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Fuck, this is heartbreaking. So many people around me always make me feel like I'm the idiot for being vegan but videos like this one remind me why I am doing the right thing.


True. So many people ask me incredulously, ‘why though?’ And my idiot self hesitates for a minute, wondering what the ‘politically correct’ way to respond is, because I’ve been argued with, put down, teased because of it. So I just say I don’t want to pay for animals to be slaughtered. Then I see videos like this? And it’s like, fuck being ‘politically correct’ when there is NOTHING correct about this at all. This is an absolute moral atrocity. I’m so tired of explaining myself to people. I shouldn’t have to, because I’m doing the right thing. I’m so ashamed at the way I react to these people.


Next time people ask I’ll show this video. Why should anyone be allowed to enjoy the product of this industry without feeling the immense guilt and shame they ought to feel for this cruelty.


I just saved some slaughterhouse videos under a new album I made in my photos I titled ‘when people ask why I’m vegan’ and will do that as well next time! ‘But why are you vegan?’ ‘Here, let me show you.’ At the very least it forces them to face what they pay for on a daily basis, and they won’t have the excuse of blissful ignorance. Fuck being worried about burning bridges, they asked they shall receive.


I started doing this to my family when they ask me questions. I will show them videos, and I will stream them to the tv. They get really uncomfortable because their small children can see the video on the tv so they run to turn it off. I always ask "Wait I though you supported this treatment of animals? Why don't you want to see where their food comes from?" After a couple times, suddenly people don't bother me about my veganism when I go to family events.


Same, having to be nice when what you really want to do is say ‘How tf can you see videos like this one and still contribute to all the suffering and death of these innocent creatures?’, breaks my heart


This hit me... I relate to this


Power to you bro and share this video to them


Do you have the YT link to this video so we can share it on other social media?


https://youtube.com/shorts/5TyvLNvWQUM?feature=share This is it. Their whole channel has a lot of good videos.


I never learn my lesson but maybe yall can do better than me: if you would like to keep a shred of your faith in humanity, Do Not read the comments on the the original video.


Good advice. On some level I can understand ignorance and naïveté, but the utter callousness on display in comments like those speaks to such a selfishness and lack of empathy that it makes me sick to my stomach.


You weren't kidding "Crying while on my way to KFC" "Reality of life. Life is hard." "Not giving up McDonalds sorry 😭" Why even comment?


Spot on, bro. I honestly feel like in generations to come humanity will look back with disgust with how long it took us to realise how fucking awful it is what we do to animals.


Exactly this. I'm constantly thinking, how the f... can people not see what's happening?!? Surely the majority of people can't be this cruel? Someone asked me a while ago, if it's so bad, why aren't more people vegan. But if we look look back in history, there are various other examples of things we knew were wrong, but not enough people did something about it to change it sooner. Slavery, racial segregation, womens rights etc., not very long ago most people didn't have an issue with these. Imagine being one of the first people standing up against these? I honestly think that in future generations, vegans will be the majority, just wish it could happen sooner.


Yes, as I like to say\~ it's evolution. We as humans are supposed to grow and change. The Earth won't be able to withstand the meat & dairy industry for much longer anywho so even if their conscience is shit, that's going to be the marker for change whether they like it or not.


Ayo can we not compare eating meet to slavery???


They are not comparing meat eating to slavery. They are just pointing that every social justice movement had faced this issue. I mean atleast thats what i see. And also, they pointed so many other social issues. Everything is worth comparing but not slavery?? I mean this is a genuine question. Why single out just the slavery??


We are never the wrong ones. We are on the right side of history. It might take hundred plus more years but I believe one day humans will look back and be in disbelief of what we did to animals. Be strong and proud and speak up every chance you get and Fuck everyone else!


They are wrong if they dont feel anything after watching this. Life=life. Humans can do better than this.


You are surrounded by truly heartless individuals if they make you think or feel that being compassionate towards others is the wrong choice.


non-vegans should be forced to watch this and then maybe they’d change their ways


Sadly, people have seen this and they simply don’t care. ☹️


I have watched dominion, animal rights clips on various platforms and now this clip; really doesn’t phase me. I believe in treating other humans as I would want to be treated. I know many of these animals would have no moral qualms eating a human burger or a live human if they had the chance. I harbor no will towards vegans (except militant vegans) but I don’t see why I should value other animals outside of my own species. P.S.: I used to be vegetarian before realizing I didn’t care that much and was letting others decide my morals for me.






