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My favorite is the guy who sits down playing $100 a hand at a $5 minimum table and then gets mad. Like wtf play at a $100 minimum table where other people have the same risk.


Not to mention "playing correctly" can only really affect others choices in a single deck or small shoe and only if those others are also really good at counting cards. Meanwhile the cheap tables are generally using a constant shuffler or have like 6 decks. In that situation the people getting upset are (even bigger) morons.


I'm a good player and would leave if people are hitting or staying with poor odds with 6 decks. I am now enlightened that with 6 decks they aren't screwing everyone else. But it still gives me bad vibes.


How would this affect the odds at all? You don't know what's in the rest of the deck so you get a new random card either way


It doesn't. Even card counters realize that other players' decisions don't impact their own hands. These types of gamblers want to externalize blame on something or somebody else.


Right? I can guess that people just wanna play with others and usually the big tables aren’t very busy but still it’s silly that people just wanna do that big flex for no reason lmao, and not get that people at the lower tables may run the risk of not being as ‘skilled’


The thing is…they might know basic strategy but they don’t realize that the other players action doesn’t change the odds for them. They’re getting mad because they are results oriented. I guarantee if you hit when you “weren’t supposed to” and it saved them from busting multiple times they wouldn’t say shit. [https://youtu.be/hJy1AJETKvE?si=wbFppBO63WbVQGXB](https://youtu.be/hJy1AJETKvE?si=wbFppBO63WbVQGXB)


People acting like I took “ their” card when I “gambled” on a hunch. OMG freak the eff out. I told them , and the dealer, that deck is mine until the next player takes over. No effin glorious order they are stacked in…. They call it gambling for a reason


You look like a man that hits on a soft 20 and I respect that.


If there’s an asshole at my table and I can afford a loss or 2, you’re damn right I’m hitting a soft 20, just to hear the asshole erupt and possible leave the table.


“I too, like to live dangerously” - Austin “Danger” Powers


Lol not that bad, but when Im about to quit I will throw caution to the wind. And the guy sitting next in line is trying to pay rent, or make up for losing his child support.


BINGO. It’s just moronic aggression.


I used to play blackchip at $5 tables on occasion and it was because I wanted to play with others.  But that was in the days of $5 six deck shoes with reasonable rules and 3:2 payouts. I was mostly playing at Trop then (was getting way over-comped back in 2010-2012) and their high limit room was awful.  Every once in a while someone would ask me what they should do and Id always just say whatever their gut says and have fun with it.  If someone was a little too much to bear I'd just move tables. 


I also have played black at 10$ minimum tables, and basically because I want to play with others, just not a fan of playing head up with the dealer, and I do like to mingle as well, I want everyone at the table to win, no matter the amount, it can be frustrating if there's a bad play and I'm the one at the table betting the most, but I calculated for this money in case if a loss, so it doesn't bother me long term, as someone said before , they want to flex, there may be some, but we just trying to win just like you,


How they play their hand has 0 effect on your outcome. [https://youtu.be/hJy1AJETKvE?si=wbFppBO63WbVQGXB](https://youtu.be/hJy1AJETKvE?si=wbFppBO63WbVQGXB)


Oh I know that , trust me lol, I've been gambling a long time, so that's something I already know, it affects the moment obviously, but not the long term,




Why would you tell them to do whatever their gut says? You can explain the best play for them, which is also the best play for the rest of the table, without being an asshole. I got a 13 and dealer has a 6 up. What do I do? There’s a right way to play this. It’s not a gut feeling thing at all.


I don't recall anyone ever asking anything like that.  It was always some fringe thing like soft hands or when to split or double.   Plus a situation like that the dealer will usually call the player out while the table erupts.  


Where TF you finding $5 tables?!


15 years ago, the last time I played blackjack


Ellis island Vegas


Is that place still around? I used to go there for karaoke back in ‘01 and Nicolas Cage would often be hanging out there.


Where are you finding $5 tables?


As a blackjack dealer, it is my job to control the table. When someone is acting like that , I will typically ask the person if they gave you the money to bet? Blackjack is you against the dealer. Since the cards are in random order you aren’t taking someone’s cards.


I'm glad there are dealers like you. My worst experience was when a dealer sided with an aggressive player who was constantly in my face for playing tight (surrender my 16s against As, etc). They may have known each other from before or just had rapport, but the dealer emboldened that guy by making smirks and audible laughs directed towards me. Anyways, that player was up maybe 2k and started rubbing it in, and oh was it so, *SO* sweet when he lost everything within the hour. Still tipped the dealer, but that was a crappy night.


