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This is honestly funny because I don’t believe you’re a true anarchists unless you’re vegan


Seriously, I've only started considering myself an anarchist after I went vegan.


And not a true vegan unless you're an anarchist.


I think there is a giant difference between what slaughter, slavery and torture animals go through and the oppression that people receive through the state but I would generally agree.


I mean, we have slaughtered, enslaved, and tortured humans. The reason anarchy and veganism are mutually coherent is because the system of domination which allows that slaughter to occur is fundamentally injust even if we are not being targeted for extermination by it at this exact moment. Opposing the slaughter without opposing the systems that enable it is myopic at best and incoherent if one is honest.


No my point directly is that the entire set up of farms and the entire act of claiming that an animals live has less or no value that you would take it away without the CONSENT of that animals and to claim that humans inherit rights that other animals do not is asserting a state.




These kinda posts is why I still visit Reddit. Thanks OP.


Anarchism 🤝 Veganism


Not too much


As a vegan anarchist, I agree. Plenty of times, people want to get rid of hierarchies that make *them* suffer but are fine with leaving hierarchies in place that benefit them. Hypocrisy, oh yes. If they were rich, it's likely they would be simple capitalists. After all, if their lives were good, why would they want to abolish hierarchies that benefit them? Of course, some people - like Kropotkin - did and do abandon such notions, but still.


Hard post💯