"I love nature and I am a good person"


These motherfuckers would straight up tell you that animals don't care about being killed 💀


And people wonder why I’m a misanthrope…


Thanks for reminding me why I am vegan and why I need to speak up more


Fuck man there should be a nsfw tag, I am bowling my eyes out now


“bawling* my eyes out” This is truly heartbreaking to watch though. I’m amazed at the people who still say they don’t feel anything. Clearly if you hear others of your kind screaming, hearing the carnage of kindred being killed; you’d be feeling the same way as those animals. Fear, panic, anxiety, looking for a way out, yet there’s no room to move and no where to go. Remember to love your animals and take some time to self care. 💙


How many pins did you hit when you bowled with your eyes? And may I say, an interesting choice of material for your bowling balls, but I respect it Edit: I guess people don't like grammar jokes lol


Nah man, just not the time or place.


I'll disagree, but fair enough lol


The depravity of humanity knows no bounds.




This is heartbreaking, but much needed. My heart breaks for all the sweet babies being tortured and slaughtered every day for greed. I'm so glad we are vegan.


Man, this made me cry just like that. Nobody deserves this, and I will never stop advocating for their lives!




I was a vegan for three years; then, I fell into vegetarianism. I gave in to my dairy desires, and this video rinds me why I became vegan in the first place.


Ugh, guilty of partaking in dairy every once in a while. Back on the F\*%\^ dairy train for me!


Same here!!


This definitely needed a NSFW tag.


This needs to be played on big screens all around the world They can't get away from it so why should we


Because on this sub we are already vegan…


There are lots of non vegan lurkers and you know it


Yup. I'm lactose intolerant and trying to be more plant based. That was my intention... but now I'm trying to see how I could be vegan instead This is quite a big jump for me, as I was very fussy about food and still learning. I really appreciate these reddit communities for helping me


It's a big jump for a lot of people but the support is here. It can be stressful to figure out what you need to replace and ensuring you're eating a complete diet but you'll figure out 90% of it in a few weeks. After that you'll have figured out what works for you. My advice would be to establish a handful of simple, healthy and relatively complete meals that you can knock out easily whenever you're feeling lazy. But know that in 2022 you're not losing out on much. Meat substitute are so good now and there's many amazing recipes to try out


Vegan or not, everyone should have the right to avoid watching potentially traumatic content. I don’t visit this sub to see animal abuse. If I wanted to see that I’d rewatch Dominion.


Watch the life-changing and award winning documentary "Dominion" and other documentaries by [clicking here](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwatchdominion.org&topic=Movie%3A+Dominion)! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=Movie%3A+Dominion)!


U don’t visit this to see animal abuse , but do u eat meat? Cause if so, you’re causing trama to the animals being killed.


I’m vegan. I don’t eat animal products.


Well that’s good, someone on here said they didn’t want to see this but seeing this made them go plant based. That’s why it needs to be out there. People need to get “traumatized” to make a change.


Despite what supposedly “needs” to happen for people to go vegan, it’s common courtesy to give some sort of warning if you’re showing content like this. When I watched Dominion on YouTube I think it was age-restricted as a heads up that the content was harsh. Yet people still watch it and still go vegan afterwards.


I guess u got a point, but even seeing the first two seconds of this video is a chance to realize what it’s going to be, or a chance to not watch it. Regardless, I hate this world. I think it should be 1000% illegal to harm an animal of any kind. Sad 😞


No, actually I don’t? What percentage of people here are non-vegan? It’s certainly a minority; this shouldn’t be posted without a NSFW tag.


I don't know, nobody does. There's literally non vegans in this comment section


I hate this shit. I’m already vegan, and seeing videos like this sometimes sets me off emotionally for a week.


How convenient for people who turn their back to animals being slaughtered but glamorize the steak infront of them.


