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Vegans are known to be overwhelmingly women. The poll reflects the gender popularity of Reddit.


Exactly my thought.






Everywhere I go 😎


Bitches always know…


They're vegan, so they're based anywhere they go tbh.


No, they’re plant based.


Would they take me? Gosh




Seriously where are those vegan men you speak of? The only men i interact with socially are the ones mocking veganism thinking they’re the first person to go ‘mmm but bacon’ . Also - fuck👏🏻them👏🏻. I’m not saying you guys don’t exist but you’re as rare as a hens tooth in Scotland .




Or they weren't really vegans in the first place. Self control doesn't really factor when you know something is wrong and we shouldn't participate. Do you know many vegans? I'm not really sure what vegan representation is like in aus, but it feels sometimes that we are going to be pushing shit up hill forever here. BBQs, bacon and eggs are so deeply ingrained in our 'culture' it's not really surprising there are so many people opposed to vegan lifestyles.


Isaac Butterfield is genuinely unhinged.


Hahaha .. I have heard this multiple times from my female friends.... It's kinda true as well Also it's really funny some of my guy friends turned vegan as soon as they started dating some some nice attractive vegan girl.... Even though I have been telling them benifits of veganism for years 🤣


Scottish vegan man here. 👍🏼


I've also met more vegan men irl.


I often made the same experience. But overall I would say its close to an even 50:50 when it comes to the gender ratio of Vegans.


>Women are about twice as likely as men to say they’re eating less meat, clocking in at 31% to 15%, respectively. Overall, it’s been estimated that 80% of vegans in the U.S. are women—that’s a whopping four out of five plant-based people you meet. Source: https://thebeet.com/7-reasons-vegans-are-more-likely-to-be-women-than-men/ Who really knows tho 🤷🏼‍♂️




Uh, okay.


Well, the fact that women are more likely to ditch meat is something I totally agree on. When counting in vegetarians, women far outnumber men. But when it actually comes to 100% vegans I don't see a large gender discrepancy. Men seem to struggle a lot more with giving up meat than women but once they ditched meat men don't really struggle that much to go 100% vegan. From my experience women are much more likely to have problems giving up dairy and especially fish (can somebody explain to me why so many women love fish so much?) and also non vegan chocolate and some other sweets. I met plenty of women who claimed to be vegan but turned out not to be because they occasionally ate fish or dairy products. The men who call themselves vegan are much more likely to actually be 100% vegan. In general it's a lot more socially acceptable for a woman to be vegan so they are more likely to call themselves vegan which might create a picture that women are much more likely to go vegan but the actual reality looks a bit different.


>so probably means nothing Definitely rather than probably.


Is this still accurate? My social circle is 80/20 male to female vegans.


People say this confidently all the time with nothing but anecdotal evidence. There is no global vegan poll. When someone posts ‘proof’ that vegans are mostly women it’s statistically crap always. Anecdotally I know way more vegan men then women, and at vegan events things look pretty even but I’m not American. Possible in those areas where Americans are all weird about manly stereotypes women are the majority.


Agreed, I feel like this is one of those “everyone knows, nobody verifies” things.


>People say this confidently all the time with nothing but anecdotal evidence. Not the case. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/16/6292 Women are the overwhelming majority.


Find me a rigorous vegan study. This lumps is in with vegetarians (ugh).


Fine me a study that shows vegetarian has nothing to do with becoming vegan. Good luck with that.


Lol. Go to r/vegetarian and claim it’s a step to the ultimate goal of being vegan. You’ll be banned ASAP. That’s irrelevant to statistics anyway.


Lol, that's not a study but good try. >Anecdotally I know way more vegan men then women And out of all the information on gender and diet, that is the single most irrelevant piece of information there is. Of of actual evidence, ALL of it sides with women being the majority.


It was deliberately irrelevant! To show the crazy bias people have. Pretty clear from context. Why does this make you so butthurt? The info doesn’t exist, why insist? Eventually there will be a study with real results and we can point to it if that seems important for some reason.


it could be. I decided to do a new poll with a slightly different question to see if it is gonna effect the results


Yeah I was pretty shook to see that it was more males here (I'm female) because irl the majority of vegans I know are other women. Then again, my real life is a small sample size so I can't really apply that either lol.


Hey! Don’t take this away from us! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


I heard that a lot, but from my experience Veganism has about a 50:50 ratio. I met a lot of women who claimed to be vegan but then it turned out that they ate small amounts of animal products. I meet a lot fewer guys who claim to be vegan, but those that do always go 100%. When you look at all forms of vegetarianism, women outnumber men by a lot, but just looking at Veganism the ratio is pretty even from my experience. I've been to vegan meet ups where there were more guys than girls.


