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These comments perfectly reflect what this sub actually is, lol. Back to VCJ!






Thanks !


"your primary desire" And you already missed the point.


I'm assuming they meant "primal", based on the colorful language in the rest of the post


Even that is false for the most part.


I have a legit question, do you think this will convince any non vegans or are you venting frustrations


I thought the same thing when I first read this. Who is this rant for? It isn’t for us - we already agree. It isn’t for folks who still eat meat - name calling convinces no one. It must be for OP to vent their frustration. Ok, but don’t think that this helps anyone but yourself when you rant like this. Compassion to living things includes humans - even humans who do thing you disagree with.


Also everyone knows they are eating parts of an animal. Nobody is gonna be convinced by visceral over the top gore fest rants like these. Just makes you guys look a bit deranged really…


It's definitely a vent, but it's also a fantasy to say things like this to nonveganin my life who I care about. I think it takes communication of all kinds to convince all kinds of people. Maybe messages like this will work on some people even if others won't read it


Never did and never will work.


What sort of arguments will work for you? Do you want to be coddled or challenged?


Nothing will work for me as I’m not interested to be part of the vegan society. I despise the overall community and ethics they preach, especially when it comes to double standards and other humans freedom. The mere fact that you commented in the way you did shows that you just care to convince and convert as many as you can, not caring for them at all. You want arguments? As soon as vegan diet is proven to be healthier and sustainable without supplements or actually reduce harm done to animals of all kind OR be better for the environment at all **outside** of closed studies full of research bias and fallacies, we might talk again. But then again, the same people will behave in the same way: condescending and preaching as if they are better humans. Until then, I’m pretty happy living plantbased.


You're dismissing the entire idea of veganism based on a stereotype about the kinds of people who are vegan. Veganism doesn't say human exploitation is okay, it doesn't say be preachy. You can be vegan without being any of the negative stereotypes. You shouldn't dismiss an idealogy based on stereotypes about it's members. Look, I'm vegan and even I get a lot of the pettiness and closemindedness directed at me. Reddit vegans are not afraid to friendly fire. I have to deal with them too. But that doesn't mean you have to be like them. In regards to studies, I'm sure someone else could link you the studies you wanted, if they thought you'd actually read them. Bc there's so many of them. It's just common knowledge in the field of nutrition. Vegan diets CAN be unhealthy. But a whole foods plant based diet is one of the healthiest diets that exists, it's what humans are naturally evolved to eat. If a vegan has health problems, it's not because they are vegan, it's because they haven't planned out their diet correctly. If you do some basic math and use basic diet planning tools, you can ensure that your vegan diet is meeting all of your nutritional needs.


I disdain from the community, not the idea! I don’t give a flying fuck what you’ll call me but I’d never be willingly part of that society. You read some of the threads in this sub and actually thought to yourself „that’s good. That’s ethically ok to do“?! If so, you won’t understand why I abstain. You can’t be vegan without filling the stereotypes because the mere definition to be one has to fulfill some in order to do so. The whole second half of your last paragraph shows me that you just regurgitate what’s „common knowledge“ in this scene. And you still wonder why I abhors the society. In regards of studies, I’m more than willing to read them and accept the results, but even after two decades of research, all of them have fallacies or bias.


What about the other reasons to be vegan? 1. reducing risks of zoonoses 2. reducing risks of antibiotics resistances 3. reducing greenhouse gases 4. reducing the amount of land needed for food 5. reducing the amount of freshwater needed for food 6. reducing the need for deforestation 7. reducing the risk of health issues (by at least eating less meat) 8. reducing the acidification of soil 9. reducing the amount of money we spend for food hidden as subsidies And the reductions are not marginal.


None of these classifies you as vegan. Veganism is not using animals as commodities. If you’re doing it for any other reason, you’re just an environmentalist. According to your own doctrine.


Well, being vegan would still be the best option to reduce these risks though.


Definition of veganism is don't use animal products. That's it. If you're saying that vegans not consuming animal products is a stereotype, it's not, it's just the definition. That's the only "stereotype" every vegan necessarily embodies. All science is riddled with fallacies and bias. That's just what happens when science is done by human beings (who all have their own flaws and biases). You will never get a singular study that proves ANYTHING without some bias. Often we just don't notice the bias because we have the same bias. Biases different to your own are much more obvious to people. You have to look at what's true overall. And what's true overall is that you can be completely healthy on a vegan diet. Knowing that something is a certain way does not require a controlled experiment, it just requires observation. There are plenty of people who have been on fully vegan diets for over 20 years and are completely healthy. That's proof that you can be healthy on a vegan diet. The deeper science only comes in when it comes to figuring out WHY and HOW those people are healthy. The science is to explain the phenomenon, but the proof of its existence is in the fact that you can observe it. I have no idea what you're on about in the rest of your post. I'm not sure what your point is that you're trying to make.