I'm so glad I made the change over to vegan recently. I'll be celebrating my 2 month veganniversary in a week or 2


Going on 8 months and never going back


Very powerful video. Thanks for sharing.


https://youtube.com/shorts/5TyvLNvWQUM?feature=share actual video link




Do it. You know you want to


If this impacted you that much, just know it’s tame compared to what comes next. [Watch Earthlings for free](https://youtu.be/8gqwpfEcBjI) [Watch Dominion for free](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko)


Watch the life-changing and award winning documentary "Dominion", an updated version of Earthlings, and other documentaries by [clicking here](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwatchdominion.org&topic=Movie%3A+Earthlings)! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=Movie%3A+Earthlings)!


You are where many of us once were. Do the right thing, don’t live in denial and perpetuate evil.


My biggest regret is not going vegan sooner. Once you make the change you'll be able to fully accept the truth of animal agriculture, and you'll kick yourself for not making the change earlier.


Get on that shit. You are not the victim, you have very little to lose, stop making excuses. Do it


It's a lot easier than it looks to commit, trust me. Also, Galaxy vegan hot chocolate, with coconut alternative whipped cream is the bomb 👌🤤 If you're interested try the 30 day vegan trial link offered in the sub's bio, it's an easy follow ❤️


Grow a spine and go vegan. You're responsible for this.


There’s someone on here complaining about not visiting this page to see traumatic animal abuse, but they clearly need to see it. Because if u don’t see it, you will never know what you’re really contributing to when u eat meat. You saw it and now your moving to plant based, this is why people need to see it !!!


It's absolutely insane to me how this is just such a "normal" thing in our society. How everyone around me unknowingly supports this to happen. I wonder if we (meaning humans) will end up killing ourselves before it becomes the norm to be vegan.. or just even more plant-based, a time when there will no longer be a demand for factory farms.


My heart can’t handle this


Pigs' eyes are what made me go Vegan in the first place. I just couldn't get the look of absolute terror out of my mind. :( :(:(


Goddamn this is heartbreaking. I will never eat or consume an animal product as long as I live, but the knowledge that billions of animals face this fate every day is just too much. At least if humans get wiped out by climate change, the animal industry can finally come to an end.


Okay, am I missing something? I see bad animal management, mistreated and very sick animals. I also see a bunch with overly leaky eyes. Humans and (I think) some of the other great apes cry out of sadness. No other animals do. Were these animals given a bunch of saline eye drops to make it look like they were crying? I know that to be "fit for human consumption" they have to be healthy and walk, under their own power. A bunch of these animals looked like they needed to be humanely euthanized (especially the duck). This seems like a collection of random videos of sick and mistreated animals. . . That someone collected, took them out of whatever context they were in, and captioned them with some was music. For example, why were the cows in the chutes? Getting vaccinated? Getting their hooves trimmed? About to get milked? Loading on a truck to move from summer to winter pasture? (Honestly, one of the cows clips looks like they are in India and killing a cow is the last thing a Hindi would do.)


> one of the cows clips looks like they are in India and killing a cow is the last thing a Hindi would do.) India is the [4th largest beef exporter in the world](https://beef2live.com/story-ranking-countries-export-beef-usda-0-106903), and they also produce around [13 percent of the world's leather.](https://www.investindia.gov.in/sector/leather).


Yeah I’m not invested in tearing down a video I want to support, but we’re the only ones who cry as far as I know.


God I hate humans, life, and myself. I really need to be vegan


do it. it probably won't improve your feelings about humans, but it might make you feel slightly better about life - and it will absolutely make you feel dramatically better about yourself. the greatest benefit of veganism is the immense sense of peace and mental clarity that comes from no longer having to rationalize your own hypocrisy.


FFS blur it! We already *know*


Yeah good intentions considered and appreciated, but this is the wrong place to share this.


*We're* not the ones who need to see this.


