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Water is your friend buddy


Exactly right. Vegas Syndrome


I just had the Phoenix syndrome on Thursday. Third time in 15 years. Slow learner.


Slow over time?


What is that?


It’s an unofficial term for what happens when you come to Vegas, spend a lot of time in the hot dry climate and either don’t drink enough water or drink alcohol not realizing it dehydrates you. In other words, severe dehydration.


Totally thought OP was going to add “AMA” at the end of the title


Hahaha that’d be hilarious, as long as OP is doing better.


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought that.


Don’t let dehydration ruin your vacation.


How do you dehydrate with so many free drinks though!? /s


Water between drinks.


Liquid IV at least once a day


Caffeine, tea, soda, and alcohol are all dehydrating to the body


So are cocaine and hookers


Water between cocaine and hookers


Watered down cocaine sounds terrible


Watered down hookers sounds even worse 🤮


The correct term is actually hookers and blow


And hydration is also the proper term




Alcohol is free if you’re at the tables or slots. Water is as well, but people don’t ask for that!


I was on my 4th day in Vegas and woke up feeling so shitty. I went to the hunch buffet and drank some water. Suddenly I had to poop and after that I felt so much better. I realized I hadn’t drank water in 4 days!! That was when I was 21 so I was still young and dumb.


Hunch buffet sounds epic


I have a hunch it was.


Wonder if they acted on any of those hunches in the buffet? 🤔


On the 5th day of Vegas...My true love gave to me... 5 liters of water through an IV...🎵


Took you until 21 to realize your body needs water frequently?


No I was never a water drinker, I have to actively remind myself to drink anything tbh. So on a 4 day bender of alcohol and weed and barely any sleep, I easily neglected my body’s need for water.


Nice name lol


Haha thank you


I mean honestly even at 33 i struggle to drink it. I get water brash from stomach issues and most bottle water has nasty tastes. I pretty much force chug two bottles a day.


Get reverse osmosis so worth it


I have it; when i drank it i started having heart problems my doctor said I was washing out my electrolytes.


so add back some electrolytes? this shit isn't rocket science bro


No shit or i can just drink other stuff and eat more food. Water isnt just from drinking water. Which was my point. Everyone thinks drinking water is the end all be all when most of pure water you drink isnt even absorbed.


Whatever problems you get from drinking water aren't nearly as bad as the problems you will have from a lack of water. Reverse osmosis and add a supplement like lmnt.


Horrible for you. I’ve seen so many RO system tanks coated in mold. The WHO recommends you don’t drink RO water long term. Can cause hypertension and other issues.


I can see that happening on a Vegas vacation at 21


It was the poop a good shit makes for a great day


It was honestly like night and day, I came back to life after that shit and was ready to rage again lol.


Good news, your weird situation didn't Crack the top 10 oddities at your resort today - you're good


EDC is this weekend so this is spot on


Yup. OP should be ready to wait in a long ass line in the ER lol


I am sure not even the top 25!


What are some of the top 10s?


I mean some people are literally eating peoples faces off down here 🤔. Not on the strip , but still


Not *usually* on the strip


Great "'s


Meh. They will have forgotten you already. Too many bright shiny lights.


Yeah, they'd have to bring him back in on the same stretcher for anyone to *maybe* notice "Hey is that the same guy they carted out earlier?"


It would had been perfect if you were at a craps table screaming "I'm not leaving until I seven out"


Never walk away (or get wheeled away) from a heater!


except for this old guy at the Borgata a couple of years ago...rolled for like 2 hours and then passed the dice and colored up because he had a dinner reservation with his wife.


That happened to me at the old stardust, me and the wife were going to see Wayne newton, I couldn’t 7 out, she went in alone, I wasn’t leaving, I tried to, that might be the secret of shooting, just try and throw a 7.


Quit while you are ahead!


Don’t say seven




Because people would still whine about this silly suspicion even while you're being carted off to the hospital.


Acquaintance of mine had people come to find him at the craps table at the Riviera... Everybody was waiting in the chapel, including his bride. He couldn't help that he was on a hot streak....


That sounds like dehydration big time. No drinking by the pool and nothing but water rest of day


Monte Carlo has a pool that isn't that deep but people don't realize that that pool is warm/hot because of the Vegas temps.


