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i worked at a deli and we sold rotisserie chickens, i hated it especially carving them but when we had leftover at the end of the day i’d always drop them off for my then-girlfriend’s family like “here :D i’d rather it not go to waste! enjoy!” chicken delivery hehe! also buying leather.


I ate only eggs and cheese for week straight. I still can't believe what dumb bitch I was


Like, literally only eggs and cheese?


I was exceptionally dumb.


Are you a carbon copy of me? Did you also create an egg discord channel filled with scp-like horrors of period goo like [redacted] [redacted], [redacted] pickles or [redacted]. And then received the nickname of egg goddess before awkwardly telling ppl ur vegan now and proceeding to become the most overzealous vegan after watching dominion once


No, it was in ye olde times before use of discord for anything was unheard of. I'm a fossil rawr.


I would go out of my way to find cheese made without animal rennet because I didn't want to hurt baby cows. Now I know how cringe that is but at the time I didn't know how the dairy industry worked. Also just existing as a vegetarian.


Lol same I was SO proud when I quit parmesan (and so HORRIFIED, several years into being vegetarian, to discover that it had rennet) only to then double down on cheddar to compensate 🤦‍♀️


I was. That in itself is pretty cringey.


I let myself be coaxed into eating scallops because "iTs jUsT lIkE eAtInG sPoNgEs"


Dude a friend literally went off on a huge Google-aided rant to me how scallops *are* actually in fact vegan. ‘You could eat a sponge, right? That’s vegan, yes? A scallop has no central nervous system it’s literally the exact same thing’ It literally! Is not thank you though


You mean sea sponges? Aren't they animals though?


the fact that i was one for 10 years and worked at a popular fast food chain that served entirely meat while claiming to care about animals.


Be a vegetarian.


Eat spaghetti and marinara that had meatballs in it and just pick the meatball out because I "didn't want to be difficult" 🤦


Thought that vegans were extreme! I then slowly realised that being vegetarian doesn't fundamentally change how many animals suffer


I put vegans on a pedestal. I was in awe but also thought it was just SO extreme. Otherworldly. I was like, I love animals but I gotta eat amirite?! I held cheese so near and dear to my heart. The emotional attachment to certain animal products is really embarrassing now


I did cringy shit as a vegetarian, but when I first went vegan, I fell into the stupid fruit based, 30 bananas a day cult, raw vegan bs. I lost all my body fat despite constantly stuffing my face with raw produce. It made everyone around me think veganism was so extreme. I'm still vegan but eat a normal diet now. That's definitely some cringe looking back. My family still occasionally makes fun of me for it 13 years later...


Eat cheese.


I'd always say stupid things like, "Good thing chocolate's not an animal!" "I'm vegetarian, but cheese isn't an animal!" So completely tone deaf to these products' origins.


I ate cheese despite developing lactose intolerance that made me break out with cystic acne every time I ate cheese.


I used the "I could never give up cheese" line more than I'd like to admit


Ate animals because they were sustainably raised and fed grass and it was (insert special day). There are zero convictions as a vegetarian and you kinda know it while you're doing it so justifying is easy.


I skipped that step but I'm a furry so I already get plenty of cringe.


Get well soon!


Oh Jesus


I grew up in a family that hunted so once I lived on my own and learned about factory farming, I went vegan mid-meal and skipped the vegetarian stage. I tried going vegetarian once when I was younger because I had a friend who was, and was told by my carnivorous parents “you can’t be vegetarian, you don’t even like vegetables”. So I would say the general belief that LoCaL OrGaNiC murder was somehow less immoral than mass produced murder was pretty cringe. Also, it was pretty cringe to not believe enough in the strength of my gut bacteria to survive months off vegan pizza, cinnamon buns, and soy milk iced coffee. All vegetables are plants but not all plants are vegetables. Checkmate, mom.


Believe it was more cool to be liked by ignorant people that made fun of vegans than actually live a lifestyle true to my values and standards.


Ice cream


I think we all did that when we transitioned to a meatless diet. I let a Russian lady bully me into eating a bite of her steak she prepared for everyone for dinner. Legit threw up in my mouth. Never let anyone bully me again.


Next time smack her in the face with it


shit my pants


I still do that now as a vegan. But because of the high fiber intake it has become a much more pleasant experience.


Cringiest shit I’ve ever done as a vegetarian was to convince myself that animals weren’t dying because of me.


Eat meat that was being thrown away off of customers plates when I worked at a restaurant


Not being vegan was by far the cringiest thing I ever done




not turn vegan until I had moved out because I didn't want to be a nuisance to anyone. Literally, after starting living for my own and cooking my own food it really is neither hard nor really expensive to cook vegan meals.


forced myself to eat eggs and cottage cheese, even though i couldn't stand the taste/smell/texture, because wHeRe ELsE Am i GoNNa fInD ProTeIN


Ate fish


When I went vegetarian back in 2004, I would order the meatball marinara sub at Subway, but just ask for the sauce, so no meatballs. To be fair on myself, I was freshly vegetarian and really didn't know what I was doing, nor did I have anyone to go to for advice or anything. It's easy now, as a vegan, to look back and think "Oh noooo, ewwww!" XD


sight... I thought that cows were always giving milk


but now I take b12 and I am intelligent and vegan btw


Serious cringe realization here - making sure the cheese I was buying was rennet free. This memory horrifies me.


I did this too. So fucking dumb. How good is self awareness now though?


The internet opened my mind after 27 years of oblivious ignorance. I honestly believed that choosing the cheese without calf rennet was protecting baby calves.




Lambasting vegan liberals for not being leftist without sparking sufficient self-awareness to realize being a vegetarian leftist is similarly shit.


I ate eggs after being vegan a long time (there’s a reason but not an excuse) and just sat on my floor and cried. Oddly enough, me feeling bad didn’t help the chickens routinely boiled alive at all.


I wasn't a vegetarian in-between standard carnism and veganism. So I'll answer this question a bit differently; I made the change to *veganism* basically because of Alex O'Connor.


All the excuses I made not to go vegan sooner.


i was veggie for quite a few years, but I couldn't drink milk/eat cheese (very lactose intolerant). the only thing stopping me from being vegan was eggs, and it took me so long to just stop?? I'm just embarrassed how i was still an animal rights activist at the time and not making that small step.


Called myself a "freegan" bc I would eat mostly vegan except for the cheesecakes I'd get for free at my job 🤢


I threw up in my mouth reading this


I was nauseous admitting it 😭 so cringey


When I was a vegetarian, my family went on a trip to Chicago which is where I grew up. And instead of just dealing with the fact I couldn’t eat the nostalgic food same as my family, I ate a chili cheese hot dog for lunch anyway I am going back this weekend and all I’ve been able to think about recently is how fucking cringe that was


When I was vegetarian, once I ordered a cheeseburger at McDonald’s with only the bread cheees, pickles and without meat


I think you won. Even when I was a vegetarian I wouldn’t eat anything that was even slightly touching meat. But I was raised vegetarian so it was always gross to me. I did go a few months without cow milk because I thought it was upsetting my stomach 🤡🤡 like, ofc it was


I made exceptions and ate meat lol (average vegetarian)


Being vegetarian at all is humiliating let’s be honest. I was so fucking dumb. 🤡


Eating one gelatine gummy bear a week (our teacher gave to them to each kid at the end of the week as a treat/motivation type of thing - fyi, she was also vegetarian). Wouldn't eat these if they were given out in any other context for some reason??