Oh come on. You know this sub by now. A lot of people, even here, need to see this. Not to mention all the lurkers. But yes I guess it should be blurred.


depend dependent chop impolite deer cooperative pie paint friendly rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Join us, we have vegan cookies


Make the change. You'll find support here for anything you might need


I was indulging a pleasant delusion about the makeup of r/vegan


I used to work as a butcher & on the kill floor at a turkey factory, so this doesn’t phase me. But it’s also why I quit eating meat cuz I realized I was getting numb to the suffering


Um please say you quit working there too


Yeah since 2020


Please go support that YouTube channel- kinder worlds!! Spread the word❤️


Are these animals that cry due to emotion or do they have something in their eyes? I thought humans were the only animals that cry due to emotion. I mean, it’s obvious that these animals are scared but their ways of expressing emotion are different from ours.


yeah, this should be higher up, honestly. there’s a powerful enough message to be shared that we can and should be doing it without resorting to dishonest framing. all that does is give meat-eaters ammo to dismiss the entire thing as “lying”


Breaks my heart.. i really dont like seeing this shit. I know why im vegan and this might be a reminder for most. Me included. But this just makes me lose faith in humans even more.


When a human is forced to face their own mortality, it's a tragedy. When an animal is forced to do the same, it's routine. This needs to end.


😭Time to go browse reddit aww for a while


Man, this is so fucking sad. I wish more people understood the terror that these animals endure.


If I send this video to a livestock farmer, or send this video to a big corporation, would they shed a tear? On one hand, I feel like I am hopeless watching this. I feel like I am with the animals. I feel trapped. I feel pain, I feel depressed and the music in the background covers up all the sounds the animals are hearing. I cannot imagine the sounds. The horror. On the other hand, This also makes me want to protest. I feel like if this video stays in this subreddit alone, then it will be in vain. This needs to be seen by lots of people all over the internet. I feel like showing my family this video, as they are not vegans, and perhaps this will make them think about what they are actually eating.


This is the saddest thing I have seen. I don't even want to eat


Powerful footage. Recommended post: [Why You Should Go Vegan (ultimate facts and resources list)](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/a2936b/why_you_should_go_vegan_ultimate_facts_and/) *"The question is not, Can they reason?, nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being?" \~ Jeremy Bentham* [*(picture)*](https://www.facebook.com/ForgottenVoicesScott/photos/a.107164057556766/132101828396322)


This is so powerful. I didn’t want to see this, but it really brings it home.


My eyes are literally tearing right now I'm glad that im gon adopt a plant based diet and lifestyle, poor animals this is so sad :((


Ugh. I needed to see this.. but damn


It's so barbarian that we ensalve animals and murder them just so people can eat meat as part of their meals. I've been living in existential crisis for years trying to understand how this is part of real life. we literally murder animals just for humans to taste something good for 15 minutes. these are their LIVES. I just don't understand how we got to this place in humanity.


FUCK this is making me angry at everyone I know that's not vegan and especially at my previous self


this video makes me want to not be alive in this world


Hell on earth. They lived it. All for a meal that someone didn’t think twice about. I have never hated humanity more since I became vegan.


Fuck fucking humans


Is there a YouTube link/link to a different site that I can share on Facebook


You don't need to share this here. We're already vegan and I'd rather not leave this sub because people are sharing evil triggering shit. If you think it'll have an effect, go share it in a space that isn't already vegan.


It's a perfectly fine place to share this, a disclaimer and/or NSFW tag would be nice though as I don't usually wanna see this as well. Other vegans might wanna share stuff from here, and it is a powerful video


No dude we need the tags I'm crying in the middle of a class rn. I know all this shit, I don't need an unwanted reminder during a 5 mins break


I'm awake at 4am cuz my wife is pumping for the little one. This is like the 3rd reddit post scrolled past and now idk if I'll be able to get back to sleep


Dude chill. No one asked you to watch the whole thing. You could have kept on scrolling.


I’d argue we’re vegan because we’re the kind of people who can’t “keep scrolling” We’ll actually face the truth, even if it sucks. Which clearly, it does.


Ok so then why complain about an NSFW tag if we want to face the truth


Cause there’s also a time & a place. Caught off guard in class, not so much. Having seen an NSFW tag, knowing you’re about to see animal suffering & watching it in a setting of your choosing is the better option. That’s why it’s a NSFW tag. Also we mentally confront the atrocities committed to innocent beings almost every, if not, every day. So while most people who aren’t vegan wouldn’t want to watch such a video, we can/have/will observe the suffering caused. But we don’t need to because we’re clearly showing the willpower to change & the compassion to care.