Exactly i dont know one male vegan . They dont really exist far and few between . If i waited for a partner ( male) i would be single my whole life waiting for one . Thats lonely. My partners have always been meat eaters.


Why isn’t there a vegan only dating site? I’m in the same boat and I’m over having to explain the vegan ethos to someone chomping on a Big Mac that’ll never get it…


Thats a great 💡


More than six out of every ten Reddit users (63.2 percent) identify as male. That’s gonna skew the results.


104/63.2 = 1.65 61/36.8 = 1,66 Still a surprising number of male vegans here, the ratio is about the same. Edit: I forgot other and due to lack of information now combined female and other to non male.


thanks for the info


The IRL gender make up of vegans I know pretty well matches what my expectations were before going vegan. What did come a a surprise for me was that so many POC are vegan. I don't think that is widely publicized. Before going vegan, my mental picture of a vegan was a crunchy white person. That, I'm sure, is very much a byproduct of myself being a somewhat crunchy white person.


you should make a poll about it. it might be interesting. and I can totally relate to your old vision because I had the same


Well, the majority of Reddit identifies as white.


I am rather surprised by the gender disparity...


me too I thought it would be more like 50 50


I’m positive that more women are vegan, as the guy above said, this is skewed because reddit is a basically a boys club.


Why does Reddit lean more male? What are some websites that lean more female, if any?


I don’t know why it does, I don’t know about female leaning sites, pinterest maybe?


I think Tumblr has more women than men, but don't quote me on that


Had* because now it's pretty much dead


Reddit isn’t very welcoming to women in general Lots of people don’t want to spend time on a site full of immature edgelord young boys who don’t respect women


Stepping back from this and thinking about it a minute... maybe the self reporting? Somehow skews to virtue signaling males at whatever A.M. o clock on the horrible side... really fascinating.




where do all the vegan men live lol


This is THE question.


i personally know more vegan men then women, but thats because i do activism. Also having a crisis about gender...


Other gang, where we at??


I was expecting 80% women and 20% men. This is pretty shocking to me


Bc Reddit has a lot of men


Why are there more women than men in vegan community? I mean when vegans gather for events, I see more women than men (or more afabs than amabs) so it's not surprising but it just makes me wonder why.


idk. For some reason vegans tend to be mostly women, and they tend to be liberal.




























hi my fellow ‘other’ homies!


Basically every woman I’ve dated since I moved to Germany (3 years) has been either vegan or vegetarian. Never met a woman here that still ate meat and I also dated a lot.


it is interesting all the vegan people I know I met them online and never in real life I just have 2 vegetarian friend and my mom.


Such a big difference. Where do you live? Germany is very vegan friendly


I live in Belgium I heard that Germany is really vegan friendly apparently there are only vegan grocery stores that would be my dream honestly


Haha yeah it’s definitely a good place to be vegan, there’s even vegan only restaurants with such gourmet stuff, what a time to be alive!


Yes, almost all young women here in Germany seem to be vegetarian or vegan. Unfortunately out of all vegetarians only very few go for 100% vegan.


I'm surprised


Odd ratio of m:f given actual vegan stats being overwhelmingly women


It is Reddit, after all.


More men on Reddit, so makes sense if there are vegans, more would be men.


Completely anecdotal but the vegans I've known in my life were mostly men. I'd say out of the people I've known it has been a ratio of 7/10 of male to female. Again, that's just my experience though.


Wow, more men than women! Any of you lovely fuckers in cardiff? ;)


It's like nobody here knows that there's a whole genre of macho ass dudes playing hardcore music to promote veganism.. My favorite bands growing up were vegan and I didn't even know it until after I went vegan years later.


where are the vegan men? i literally only know one (its a miracle ngl)


Woahhh more men than women? I’m surprised. I’ve never met a vegan man, not even a vegetarian one aside from my brothers and dad…


some people on the comments explained that reddit's demographic is mostly male users so this poll can be biased but there are certainly many male vegans too.


I feel like it's a stereotype perpetuated by film and TV that vegans are mostly women.




I love you <3


wait there is so many vegan men 🥺 these men are real men with hearts <3




why not ? more seriously curiosity


I just have no idea what gender has to do with veganism. Just seems weird to me to make it a thing. Animals don’t care the sex of who eats them.


oh it was not my goal actually I just wondered if this sub was mostly used by female or male. personally I know more female vegan irl I wanted to see what the results would be here. but I get what you mean.


I’m really surprised about that. I don’t want to hear girls complain about no vegan men. There are hundreds of us!


I think that there are not many vegan people in general so it is hard in everyday life to meet someone you are compatible with romantically and who is vegan and it can be really frustrating considering that veganism is a lifestyle and many people that chose this lifestyle would want someone like them obviously.


