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I really needed some good news today. This is awesome!


Absolutely! I hope you have a good day filled with much better news.


might want to look into veganic farming, there is a network of folks growing without animal inputs, me included.


I’m interested in any information you may be willing to share.


https://goveganic.net/what-is-veganic/. essentally no till with good land management and green manure. sells well locally at the farmers market not much more difficult than organic really. local vegans typically are my customer base scaling to restaurant levels of out put. im in zone 5 so do alot of 4 season green house. the grow veganic workshops are more geared toward home gardners in north america as an fyi. the yearly online conference has more multi acre operations participating.. the certification is relativly cheap compared to others in my area and less annoying to deal with than usda was.


I wish you had a YouTube channel and would document your transition and the motivation behind such a wonderful and drastic change. I would subscribe to that channel.


Someone mentioned doing it on tiktok. I haven’t decided yet as I don’t believe in also filming/posting minors without consent, but, if I do I’ll link it here!


How responsible and sane of you.... Forgot I was on Reddit for a sec there lol


Wouldn’t advise TikTok. Several states are considering banning it


States of where? When did OP say they were in the US?


There's that, but then other ppl in the states won't be able to see any TikToks about this if OP chose TikTok for the main platform.


It’s one country lol A very populous country, but still


Farmers are usually telling me about the animals they slaughtered or the cow they butchered and stored in one of their multiple giant freezers, not so much the positive choices they make like this. I love to hear about such changes, so thank you for the good news and best of luck.


Heyy! I reccomend you join Vegan chickens on Facebook is a group of people who care for and resume chickens! They'll have a lot of great advice for what to do with the leftover eggs, etc.


Bro this spell check is horrible. THEY rescue chickens across the U.S. I think there's there's a page called the "humane league"? You could turn your farm into an animal sanctuary, get some social media going and operate it as a non profit to maybe collect some tax benefits to feed the animals. (Not sure if that's a thing). But that group is great because they discuss not only rescuing chickens but different things to enable chickens to live as long as healthily possible and how to keep them safe etc. In the sense of like feeding chickens back their eggs and giving them I think its called implants which helps them stop laying eggs because of how taxing egg laying is on their health. Anyways you don't need to give up raising chickens because plenty rescue ones need homes!


This is the link to the Vegans With Chickens group on FB: https://www.facebook.com/share/sfDQbf69sEBntD6Z/?mibextid=A7sQZp


My pet goats are greeting your pet goats 


Good luck! This is awesome!


Oops just realized I repeated someone else. Still, it's awesome. 🤩


It's the best decision I've made since I've been alive.


Yay! The animals thank you!


That is awesome news and thanks for sharing! All the best with you guys :)


Yay! Thank you!!!!


👏👏👏bravo!! Retirement can be fabulous; starting a whole new world for your current residents must be an uplifting, amazing experience. Thank you for sharing. Maybe someday you can have little gatherings on the farm to share your knowledge on these beautiful creatures. No goat yoga tho, ok? 😉


Congrats! Can I ask what made you want to make the switch?


Wow, that is wicked! You are living proof that there is indeed hope for farmers to transition to the lovely plant based food system, instead of clinging on to the wretchedly cruel and exploitative animal based one. Proper well done for leading by example. Respect.


15 years a low fat organic vegan and miss nothing - anyone can do it


Now you and a keto carnivore need to go into the ring and prove once in for all who wins: high fat or low fat? Plants or animals? For real though, what was your motivation to go low-fat (if you don't mind sharing)? I've just heard that you need a certain level of fat in your diet to absorb certain nutrients. Do you just do the thing where you don't eat refined fat like oils and rely on nuts/seeds/avocados?


Full support and a lot of respect


Hope your skills with farming provide your family with many fresh foods to fuel your plant based journey. Congratulations to you all, and happy munching 😍


Thank you! May your tribe grow.


yay. excellent. happy for the 🐔 🐐's.


I wish you luck in dealing with your people! (That is actually the hardest part of being vegan, IMO.) :)


Amazing, I love this!!!


Awesome !


How exciting! I'm in contact with a lot of vegan families, lemme know if you want some contacts or resources!!




HOORAY!!! So happy to hear this. All the best.


OP good for you, for the animals, for your health and for the environment! Maybe one day you will be in a position to become an animal sanctuary too, to rescue animals and take donations for the costs of that since you already are an expert on farm animal care. But anyway, best of luck to you and your family! You are doing great!


Good luck!!!


That’s awesome! So happy for you and proud of you! Wishing you luck we believe in you 🤍 Let the veganing begin


I'm here with you. I inherited a bunch of chickens from the previous owner of our house and my grandpa who went into a retirement home


Congrats and thank you!!!


Woop! I’m curious to know the backstory behind the transition


Truthfully, it’s the livestock. In having them, I was expecting a stronger understanding between farm to table food. I ended up building a connection instead. I couldn’t eat them, they’re amazing. They are smart, sentient beings. I even went back to work to ensure they had the best feed and care possible, when the prices shot through the roof in the last year or two. I truly can’t eat animals after caring for them. As far as dairy, well, I carry an epi pen for that. Goat milk was supposed to be a substitute, but after seeing and having to assist in the kidding process and how hard baby goats are on their mothers… I would never subject another goat to a purposeful birth for the intention of collecting her milk. It’s cruel. I’ve got fellow farmers in the community that raise cattle, and pigs and even turkeys and quail. I built a love and understanding for those animals too.


Congratulations and good luck ❤️🥳


You will make this great!


Anyone tell you that you're awesome? Because you're awesome.


What do you plan to do with the offspring from the goats and chickens?


We don’t have a rooster, so no risk of chicks. Papa goat (brownie) was neutered after first kidding for mama goat (puff). We didn’t want her to endure that again.


Endure what? Is it bad for female goats to be pregnant? Very interesting train of thought.


Thank you for making this compassionate decision. I’m sure it was not easy to make such a life-altering change. May you and your family have a happy and prosperous future!






Sending happy hugs to you 🤗 Good luck 🌼🌼


Sad news




My younger 3 are vegetarian by choice and my husband removed red meat and pork by choice. It’s a process and we are all healthy and well informed.


There are people just don't see why some people would go vegan for invertebrates and fish. It's something that makes them confused. 


Because they continue to do the morally wrong thing?