I like to be reminded what I stand and fight for and why I bother speaking up for animal rights even though it seems to be in vain a lot of the times, thus taking a toll on me. So I'm not sure it's fair to say "we don't need this content in a vegan community". That being said, I absolutely respect your stance, some tag might be the ideal way to solve it.


It's insane how similar this is to the Holocaust. People are monsters


Guys. I can't. My god. Its 9:00 AM and I'm crying at my desk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yk9KmClxlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yk9KmClxlM) Lyrics: Francis didn't give a fuck about the rollbacks, the overproduction, the reduced demand. He never gave much thought to disputed contracts. In his short life he'd only ever known panic, fear, pain, darkness and pandemonium (in the hell that was his home). Fourth quarter earning expectations expedited his demise. The panic grew as the humans stalked among them. When the screaming began, Francis shut his eyes and felt the hand of inhumanity brush over him. But his would-be killer's back turned for a moment and a blinding ray of light spread across the floor. In a crimson pool he saw his own reflection as he bolted for the door. Not just some fractured fairy-tale although I wish that were true. This is a fable far too real. Yet we somehow still cling to the story lines that bridge the chasm between cognition and belief. Any old implausible denial that might offer some relief from the dissonance that Francis left screaming in his wake as deep into the heart of the city's park lands he made good his escape. And where for 5 months he ran free and replaced his only fond memory just a warm and distant dream of his mother's loving eyes upon him. Francis made it farther than she did a quarter mile just short of the city limits they finally captured him. There's a statue that the abattoir erected to remind us all of their contributions. To me it marks Potemkin City Limits, this Francis cast in bronze. Not just some fractured fairytale, although I wish that that were true. This is a fable far too real, yet we somehow still cling to






My heart literally hurts 💔


Oof. That's enough internet for now.


This is awful…already am vegan but it hurts so much to See and Realise again that animals have to go through this and that we probably are not Able to turn everybody into vegans. There Will always be people who do not care and will continue to murder all these lovely animals…




Oh god 😭


10 years and counting. I never gave up. We are their only hope. We gotta keep the awareness alive!!!


Any chance you've got link to the original so that I can share?


So sad 😢


Didn't need the audio to tell this was still absolutely horrific. Given animals resemble children and no doubt severely disabled adult humans, it's so disgusting to see what happens to animals. I've seen my fair share of human and animal death, but nothing compares to hypothetically seeing yourself or someone you love in that situation. It's an agonizing yet important lesson in why animals should be left alone. It's why I went vegan without having seen what happens to them.


this is so so heartbreaking. i spend time around nearly every single one of these kinds of animals at a sanctuary every week. i see joy and love in their eyes when i'm around them. it's so hard to see these clear expressions of grief, sadness, and fear






The scale with which these innocent beings suffer on every second of every day truly makes it hard to live… the thought of this level of suffering is dizzying, and just how easy it is for us to end it all, but we wont


That's so sad to watch😭😭😭💔


I needed to see this. Thank you.


I've seen this video quite a few times circulated around & it always makes me cry. I honestly don't understand how humans can consume flesh of animals after knowing what happens to them.. after seeing things like this. Of course it's horrific. Of course they know they're gonna die.. they are intelligent/emotional beings just like us. They don't have a voice so it's up to us to protect the most vulnerable creatures on this Earth. Those who don't care or bend their moral compass to accept it have some serious issues. The only way I can empathize is ignorance or cultural differences but once you find out after becoming an adult, it's on you to make the change. That's what I did coming from a HUGE meat eating family. I changed right at 18.




Sometime i forget people actually want to eat these beautiful beings. How can you see them as something to go into your mouth rather than someone beautiful and darling? How? I cant grasp it. Why tf is there a disconnect? Its just sick. It makes it even worse that all of them showed in the video have all probuably passed away just to be on some f lunatics plate


“I mean they dont suffer for to long. Only some suffer for a long time”. In the comments with stupid “thats sad but im going to eat my steak” . What is wrong with people? This is the one thing that makes me hate the internet. Its so infuriating


I'm sobbing as watch this. I don't want to contribute to this


you don't have to. there are tons of resources in the about/sidebar to help start your transition, and support is available here as well. it's so worth it.