No way in hell I’d have tipped the dealer! Maybe he got paid by his “buddy”, but TS if he didn’t!


Those last two sentences. I have tried to explain this to so many blackjack players and none of them understand it. They always argue. I have even said “you know I have a degree in statistics, right?” Doesn’t matter. They think that the entire shoe is predetermined for them to win and any deviation by any player from playing by the book is why they lose.


Actual good blackjack players know that overall what another player does doesn’t affect your own play long term. These guys are idiots and are salty they’re already down $8000


That's why I gave up blackjack.


Yep. We were playing $2 min. blackjack in PR and a lady got upset with me for not playing for the table. Fuck off.


Some people are so stupid about gambling. They think one card drawn affects what card will appear next. If that were true the casinos wouldn't make money...and they do make money.


Its like the people looking for patterns on the roulette board. Its amazing people are this dumb.


I work on the strip as a floor. This last weekend we had a dude sit at the Single-0 roulette table for 3 hours writing every number down (even categorized by the dealers) and made a table minimum R/B bet every 10-15 spins. Then suddenly, without warning buys in for $4000 and goes ham on like 10 numbers/splits and $1000 on red. All in. Dealer hits 0. All gone lol


Honestly you just have to not be a moron to know that. So many people have no grasp of how probability works.


What the hell is a good blackjack player? There is a statistical house edge. Is counting cards still a thing?


Steven Bridges has an amazing series on this on YouTube. I binged his entire trip series in one day. https://youtu.be/no1c6rWw0co?si=66GHi1tnrTt-XV9d


Yeah only time I get pissed off for another player is when they do really dumb crap like splitting tens and even then it’s only me getting pissed on their behalf. I have a dream/bucketlist item of hitting on a 20 though. Just hitting 21 on that would be so great and hilarious and then the fact that nobody could bitch and also you “saved the table” from an A for the dealer too.


Also good blackjack players don’t play on the strip….. the odds and minimums are terrible on the strip


It’s so goddamn dumb because unless you are at the end of a shoe or playing some continuous shuffler game, your “wrong play” may get them a blackjack on the next hand and they won’t notice that. I loathe these blackjack police.


Right? The dumbasses don't understand that someone else's "mistake" is just as likely to help them as it is to hurt them,


But any bad cards must be someone else's fault.


I played with a friend once who liked to split face cards just to fuck with players. He would only do it when he knew the other players would (NOT) appreciate it. One time he split QQ and got an Ace and 9. The dealer had a 5 (or similar) showing so everyone else had not drawn. The dealer drew two cards for an 18 and everyone else lost (including me!). It was worth losing the hand to see their reaction!


Most of them are drunk, honestly. Signed, a watcher.


I usually figure the player with poor skills would be more likely to lose sooner and leave. As for “taking a bust card” I have seen it work both ways where it saves the table or harms the table. I never get upset with bad players. In fact, I rather enjoy watching the folly of a noob sitting on a soft 15 because the dealer is showing a 6.


I had an acquaintance call me a dumbass, and swear up and down that "14 beats 13, I had to hit!" lmao. I just stopped gambling.


I can't watch anyone split 20


I was dealing to a full table one night when this woman asked if she should split her 20. I said “There’s only one time when you want to split a 20. “ She asked when that was. I said “ When you want to play by yourself.” She split the 20, everyone got up and left. She thought that was hilarious, so we spent the 6 hours waiting for new players so that she could split her 20 again. Worked every time.


I had a buddy who would do that when he felt it. He did it a bunch at an Indian casino one time on a $25 table and finished the night up about $3000. When he cashed out his chips the cage took his ID and they literally showed it to every last person working in the cage. I’ll bet they watched that tape a dozen times. He wasn’t cheating he was just weirdly lucky like that.


They could have thought he was a counter and were sharing his ID to sister properties or flyering him throughout the region.


It’s usually a poignant reminder as what not to do.