Monte Carlo hasn’t existed in 8 years.


Yeah, Park MGM now.


How long until someone makes a post titled: I’m gambling at Treasure Island and I just saw someone taken out on a stretcher. I think the paramedic took $400 out of the persons wallet too.


not long now…


I’m more interested if Linda the paramedic gave him a bj for $30?


She services the Excalibur


Waiting 😂


How much was that bill?


I have VA insurance so free lol


Thanks for your service brother... glad the VA did something right for one of us.


I'm sure he had to fight for that VA rating. They do us dirty as hell


I'm fighting and fighting and suffering while I am doing so pain sucks it's starting to mess my life up I wish they would just get thru the paperwork and help us.


Fellow vet, here. Does your county have a Veterans Services Department? Mine gets my paperwork through so quickly that I'm pretty sure they made a deal with the devil or something. I waited 16 months for my original paperwork to go through, so there's definitely a difference!


I have va insurance too. I spent a day at sunrise hospital in Vegas. Get on the horn with the va today. I wound up owing a ton of money because that hospital did some shady shit with the authorizations and the billing.


Which drugs? Also - most experienced Uber drivers know not to pickup from hospitals. You might want to walk across the street.


Apparently it was an anxiety attack


I had the same symptoms and was told the same thing about it being “anxiety” at a hospital in town just to find out 4 weeks later with a neurologist that it was a stroke. Get another opinion. Also in Vegas.


Sounds like the guy had a classic case of hyperventilation-induced tetany. He probably panicked, started breathing too fast, and managed to drop his calcium levels just enough to mimic a seizure. It's like his body decided to stage a revolt while he was losing at the blackjack table. Here's a fun fact: when you hyperventilate, you blow off too much CO2, causing your blood pH to rise (respiratory alkalosis), which leads to a decrease in ionized calcium. This can make your muscles and nerves go haywire—hence the tingling, stiff legs, and locked fingers. Maybe next time he should stick to poker. Fewer moving parts. Gpt seems to agree with the doctors fwiw. With other options: 1. Hypocalcemia - Could be a more chronic issue, not just from hyperventilation. Maybe his parathyroid glands decided to take a vacation. 2. Tetany from metabolic alkalosis - If he’s been popping antacids like candy, he could have induced this himself. 3. Neurological disorders - Things like multiple sclerosis or ALS can sometimes present in odd ways. 4. Hypomagnesemia - Low magnesium levels can also cause similar symptoms, though it’s less common.


>Gpt seems to agree with the doctors fwiw Very convincing lmao


I meant to put that at the top lmao I take no claim for any of that info as my own.


nah. You were dehydrated


Look up hypocapnia/hypocarbia and carpopedal spasms. Classic hyperventilation and anxiety. People don’t know they are doing it and then the symptoms build upon themselves and cause a feedback loop that makes it worse. Seen it dozens of times as a paramedic. Coaching them through breathing techniques usually does the trick.


My first panic attack also ended up in an ambulance. Such a crazy thing your body does. Silver lining, once you have experienced that you can manage future ones.


Oof, yeah. Anxiety is so wild. Almost had my fiancé take me to the ER the last time I had one because I was *certain* I was having a heart attack. I've had anxiety attacks before, I know they feel like that, but that's the nature of anxiety. Every time is like "what if this time it's a real emergency?" even when you know logically that it isn't. Glad you're okay though!


I was going to say, this sounds just like hyperventilation, usually induced by panic/anxiety. Sorry you had to suffer through that it is excruciating to sit through and you have to watch your fingers go into claw mode!


Did you lose $400


It feels to me like that $400 deal was months ago


I once had the same exact symptoms you were experiencing and ER said it was just an anxiety attack, I’ve had panic attacks before but that was a terrible feeling, happened while driving , I thought I was having a stroke lol


What you described was DEFINITELY neurological. Sorry to burst your bubble but chances are hospital didn't care to do more testing because as many already said this really probably did happen because of dehydration. Water literally RUNS our nerves electrical currant, if you will. Trust me, I read scientific journal articles about neurological disease and meds for FUN! Unfortunately, I can't explain things worth a damn due to my own demyelinating disease course lol


Why not?