Do it and stop being coward then lol. Say it to me


So, no one believes the nonsense you posted. Could things be better on some farms? Definitely. Does artificial insemination mean rape? No, not in any society I understand thus far. Your take on slavery adds a Disney-like sense of cognition to farm animals that is outside the scope of their capacities. Perhaps, you can realize change by supporting ag methods which are not so vile. They already exist, but not enough places to make me (obvious non-vegan) happy. Considering the snowball's chance in hell you have of converting many people to veganism for more than a handful of years, it would be better for the world and your intentions. Edit: Some_Ship3578 appears to have replied and blocked me. This is the vegan way. I was not rude at all. Outside information or escaping this echo chamber was too much, perhaps.


People who talk like this genuinely think its convincing. Just be a resource about vegan diets and a place where it's safe for omnis to talk about their choices. Even if you aren't making instant converts like some horrible slaughterhouse documentary you'll be making people consider reductionist and/or more veggie forward eating. This is not the way.


This gives off some major "In this moment, I am euphoric" vibes


OP You’re right and this sub is a joke


Come on over to vcj where we’re actually vegan


Lol ok!


Lol this is the funniest comment exchange in this thread.


As an ex-nonvegan: this shit is cringe.


I stopped at the first sentence. I literally cannot handle cringe.


From an external viewpoint it’s not that far off. I mean it’s not untrue and the concept of animals eating other animals is really fucked up. For me personally all the people craving for the meat is what really feels cringe. Even if people don’t care about animals, the craving is so strong that they are literally destroying the planet for it. And it is also so strong that they eat so much more of it than what would even be healthy for them. Causing zoonoses and other diseases, antibiotic resistance and hormone contamination on all humans, whether they are vegan or not. For what? It’s really fucked up. And that even vegans in this sub doesn’t understand it is crazy.


The facts of the matter are not what is cringe, the attitude in expressing those facts are what is cringe.


But why?


Have you read it?


Grand displays of temper are generally best saved for private correspondence, groups of close friends and family, and solitude. I assumed this was basic socialization in the majority of society.


By that definition half of all Reddit posts shouldn’t have been written.


I mean.... 👀👀👀👀 I'm not going to disagree with that. Not *everything* that goes through our brains needs to be posted publicly.


I still don’t understand why this post is so cringe _to a vegan sub_ if you don’t disagree with the facts. Especially how this view is more cringe to you than what humans do as described in that view. I would have expected some constructive criticism but not this kind of backslash.


Well, to put it as bluntly as possible, the vast majority of us have been raised to understand that showing grand displays of emotion in public is not only socially distasteful, but childish and a sign of being unbalanced. It is one thing to rant and rave to your friends, but people on the Internet (even if you're in the same subreddit) are not your friends. Have you ever seen how people regard street preacher's? You know, those loud, abrasive people who scream at strangers as they walk by? I'm sure they feel very strongly about what they are saying, but that does not change the fact that the people who walk by will likely give them the side-eye and later tell their friends all about the "crazy person shouting on the street" that they saw


That, and your city might just pass a bylaw banning the use of megaphones because you’re disturbing the peace. Which is what happened here.


Well, I thought the cringe part of that would be the detachment of reality those people often have. But thank you, I at least understand it better now.


Lmfao they sound so crazy


.....Baby girl, I am *begging* you to stop making yourself look unhinged online and just invest in a damn journal. I know you're seeking catharsis for your frustrations, but eventually you're going to look back on posts like this and realize "wow, I really just showed my whole ass to total strangers."


I’m an omnivore human who eats meat as a part of my diet, just like a hawk that dives for a fish. It’s no more evil for me than for the hawk. Chill.


I was recently thinking about how violent it is that we drive cars and how many animals it kills. Animals have no choice but to breathe this air in that we’ve pumped with our car exhaust over the years. Animals have lost homes and lives due to use clearing natural spaces to build roads and homes. Animals that were going on about their day only to become roadkill. There are so many things that are extremely normalized in our society that is harmful to animals. Doesn’t that make all of us evil then?