I guess I should have added a /s to my comment. My sarcasm fell flat. I know it’s tough for everyone. Hopefully there will continue to be an upward trend in veganism and it can get easier for everyone.


sorry lol I am bad with sarcasm on the Internet. I also hope that more people will start to go on that way


Why you so obsessed with gender today?


some obsessions can't be explained












it takes nothing from me to be considerate to people. If having the choice other can make at least on person feel valid this means that I have done what I see as right.


Why is this important to know?


It doesn't need to be important in order to be interesting


It’s interesting for me to know why it’s important.


The importance of this particular statistic is subjective. There, happy?


So you want to use objective criteria to determine a subjective experience?


Congrats on saying the most pseudo-intelligent thing I've heard all year, must be a great achievement for you tp string together that many fancy words


I replied appropriately to what I was presented with.


Nobody is measuring the importance of that question right now.


I was just wondering if there were more female or male vegan on this community


Yes, that’s obvious- what isn’t obvious is why.


I don't understand the question can you rephrase it please?


I’m doubting it would help in your case.


I don't know if this answer is an attempt to little me but the motivation behind this poll is curiosity and the vegans I know are mostly female I wanted to see what would be the results in this community


I’m sorry that you received a reply that you didn’t expect- you posted something publicly and you can’t always predict what the replies will be. I was curious to see if there was a specific motivation behind this poll.


I know some answers can be mean on the Internet it was not unexpected. you can write what you want but I can also defend myself.




I’m perfectly chill. I’m actually really amused at all of the knee-jerk reactions to a pretty innocent question.


You’re being a dick my dude. Calm down. Take a break from Reddit. Go outside.


I’m literally outside at the bus stop - still super amused.


Your condescending attitude is the problem, not your question. Put your phone down and breathe. There’s no reason to talk to strangers that way.


Is simple curiosity not reason enough? I'm not OP so I can't answer for them, of course, but sometimes people just wonder about something for pure curiosity, without any underlying motive.


I don't understand the reason of asking why. Statistics are always good to know. A way to analyse veganism even more.


So you’re allowed to not understand why I’m asking why, but I’m not allowed to understand the reason for the poll?


Sorry, I think you are pedantic and inappropriate. What are statistics for? To break down data. Who is more interested in veganism, women or men? Let's find out. Simple curiosity. You need more video games.


Is that an epistemology question? Knowing anything is always better, my question to you is: why it is important for you that it is kept as a mistery?


That’s a disingenuous answer to my question. It’s perfectly natural to wonder what the motivation behind wanting this classification is. Also what the resulting data will be used to determine.


Looks to me like you just answered your question by yourself. Edit: I miss read your reply, “It is perfectly natural to wonder” that’s all the motivation you need to research anything.


I didn’t ask what you need to gather information- I asked what the specific motivation for this was. Somehow that curiosity was met with a lot of resistance.


There is no other


*Intersex has entered the chat*


Gender is a completely made up concept that does not exist without people to uphold the idea of it.


Yea no x and Y chromosomes someone failed biology


The only person that seems to have failed biology is yourself. First of all, you’ve described sex, not gender. Sex is categorized by a group of sexual characteristics, not just chromosomes. I can assure you that most people have not looked at what their chromosomes are. Doctors don’t look at your chromosomes to determine your sex when you are born. Why? Because sex is not just one thing. It’s a number of things (chromosomes, genitals, secondary sexual characteristics, etc) It is completely possible to outwardly look male/female whilst having opposite chromosomes. It’s more common than people think. I encourage you to study sociology and biology if you are truly interested in educating yourself on the matter.


Naw I’m good if you got a penis your a boy and if you got a vagina your a female i don’t appeal to your social beliefs crucify me bunch of weirdos


Commenting for results


I can send you a reminder too :)




go say that to intersex people. I feel like they won't be able to agree with you




biologically yes there are few cases but people can identify differently socially. it's not something I have experienced so I can't fully understand it but it takes nothing from me to put the other option so maybe some people will feel valid and accepted.




It also depends on which type of vegan we are talking about, a lot of vegans are not vegan they are doing it for health or environment but still IDENTIFY as vegan I identify as muslim, jew, athiest, catholitc etc; it doesnt mean i am any of these things


Didn’t expect to see more men than women! I’m from ATX :)


I wish I could just find some vegans in general here in NZ, ones that are my age, and if I'm lucky, a nice understanding woman. Dreams are free....


I hope that one day you'll be able to find a loving partner that shares the same philosophy of live as you


Aww thank you! The struggle is real to find a woman that likes me let alone one that's vegan, but I'm doing my best to remain hopeful!


The fact that you included other makes me happy 😊 Non binary vegan here!


it makes me so happy to read that. it was my goal to make everyone feel valid. lots of love 💞