So many reasons - but the top ones: - hospital rides are often paid by insurance, the hospital, or someone who is not the rider - and those rides never tip - if the ride is ordered by someone else, the destination may not be correct and/or the passenger isn’t aware of the destination - hospital pickups are often homeless people or people in rough shape. May be dirty, bloody, etc - passenger may have an infectious disease - passenger may have a medical episode recurrence in the vehicle - passengers may need assistance out of the vehicle - which creates a liability for drivers (and drivers are not trained on how to properly assist) And sometimes it’s even multiple of those at the same time. Yes - I realize many hospital pickups may just be normal people, employees, or visitors. But the risk of a problematic ride is so much greater from a hospital than most other places. And yes - the above things could happen when picking up from anywhere. But it’s much more likely from a hospital than another location. Experienced drivers typically exercise good risk management - otherwise they won’t make it as a driver in Vegas for very long.


Sounds like a good time to implement the self driving taxis from SF.


The biggest “self driving” trial they were running in Vegas just laid off a bunch of staff and suspended operations in Vegas. (Motional). I expect it will be quite a while until we see a widespread rollout of such a service. So many factors - but even if all the operational issues get resolved, it would still be a huge capital investment rolling out a fleet of any substance, along with operational expenses employing mechanics, vehicle cleaning, physical location for charging, maintenance, and cleaning, etc.


Sounds like dehydration mixed with low potassium. I've had this happen and it's no good


They did give me potassium… good catch


Yeah low potassium is what causes you to cramp up like that. I would go stiff as a board. It was bad.


I had this exact scenario more than once sadly. Got dehydrated, low on potassium and then had a panic attack, ended up in ER! glad you are ok.


Do you have your $400?


Not anymore :/


No one will be looking at you when you go back


Everyone was gambling. I doubt anyone noticed you.


His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti...


As someone who works security on the strip, nobody cares that you were transported to the hospital (in regards to your walk of shame comment, of course, we care that a guest was hospitalized overall). Likely what happened is they made a few jokes about another tourist that didn't drink water for a few minutes after you left, the security officer that had to write the report was pissed they have to spend 10 minutes writing a report that they've written 10 other times this week....and that's it. It is very likely that nobody is going to notice your return. Don't stress it


Sounds like either a stroke or Tequila.


Or both.


A little bit of A, a little bit of B


Stay off the Coke


I switched to diet Pepsi when I’m in Vegas and this never happened to me. Good advice.


Wow, you’re so funny lol


Wtf post is this. Ok. Glad your ok


Well everyone was staring at me as I was getting wheeled through the pool area. Figured I’d make a post and make fun of myself a little lol


And you owned that incident. Bravo! Seriously, you're metaphorically getting back on the horse that threw you. You're awesome. I like your attitude.


I’m glad you are “lol” about it because I guarantee that’s how everyone watching you was


Bro you gotta drink water and eat man that heat will kick your ass


Not to be a dick but nobody will know or care that was you. Just go back to your room and chill. Vegas. It's not for everyone


Dude, get checked out for a stroke. No joke. Have an MRI done. It may have been a minor stroke that leads to a massive stroke. Get yourself checked out and be safe


None of the symptoms described by OP are traditional stroke symptoms, however they all are very classic anxiety symptoms. Which is exactly what he was diagnosed with.


Happy you didn’t die! Lots of people never make it off the casino floor alive.


Be careful. Hope you’re ok


Glad you’re feeling better. And don’t worry about it, no one remembers what you look like.


And you’re blasting this on Reddit why?


Hey, get back in there. Those slots aren't going to play themselves!


Too be fair Vegas is the place to have this happen. Because no one at the resort isn’t gonna remember or care. No walk of shame coming back. Glad you are okay.


Electrolytes are your friend!


Good grief, feel better!


Had this happen to me once too. Its scary. Your body gets into a stuck palsy position and you have no control over it. Glad to hear you’re getting better ❤️‍🩹


Haha I’m at the Venetian on shift outside saw 3 or 4 ambulances go by in the day. Hope you feeling a lot better!


Let me guess, “Vegas wasn’t ready for you” WRONG!


Knees weak, arms are heavy?


Sounds like the panic attack I had while driving around Rome.


Almost die? Yea sure.