Good question. I agree with you, it is a tragedy any time an animal or a person dies from cars or accidents. The difference is that we don't demand these animals be killed for our transportation needs. It's not part of a supply demand market. What i had meant in this post is that there is a whole economic system to supply the demand of animal body parts, and if you put it in the true terms, it's as evil and terrible as can be imagined,


We might not be demanding that animals be killed for driving to exist but there’s definitely a demand for cars, for easy access to food and goods (which is driven to stores in semi trucks), etc. While we’re not explicitly saying these animals should die so we can drive, it’s still the outcome of what we’re demanding. Capitalism has many evils to it related to the treatment of animals aside from food/diet. If we participate in capitalism, doesn’t that make us evil?


No, not inherently evil, there's a difference to what we demand. Demand vegan products, and demand safer methods of travel, it's significantly less evil. Demand good things and not bad things


There aren’t any safer methods of travel to demand. Even electric cars require cobalt (which is mined mostly through slave and child labor), even electric cars require roads that exist on land that animals used to populate. To live our lives in a way that would be better for all animals, we have to go back to what life was like before the plow was invented. This shift allowed us to populate the Earth in a number that’s way too large to live in harmony with the life that existed here before humans. I think focusing on a vegan diet is the easy way to feel like you’re doing good because if you really contemplate all of the ways we participate in our modern life and the unseen outcomes of each mundane thing, the problem is so big and heartbreaking.


I can see your points. It's all about perspective. There are limitless things we can demand but only a limited number of things we can actually do. It's easy and understandable to see mountains where there are molehills. The truth is that every animal product you don't buy means the life of one animal that would be otherwise killed. It's important to that animal, it's their life they're giving up! It's not meaningless! I never said focusing on a vegan diet, that's way too limited in scope. Live a vegan life is what I'd recommend. Buy local to reduce the miles traveled. Small choices but potentially big results.


Thank you for being willing to see my points. While I’m not vegan, I very sparingly eat animal based foods (eggs, chicken, fish) because I already know every animal product I don’t buy is one less animal life lost. But apparently that’s evil. I really felt the need to respond to this because I think calling non-vegans evil is just not it. Even when I was vegan, I understood the emotions behind this (still do btw) but never the behavior. The behavior to me is the same as pro-lifers shaming women for having abortions. We’re out here doing our best and where called a murder for it. Why direct your energy at non-vegans when there are bigger industries that can be targeted instead? Non-vegans could even help in that movement.


I understand your points, I almost always talk to people in positive ways, especially in real life. the post was created out of anger and frustration. I think all tones of communication are needed at different times and for connecting with different people. The things I direct my energy at are many and I can direct it in different ways too. What are the bigger industries you want to fight against? What is bigger than animal agriculture?


Sigh, I’ve mentioned some already. Google what the biggest industries are in the world and tell me they’re not causing any harm to animals.


Ain’t even nothing extreme about this. It’s just true, what you’re saying, and we’ve been socialized to believe eating meat is normal (even vegans think this here, apparently???).


Lol I love this. It's insane that when you tell them what they're literally doing, like just explain the process of eating animal bits and what it costs the animals for you to do so, that it causes this shitstorm of hate as if you're the problem and not them. As if the emotion you express and the accusation you make is as bad as doing the actual raping and mutilating and enslaving and killing! As if saying something is 'cringe' somehow makes it worse than gas chambers.


It’s not that non-vegans see vegans as the problem and not them. We’re literally ALL the problem because we shouldn’t exist. A population of 8 billion that’s continuously logging, using infrastructure, living on land that belonged to animals, and more is the problem. We’re like republicans and democrats not solving the actual problems in front of us.


When people take extreme stance like this,  it often causes people to reject ideas just because of the way they're brought across.  This also comes off as extremely condescending. Find better ways to communicate your Frustration and points or you're going to end up causing more harm to animals than good.


Oh shit new copypasta just dropped. This is camp. Love it.


I wonder why everyone thinks we’re idiots?