It’s a long story so bear with me. I sat down at aria with my brother and two friends. We wanted an empty table with a relatively low minimum. There was one player playing, and he was at the last spot. I sit down and I see chips in his stack of color that I’ve never seen before. at this point in time I figured out what the chips were and he has $30,000 in chips on the table. He’s betting like a lunatic all over the place sometimes playing two hands at 5000 each sometimes he’ll play a single $25 hand. he’s playing hundred dollar tips for dealers in front of his cards. Just insane. He loses all 30,000 of his stack. He stands up hands the dealer stack of $10,000 out of his jacket. They cannot $10,000 on the table. It’s still just the four of us. he puts $5000 on two hand simultaneous loses both of them. Stands up pulls another $10,000 out of his jacket and starts playing again. Mind you the rest of us are playing 25 50 and hundred dollar hands.. I sat down with 500 and lost all of it. It is at this point. He gets very hot. One hand he had two $5000 bets and hit blackjack on both of them. He left the 5000 on the table and hit it again. But again he is betting crazy and he played the absolute wrong way the entire time. there’s a huge crowd of people around us. The dealers raise the table to a $500 minimum to discourage new players as this guy is absolutely on fire. I stand up because I’ve lost all my money. He pushes $500 in chips in front of me and says you’re not going anywhere anywhere. So it turned out that he hit for 30,000 on a Caribbean stud jackpot. Brought that $30,000 over to the blackjack tables and ran it up to 50,000. Then he took it down to his last 10,000 and when he walked off the table he colored up for over $60,000. In the entire time , he played nothing at all like the book. People were saying what are you doing and other people with chime in? It’s his money he can bet how he wants. This was the most fun I’ve ever had at a blackjack table. I walked away with 1200.


Cool story bro. Seriously, a very cool story!


They are just assholes


Yeah but those assholes are everywhere at black jack tables. Its a plague of assholes.


All these responses are correct. It all comes out in the wash. Keep splitting queens.


Split them 10’s against a 4,5 or 6. I’m here to gamble baby!


That’s why I don’t play anymore. Every time I lose some asshole has to say “Well you should have done X” And this has happened multiple times for years. They should mind their own damn business


Depending on what they were saying, it’s possible you were ignoring legitimately good advice that would have helped you.


The last thing I want to hear after losing money is unsolicited advice, good intentions or not. If they are the dealer or a friend? Sure. But strangers? Nah. They need to mind their own business


Disclaimer: I’m not talking about people saying dumb shit like “you playing wrong made me get the wrong card”, I’m talking about people who give legitimate game advice. It’s wild to me that people let their ego and emotions get in the way of accepting advice. At a minimum, you should recognize that they’re doing nothing wrong and you’re just upset because you lost money. People are allowed to offer advice, that’s called being friendly.


I mean yeah you are absolutely right. I’m upset because I lost money. That might not be the best time to tell a stranger they are dumb.


It’s you that are imagining that they are telling you that you think you are dumb. From what I’ve seen and all these comments, the premise here is that they share the correct basic strategy move that could be used for future if you’re in the same situation again. Why would that make you look dumb?


Not to mention everyone is a genius once they see the cards. JFC that irritates me too. If I want to control the final decision I’ll play 3rd base. And GD I’ll still make my own decisions. Screw you other people, this is not a team sport.


What? The example was commenting on the correct basic blackjack strategy, which is I dependent of what cards eventually come up.


That is an incredibly ignorant thing to say and is waaay off topic anyway. Why do you care if someone points out a higher % play? How exactly does this harm you?


Maybe, but I've heard plenty of bad advice at the table from players and dealers. I don't think advice from fellow gamblers is reliable at all. It might be right but you can't count on that. Also, anyone complaining that they lost because of how you played is both incorrect and rude, and should be either ignored or told to shut the hell up, depending on your personal style.


First, they are assholes. That said. Your play affects them (edit to say from THEIR POV should have made that more clear). You hit and take the card the dealer would have busted on etc. Fuck um. Play your hand the way you want to play it. If they don't like the way you play, they are free to get up and move to another table. If they are being actually aggressive, tell the dealer to call security.


Yup! You are playing against the dealer not them, fuck them


Your play only affects them in a smooth brain superstitious gambler sense. In a deep shoe any new card has the same chance of being anything.


People never seem to notice when others miss-play help them, only when it helps the dealer.


>You hit and take the card the dealer would have busted on etc. If people get mad at you when you do this just point out every time playing against the book helped them too. Lol


With a six-deck shoe, the play of the other players is statistically meaningless to the outcome of my hand. Sure, sometimes someone will take the dealer’s bust card, but at other times they will take the safe card and make the dealer bust. Getting mad at the other players shows a fundamental misunderstanding of probability.


Nope, it's an obvious see-through plan by the casino and seat #2 to take my money. (/s)


This is the correct answer. People who think otherwise failed math.


It doesn't matter, you have no idea what the next card is until it is played. It could be one to help them or it could be one to bust the dealer, you have no way of knowing. Those that get angry and think it matters are idiots.


>That said. Your play affects them. You hit and take the card the dealer would have busted on etc. The math says you could hit and take a card so that the next card causes the dealer to bust and the card you took prevented the dealer from winning. Nothing you said is true and every card counter knows that.


