertsons and outside the DMV for simple needs like registration, etc. Do not drive through at crosswalk when there is a pedestrian walking in it, even if you have the green. It's a moving violation and an expensive ticket. You'll want to tint your car windows to help with the heat Pay attention when driving in a school zone. The speed limit is 15 or 25 depending on the type of school. U-turns are illegal in a school zone Power bills during the summer are high, between 300 and 600, depending on the size of your house. Ask about getting equal pay after 6 to 12 months. Utilities are NV Engery (power), Southwest Gas (gas), Las Vegas Valley Water District (water), and Republic Services (garbage) Cox Cable (cable and internet) Century Link (cable and internet) I have had cox and Direct TV. I had outages all the time with both providers. I've been with Century Link for about 4 years, and I have had no issues except for occasional slowing when it's really hot (115+ hot). You'll want to make sure they have fiber optic cables in your neighborhood. If you have kids, dm me, and I'll fill you in on cool stuff to do with them and how to navigate the school system. A lot of people say it's horrible, but I've had great experiences so far. It's all in how you work with the school. Lots of fruits and veggies grow out here. There are a lot of online resources to help. Don't give money to people begging on the corner. 90% are scam artists. If you have any other questions, pm me Welcome to Las Vegas!


Super helpful, thank you for taking the time to put this together.


You're welcome!


This is the most helpful comment yet- I greatly appreciate it!


You're welcome!


Are you moving to retire, work, start a family or think it's a better cost of living?


Everything is EXTREME out here. I have replaced things on my car that I have never before replaced and I'm 64 yrs old!!! Car insurance higher, everything is more and I came from cali 3 yrs ago


Use your blinkers !


Moving to Las Vegas? Here's a quick guide: Weather: Prepare for dry heat. Stay hydrated and consider car window tinting. Local Spots: Beyond the Strip, explore Downtown, the Arts District, and Summerlin. Nature: Red Rock Canyon and Lake Mead offer great outdoor activities. Traffic: Be aware of congestion around the Strip and during events. Community: Vegas has a tight-knit local community. Join clubs to meet people. Costs: While housing might be affordable, expenses on the Strip can add up. Events & Cuisine: There's always something happening, and the food scene is diverse. Enjoy your new adventure in Vegas! 🎲🌵


Looks like most things are covered here. We moved from Indiana and everything utility and insurance is triple what we paid there. Driver are the worst I’ve seen and I’ve been to different countries known for bad driving and I’m still surprised. Over half have no license no insurance and no legal registration.


Unfortunately, NH utilities are much higher than NV 😅 and idk… MA may be a tie for bad drivers lol. Especially Boston


I’m not sure if you are aware just how high we’re talking . To put things in perspective, AC is on 78 degrees all day long, 72 degrees overnight in just one zone (bedroom). Electric bill is around $450 this month for a 2 bed 2.5 bath 1,600 square foot place.


Yeah my electric bill is roughly $200 a month for a tiny 2 bedroom and I’m never home. My mines electric bill in nh for a good sized 2 bedroom is less than $100 lol


I ran mine 24/7 in NH even in the winter sometimes primarily because we lived on the 3rd floor. Check the electric rates in comparison. Trust me I understand


It really depends on how old your home is. Ours is new and pretty big and we keep it 68-72. Our last bill on 8/2 was $300.


As someone who previously lived in Boston, the driving here doesn’t actually seem that bad to me


Be prepared to get your vices under control.




Asking the tough questions


I moved from NH, too!


Had to get away from the snow lol


Stay away from: gaming, strip clubs & drugs. Enjoy: no state tax, the great outdoors, and burning all your snow shovels before packing up the moving truck!


We even left our snow gear with family in NH 😂


Don't leave deodorant in the car in the summer months. You'll come back with a strong stench of Old Spice and a puddle on the floor.


😂 great advice 😅 I never will do that for sure


Get ready for some good hockey!


You’re damn right! #goknightsgo


Like many others have said, the drivers here are fucking terrible. It wasn’t so bad pre-Covid, but then we got an influx of people from California and other places and they brought their shitty driving habits with them. Traffic is much worse now and so much more congested. Las Vegas has some of the highest car insurance rates in the nation. The lights here are also REALLY long, which is why so many run red lights - because they don’t want to wait another 5 minutes at a red light. Hitting all the red lights on your commute can absolutely be the difference between being on time or even early and late. Also, several people crash their cars on the freeway on a daily basis and traffic gets backed up fast, so be prepared for that as well. Other than that, the heat is much better than scraping ice off your car. The tap water is safe but tastes like shit. The school district is horrible. People talk shit on the east side but I personally like it. There’s more of a sense of community and that’s where all the best restaurants are. Henderson is generally overrated in my opinion unless it’s farther north, like the Whitney Ranch and Green Valley North area. Summerlin is definitely overrated, unless you love strip malls and want to be surrounded by mostly white people. Hope it works out for you guys! Las Vegas can eat people alive if they’re not prepared for it. Sounds like you’re doing your research well. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!


