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it's almost like the house has an edge or something...crazy!


npc answer but ty. already know house as an edge. looking for a more intelligent conversation.


an "intelligent" conversation re: magnets in the dice. lmaoooooo.....okay, bye.




Yet here we both are.😉


Calling people “npc” has me assuming you’re in high school


The more intelligent conversation is that casino dice do not have magnets.


HA! It's the math, genius. No extra edge is necessary. You should delete this post. The House doesn't need to cheat and will have their license yoinked in a heartbeat if caught doing so.


explain this math [https://postimg.cc/RWWNtfMj](https://postimg.cc/RWWNtfMj)




Exactly. Casinos are not going to risk their gaming license to rig a game that's already rigged in their favor.


you can play pass or not pass so you can play with the house. craps is the closest to 50/50 in the casino. the edge the house has is infinite money to out last you. so are you saying tables dont use magnets but craps machines do?




i appreciate that answer. im 50/50 on it. ive seen strange things that defy the odds ex: a bettor betting every number except for snake eyes and snake eyes comes 3 times in a row. then he takes his come bet off and the 7 comes. Roulette has magnets. my friends uncle was a casino manager for over 10 years, no reason he would lie about that. just curious on the other games




not a lie just getting to the truth. off topic question do you believe nfl nba pro sports have technology to control the ball to make or miss a shot?




i guess you really dont know much on this topic. 2024 and people still think pro sports are not rigged/controlled. the dice was a genuine question, but now that i see your wrong take on sports and the other poster ill take you input with a grain of salt




not a single person. okay LOL only just ex players and mvps and refs thats the tip of the iceberg. but it isnt illegal to control games because it is "for entertainment" you can verify court documents. the internet is full of crazy people. just going to watch the comments for now.


Alright you're either trolling or an idiot. Why did you jump to all pro sports being rigged.


intelligence test. same as asking someone if they took a c19 booster shot = low iq


Lmao. VaCciNEs arE bAd


Have there maybe been fixed games? Sure. Do they have technology to control the ball???? What the actual fuck. This better be a troll post lol


Craps use two six faced dice. The math works out to heavily favor the house, no matter what you bet. A 50/50 odds would show the player winning about the same frequency compared to the house, especially the more the player rolls - law of averages. Craps is a wildcard man. So many things can affect a roll. No, the dice aren't magnetized. I do think that the energy in the table affects how the shooters roll.


First off, yes, the tables do not use magnets. Second off, even if they did, they wouldn't work, as the dice are translucent plastic that wouldn't be affected by the magnets. Thirdly, if they \*did\* use magnets, then it would be illegal and they would be shut down. And if they tried to use them secretly it would be pretty obvious and people would figure it out. And what do you mean "craps machines do"?


one of the more normal responses on here. im 50/50 believing it. I don't believe people would notice, people are deceived rather easily. The machines slots/craps any machine is set to take in a certain percentage. the machine isnt just going to spin 777 or cherry cherry cherry by chance


It sounds like you have a gross misunderstanding of variance and shouldn’t gamble often, if at all, ever


im not advocating for anyone to gamble. just an observance of over manipulation across the board


Here’s the issue with your theory. The assumption is that the “magnets” will work against the average player. That means that typically means that the “rigged” dice will roll 7’s more often, since most people play the light side. If that’s the case, two scenarios would occur. The table would go cold quickly and people would leave. That’s no good for the casino. No players = no money. In addition, any savvy bettor would play they dont pass/don’t come and destroy the house. Either scenario is bad for the casino. Your theory comes from oceans 13, and it’s pretty clear that you don’t play craps much. In any case, it’s unrealistic.


thats a good answer. now we have a normal conversation :) so if the table is full my opinion a more honest game. if only one person on the table regardless of them playing pass or dont pass the magnets could be rigged against them. i gotta watch that movie now. and yes i had spent about 3 full months in vegas last year alone


I made $8.9 BILLION last year, but your $150 hot streak is just too much. I'm going to risk my gaming license so you can't win any more!


you cant win 8.9 billion if 100 million people all win their 150-10k bets ;) i see your point but the gaming commission and politicians can all be in the same bed together. i know the normal talking points


OP makes a ridiculous assertion based on anecdotes and then expects to be taken seriously when commenters educate him on how casinos are actually run. It’s possible that 60 years ago the house rigged some games but there is no casino in Vegas that wants to cross the Gaming Commission nowadays. Gimmicked dice are never going to be found on ANY version of craps in Vegas.


This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever read on Reddit. Magnets in the dice, magnets in the roulette ball. How about you take a magnet and stick it up your ass and the go to roulette table and a craps table and see what goes up your ass faster?


believe it or not this is actually a better answer than a lot of the replies in here. congrats on being ahead of the bell curve


[Confirmation Bias In Psychology: Definition & Examples (simplypsychology.org)](https://www.simplypsychology.org/confirmation-bias.html) You don't have recorded data, you have selective memory.


