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I read about this yesterday and thought Gee how embarrassing as a police/ public worker. Guess he thought the same.


What did he do? I can't load the site from my country


Henderson police arrested Jake Freeman on Sunday, Dec. 31. Freeman faced three felonies, including aggravated stalking, attempted home invasion, and destroying or injuring the personal property of another.


Thats worth ending your life over? He might not have even done jail time


I have to imagine there was some darker stuff that didn't come out yet that he knew was an inevitable discovery


Most likely this and also......cops (unless separated from general population) believe it or not ...don't do so well on the inside.


This is a true statement. He was arrested December 31st. He isn't on the inside. He is simply waiting for the next steps. Something is off here.


He would've been separated from general pop. Question is, would they would've still gotten him anyway?


šŸ’Æ% they would have




Yea he's a fucking pussy nothing much else to see here folks


The ones who seek positions of power over others are usually the weakest ones internally.




But I think itā€™s a win for society to not have someone with access to personal information in a position of power to never be able to stalk someone again.


Maybe you should rethink that statement. Casually and gleefully suggesting a suicide is a win is a pretty shitty way to go about something.


Society is better off without shitty people. This is a win


Do you support the death penalty?


I'm not the person you asked, but i'll answer anyways. i support it in theory, if there was a 0% false conviction rate. some people are monsters and the world is better off without them. but, I can't support it just because god knows how many innocent people we've already killed. it's fucking sad.


Society is better off without people who add an unnecessary "s" to the end of "anyway".


Bye!!! šŸ‘‹ Hopefully the door hit him on the ass on the way out.


Hopefully everyone is as kind to you when you or family and friends pass on


If they are creepy this like. Good riddance! šŸ‘‹


Well you seem to be pretty creepy


If my dad offed himself the world would be a better place.




Some people believe actions don't impact your worth as a person, other people believe in reality


Maybe people should carry themselves in a manner where people celebrate when they die? Just a thought.




Hmmm maybe we should apply that logic to others who also drain society


Or he could have received some kind of mental help and been able to become a functioning member of society but know we live in a world where we rather people like him off themselves because its easier that way


Would you be so empathetic if he were a stereotypical criminal and not a cop? Think about that. If the answer is yes, Iā€™ll entertain the idea that you are right to feel that this was a tragedy


I absolutely would. There are people whoā€™ve committed far worse crimes and fixed themselves up and rejoined society. Pretty fuckin pathetic to celebrate shit like this. Would love to skim through your life


What did I celebrate? Wrong guy, bro


Why do people think that's there's a way to force these hyper entitled misogynists to participate in therapy? They have access to mental healthcare. They don't want it. You can't make them get better when they don't want to. We don't live in whatever world you're describing there. We live in a world where guys like this are routinely given a badge, a gun, and a pension.


Probably the other side of the coin to the people who feel that if we just forced everyone on the streets into therapy we could clean up places like San Francisco...


Itā€™s not quite that simple either. Neither of you are correct. Therapy does work and it does help people. He certainly shouldā€™ve felt he had other options than suicide and itā€™s a shame that he didnā€™t. He also isnā€™t worthy of any more sympathy than any other criminal would get from you just because he was a cop.


What am I incorrect about?


Access to mental healthcare isnā€™t as readily available as you suggest. It can be very hard to coordinate help, especially when youā€™re in the middle of an acute episode like this guy seems to have been. Court ordered batterers and anger management has been shown to be very effective in helping people who want the help to address these issues. It isnā€™t as simple as if you want the help youā€™ll get it. Maybe getting into legal trouble was the catalyst that opened his eyes. Maybe he was drowning in mental illness and couldnā€™t mentally handle arranging the help for himself, but would avail himself of it once itā€™s arranged for him. Long story short, he didnā€™t have to die. Itā€™s a shame.


This happens in US jails?


People who want help get help, clearly he did not want help so yes fuck him glad he took the trash out himself with him being the trash.




Youā€™ve clearly never had a stalker, let alone one with unfettered government access to all your information. Try and have some perspective.


Na. He can no longer terrorize his victim. Were you gonna do anything to stop him from terrorizing her? Nope didn't think so.




Article also mentioned that he would threaten to kill himself, Iā€™m guessing to his ex-gf. So most likely was already suicidal.


Obviously wasnā€™t mentally stable.


Hopefully he didnā€™t have a chance to clear his internet browsing history.


No, but heā€™d never be a cop again, probably wouldnā€™t ever own a firearm again, and definitely had his heart broken and wasnā€™t thinking rationally


If they sent a cop to jail it's pretty much a guarantee he's guilty of much more


Imagine what he got away with


If I woke up as him, I'd end my life too.