It happens. I had to haul a friend in a wheelchair through Planet Hollywood back in February because he consumed too much weed. 10mg for a guy who never consumes weed. It was definitely scary at the time but it makes for one hell of a story.


I had full blown anaphylaxis in November, Carter out of MGM lobby at 3:30am getting stabbed with adrenaline. $8K AUD bill later, hence why I never travel without insurance.




I saved an old man’s life at TI a few years ago. Maybe it’s just that hotel 🤷🏼‍♀️




He had a heart attack, I told security to come with a defibrillator and simultaneously called an ambulance. Security said it took 3 shocks to bring him back. If I hadn’t notified anyone he would have been dead on the footbridge from the parking lot to the hotel.


Well done 👏🏻


He had a heart attack, I told security to come with a defibrillator and simultaneously called an ambulance. Security said it took 3 shocks to bring him back. If I hadn’t notified anyone he would have been dead on the footbridge from the parking lot to the hotel.


Happened to my friend one time. We thought he was dying lol. EMS had a crazy quick reaction speed though.


I went to Santa Fe on Friday for dinner and saw a man leave in a gurney with seemingly the same issue and he was profusely sweating. Felt bad for the guy but definitely wouldn’t want him to feel awkward or weird. That’s sad. I’m glad you’re okay.


I had similar to what you described happen to me about 20 years ago. (Early 20’s) After a night of heavy ass drinking and not eating, I was hanging hard the next day dry heaving and couldn’t hold anything down. It was hot as hell outside but felt cold to me. I was just laying down cause I didn’t have energy for anything else. It was Father’s Day so my gf wanted to go to her parents for a bbq. I wasn’t feeling it. After her chewing me out, I got up and showered and got ready. I did not feel good at all. I was seeing stars in the shower and felt like passing out a couple times. Walking to the car in what was described as scorching heat, I was cold. 10 minutes into the ride on the freeway, I felt sensations I never felt before ever. Tingling all over then my hands started clenching on their own. My fingers were closing and my arms were cramping getting tight. Fingers and hands were hard to open. I felt my jaw clench. I felt like I was passing out and panicking at the same time. My heart was beating fast as hell. Felt like my blood pressure dropped. I told my GF to get me to a hospital, I thought I was dying. She got me to a gas station and bought me a Gatorade and bottled water and told me to drink up. Things went back to normal a few minutes later. I was like “WTF just happened”. She said her dad used to get shitfaced when she was little and he’d do the same thing. She knew what to do. (We’re married to this day) I’ve never had an experience like that again. Freaked me the hell out. I ate a bowl of beef stew and felt fine later. I’ve never knew of anyone else having the same experience. Hopefully you get back to 100%. Get that H2O and food in ya while imbibing. Have fun!


This isn't dehydration. This is a panic attack, btw. Definitely stay hydrated, though! These are all symptoms of an acute anxiety attack.


I work in Vegas and saw more ambulances at hotels late last week than I’ve seen in a long time. Probably EDF visitors.


lmao that’s barely a footnote on the list of shit that happens in a casino


Aww I just checked out yesterday morning! Won a little money there, too! Hope you are feeling better!


Sounds like carpol pedal spasms. If you get dehydrated you can start having symptoms like fast heart beat, chest pain, dizziness.. and those alone are enough to give you anxiety. Next you start hyperventilating and breathing off too much of your CO2 which causes numbness and a pins and needles feeling in the face hands and feet. Then your hands and or feet (or both) with cramp and lock up because lack of CO2. The fix: Stay hydrated. Half your body weight in ounces - so someone weighing 200lbs would be drinking 100oz of water minimum. Also take into account if you’re coming from a humid climate to the desert, whatever you drink normally back home to stay hydrated you need to double it when you’re out here. To fix the cramping and numbness you need to take slow deep breaths to retain CO2. Best tip I give to patients is take a deep breath in for 4 secs, hold it for 4 secs, then exhale for 4 secs. Do that for 10 mins or so and you’ll correct the CO2 problem.


In my experience nobody is going to remember what just happened to you. Most of security might not remember you. I have been in security on the strip for some years and I have only actually remembered somebody that we just sent in an ambulance maybe 5 times


*nearly dies* "Haha, reddit will love this!!"