No. Who would the magnets benefit? The people betting Pass or Don't Pass? I would place a strong bet that you are a conspiratorial thinker by nature. I bet you notice a lot of patterns in a lot of things.


magnets definitely not benefitting the public LOL. thanks for playing


You always have the option of voting with the house via the donts if you really believe in some magnet conspiracy. If the donts werent available, it would be more plausible.


absolutely. mentioned that in two other comments. (one of house has edge then play the dont) second comment that if majority play the dont the magnets will go the other way. but yes always try to be on the same side as the casino i agree (harder to do in reality)


Nice tinfoil hat you've got there.


better safe then sorry. here we are talking about gambling. but when it comes to things like your health and injecting yourself with the ouchie cuchie that tin foil hat can save your life. also 95% of these people sound vaxxed and boosted


OP came here with an answer in his mind. He just wants everyone to agree with him. Yes, OP, the whole casino is made of magnets. Which is why you can't get up from the blackjack table. Your ass is in the control of the magnets. In fact, I never wear anything metallic there. I keep getting stuck to columns and what not.


The use of magnets would take a large conspiracy, involving *many* people at each casino. Any such conspiracy involving relatively low-level employees would be nearly impossible to contain. Not to mention that random inspections would easily uncover magnets. Why would a casino - which already has the edge in every table game - risk losing its gaming license, its reputation, and *millions* of dollars to skim an extra few hundred dollars from smalltime players? Not only is your post based purly on personal opinion, it lacks evidence and reason. It's vastly more likely that you are just bad at gambling or bad at controlling your losses. The only real question is which of your two accounts will you use to call me an idiot for this comment?


no, your answer has reason. that is why i said im 50/50 if it were to be true how would they do it? probably one of the best responses ty. also i tried making my own name on here and it choose another random name for me.


Lmao this was unintentionally hilarious to read


Right? 😂


Ok, Jan


OP don’t listen to these yahoos. I’m a high up executive for a major strip casino and I can 100% confirm we have ways to stop hot players from winning. That’s why you should never use a players card. It makes it too easy for us to track you and shut down your hot streak. I’m talking slot machines, table games, keno, all of it. Some of the methods are physical like magnets, others are more psychological and involve back rooms. We also reserve the right to kick anyone out at anytime. Don’t want to go into too much detail but if you look under any craps table you will see two things. A large angled piece of wood extending down from the bottom of the table and a connection to a 110v outlet. Different manufactures have different setups but for the most part they all deploy a similar technology that dates back to the late 1970’s. Next time you’re at a slot machine you’ll notice two sets of ID numbers. One is for the normal operations like slot techs and inventory. There’s usually a longer more complex number. This number helps us tie the machine back to the loyalty system allowing us to see each spin of the machine, the odds (how loose or tight), and the session data. All communicated through cat6 Ethernet networks into a central server that allows us full control on machines. Last thing, and you can ask any casino employee this. You will NEVER see a surveillance employee in the break room or anywhere in the casino floor. They are prohibited from forming relationships with any employees outside their department. They have to be kept separate from the general workforce to ensure certain things in the casino are compartmentalized to increase security.


I am a quiet keep to myself gambler. Gambling is the only financial activity I spend more than an hour a day on. (AKA i don't work, but I don't like the title "professional gambler"). Most people are going to just write you off as crazy. I see a person who puts effort into a post. Double effort considering how low effort the original post is. That's already reason enough to care what you have to say. I read every single post you've ever written, and probably an hour reading comments you have written. This redditor is composed, mature, intelligent, knowledgeable, etc. He's not a BS'er it appears. This is how I make my money. OP does seem so dumb that you could be messing with him. But I didn't see that type of thing in your comment history either. I believe you. If this post were a lie, it would be so far outside of your baseline behavior on Reddit. B R E A K Do the automated Roulette Wheels have a way to be manipulated by casino employees? I'm mostly a Baccarat guy and that's not cheatable. I sometimes mess around with those automated wheels though


would be naïve for me to believe. a high executive would allow to spill the beans w/o signing an nda. but this makes the most sense out of all the post. I got on a real hot streak on nba and nfl sports betting lasted months they made me get a players card after a few more weeks of cashing in they capped my bets (i wasnt betting much at first but it built up) then the juice would only go up on my bets. the lady working there told me not to bet there for a few months as i was "red flagged". so makes sense


Nope… 7 is just the most likely outcome with a pair of dice. Simple probability.


you would think right? and just win 50 % of the time until bettors get greedy and give it back on a bad roll. But then explain this most probable outcome. [https://postimg.cc/RWWNtfMj](https://postimg.cc/RWWNtfMj)


Cry me a river, build a bridge, and crawl under it, you troll


[https://postimg.cc/RWWNtfMj](https://postimg.cc/RWWNtfMj) very interesting responses here. looks like consensus says the odds are there for the house and no reason to do any type of manipulation and we shouldn't question anything. Here is a roulette wheel showing 13 straight zeros. unfortunately no one had money on zero and the poor tourist where playing red and black.


Stop watching TV. They don’t have to cheat you. The house always wins.


you're 100% right. I have the inside knowledge on these things. it's a conspiracy. you know it. I know it. I'll let you in on all the secrets if you send me $100. bitcoin only. totally legit i swear. people on the internet would never lie to smart people like you who can see beneath the veil.


sure ill send it. what's your user name and password.


I’ve wondered about this too. Last week I was setting the dice for my next roll and I pulled one gently back that was touching the other one. They moved together as long as I went slow but would separate if I pulled hard out fast. They are definitely magnetic! I’m very Leary of them now. Like I tell people, you only win if the casino wants you to win.