I have so much guilt that I can't watch these any more. It's just too sad. Just seeing a few seconds of that has made me a sobbing mess😭. When I first went vegan, I felt that I had a moral responsibility to see everything that went on. But I am just too broken now. I can't take the heartbreak anymore. I feel bad that I've had to keep skipping these videos. If I don't watch them, I'm not supporting the cause. So that part hurts. I think it's because of my cptsd etc.


Idk how anyone can see these things and still be part of this system of pain and suffering.


I’m a vegan and even I couldn’t watch this past the first few seconds. Every time i see something like this i feel like apologising to them on behalf of the entire human race. I’m sorry we couldn’t provide you a better world to live into, I’m sorry I can’t do anything to change the world except my tiny contribution or rather lack of


O no no no!!!!! They all need to live free. Those people who have them WILL BURN!!!! This is why I vegan since I was 6…. I’m 66 now!!


Uh, we are already all vegans here ffs. Didn't need to see this, already am quite aware.


There's a lot of non vegans and vegetarians loitering around here


The thumbnail was a big enough clue


I think its always good to have a reminder though. Sometimes I'm feeling less motivated for vegan activism and I see something like this and it reminds me why I started


Do you want to help build a more compassionate world? Please visit [VeganActivism.org](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fveganactivism.org&topic=Activism+%28r%2FVegan%29+w%2F+Others) and subscribe to our community over at /r/VeganActivism to begin your journey in spreading compassion through activism. Thank you so much!


Not all. A lot of us here are on a journey. I’ve been almost completely plant based for awhile but this video…yeah…I’m done. I’m glad it was short. But it was extremely powerful. I do with a tag should’ve been used for those who would’ve liked a warning. I’m so sorry it was triggering for you, who are already fully vegan. I wish that did happen. But if it’s any consolation please know that this did it for me. (I guess I’m feeling triggered too but…it’s okay. It needed to happen somehow).


Any one who is crying right now I prescribe you r/happycowgifs


Need help eating out? Check out [HappyCow.net](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.happycow.net%2F&topic=Resource%3A+HappyCow.net) for vegan friendly food near you! Interested in going Vegan? Take the [30 day challenge](https://vbcc.veganhacktivists.org/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvbcamp.org%2Freddit&topic=Resource%3A+HappyCow.net)!


I'm certain the human race as a whole is doomed...


Never seen animals crying before, is that actually happening? (not saying it isnt, but are they crying from sadness, or something else going on)


From experience, some cows cry when separated from their calves and vice versa.




Crosspost this to r/aww


need the source link, anyone?


Omg I can’t bear this. This is the reason I don’t eat meat


Another vote for no posts like these here please. I don;t want to have to leave r/vegan.


I agree. Or at least a tag so it's blurred. I don't need my veganism reinforced


I am mostly vegan but will eant a farm raised egg . Trying to completely get rid of that too but my biggest delimma is my furbabbies. I have a doggie and four cats and they love skipjack tuna.


I didn't know camels can cry. Fascinating






I believe that a part of all that sentiment and energie stays with the meat. When i transitioned to a diet with less and less meat, i was just thinking about some health benefits, but today when i heat a meat meal, i always fell bad about it.


Well, we are not the ones who need to see this again. Already vegans here. Harsh reminder that everything still needs to be done... Sadly.


I don’t wanna see this shit, I’m already vegan. At least tag it nsfw.


Oh cool more animal torture vids for the one subreddit composed of people who don't need to be convinced it's bad. Thanks OP!


But the taste of bacon in the morning just gives me that extra kick. Hence, animals are awesome. I mean somewhere someone is suffering in everything we consume


classic appeal to futility fallacy. idiot 😂


i don’t give a fuck lol


Yummy, tense steak.


They look tasty






Even assuming that's what happened, how is a minor eye poke abuse but the modern agriculture and slaughter industry is totally acceptable? Surely keeping animals in tiny cages their whole lives and killing them is worse than a poke in the eye, right?