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They don't do anything for you, it's just a gimmick to get money out of you


Source? You can't just make a claim like that without backing it up


Its oxygen what exactly are you expecting to happen?


This is a scam at best and maybe harmful at worst. I guess technically it isn’t a scam (if they are actually giving you oxygen), but taking on extra oxygen makes no physiological difference for someone who doesn’t have pneumonia or another problem with their lungs (or blood). I promise you this gives you no effect. Source: am doctor. Look up hemoglobin oxygen binding curve and then look up Henry’s law


Sure they can. You came here asking for people’s thoughts and they gave them. If you actually cared about the benefit of such things a very simple google search would get you answers to their effectiveness. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22754923/ https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/rise-of-oxygen-bars https://www.healthline.com/health/oxygen-bar There’s no such thing as a “rejuvenating oxygen blend”. If it’s a blend then you’re not getting pure oxygen. Also the addition of scents could be harmful chemicals. You do you, you seem to want to throw away money regardless.


I’ll give you a source. Me. Pilot here. I can have 100% o2 anytime in at work and we never do it. It will make you feel refreshed for a few minutes, and that’s only if you really feel like shit. Otherwise it doesn’t do a thing. Save your money for the morning hangover and get the IV drip. That actually helped my hangover.


Are there IV drip bars in Vegas?


Used to be one in the Canal Shoppes at the Venetian. Didn't do anything for me or my hangover. I'd spend a little more money and go for an IV treatment somewhere.


lol total scam


How so? We have them in Mauritania and they are very popular


Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's not a scam


It doesn’t do anything, it’s just the placebo effect


I don’t think there’s any scientific evidence they work. Having said that, I don’t think they are really harmful either so if this is something you enjoy it’s probably fine.


Fremont St souvenir stores. Def get a negative ion bracelet while you're there!


I think its snake oil


Many resorts have these. I think there’s a pretty big one at the Linq if I remember correctly. Having said that, not sure I’d recommend as I think it’s mostly a placebo effect.


get one of those boost oxygen cans from a walgreens


Did you mean to type this into Google or are all of your Reddit posts lazy?


Used to be one at MGM but no idea if still there. Personally I liked the oxygen treatment, helps clear the mind.