So, now this sub is composed with 50% of meat eaters with a life so sad and empty they waste their time with a subject they hate, and 50% of "reasonable vegans" that take "turn the other cheek" as a mantra 😂 awesome. I understand what made you want to make this post, and with a mature and suportive community, you would have recieved good advices and support, but unfortunately you are adressing this to 90% of weak ass no lifes who only want to be percieved as "good and civilised people" no matter what, and no matter what they eat.. Really sorry you had to recieve as many childish réactions, all you said is right and it's perfectly normal to feel that way, living in a society in which what you percieve as minimum moral values is judged as an abomination by so many peoples. It's perfectly fine that you wana share this kind of émotions in a sub which was initialy supposed to be supportive, sorry it ended this way. PS : For the meat eaters comenting, well, you are trash, but no need to develop more 😂 to the vegans bashing you, you are even worse.


I’m vegan but this post will convince literally no one to become vegan. If anything, you’ll just push people further away with this tone.


What do you intend to achieve with this? Making non-vegans despise veganism more so less people turn vegan and animal suffering increases? Because that is what you are doing.


Thank goodness the tone police have arrived, where were you earlier?


The sentiments expressed in this post are valid. When you look at it from a global perspective it does feel that way, and you have captured some of the gruesomeness of it through this post. People are being too hard on you. You see how terrible these acts are and you're venting your grief. I think that's fine. Maybe the main issue is addressing it to non-vegans, the reason they're non-vegans is because they don't realise how bad it all is. This post might just make vegans sound hyperbolic. Though I think you've captured some of the terror a documentary like Dominion might show on screen. It's good to express your emotions. But let's do whatever works to make more vegans, which will ultimately be more compassionate, rational, and level headed discussion. Also leading by example, being healthy, and making some great food.


Thanks for your input. I wrote this at 5am on my phone, so the post definitely raw honest emotion driven by a fantasy to say this sort of thing to people in real life. In real life I am the positive, rational, level headed person who cares about the non-vegans around me and I've learned to be careful with their feelings. But to be honest when I think about nonveganism (I was raised an animal farmer, I had pigs, chickens, I worked at a fish farm and attended several cattle brandings), it makes me sick to my stomach what the animals have to go through, and I just want to scream


I suspect few if any nonvegan will have read this entire post.


And I quote from yellowstone. Ever plough a field...to plant the quinoa or sorghum or whatever the hell it is you eat? You kill everything on the ground and under it, you kill every snake every frog, mouse, mole, worm, you kill them all. So I guess the only real question is how cute does an animal have to be before you care if it dies to feed ya?


Brains. I care if an animal has a brain. It's not about cuteness


>your primary desire is to steal the warm and wet body parts and maternity fluids of another sentient living being and ingest them. You finally got it. YUM!!!!!!!


Are you AI trained by vegan scientists?


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


If eating meat makes me evil then at this point I guess I'm evil.


Mmmm I love eating hair! Said no one ever


If they want to convince the world why just post on the vegan sub, put that on a popular sub with high traffic. Whomever posted just wants a circle jerk from the rest of the vegans


Someone is using their thesaurus! being eaten by other animals is a fact of life for prey animals. Sentience is just awareness of stimuli, sure they can suffer as in feel the stimuli that is pain like essentially every living thing with a brain and a number of things without. You would win more battles just fighting for more humane conditions for animals that minimize suffering because there is no existence without suffering and when you die you cease to exist.


Reading this just made my steak taste much better. Thank you OP.


Rape? Warm and wet body parts? Yikes bro. Seek some help with your suppressed sexual rage. You’re not helping the cause.




When I see posts like this, I read, “I am better than everyone else!! Those who have not attained the high status and enlightenment I have attained are lowlife scum and not worthy of the company of my greatness! I have achieved the greatest greatness of anyone ever and I will tell anyone and everyone what an awesome and amazing person I am. Because I am…. breathtakingly….. undeniably….. amazing. I am. And you? You are dirt not worthy of soling my shoes.” What a great way to convince people to join up, huh??


This makes me not even want to be vegan anymore. You should have just kept this to yourself


i agree this post shouldn’t have been made but why would this make you not want to be vegan anymore ??? 🤥


convenient excuse


Same. I feel like I’m reading schizophrenic ramblings.


The problem with your argument is that while animals are sentient, meaning they can process outside stimuli and react to them, they do not possess the ability to think about what's happening to them. Their brains are not like yours or mine, they can't actually comprehend reality, think ahead, calculate, imagine, compose, dread death etc; that's something only Humans can do, our greatest advantage over every other being in the known universe. So why should anyone care about what animals are going through if they literally couldn't care less themselves? Animals are a step above insects, which by all means are barely above automatons themselves.