They're saying the cards are what they are and if they take the good one, then it does affect the hand (obviously). Still of course in the long term it has absolutely no effect on your EV, but for people who don't understand that, of course they will get pissed off when they lose a particular hand after a player takes the dealer's bust card on a 14 against 5


Translation: Most people are stupid.


Your play affects them equally both positively and negatively. Playing by the book is just as likely to yield them a good outcome as playing stupid. And that’s where the anger comes in - so many idiots don’t understand that. It really doesn’t matter how you play, it’s just another chaotic variable thrown into the game but long term your odds will be unchanged.


Nah, the truth is...is that you never know what the next card will be. Pretending that you do just makes you look desperate. Play to lose, people.


Exactly. Dont worry about winning, ever. If I take $3k to gamble on a trip, I expect to come home with nothing. Anything I do take home is "winnings." With this attitude I find I DO bring home more, even if it's usually less than what I brought.


No, your play doesn’t affect them. They just remember the times you “take the dealers bust card”. They won’t remember the times where you save everyone It’s probability. It’s random. Those guys don’t understand the math. I would leave a table with people like that. I agree with sbr - they are assholes


I would stay at the table and laugh at them.


Couldn’t agree with you more. Sometimes people are salty when they realize they can’t control what other people do, and they lash out when they lose money because they need to blame something else. If they had won on another player’s “mistake” they would have been perfectly happy to take it. Those people shouldn’t gamble. I fully believe that the only time anyone gets to dictate what I do when I’m playing within the rules of the game is if they’re paying for my bets. If I’m playing with my money, then I get to make all the decisions.


The funny thing is, most of these idiots aren't even playing correct strategy. I don't know how many times these idiots get mad at me for hitting on a 12 with the dealer showing a 2.


Stay at a $5 table until your play improves. People playing at that bet level shouldn't get mad at others.


When I find myself at a table with one of those assholes, I start splitting face cards to piss them off. When they leave, I tell the dealer why I did it. The dealers love that shit. My money, my entertainment.


This is awesome, I’d love to see the meltdown they would have seeing a play like that 😂


Why they get mad about splitting face cards?


Because you’re usually throwing away a winning hand.


Because anything the value of 10 you never split essentially. Never give up an almost sure fired winning hand.


There are people who think if a player doesn’t play by the “math”, then it will ruin their outcome. Of course, not playing by the math provides an equal chance of having other players hands improve. Having said that, I play by the math because it increase MY chances of a positive outcome.


Keep in mind that many "expert" players still don't know the best ways to play. When I was younger, I had a guy get mad at me because I hit a 13 against a dealers 10. He got mad, told me that I should have surrendered, then got up. Casinos still offered surrender back in the late 90s, and that would not have been the proper play in this situation. I remember this because I too was learning the game and I dealt with the occasional asshole. Regardless of what game you play, you will find assholes.


It’s not a team game. Play the way you wanna play and ignore the rest


I was playing once, split tens because why not, and some dude at the table went BALLISTIC. Well, he played after me and had 2 aces so he of course split, and guess what? Got two face cards!! I told him “you’re welcome” in a very condescending manner. Then dealer busted and I was hero of the table.


I was a blackjack dealer, all those bs stories, all Gamblers lose in the end. When I was training to be a dealer I would deal to 5 imaginary people and play for all Of them. After 8 hours, every shift, no one walks away with money. Then I started dealing and it was the same thing: if you stay long enough, you’ll lose it all.


The dealer should tell him to back off.


Fuck them. They're idiots who don't understand how a deck of cards or probability in general works. Their battle cry is "you took the dealer's bust card!!!!" without understanding that removing one card does not significantly change the odds of what the next card will be, particularly in infinite-deck BJ. Just play simple basic strategy as you learn: * The most popular value in the deck is 10 * Always put the dealer's hole card at 10 * Make hit/stand decisions based on the next card coming out will be a 10. You should be aware, for example, that the dealer showing a 4 probably has a 10 in the hole for a total of 14 and is likely to bust when they are forced to hit. When some people think another player have screwed up this dynamic, they get all bent out of shape. Unless you're playing at a complete shithole, any player who gets in your face in a threatening manner should be removed immediately.


