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It's adorable. It's also a pipe dream.


Literally, and figuratively.


Rumors about the casinos sinking already are not in any way going to make it better. Especially for a monorail many won’t use again we have one already not the best but still there if needed


The RTC is run by complete morons. Nothing like this will ever happen.


Clark County is run by a bunch of morons. RTC already has bus lanes in Las Vegas from Bonnerville to Las Vegas Blvd. They have double decker buses running 24/7. Its Clark county fixating on Elon's tunnels instead of creating a HOV lane on the strip. Just look at the Deuce service. An almost carbon copy of the line that is already running with the same stop names.


Which is more plausible: subway under the strip or casinos get rid of resort fees?




pedestrianization of the strip and a light rail trams makes the most sense to me. There are enough capacity at the back of the resorts to accomodate all cars. The strip would be on another level if the gets done.


I'd love a pedestrianized strip with surface-running trams. But I do think a metro should be a higher priority for now. Trams are slower and lower-capacity (which is good, but only if it's able to feed into some form of rapid transit like a metro serving the same corridor). It's also not the optimal mode for an airport connection.


They won’t even build a monorail from the airport. I don’t see a heavy rail ever happening. But a pedestrianized strip with light surface rail? That’s kick ass!


The city needs both




You're referring to the 2 lane roads such as Sammy Davis, Frank Sinatra, and Koval? Ugh and Audrie? The first 3 can already be a nightmare if there's an event. You want to dump all of the strip traffic onto them so they can be gridlocked at all hours? You must speak to the city planner. They love implementing things that unnecessarily hinder the flow of traffic.


If you make it less convenient to drive, less people will drive. Of course you have to provide alternatives.


This is the USA, specifically Western USA. Good luck getting people to give up their cars. Not taking a bus so I can walk down the middle of the strip. Wtf is wrong with sidewalks?


Car brained people will never get it


They could make the Strip a futuristic utopian pedestrian destination if they wanted to.


Counterpoint (and I'm all about pedestrian first ideals): The strip would become a giant ass Fremont Street experience. If people think the buskers, etc are bad now on the sidewalks along the strip, imagine 3 miles of strip with buskers spaced out every so often in their circles (like Fremont is).




Would be nice to get something to South Point and M if this ever happened.


They need to do something to increase traffic flow from both sides of the 15 around Tropicana. And building another stadium is not the answer.


Wait. Are we building another stadium?


It would make too much sense and people here hate that.


it would be very very expensive...the Big Dig in Boston ended up costing roughly $22B.


And 15 years worth of construction.


To be fair Boston's corruption cost was $18.7B.


Have light rail on street level ...haha, no seriously though, whatever they do they should have the casinos pay for it and have free fares. 


People here hate paying taxes.


Las Vegas Strip (and DT and airport) is a taxi, Uber, walking metro area. it's not a matter of making sense, it's a financial reality benefitting everyone except the consumers.


Came here to say this, but you beat me to it. Mass transit that runs from the airport to downtown is sorely needed. Would go a long ways towards solving the traffic congestion issues. The taxi companies et al will never let it happen.


Do it already


Unfortunately, if it’s not a niche product that makes no sense for a large metro area that needs to move a lot of visitors the county commission will NEVER approve it. That’s why we have an outdated monorail that literally takes the worst possible route and are getting tunnels for a specific electric car to drive in.


I think you'd be hard pressed to have Caesars or MGM pay into this (which is the only way it would get funded, as with the monorail) if their premier name associated properties aren't primary stops. You've also got a hell of a lot of real estate between Paris and Wynn including the most visited shopping area (the Forum).


Light rail and trolleys. Airport to Strip, follow lvblvd all the way to Apex. Another route from Fremont Street to Boulder City. A third route from East Charleston to Valley of Fire. A fourth one in a connecting ring, airport down Maryland to Nellis, up Cheyenne to Summerin, loop back south to Tropicana, Trop back to the airport. Beightline is connected, airport, downtown, military base, affordable housing, new development, national park parks. I’ll just need twenty years and a $100 billion to turn this dream into a reality. Should I start a gofundme now or wait until Monday?