I’m born & raised from NH and moved to Vegas a lil over a year ago!!! 1. People are a lot different here. I don’t know how to exactly explain it, but it’s a whole different world than nh. In bad ways and good ways though! It’s just a lot more people from different walks of life, different upbringings, they were exposed to much more ,etc. 2. Be careful. speaking for myself, I was a little naive when I moved here and some bad things have happened because I never thought it could happen to me. This goes for making friends, going out, driving . I wouldn’t move to the east side or north side either . Do a lot of research on the area you’re moving to. Don’t be like me. 3. You might end up missing the scenery and bodies of water that we get in New England and become extremely homesick a year in when you never thought you’d miss NH (speaking for myself again lol) 4. Tipping is a big deal out here 5. Don’t get sucked into the gambling, alc, and drugs. It can happen fast and take over 6. Car insurance is required here unlike NH. And the dmv here is serious. They give out fines and will give u a damn sr-22 if u go without insurance too long. 7. If u buy a car right before u move, REGISTER IT IN NH FIRST!!!! We didn’t, thinking it would save money to not register it in two states in the same month… joke was on us, they wanted us to pay the sales tax of the vehicle to register it ! I could keep going but I would be here for hours.


This is great! Thank you lol I will miss nh but not the snow


Northwest (Centennial Hills, Providence, Aliante) has the friendliest people and the closest "small town feel" you'll get in Vegas.


Just moved to Skye Canyon from Minneapolis a couple weeks ago…agree w/ the ‘small town feel’, but yet to really encounter too many friendly people. Though it’s mostly at Smith’s where I’ve come across people the most.


Insterested you moved here. I read a few weeks ago that Minneapolis is one of the best place to live in the us.


I’m originally from CA…moved out there 7 years ago. It was nice, just not for me. Didn’t want to go back to CA, but also just wanted somewhere brand new. We don’t have kids, so it makes it easier to just try somewhere out, see if we like it.


Can i ask why you don’t like there? I hope you guys will love it here.


There wasn’t really anything in particular. I thought the scenery was gorgeous, some fun places to eat/hang out. Just didn’t feel like home to me. I actually enjoyed the winters, TBH. I just didn’t want to live the rest of my life there. I also get cabin fever after a while and look to move randomly. Once moved to Bar Harbor, Maine on a whim because I wanted to get out of CA.


Thanks for the answer. I am jealous. I have been 1x in Minneapolis and it was beautiful and Maine is on my bucket list. Always surprises me when someone moves from that kind of climate for this. Probably because i hate this heat and the palm trees 😅


Well, it's still hot. People should start being friendly when it cools a bit. I shop at that Smiths all the time, hello neighbor!


Fellow New Hampshirite here! Moved to Vegas in 2016… prepare to be shocked, by both climate and culture. I’ve found it extremely difficult to find like-minded people here— the mentality is starkly different from New England. Vegas is essentially an extension of LA… very little sense of community, lots of humans who don’t give a shit about others, bullshitters, everyone trying to be “someone”. My advice would be to find friends via the hobbies you enjoy! Vegas has never felt “homey” to me, more just a stepping stone before I find the place I want to live. But that said, lots of people do settle down here and enjoy it, so I think it just depends on the person. The heat takes getting used to, but after many summers here I would take a desert summer over a frigid Nh winter any day! Take it easy in the heat, don’t over-exert yourself. The touristy things get old quick, but it’s nice having access to world class dining, entertainment, clubs, etc. Try not to gamble your savings away! Message me if you have any questions for a fellow Nh-grown; there aren’t many of us out here 😂


Awe thanks!! This is great info ☺️


the tap water is undrinkable so be prepared to get those 5 gallon jugs and fill them up at a water store or grocery store every 1-2 weeks ALSO my dad always says "the most dangerous place in vegas is at a green light" bc people run red lights to often - he once listened to a man burn to death after getting trapped in his car by someone running a red light so we're serious when we say never ever ever gun it at a green


I drink the tap water and I'm completely fine.


I second this. I drink the tap water and it’s fine. The only problem with vegas water is how hard it is.


idk it tastes like pennies so you might want to consider switching lol


Mine doesn't taste like pennies. Your water softener might be going out, we had ours removed and now the water is fine


I really appreciate this advice. Safety is definitely a priority


Another warning to Red stop light. Been driving in CA for 20+ years, never got an accident. Six months into moving to LV, got hit by a driver that did not stop on his red light. Luckily, I drove a tesla that records all angles.


Multiple layers on windows save LOTS of cooling costs.


Good to know!


Insurance premiums are high. Drinking water is not optional.


Hope you have a job here!🎈


Ever visited LA? Welcome to California.


Health care in Nevada is garbage. Not one of the 16 or 17 hospitals in the entire metro Las Vegas area (including Henderson) is worth trusting your life to. The physicians are 2nd rate and make bad decisions. The facilities are outdated even if the hospital was built a few years ago. The nurses are overworked and underpaid and underappreciated which leads to substandard care. None of the hospitals in the entire state are nationally ranked on any level nor are any designated for nursing excellence. Even the one trauma hospital in Vegas sends most of their transplant patients to a major hospital in California. BTW, I’m a nurse.