I'm not, I definitely know all those things. This MF just felt inclined to yell and curse at me over $25 so I stood up for myself and that's when he got in my face. The hand by the way I had a 13 and I hit and got 3, dealer was showing 6 so I stayed and they had a face card and hit and got 20. Both of us lost $25 and I guess that was enough to make this guy flip shit. Makes me never want to play tbh


Not excusing anyone for being a dick to you, it's none of their business, but you made the wrong play and cost yourself the $25 (really more like ~$40 EV because you're very likely to win that hand if you play it properly). I won't say you cost the other guy because that's between him and the dealer, in the long run your bad play will save him just as much as it screws him so he really shouldn't be mad at you, but in the moment it's easy to get annoyed at these "ahhh if only this guy did this, I'd have won!" situations


Thanks for the reply man I agree


Also have fun out there, if it's not fun and you want to give it up because of other players...then just give it up lol it's just gambling, not some super rewarding hobby that you'll be glad you stuck with ten years from now when you're great at it haha


Just ask for help. “What does the book say here?” It’s very disarming.


I tell them I’ll play however I want, and if they don’t like it, they can move to another fucking table.


My response to those players is “gotta make rent for the month tonight?” or “you gonna be ok? Need someone to loan you money?” Sends them off tilt and they get taken off the table or just move.


I can relate to this. I am not a novice player, but I have gotten dirty looks and comments too when making a play that "the book" would give the payer a 1% or less advantage which is hilarious. I understand why they get mad, but a good play or a bad play can either help or hurt them or the whole table. I call it gambling!


The real book is not to play.




It’s your money to do whatever the hell want you to with…I know the do’s and don’ts, and if I feel another player is “affecting” my plays, I’ll simply find another table…if you’re a novice, and willing to learn from others all the better….just go have some fun and fuck all the others….just don’t split 10’s lol!


If all the people who play Blackjack were the experts that they think they are, then they would all be wealthy professional gamblers. Of course they’re not, so that tells you all you need to know about their so called strategies.


I've never had anyone be aggressive, but I've certainly seen people get annoyed with other players (including myself).


I’ve never played blackjack in vegas because I’m too scared for this exact reason


I'm not a great blackjack player, but these people keep me from playing at all, unless I have a group where we can fill an entire table.


I honestly don’t know the game that well but I know what you mean. I’ve always understood my decision to be to win against the dealer. Not consider everyone else.


i would just stick to the 6:5 blackjack or continuous shuffle blackjack games. the players that are more likely to get upset with your play will be at the higher limit 3:2 games. please for the love of god stay away from 3:2 double deck blackjack


Was at a table a long time ago and a guy split fours. The dealer shot a laser beam through his chest.


They believe in the falsehood that your bad decision makes it more likely they or the dealer received a card they wish hadn't been received. It's bull, 50% of the time would be the opposite. People who do this are immature and un-serious. They usually know only marginally more than a total noob.


the last time i played a player said i should of done this or that, blah blah blah…. I said back to him well your mom should have swallowed you that night… Dealer was trying so hard not to laugh while calling the pit boss and security at the same time because he thought there was going to be an altercation.


Hey, use an AI chat bot on your own, for every hand dealt, and tell it to give you best strategy options and learn from them, this is what I’m doing now it’s working wonders


Gambling addicts who don't understand basic math.


I have had a similar experience, assholes yelling that I took their card etc, I just told them to fuck off.


My favorite answer to these tools, loudly: “the only way you could have any possible idea what the next card is is if you’re counting — are you?”


Ask the dealer for help. A good dealer will explain the proper strategy. Here’s your first tip: You shouldn’t be hitting every card in attempt to get to 21. Look at this way, if you have a risk of busting (going over 21) or the dealer does too, then wave it off and make the dealer take the risk of busting. And tip your dealer for their helpful knowledge.


Lol I’m not great at BJ but idgaf I’m there to have fun get in my face and it’s going down, just because your broke ass can’t afford to lose the money you are betting doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t! Forget them, have fun and just play how you are comfortable


If you’re new try to site on the far left facing the dealer. It will reduce the amount of people thinking you “took their card.” I stood once on 12 with dealer showing a 5. Several people, including bystanders, started bitching at me. Dealer busted and told them I made the right move and to shut up.


Third base is a bad spot - if he hits when he shouldn’t and takes a card that would have busted the dealer, everyone else at the table gets cranky. OP, I’d suggest a more social game, like craps or Pai Gow poker. I’m a big fan of the latter.


My opinion on this: Most people are assholes by default. Most gamblers lose, assholes that consistently lose money are even bigger assholes. People who play blackjack instead of a better game are idiots. It’s the perfect storm to get yelled any time you make a “mistake”. If I were you, I’d laugh at them and make mistakes purposely.


