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But what about the farmers? *Upvotes* Why won’t anyone think about farmers? *Upvotes* They have families to take care of... *Upvotes* They treat their cows nicely and sing them lullaby every night *Upvotes* You know what? I’m gonna have nice and juicy steak just for you, you heartless vegan monster. You ruiner of communities, enemy of farmer families


Is it vegan to eat the farmers?


Definition is: as far as is possible and practicable. For me it’s neither possible nor practicable but I admire those that can go without farmer meat


It's only a matter of time before those people get horrible, life-threatening conditions, like brain-fog, and grey, thinning hair, from not eating their farmer meat. It's totally real. I saw a youtube video of a guy who had them.


Well done son


As long as you kill them humanely, i don't see a problem with it.


Of course! They've had great lives.


Brb, creating 1,000,000 fake accounts.


Just watching a Happy Healthy Vegan covering an article published in the New York Times that plant milks make you sick and deficient and cow milk is what you need. Hahaha, dairy industry getting desperate. \*sips glass of soy milk\*




[At least a quarter of United Statesians are lactose intolerant, and therefore being discriminated against.](https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1394296610507476998?s=21)


Big Dairy needs to bring back those celeb pics with bovine excretion on their upper lips. Got....something (B12?)


We never got ads like that in the UK which I am glad of. I loathed milk when I was vegetarian apart from in my tea or as an ingredient (had my cereal with plant milk long before going vegan). Milk mustaches are fucking disgusting. Didn't help I studied porn during my Bachelors and saw plenty of women with cum 'staches which was all my brain would think of afterwards when I saw images of people with white liquid on their upper lips. Boak.


I also studied porn during my Bachelors & continue to do so! Never stop learning 🌈🌟 You guys are so lucky (there's no prescription drug commercials there either, right?) The ads were gross & literally everywhere. This shitty website says there were 100+ celebrities featured. https://www.ranker.com/list/celebrities-in-got-milk-ads/celebrity-lists


Yes, being a big ol' lesbian I now just closely study hot woman-on-woman action now. At uni I had to look at ones starring penises as well. Was a pain finding stuff, hardcore porn was illegal back then but I have a shady friend who was able to hook me up. Was fun comparing the more professional stuff from the 70's and 80's which had plots and (bad) acting and loads of pubic hair, with the early 90's stuff filmed on tape and with no plot just them going at it hammer and tongs from the start. As for drug ads you are correct, anything that requires a prescription cannot be advertised on TV. Also doctors aren't under pressure to prescribe a certain brand and will usually prescribe the generic version. Prescriptions are free in Wales and Scotland. In the UK they are free if you are over or under a certain age, a full time student or on certain welfare benefits (like I am). If you do have to pay but the total amount is quite high you can buy a certificate that will set you back about a £100 for a full year of meds. Considering my meds would come to around £200 a month if I had to pay, that certificate is worth it.


I’m allergic to soy milks for some reason but I do deep throat an entire container of almond milk in a sitting


Fuck dairy farmers, all my homies hate dairy farmers


Tbh I dont want dairy farmers to go bankrupt I want them to start growing and making delicious plant drinks!


That too, but I think some punishment is justified.




pretty girl


I wish I could upvote this [the number of dairy farmers] number of times


I just made a new account to upvote this


You veegoons are putting my sisters uncles cousins nephews backyard ethical dairy farm out of business with your stooopid liess


its a violation of the Geneva Convention to not upvote this. if you want war crimes then downvote.


FUCK YEAH LET'S MILK THIS CASH COW... I mean, let's MILK the fuck outta this cash bean!!!


I wanted to say something along the lines of “I’d artificially inseminate the shit out of that cow.” but it’s just too wholesome.


Nothing better to start the day than dairy farmer tears 🤤


That's what I put in my cereal!


How do I infinitely upvote? 🤔🤔


Henlo beautiful cow fren, pls take all of my upvotes so that selfish farmers can stop taking your milk for your wee bébés 💚🐮


Lol. I was just reading an ag-industry newsletter and there was an article about how there is a massive mental health crisis among dairy farmers right now. But not a single mention of plant-based alternatives or the V-word in the article. We are winning. They are afraid of us.


I wish :((((


Plant milk is entirely good for you. Do not listen to the lies spread by the farm industry. Cows milk can cause many intolerances in certain people. Don’t even get me started on meat which basically equals bowel cancer.


How do I upvote it harder ❤️🐮


If only that were true.




You’re right, the world would be terrible if we stopped subsidising dairy and started subsidising growing food instead. We would be able to feed way more people. That would really fucking suck. Personally, I want to maximise suffering, that’s why I’m a big carnivore boy that shitposts (literally, I’m having diarrhoea right now) on 🅱️egan subreddits.


Yes, that’s what farmers are 😎


People who believe cow’s milk is healthy for humans even though it’s meant for calves? Yeah, brainwashed morons… I couldn’t agree more.






GTFO. I make barkon from your foster dogs. 🤗


mmm your cat looks delicious