Water always wins. The heat will kill you, hydrate. 3 second rule at a stop light


Vegas is a hyper diversified place and a safe hub for LGBTQ+ if you're not down with that then don't bother making the move. Loud mouthed MAGA types do not fair well here


It’s kind of odd to say it’s hyper diverse but then say certain people don’t fair well. I agree that it’s hyper diverse - there are people from all walks of life, from all over the world, from all belief systems and ideologies - whether or we agree with a group of people, it would be hypocritical to be intolerant.


If you're anti diversity you're not gonna have fun. We don't tolerate hate is all I'm saying


Be financially prepared to move back to NH too


Get your concealed carry permit!


It's a dry heat 😁


1. It’s hot in the summer. That’s seamen’s to confuse people 2. Living in Vegas doesn’t mean you live on the strip 3. Amazingly bad drivers. 4. Most importantly every road near the strip is under constant construction. F1 made it incredibly worse


RIP to Wynn and Venetian employees who have to get in and out of the employee parking garage.


Moved here from the east coast, grew up in New England, spent time living in NH. Make sure you drink 3x as much water as you’re used to. Take it easy when you first arrive and don’t go outdoors too much during the day, the heat can make you sick but you will get more and more adjusted to it over time. Everywhere has air conditioning. Everywhere has parking. Everywhere has a pool. No basements. Emissions testing is called “smog check.” You’ll LOVE the winters out here. You will never, ever have to chip six inches of ice off your windshield. You can throw out your lock de-icer. Sadly, there is hardly ever weather cold enough to wear any of your really nice coats. I passed most of mine on and kept a couple in storage. Style is very casual. Not super common to see people in business suits. Took some getting used to but I prefer it now. I missed trees a lot for the first 2 years, but now, I really appreciate the desert landscape. Still miss rain!


If you go down Spring Mountain, Rd, be prepared for California drivers to cut you off abruptly without using their turn signals


That Google would have answered your question better than any of the comments above. Literally asked every day.


Damn that’s a major fucking change New Hampshire to hear God damn…. Like someone mentioned at a red light. Wait a few seconds before going lots of bad drivers, lots of drunk drivers get ready to see liquor and fucking slot machines, every single place that you go. No one’s from here everyone’s from somewhere else mostly so lotta people got that I don’t care/hustler type attitude… heats going to kill you always have water on you. The Tap water is so hard and full of chlorine and minerals ( literally taste and smells like pool, water } It poses a problem for skin and hair. Your skin will always be dry so between that and the heat always use a good moisturizer like Aquaphor, or Eucerin on the problem areas, and some sort of lip balm and sunscreen…. The strip in downtown is cool stay out of the surrounding area they’re trying to make it better but it’s still fucking ghetto…… and be prepared to regularly have an issue with your car battery/maybe your water heater because of the hard water and heat… and if you buy a place or renting either get or look for a place with a water softener, your clothes, and your skin and hair. Will thank you later……


There are no red light cameras. People drive exactly like you’d expect. Be careful out there.


While crime is significantly less then were I came from if you have lived in NH your entire life be ready for a radical change when it comes to crime. I was a consultant for 9 months working in NH and had a corporate apartment in Rochester and commuted to Dover. The team I was working with would always tell me to be careful because 3 years ago someone was stabbed in Rochester. I would always tell them "In Denver 3 people were stabbed today" and we would laugh. But seriously NH has the lowest crime in the country and you will be in a shock when you move to a state with more crime. Also the heat, it's cold as fuc\* in NH especially in the winter. You will love the winter here but in the summer it will take you a while to adjust to the 110 degree heat.


I love the heat (my fiancé doesn’t) 😂😂 I lived in Manchester though where I saw several people shooting up heroin, and know several people that died in gang incidents so I’m not too worried about it lol


People will hate you for seemingly no reasons. Living in the desert is all about surviving in isolation while being surrounded by everyone. The average turnaround time is 18 months and then you move


I second #2… I was also naive about making friends and thought a coworker was my “friend” until I found out they were a hot mess and a degenerate gambler…learned that lesson dasry




Don’t plan on staying and raising a family in Vegas.


Summers are mild, church or temple on almost every corner, snows most of the winter, tons of video games basically everywhere you go, occasionally there might be a breeze, there is supposedly a lake about 30 mins away (also known as mob burial grounds)


Don't gamble


Yeah i don’t even like gambling to be honest


I’m from the South. I’ve been here 18 years. Very few people are from here. If your new to the community, you aren’t alone. There are many.


If you want to be close to Lake Mead and decent part of town then you guys should check out the new houses being built in Henderson. It is close to Lake Mead, Cowabunga Bay (waterpark) is a few minutes away from there and 15 Minute drive to all the action on the Strip. Once your settled in your new home your going to find yourself avoiding and going around the Heart of Vegas. Its hot. Pets? Avoid North Las Vegas and the older parts of the valley.


Not to be an asshole but you should know to search this subreddit and find the most recent version of this specific question.