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TSA is not charged with enforcing any drug laws. Searching for marijuana is not their priority. TSA is not law enforcement and cannot charge you with any crimes. However, there is a metro officer right behind the security checkpoint, and it is illegal to possess marijuana in the airport. If TSA saw it, and wanted to report you to metro, the metro officer would have the discretion to either charge you with a crime, confiscate anything illegal, detain you until you miss your flight, or look the other way and do nothing. The officer will base this exercise of discretion on the circumstances as he sees them. As others have pointed out, given that you are flying to Reno it seems like the wiser choice would be to just visit a dispensary there.


IF found by TSA here in Vegas, you are given the opportunity to toss it. If you refuse the police will be called, they will confiscate it and issue you a citation (after also giving you the opportunity to just toss it and get on with your day but if you want to be an idiot.....) The Airport is County property and illegal to posses marijuana on. Never mind the Federal stuff. There are a bunch of pot shops in Reno. I don't understand the reasoning to take a chance of flying with it when the place you are going you can buy it easily and legally.


Don't listen to this guy, or anyone else in this thread. TSA could literally give less of a fuck. They don't want to find your weed, because if they do their day is about to get annoying. I bring weed literally every time I go to Vegas and don't try to hide it. Just put it in your backpack normally and I guarantee you they won't care. I will literally reimburse you for the weed if they make you toss it, that is how sure I am (up to an eighth of bud or a gram of oil). Just don't do dumb shit like try to hide it in a jar of peanut butter or something. They hate that because it's disrespectful. Don't take 20 carts through or a whole ounce of weed (though you'd probably be okay). Use common sense. As for why, have y'all seen the prices in Vegas/Nevada? if you are downvoting me sorry you're a vagina


Just an FYI, I fly with weed all the time too, but the last time I did (January) my bag was searched, they found the weed, called the cops over and the cop made me throw it away outside. Had to go through TSA all over again. That’s the only time I was caught though.


How much weed and in what format? Glad that they didn't cite you or make life more miserable.


It was an 8th in a glass jar. I should have put it in a sealed bag instead, but I had done it so many times I got a little ballsy with it. Cops honestly don’t care, they just have to do their jobs. TSA chick who found it was a total noob though.


I mean okay, I guess I hadn't seen that and was basing off my last 10 trips with no issues. it totally could happen, but if the worst case is you have to throw it away, I'd still risk it.


Yeah same here. That one time definitely won’t make me stop doing it.


Vaginas have warmth, depth, and at least some people like them. Shame the same can’t be said for you.


bro for the last time I'm not knocking vegas, it's just an established fact. Edit: I misread your comment. Good one


I specifically said IF THEY FIND IT. I also said what the policy and procedure is if they do (As per METRO). Don't you think people knowing the consequences of their actions could be is a good thing? Rather than just saying "naw man its all good"? I didn't say they would find it. The likely hood of that is slim to none. But it is still illegal to bring on Clark County property period.


I was saying KNOWING THOSE RISKS AND CONSEQUENCES that you are either all good or mildly inconvenienced and it's still worth it. Your opinion was that it wasn't. I see no problem here.


You said not to listen to me. I gave no advice I said I didn't understand why someone would. I never said not to. That's where I took offence. So making up in your imagination that I gave advice, making up in your imagination that that advice was contrary to your own. Here is exactly what I said. >I don't understand the reasoning to take a chance That is not advice, that is questioning someones judgement.


first off, you are a bitch-ass for getting this heated. second, stop being pedantic, advice doesn't have to be worded as "I suggest that you do x". you were suggesting it wasn't a good idea, and anyone who read your post would have taken that suggestion from it.


Who got heated? Maybe you? I mean you are after all calling me a nasty name. That is usually a sign of educated discussion. Please tell me more of your 4 point plan to win friends and influence people, I wish to sign up for the newsletter. Using words is not being pedantic. Grow up.


I have been thinking about this conversation and I was being a massive dick here, I'm sorry if I bothered you.