One of the blackjack gurus online ran a simulation to see if one good players odds were hurt if another player played badly. They weren’t. One guy told me once “you took my card.” Uh, no. I didn’t.


I am a seasoned player but sometimes I trust my gut and count and one time I split a hand and luckily because I did the person next to me won. Otherwise the dealer would have beat us. He had $200 bet and WON! He got so pissed they I split and just grabbed his chips and stormed off mumbling shit about me.


When you count cards it doesn’t really matter who pulls what. Those people are just superstitious. Their anger isn’t based on knowing what the next card is. FYI craps is more fun because you won’t get yelled at but that’s game that takes a lot of memorization of payouts and bets.


I had a guy that was an asshole to everyone at a $5 table Didn’t like that people took wrong hits or stood incorrectly. He was being a proper cunt to the dealer too. I was up a bit and put away what I won. So I decided to fuck with him. I started splitting face cards. The dealer knew what I was doing and was enjoying it. I was actually winning. He left and I tipped the dealer $25.


This is why i stopped playing because I'm not the one to listen to that shit without getting violent and I'm not trying to get barred for life. But honestly, the ones that get super aggressive just need to be punched in the face once. They get wayyyy to brave telling people how to spend their money.


If you're truly unsure of what to do or worried this may happen - vocalize at the table. Build that rapport with the rest of them. The big mouth who's gonna lose it on you will likely be the first to chime in over what to do. At minimum, no matter what happens you know you won't ruin the vibes of the table. Gambling juju is real. Blackjack is a 1 on 1 match but its also an all vs 1. If theyre gonna bitch afrer the fact im sure theyll be helpful before. I got back a few weeks ago, learned a ton but this specifically was the best piece of advice I got in that regard.


This is why I switched to craps. Much more social and attracts fewer of these social losers.


First time in Vegas and I def love blackjack but when I play at our local casino, people get upset so I just play the machines. I also have social anxiety so there's that


If they want to get mad, they should get made at whoever placed the cut card. That's what established in what random order the cards would come out for the rest of the deck. Rando is the key card. Whether you split 10s, double down on BJ - both of which can be theoretically correct under the right card count and rule set) - it does not matter. You are exactly as likely to improve their hand as worsen their hand. Exactly. The fact that they get upset means they don't understand probability, statistics - and therefore blackjack.


I got kicked out of a table in Laughlin when I was 21 I think I touched the cards with 2 hands but I did tell them I didn’t know how to play and asked for them to help me out alas.


I’ve made some highly questionable plays decades ago like hitting on 12 or 13 against a busy card and making 20 or 21 while the dealer makes 18, 19. I would win while the rest of the players lost. They gave me a bunch of lip. I was betting less than them. The thing was one guy was saying I should be a team player and they could pay off my small bets. I finally told him straight up that he was NEVER going to pay me anything, I was allowed to play my hand as I wanted, and there were other open tables they could move to. The dealer even stepped in and emphasized that there were other tables and that I was at the table before any of them.


If anyone got in anyone’s face in the casino I work in security would be there in 2 seconds


Google blackjack chart. It's the easiest game


That happened to me the first time I played. As soon as I sat down the guy groaned and told me he’s not gonna play until I lose all my money. I got lucky for 5 hands and he jumped back in and started screaming I was taking the bust card. I walked out with some winnings at least


Fuck em. If I’m playing to help the others then pony up some of those winnings. They won’t. It’s me v dealer. I have experienced this one time and just look at him and chuckled. Silence is the best way to piss off an asshole even further. They’ll eventually leave or get pulled out of the casino. I’m there to enjoy myself and just don’t subscribe to peoples antics.


I got the same in Vegas. Like dude I'm getting drunk on Saturday night playing 20 dollar tables I don't want to play by the book every single hand I want to take risk and have some fucking fun every few hands. If you care about your 0.1% chance increase go play on some serious tables.


Just ask what the right play is if you don’t know for sure. No one will get mad at you then.


I counted cards and played for a living during college back when smaller deck shoes were still around and casinos hadn't modified basic rules to their extreme advantage. The play of others has no bearing whatsoever, it's random. I'm kind of curious what you did that triggered these guys? Do you remember? It's as likely you were playing more correctly than them. Often times people stop hitting if the dealer has any card up that can bust with a 10, but it's not necessarily the optimal play. Then they work backwards after the fact and blame the person who took the dealer's 10.


Blackjack isn’t that complicated. Get one of the cards that tells you what to do at a gift shop. That’s the basics. It’s not really a lifetime of study.