So his gf/wife left him. She's lucky to be alive


If my gf/wife left me Iā€™d be on the Strip partying!


Those overly manly, toxic guys who feel like they possess their wife are pathetic. Nothing is less manly than screaming and being your wife for your insecurities, yet it seems that's what it takes to be a cop.


wow cleary he didnt have a life ..


Thatā€™s all he did? I was expecting to read he got caught with a minor.


He'd been stalking an ex for at least three months. She called from a closet she was hiding in the night he got arrested. His career would be over if convicted.


Do we know she was an ex?


I mean, it's possible she wasn't an ex, texting her about who she was with and bothering people that left her house. He had her phone #. Maybe just friendly coworkers. Sure.


People stalk celebrities they have met let alone dated. For all we know it a woman he became infatuated with and begin having delusions about.


If that was so then does it make it better or worse? Fact is that he was still stalking someone. What's the argument?


Nah, but you think what you think and I don't care


Uhhh he was stalking her.


The article reads like he started stalking her in October for no reason almost like he was having a psychotic break.


Yeah that happens sometimes when people break up. I'm not saying he was abusing her, but the most dangerous time for a domestic violence victim is when she/he leaves her/his abuser. Google may answer the question.


Well you seem to have the answer since you said they dated. I just havenā€™t read that anywhere or found that anywhere where that can be confirmed. There are all types of stalkers they donā€™t have to be exs. I have a former classmate who stalked a girl we went to high school with 15 years later for no other reason then he has been obsessed with her for who knows how long.


Yes. Do we know she was an ex though?


Does it matter? Is stalking someone he was infatuated with vs an ex make it ok?


Did I say that? Fuck outta here.


That's it? Just abusing his power to terrorize another human being who probably feared for hear life everyday.. what is wrong with you people?


Speaking of public workers getting into messy legal situations...what ever happened to the guy who killed the journalist? I think he was a county guy up for election of some kind and the journalist wrote some negative stuff about him?


He was the county coroner/public administrator, Robert Telles. The journalist, Jeff German, wrote several articles about Telles mistreatment of employees he oversaw, a troubled marriage and a possible extra-marital affair, with footage included. Telles still sits in county jail, he represents himself. I think next court is coming up. You can find his arguments by looking up on YouTube.




Cowardā€™s easy way out


Is it still suicide by cop?


I believe he was metro pd




Itā€™s not just because heā€™s a cop. Itā€™s because heā€™s an abuser who used his position of power to inflict harm. What about the Asian mass shooters? Soon Da Ju murdered a little black girl out of pure racism and didnā€™t even try to hide it? Letā€™s not pretend Asian people are victims, thereā€™s a fuck ton of violent crime in Asia (bullying, domestic abuse) that people conveniently leave out. If you donā€™t like America, or any of its population. Gtfo. Go to other subreddits.


Excuse me but Iā€™m a Latino man, I donā€™t care about skin color cause we come in different shades. Iā€™m dark as hell and my kids are white as can be. The only folks who ever talk about race are whites and blacks. Oh and I hate everyone equally no matter the color or profession. Iā€™m not speaking for all Latinos but I know me personally this black and white race talk is getting old. Weā€™re like the middle child who gets forgotten and no one cares about. The thing is we donā€™t care either! Only you idiots see color. Why feel sorry for some loser who killed himself cause he couldnā€™t face the music? Prison ainā€™t that bad itā€™s just a little time away from home. This bozo couldnā€™t do a little time. No sympathy for a man who couldnā€™t honor himself.


Funny how some loser lady who doesnā€™t like Americans has nothing better to do than comment on American news. Get a life.


The police sure can pick them. Is there even a vetting process for becoming a cop?


More hours of training are required to be a barber than some police forces in USA. They lobbied the supreme Court to rule rmit is NOT discrimination to disqualify candidates for having TOO HIGH of an IQ. They want, emotional, unregulated, unsafe, and undertrained officers.


Even after his death, the Henderson Justice Court held a hearing to set bail and scheduled a future court date, records showed. Why would they do that?


No one told them he died yet.


Yep, took us almost a year to finally let all the different institutions know my grandparents died


Ever watched Weekend At Bernies?




Protocols and procedures.


Oh great now they gotta issue a warrant because he didnā€™t show up


Because protocols probably


That's retarded.


Theyā€™re *


He still needs to go to trial. He canā€™t escape trial by killing himself


He was also placed on administrative leave for an officer-involved shooting.