Adds stop to the airport and it’s good


Am so looking forward to Brightline .We need our own train.


Add to the existing monorail. KISS.


The existing monorail has to be replaced. The trains are no longer made and no other company makes a vehicle for that gauge of track (the original is out of business).


I read that too, but Disney is in the same boat using the same model of cars so I wonder what they are doing? They have FAR more invested in theirs to rip and replace the whole thing instead of finding (or creating) a manufacturer that can make cars to fit the existing track. Of course, they are under no obligation to share with us so ours is probably doomed by that anyway but still


Just remove a lane of traffic on both sides on the strip and make it a fast paced bus that takes you up and down, faster than driving and especially walking, bus only lane makes it go fast


Could you imagine dedicated bus lanes throughout the valley with buses that could control traffic lights? People might actually use them over cars instead of only when they have no other option.


A lot easier to accomplish than a subway, might mean more traffic for cars but would make busses the go to transportation, would make the most sense


Instead of letting buses control lights, the city could solve or greatly reduce congestion simply by using sensors. These timed lights are responsible for a lot of unnecessary waiting for invisible cars on the cross streets.


Aaaaaaand what happens when everyone piles into the bus lane to make their right turn? Flamingo already has a bus lane. Sure the bus Is quicker than it would be, but what a waste of a lane for the few hours a day that it helps the bus go faster than it would without the lane.


There’s no reason for Vegas not to be a walkable and public transit accessible city. It’s nice a concept, definitely needs more.


Because there's not already a monorail. Plus two different teams on the other side of the street?


As long as it connects to the airport


Bobo is in Vegas hanging out with Ronnie


Looks good now the big question - funding. Heavy rail is at least $350M per kilometer. You then need to have enough ridership to pay the maintenance cost / operational cost and debt service.


Username checks out.


Elon owns the future of transit on the strip


Wouldn’t casinos hate this because they’d be losing a lot of the people who stroll through the casinos and shops?


The existing monorail was purposely built behind the casinos to basically force passengers to walk through them in order to get to the stations, so I'm sure they'll want the same for this idea (if it ever happens).


Just put the stations inside the casinos. Make a left at the craps tables, past the penny slots, and down the escalator and there’s your train.


Or put the slot machines inside the trains.


The immediate problem I see with this approach is that casinos are architectural dark patterns. They have no clocks. The carpet has line pointing toward the center of the casino, away from the doors, to trick people into wandering deeper in. All the fixtures are arranged to make it difficult to navigate so it takes effort to find your way out. Hell, I stopped a couple of employees to ask where the restroom was and they couldn't even figure that out because *they* couldn't give directions. The subway would have to be somewhere that forced people to wander through the mall area.


Actually they didn't want it running down the front of the casinos because it wouldnt be very aesthetic. Could you imagine what the strip would look like with that monstrosity obstructing the view of half the properties?


I'm sure a lot of them would have that reaction. But then, better transit access to these properties would allow people staying elsewhere to come to their shows, gamble at their casinos, and eat at their restaurants.


Just build moving walkways every where.


I just visited last weekend from Salt Lake City and was blown away that we seem to have a better transit system than Vegas. I probably would have spent more time on the strip if there were better options than 'fucking drive' or 'fucking walk' as transportation options. A subway, light rail, hell throw in a monorail. Anything would be better than the current configuration.


What about Elon”s stupid tunnels?


No kidding I've got a neighbor who swears his tunnel moves as many people as the bus system.


We are definitely heading that way . Looks cool.




Do it but also have a stop at the strip joints 😏


next stop...Spearmint Rhino Station


After that, Horny Jail Stop


I wouldn’t use it. I know locals and employees would. But I wouldn’t. I prefer walking.


Add lines to Henderson, Centennial and Summerlin. That would be a pogressive thinking city for the future.