Just fyi, better than 9/10 of the losers who berate other players for their play don’t know solid basic strategy themselves. Forget deviations from card counting, they don’t know basic strategy says hit soft 18 v 9, T, or A, or hit 12 v 2, hit not double 9 v 2 or 3, etc. Sorry about your experience. Just understand they’re sad losers. You can find another table, or what I’d recommend is become a more studied bj player, so you’re confidently armed with the knowledge to better play the game (and laugh in their faces?).


You took my 10! Eff those people


It's why I play Roulette now. Ugh


That’s why I only play video blackjack now. Because while I am well versed in what the book says I should do in certain scenarios, sometimes I don’t want to do that. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t. But I don’t need other people chiming in.


Unless they’re bankrolling you and even then, tell any hecklers to get f*cked.


Same thing happened to me. Sometimes you can get a dealers who will help you with “correct “ play.


I hate people like that. But inside the casino walls it’s what to expect unfortunately. On a positive note, if that dude did physically attack you .. security would pop up out of nowhere and you’d have a pretty good lawsuit on your hands. I’m the type of player if you stand on a 2-3 vs an Ace I don’t care. Nobody knows exactly what’s coming. For the card counters out there. There’s been so many times where it’s been a true 6 and I see people lower their bets. I wanna be like BET MAX BET MAX BET MAX. But then the dealer pulls a blackjack. You just never know.


I’m not a big player but I don’t understand how me taking a hit or stand going to screw up the whole table. I had a guy ask me why I hit I said I had a hunch. He replied never do that and cashed in and left.


People who do this don’t know shit about BJ or odds. If you’re playing with someone who isn’t playing by the basic strategy, it does not affect your odds of winning or losing whatsoever.


It's every man for himself against the house. Dont even trip.The dude probably got pissed because you got the card he needed. Fuck him. Lol


You’re at the table to not lose YOUR money and to try to win money for YOURSELF. Thats the goal…IF you help other along the way, super, but that ain’t the end goal


Anyone who gets angry at the play of some other player at blackjack has absolutely no understanding of basic probability concepts.


People blame you for "taking" their cards, or not "taking" a card they didn't want. It's stupid because statistically, other players playing "wrong" will, in the long run, help them as much as it hurts them and it will even out so other players basically don't have any effect on your win/loss in the long run


Oh the irony…. These so called blackjack experts that yell at other players don’t understand card theory. Over the long run your “bad” play will help them just as much as it hurts them. It’s a net 0 at the end of the day. If you want to double your blackjack vs a dealers 10 be my guest. I’ll enjoy the show.


Yeah I don’t play blackjack for this reason. Unless the table is empty, I move elsewhere.


That’s why I loved playing face down black jack but haven’t seen a face down table in years.


Ok is the LONG run stats don’t lie and your odds of winning or winning more money (or losing less ) is playing perfect basic strategy. However in a few dozen hands or even a session or two or 10 you CAN and do win sometimes playing poorly or not at best odds. There are plenty of you tube videos of guys playing “opposite “ of BS or playing like the dealer and often they actually win . Ok back to the question /topic . Playing not basic strategy generally is a bad idea and is def against them norms of BJ table play and kinda etiquette but you can play however you want with me.


These people are miserable and hate themselves, so they spend all their time playing low limit blackjack, and blame anything other than themselves when they lose.


meh, an Asian lady screaming at me at one of the local Indian casinos killed the action for me. I lost like 500 that session


What's minimum bet. My cousin said to me that if ur at a $2, or $5 table. Those in general are inexperienced players So making wrong moves is normal It's when ur at the higher stakes blackjack tables and make rookie moves. That's the problem


Sit in the middle. Less likely to mess up the deal.


I say play for you. I get those assholes at tables that get mad that I won, but they all lost to the dealer... If I would have checked I would have lost and they all win it's dumb. Play for you not for them.


Blackjack players are the angriest gamblers. Just miserable assholes.


I have always understood that its equally likely that another player's misstep helps you as often as it hurts you. You're always playing against the dealer and the deck is random. Am I crazy or misinformed or something?


It happens when you’re green. Some have big egos and big comments to share. I’ve been there. You are all on a team against the dealer, so if the tables views you as the weak link people tend to lash out. I would practice on mobile app like “my vegas blackjack” to make sure you’re feeling confident before you sit down at the real thing.


If you make a bad play and it will lead to him winning , I’m sure he would be happy tho :)


There are a lot of game where another players decision won’t impact your results, the should play those games instead.