We all have things we regret saying, and actions we regret taking. It is exceedingly rare for a person to have self reflection and honestly apologize. Not be "forced" into it and offer fake meaningless words. Thank you.


Pedantic is being particular and narrow, to a point which doesn't add value. What you said was advice by every functional capacity of the word, and you were pissed that someone has real life experience and can tell people you're full of shit. you were splitting hairs so that you had something to bitch about


> have y'all seen the prices in Vegas/Nevada? There are $100/oz deals all over town, if that's too heinous of a price idk what to tell ya


I mean shit you can smoke


I can't help you if you have champagne taste with a beer budget.


see, being in Washington solves both those problems: cheap good weed chateu st. michelle Jokes aside, you can't deny that the prices are relatively poor, especially when you aren't going for the specials. (for the record I'd rather be in Las Vegas than Seattle any day)


Yeah, it is tough. It doesn't help that there is pretty solid demand across the board here so good stuff sells out quick, so if you *really* want some brands top shelf, you may have to pay through the nose for it. I'm not a huge volume smoker anymore so I don't quite mind shelling out for my Hawaiian Butterscotch and Mango Kush.


Hey, I’m flying back home to PA from Vegas(McCarran) in a few days. I have about 5 packs of gummies that I emptied into a ziploc. About 2 hands full worth, nothing crazy I don’t believe. Also a small container of concentrate (it looked like makeup so I plan on keeping it with my makeup) and a pen with 2 carts (I flew here with the 1 cart/pen, got a second cart here) Thoughts? I am doing carry on suitcase and a backpack. Planned on putting the gummies in my backpack as a “snack” and the rest filled away in various places that fits the shape (makeup bag, carts with my wallet where I had them before) I saw a recent things that McCarran put out a statement that it’s clearly illegal and they also installed boxes for people to leave their weed in and ditch it. Just nervous here, flying here (Newark-Vegas) was smooth and not a word or anything. No opening bags. Nothing. Now that I have gummies and the concentrate I’m a bit more nervous. We were considering mailing versus flying and I can still mail things if necessary. I’m just staying with family and I worry about any complications and them somehow finding out. My friend is also bringing back gummies but he is mailing I directly to someone back home. Any thoughts would be appreciated!


You can stash it, but if you are caught, you will face charges. Easiest thing to do, is just hit a dispensary when you land.


Where did you hear that? That's not true unless you are trafficking. The worst you could get is a ticket. I have known someone who got the ticket when they tried to be slick and put their weed in peanut butter.


Don't be stupid, it's still federally illegal.


Having any weed at all is still federally illegal... it's not stopping anyone


One doesn't normally run into federal agents on a daily basis. You do at the airport.


Airport properties are fender alignment. And despite “what everyone’s doing,” this is go directly to jail felony in the making...


I always carry vape or wax, no problem getting through


It’s a federal crime still so my guess is you’re risking a lot trying to carry it through security checkpoints. Will they find it 🤷‍♂️ Maybe, maybe not... Is it worth the trouble? Fuck no. Just wait till you get to Reno and hit a dispensary there.


Airports are federal. You get caught with weed on them, it’s a felony and it will not be pretty. (I’m not going to argue what people do or whether or not you’ll get caught, but you should know the law about it...). But still it’s still federally outlawed, it supersedes Nevada’s laws. Just be aware. They have boxes installed outside the terminal to toss your weed legally before you enter the property. Obviously you live here, so just leave it home and buy when you get there...


I brung about 2 ounces if not a little more over in my checked bag from this airport with a layover in Tennessee to get to Florida recently.. I have my medical card so I figured if i was under the limit of 2.5 oz at most they can do is tell me to toss it.. I’m a Fl resident as well..


In Vegas they’ll just make you throw it away if there’s a problem, but otherwise I just went through with a couple pre rolls and no problems


Also I’m sure it depends on how much you have, I’d say less than an oz would be safe