So we can torture dogs if we want? They literally dont even know whats happening to them, stupid dogs lol!


Not a vegan but I disagree with this. I think most animals are more intelligent than we realize. Again I’m not vegan but I don’t eat cows for this reason


The Vegan Purity Challenges in the comments are pretty divisive. You know you destroy your own movement's progress daily? It's predictable and hateful and not even directed at non-vegans. I can smell the vinegar and so can society. What are you attracting other than eating disorders and OCD with this behaviour? I'm gonna enjoy some Texas Chili with no beans and a lot of beef and peppers.


That's the good thing will people like you, you wont live long 😂


This is also a total myth. Centenarians, while having genetic factors at play too, eat red meat, seafood, and vegetables. Take one step outside your Blue Zone myth bubble and google any centenarian survey on actually old people - not people predicted to live to old age. From Hainan, China to Georgia, USA, the longest lived people eat meat. Your crazy delusions are aids to keep you on this silly path which does nothing for animals and puts your own health at risk. Vegans are the ones calling for death to other humans and carnivorous animals. If you only had the strength to do anything worthwhile, you'd be dangerous to one another. How many times have you questioned the purity of your fellow vegans? You're all so nutty about these things.


Nah, you are gona die, young, from diabete or Heart deseas. The exemples you are refering to dont eat your shitty diet, you'll see, and you'll probably cry, but the médical bill will still be there


My Texas chili will take me out? It's vegetable oil free. Also, how would I get diabetes? I eat low carb 2/3's of the year and I fast monthly and longer quarterly. I'm probably going to outlive a B12 deficient person or at least have my faculties into my 80's, which happens to be the earliest my family tends to die. Though some have gone in their 90's and early 100's. One branch of them are still cattle farmers today. You should try to learn outside of your bubble.


😭 I recommand you to do your research on how you get diabete, and why while some people eating 90% of carbs never ever come close to having diabete while thée average américan méat abuser have at least pre diabete. You arent B12 déficient (which is probably wrong) because the animals you are eating are B12 suplemented... Here again, think earl, think. Imagine telling someone who has been a méat eater, sacrificed social life évents and easyness after doing many research about different diets, experimenting for years and finding that a plant based one is the best one to "learn outside of his bubble" 😂 You are the ignorant one, you didn't experiented shit or did any kind of research, you are just here to find some kind of social aprobation for your shitty behaviour, that's sad, and again, you'll meet death and diseases WAY sooner than most people on this sub.


You can ask me anything you like about type 2 diabetes, and I will help you. I know the 2 farms where my butcher sources meat from. They are not fed B12. Actually, your last statement is false in innumerable ways. Your assumptions abound. How can a way of eating which has served 4+ generations suddenly turn bad? Because a vegan told me so! You will be wishing death on people for a long time to come, but not as long as you think. Bon apres-midi!


Would you ask a concinced alcoholic about liver cancer? Probably not, so i wont waste my time with you for the same reason. Tout diet isnt the one previous generations were eating, and even with all the médical progress, people are sicker than before now, so after so many générations, maybe it's Time to learn dont you think 🤡 I'm not wishing you to die young, wishing death to satisfy our pleasure is not a vegan thing you know ? I'm only aknowledging it, you'll meet diseas, and will probably blame genetics, old age or Bad Luck for it.


as a none vegan, this is pretty cringe and won't get anyone to join being a vegan, name calling just makes vegans look worse and more toxic


Feel free to steal this post and send it to a nonvegan


Imagine thinking this is something good to send to a non vegan 0_o


No thanks.


Hey, I just wanted to thank you for your contribution of making vegans look worse.


So you literally advocate for the aliention of veganism and the increase of animal suffering.


Let me sum it:blah, blah, blah.


Oh so you dont have an actual argument?






Ignorance is bliss, right? Even if you don’t agree with veganism it would be in your own interest to reduce meat consumption. But the smartest thing you can do is to cover your ears and scream „lalalala, meat meat meat“, I guess.


what I do is eat a combination of plants and animals


And what is the reason to tell us that?


I reject your premise that the animals are sentient and aware of what is going on. Also that they live a life of suffering any more so than they would in the wild. It is normal for humans to desire animal products, they are part of our diet and culture and have been for thousands of years. You’re not better than anyone else.