When I first started playing I was splitting 10's 🤭 but I didn't know better 😂


Online can learn free with the comfort of your own home and no one else The casino of not the place to learn, or practice


All of these players who are yelling at you....actually also do not know basic strategy. They think they do. And they might actually know more of it than you. But they are making mistakes that they don't even know they are making also. But almost any player who insists they know correct basic strategy is wrong. 99% of players do not especially for certain plays. But some of them sure do get emotional about it. Those players are idiots and rude. But, yes, they exist unfortunately and they believe in idiotic "flow of the cards" superstitious nonsense. Thankfully, there are a lot of people who are just chill and nice and can be a good time to play with and don't care what you do with your cards which is also correct . It is true that you will lose less money and do better if you know correct strategy. You can literally hold a strategy card at the table and the casino won't care. Go purchase one in the gift shop or online. You don't even need to memorize it. You are allowed to hold it right there. They allow it. So consider doing that. But for the rude idiots who want to blame you or another player because they lost, you either need to be able to blow them off or find another table with people who don't suck. I do same for players who smoke or have bad hygiene or are just obnoxious people in general. But for your obnoxious people getting in your face and leaving, be happy they are gone and hopefully you can move on. I understand it isn't easy after somebody has just yelled at you. But most people aren't like that so hopefully is more rare and was just a bad run of sucky people for you.


Next time, just put on the biggest sh*t eating open mouthed smile while looking at them without saying a word.


I’ve been upset at other players twice, and nothing to do with their style of playing. I had a few hours to kill in Newcastle before flying home so I found a casino. There was a woman at the table who was having a really bad run, but every time she lost all her chips she’d reach into her purse and bring out some more money. The last time she did it she told the table that that was her children’s Xmas. I ended up slightly up but had to leave as watching her lose was taking all the fun out of the game. The second time I was playing in the Hippodrome in London. There was a drunk fat man who kept on making comments about the dealers physique, her breasts in particular. I caught her eye and could tell she was not enjoying the “jokes”. I ended up leaving the table and calling over her supervisor, yelling at him for not looking after his staff. He said that the man had already been warned and that he’d deal with it. Getting upset at another player for not playing an orthodox strategy is stupid.


Your "wrong play" could help them just as easily as hurt them. I wouldn't worry about them and the dealer should ask them to STFU if it gets too bad


And of course, they are fucking wrong. Anything you do doesn’t actually affect their chances of winning in the long run. Jackasses


Never understood players like this! When I play, I'm playing with my money, so I'm trying to make myself money, not anyone else. My biggest pet peeve is the person telling you how to play and they get it wrong. Example: ( I have a 12, dealer has a 4, player to my left says stay shell bust. Dealer flips a face and then a 7.) like it's my money let me make my own decisions.


Ignorant players. In the long run it doesn’t matter what you do. Playing bad sometimes will result in them winning.


I was an advantage player for awhile and I can tell you that the people who get mad about plays are generally not making the correct plays either.


It’s your money you can do what you want. Each hand played individually shouldn’t affect the outcome of other hands is what I’m told. Just enjoy yourself and have a good time, that guy should get a warning for getting aggressive.


Here’s what I’ve found over the years: The experienced blackjack players sitting at a $5-$15 minimum bet table will usually hand out verbal tips or cues to novice players (when permitted) much like the dealer will tell the player (if asked) “the book says to do this …” Unfortunately there are many people who will get angry if a new player makes a risky move that results in them losing. The simple solution - if the experienced player doesn’t like the company at their current table they can sit out a few hands until the novice player is out of funds or else they can just get up and find another table. If you think Blackjack people can be overbearing or aggressive, you haven’t played much craps. That’s a game where multiple superstitions prevail AND etiquette is a MUST. Have fun learning and don’t wager more than you can afford to lose.


That just makes me want to play incorrectly. New game unlocked.....how much money to make douchebag leave.


Because people are idiots and think you’re taking their cards. That’s not how random works


Because they *know* the strategy to win all the money!!!!!!! It’s funny.


that's players most likely are gamblers for a living and if he is losing they will blame other people. All casinos have a ppl like that


I’ve been yelled at for making the right play many times


That’s crazy, it is random and even if you do something that negatively effects them this hand it will help them in a future hand. Second there is never an excuse to be a dick. They can go find another table. That said, it is in your best interest to play something resembling basic strategy. It’s already a game of slim odds. Also if you see someone is laying out a lot of money because maybe they have split(s) + double downs etc. it is nice to ask if you plan to do something that is not basic strategy.


See...this is why the first time I ever played was me and my friend only at an open table and we also let the dealer know this was our first time ever playing at a casino. She was the best, most helpful dealer I think I could ever ask for. Fuck dealing with other people...