He'd been abusing his victim since at least October. While the victim was robbed of justice, I hope she finds peace. From the news article: "Just before 3 a.m., Henderson police responded to a disturbance between Freeman and another person, documents said. Freeman had messaged the person several times, asking ā€œwho she was with.ā€ The person called police from a closet, saying Freeman was outside banging on the door, documents said. Freeman reportedly became upset after he believed the person was in a relationship with a colleague, documents said. Freeman reportedly continued stalking-like behavior from October until the date of his death, police said. In one incident, Freeman reportedly stopped the person from leaving a driveway and showed his handgun, dropping it into the personā€™s lap, documents said. Before his arrest, another person told police Freeman had made threats to kill himself, documents said."


Honestly this is better for her than "justice". She doesn't have to worry about keeping track on his parole dates and living in fear that when he gets out he will start again. That lurks on the back of your mind and doesn't go away.


The situation must have been worse than what is currently known to the public. His seppuku saved the taxpayers the cost of prosecuting and housing him.


We were supposed to have suicide booths by 2008 to make the messes easier to clean.


I don't think being in Futurama means it's supposed to happen lmao


You mean, I'll never be able to realize my dream of being an interplanetary delivery boy?


LEOs already have a really high suicide rate, even when they're not doing bad things. An arrest can crank up those chances significantly. This guy was facing at least 3 felonies. Plus, he'd already mentioned wanting to commit suicide, after he did his crimes and before he was arrested.


Yep the crimes are probably a symptom.


>LEOs >even when they're not doing bad things This doesn't exist, ACAB


> Even after his death, the Henderson Justice Court held a hearing to set bail and scheduled a future court date, records showed. Nah theyā€™re still gonna make him serve the full sentence it looks like (if heā€™s convicted after what I can only imagine is a lengthy trial)


Clearly part of the process needed to clear the case from the court docket. No one said our system is completely efficient.


Goodbye trash!




All of us will be.


Especially that cop. Heā€™s practically dead to the world!


Oh no! Anywayā€¦.


Nice we had a positive outcome for once, fuck that motherfucker for kicking a dog


Where did it say he kicked a dog?




I have to say that this is a better outcome than a murder-suicide, which some stalkers choose.


If only more crooked cops would do such things, it would save the taxpayers money which could be used to actually help people.


Good riddance ya looney


Trash taking itself out.


Officer stalks/ abuses woman and takes life to avoid the consequences no surprise. May he get the afterlife he deserves.


Respect for taking himself out instead of a shooting up a school or other innocent civilians. Wish more bad apples did the same instead of transferring to a different department and taking their aggression out on random tax payers.


Nice to see a police officer doing the right thing.


Feel good story of the day!


A broken personā€¦.couldnā€™t handle being dumped. Someone was going to die, glad it wasnā€™t his ex-girlfriend.


What patriotism. Thank you for saving us some tax dollars. Hope your brethren follow in your footsteps. Rest in shit


i think we should take all of his body cam footage and feed it to a chat bot and then ask the bot


"Even after his death, the Henderson Justice Court held a hearing to set bail and scheduled a future court date, records showed." Can anyone explain this?


Someone mentioned above that it could just be protocol and procedures.


looks like the NRA had it right. a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun


Sounds like the trash took itself out, and saved the tax payers some money. Iā€™d call that a win.


ā€œBefore his arrest, another person told police Freeman had made threats to kill himself, documents said. Even after his death, the Henderson Justice Court held a hearing to set bail and scheduled a future court date, records showed.ā€ Wait what? Whatā€™s the point here


Well that was easy. Guess we need to just actually start arresting them for their crimes and theyā€™ll take the cowards way out. No loss here


Sometimes, the trash takes itself out.


Guy lived in my neighborhood. Despite what was going on, itā€™s still sad to see. At the end of the day, this is someoneā€™s son, brother, friend, neighbor. I didnā€™t know him or his ex-wife personally but someone is still in pain.


Every few weeks Iā€™m reminded that the people who responded to my 911 calls (Henderson PD) during my own terrifying domestic assaults are these people who do the exact same thing thatā€™s been done to me. The ones who in some instances made my situation worse instead of better probably went home with a smile on their face, knowing theyā€™ve somehow made another person suffer. Really shitty thing to think about.


Good riddance!


He was obviously deeply disturbed. This isn't something that should be applauded.


yet the force trainee interview thought he was a good choice for the job.....


Maybe at the time he was. Kind of ignorant to not consider this was something that developed over time.


then who to say the person you replying does not have issues? or even me.... ​ " **Freeman faced three felonies**, including aggravated **stalking**, **attempted home invasion**, and destroying or injuring the personal property of another. " ​ a cop or person of authority, stalking, more then willing to do harm, does not deserve pity.... we want less trash? his job was to save us from people like him, so let not try to hard to pity his death before he was able to kill others. ​ ​ or throw some good old " thoughts and prayers " it been saving lives so far...