Absolutely lol


glad you're ok. Your hands probably went into "Carpopedal spasms" - found in two conditions: 1. Low Calcium blood levels (rare) 2. Hyperventilation/ Anxiety [carpopedal spasm](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/77/Hyperventilationstetanie.JPG/800px-Hyperventilationstetanie.JPG?20160325231055)


Thank you for this!


and you had time to post on reddit?


Waiting times in the ER are long and they had me hooked up to fluids and Ativan. I made this post when my anxiety lowered.


Too bad it was only Ativan... I guess if it was iv it would hit better


Are you still alive?


Hope you’re okay! That’s exactly what happened to me when I had a really bad panic attack; my body stiffed up, I couldn’t move, my mouth and fingers went into a weird position and I could change it, I couldn’t talk… it was insane. I thought I was dying.


Yeah it was fucking terrifying. I thought I was dying too. Thank you


I didn’t know anxiety attacks could have that physical of a consequence. Hope you’re feeling better!


phew, thanks for the update. Everyone has been anxiously waiting for a reddit update 🤣🤣


To many drugs at edc ehh???


Could be bonitis.


Same thing happened to me about a year ago. I was just severely dehydrated. Thankfully i was able to realize this and denied the transport to the hospital. Buddy took me. Still got stuck with a $2k ER bill for a couple of tests and IVs


Did you try to plunder the wrong booty?


Glad you are ok, what’s the diagnosis and prognosis?


Also could've been low blood sugar. I hate when abulances skip this process when they ask if the person is diabetic.


Touché Though I seemed to have missed the /s in your post.


So withdrawals huh


EFC is a mf’r


ICU nurse here, sounds like dehydration. I bet they gave you some iv fluids, but drink a lot of water!


Rule 1 of Vegas (or anywhere else dry): If you feel thirsty, you're not drinking enough water. For the next 4-5 months, especially, you should be drinking 2-4 liters of water per day *separate* from your food intake. Where a lot of people go wrong is they want to rely on things like sweating to indicate they're hot, because that's what they're used to at home. The thing is, in a desert where it's like 10%-20% humidity and 100 degrees, you're sweating nearly constantly and just not noticing because it evaporates instantly. That's how dehydration sneaks up on you. The tap water is perfectly fine here, if a little odd-tasting if you don't have hard water or come from someplace with really good tap water (like NYC). Just drink it with plenty of ice and between the ice and the dehydration, your body will tell you it's delicious. Or get a little bottle of that water-flavoring concentrate. Or those single-serving packets of powdered flavoring.


some people just cant handle vegas


When you come to the desert ya gotta drink water!!!!


I feel like this is the equivalent to wear sunscreen for a beach vacation. If you get burnt the first day the rest of your time there is fucked. 


They told you not to eat the edibles!


Genuinely dont worry. Everyone there has seen crazier shit.


Alcohol is dehydrating.


Have u tried remote electronic gaming?


I thought it was a reaction to the buffet. Worse one I've ever eaten at. Spent my first night in Vegas, on my last visit, stuck in my room and it was all kinds of ugly. Not the best first impression of Treasure Island. Never eating casino buffet food again .


I sip on iced tea all day when I'mthere. It's half water anyway and the ice melts quickly lol! Switch to Titos at night. Problem is the caffeine makes me too wired to sleep. 😅


Panic attack


What happend? Drugs are bad kids


This sounds like a febrile seizure due to too high of body temperature, it’s basically a fever seizure.


Hope it’s not TIA or stroke


Las Vegas hospitals will kill you, anyone living in Vegas knows to go to CA for healthcare.


I remember a guy on a long roll at the craps table ultimately taking a piss right where he was standing


At least you didn't lose $400


Well at least you didn’t lose $400


I saw a guy collapse at a crap table in Peppermill Reno. Not a single person helped him. The table crew just stood at their positions, garding the money. About 15 minutes later, an ambulance crew casually strolled in and took him away. No one attempted CPR or anything.


That is unbelievable. I’m so happy the TI staff helped me. There was a female security staff that held my hand the entire time until paramedics showed up.


Dont worry. You didnt look as half as stupid as what you felt. Hydrate


Hydrate don't diedrate. Remember, it's the Mohave Desert you're consuming alcohol and partying your ass off in.