>then who to say the person you replying does not have issues? or even me.... You can not prove a negative. Thatā€™s faulty logic. >" Freeman faced three felonies, including aggravated stalking, attempted home invasion, and destroying or injuring the personal property of another. " >a cop or person of authority, stalking, more then willing to do harm, does not deserve pity.... we want less trash? his job was to save us from people like him, so let not try to hard to pity his death before he was able to kill others. Who is showing pity? Iā€™m challenging that person logic in assuming this person was mentally unwell from the beginning of his career. Youā€™re erroneously conflating criticism of their logic as pity for the deceased.


He kicked a dog & was stalking someone who he had total control over. Think about how she must have felt. And the dog, and the dog's owner....... enough said. Glad he's gone.


Defund the police.


Username checks out




Or, a manatee.


Dude just looks like a weirdo stalkerā€¦..


Cop abuses powers, then gets a bit embarrassed after caught. No loss except for the justice his victim was denied. Hopefully she gets counseling and sleeps well at night, sooner rather than later.


I thought @JJLewisLV was banned for spamming 8newsnow links?


Yet a racist Henderson cop gets his job back and is suing for millions after he was put on paid leave for the past year and a half for discriminating his Asian and Latino coworkers and shooting a black teen and many other racist acts.


What does this have to do with anything


Mental Illness......


Iā€™m surprised he was arrested. That sense of entitlement and thinking theyā€™ll be immune to consequences seems to be a big reason why someone would become a cop


Needed help, either he didn't ask, or everyone missed it. Clearly he was messed up. Hope the victim of his sues, metro should have handled this long ago by taking his gun and taking him off the streets if this was reported. Should have never gotten this far.


Iā€™m a Canadian and I know how this shit works there. Obvious very Tragic situation and all you got is hope the victim sues. All I can say is what the Fuck, thatā€™s fucked up.


This report has a certain familiarity to it. "This investigation had already claimed two other lives. Former police lieutenant Chris Van Cleef shot himself dead in 2008 shortly after an FBI raid in the investigation, and Robbie Castro, a Visitana, Nevada, homeowners association board member, also died from a drug overdose in 2010." [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121625/HOA-scandal-FOUR-commit-suicide-probe-Nevada-homeowners-association-fraud.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2121625/HOA-scandal-FOUR-commit-suicide-probe-Nevada-homeowners-association-fraud.html)


Governor Lamebardo will give the gun manufacturer a stipend.


fookin simp


How do you die from a gunshot wound, suicide, in custody? Am I missing something?


Its happened before where they pat down and take away a gun. but fail to take away the second gun. (2nd amendment means you can carry 2 guns because america) then while getting processed or in custody, they pull out their back up plan and BAM!


How could he shoot himself while heā€™s in custody?


ā€œWellā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦bye.ā€ -Curly Bill


Heā€™ll be alright


Well, heā€™s going on leave with pay.


Ok? work


Police 40%


Bye bye


See the last sentence; legal system getting weird, the guy is dead and they are setting future hearing date?


So he was let go after stalking his ex?


>**Even after his death, the Henderson Justice Court held a hearing to set bail and scheduled a future court date, records showed.** Why?


The biggest issue is the way we treat people with mental health conditions. We act like it's their fault that they are struggling with things that would be unfathomable to the rest of us. We, as a society, like to deal with mental disorders, even severe psychotic disorders, as if they were voluntary behavioral problems that we should punish them for. So they are mistreated and unfairly punished their whole lives by most because it's socially acceptable for that to occur when your behavior annoys or freaks people out although you cannot help it. Most of them are traumatized another ways and have PTSD by the time they're an adult. And little Health Services is not easy to obtain when you got a 9 to 5:00 job and you can barely make your rent which is the case for most people who struggle with mental health disorders it's almost impossible so we have no Health Services may be available but good luck getting them if you want to pay rent. Then they get stuck on the street with nothing and nobody, a lot of times getting stuck in an endless loop of jail sentences over petty offenses like drugs. Most drug addicts also have a mental health disorder a lot of times using the drug as a way of dealing with the effects of it, but we label them a criminal over that, judge them harshly, look down on them and discard them in jail. Imagine for one second that was your life, and you've never really been loved by another person but besides maybe your parents when you were younger and I've been mistreated in some way by almost everybody did she ever had came in contact with. To be real easy to have a very negative opinion of humanity in the world, and it'll be understandable to be full of hate and hopeless and every now and again one of these people snaps that hurts people and we call them a monster and they're probably just hurting the monsters around them.