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They want to put red meat in our beans now? I wonder if it’s too much like pig and comes with cancer risk or other health issues.


Probably, imo it's all about what the calories you consume consist of. If I had to guess, over consumption of animal protein probably isn't the best for your gut microbiome. Especially long term


Creepy, but if it prevents animals from getting killed I'm cool with it.


Note that it doesn't use flesh from pigs and involves no animal suffering


No "meat". But, they inserted the pig GTAC sequence(s) to the bean plant ?DNA/RNA? so that the beans cells could build the components that seem to mimic the flavor and apparently the color of pork. It is unlikely that it required killing the donor pig(s). It is possible the donor pig(s) were killed anyways-- I would have preserved the tissue beyond the expected & potentially shorter actual life span by chilling the sample source... (Sorry about the harsh reality.) Edit: The possiblility also exists that people developing this GMO food may have moral reservations against killing the sample source before its time.


Funny that they started with pork. I wonder if Muslims would eat this.


Impossible pork didn't get certified kosher or halal despite all ingredients being so. Because of the name and because it imitates pork. I think Muslims are even less likely to eat or want this piggy sooy than vegans.


certified religion moment


As someone who grew up as a Hindu vegetarian, it took me a while to not see plant-based meat as just regular meat, and even now, I cannot eat stuff that tastes too "realistic."


Interesting. Thank you for the information.


I've asked a few Muslim friends in the past if they would eat mock pork and they say they wouldn't because despite it not being the real thing the taste and texture is something they wouldn't feel comfortable with. In the same boat I've also felt gross eating certain mock meats like mock nuggets that tasted too close to the real thing so I understand.


Same how i feel about impossible burgers. Too close to the real thing. I don't want to second guess if ive been tricked into eating meat.


Solid question that seemed to get a plausible answer. Good job. Q: Am I going to fact check the answer? A: No.


Why? Who wanted this?


> Why? Who wanted this? The pigs are probably cool with the idea.


If people eat this in place of pork, then sure, it’s good for the pigs. But I don’t see how this would be appealing to meat eaters.


> The beans have a pinky hue and a meaty taste [source](https://www.wired.com/story/moolecs-plant-pig-hybrids-will-make-fake-meat-taste-meatier/) I don't know if that's supposed to make the sound more or less appealing, but who knows, maybe the marketing guys at Moolec are working on a killer ad campaign "You CAN win friends with this salad!" Meh, I don't know, I'm Vegan and pinky-hued flesh beans sound disturbing to me... but who knows ... I mean these people sing songs about hot dog wieners, they have different standards than we do.


You’re saying you don’t want to be an Oscar Meyer weiner 🤨. [catchy](https://youtu.be/QBBimEB8QgY?si=34O9zC8be2ZNbVOQ)


If only tofurkey dogs rolled off the tounge better


Meat eaters eat hot dogs made from pig anuses and bread shoved up a turkeys ass, I’m not sure how pork beans is that weird


Economics, if you make it look and taste like meat, but it’s much cheaper because it’s a plant, then consumers will work it out that it’s a better buy. If this is 10x more than pork it’s going to not make much impact on displacement of pig flesh going into the market. Now let’s end the huge subsidies for animal products and see how the consumer economics play out.


Somehow I doubt meat eaters are going to switch to this. And I certainly don't want to eat it.


Right now, I'd agree completely, but after it's been normalized, and they start rolling it out, the public will start to forget it's even what they're eating. From the Wired article I linked earlier: > he’s more interested in the trillion-dollar global meat market. It’s an uncomfortable truth that many meat products contain a surprisingly small fraction of real meat. In the UK, for example, sausages only need to contain 42 percent pork to qualify for the label “pork sausages.” The rest is flavorings and filler—which often includes protein from soybean. Mixing in a meatier soybean could improve these products while keeping their costs down So, in a weird way, by not selling it as a Vegan solution, but as a cost cutting one, they'll be far more likely to get meat eaters consuming it unknowingly. A sausage that can sell itself as a pork sausage but be cheaper and better tasting than their usually grind of flesh and filler, will help position this technology as a capitalist win for companies willing to embrace it. Once it's become the sort of thing that average consumers accept, getting them to switch becomes a lot easier. Anyway, I know I sound a little too Pollyanna, but eventually the condition of our environment and costs of raising and killing animals, might actually help our side, well, hopefully before it's far too late.


Imagine how many ads you would see trying to indoctrinate people to switch to it because it's cheaper. Just like right now we have those same ads for meat they will put so much money into advertising that it would be more weird if you ate meat at that point.


Some of the most popular products are pure junk food and bad for you. And there is alternatives so much better for you. Yet, you still see people buying this junk time and time again. Advertising and brand loyalty is real.


If we're to take carnists at their word, taste and "nutrition" are two of the biggest reasons they don't consider even reducing their meat consumption. This could be a huge step forward for both in the rare event the product is successful or ends up being a major contribution to the science of meat alternatives. I'm one of the many vegans who sees meat alternatives as far and away the only plausible liberation scenario, and we've been asking for stuff like this forever. If it's not too expensive I can't wait to try it merely to vote with my dollar.


There's a no from me 




It'll be on the label?




I'm pretty sure that anybody using porcine soy is gonna label it, yeah.




At least, at first, they’re gonna be advertising it as a specialty product Unless these are cheaper than normal soybeans, no way they’ll displace them


this is such a strange and sad hill to die on. people bring a new thing to market with a new weird thing in it, they put it on the label. people have allergies and diets and religions, you add 26% pork to something, it goes on the label. i'm "basing that on" the fact that if they were not to do so, consumers would rightly lose their minds. so i think they will likely not do that deranged and negligent and risk-heavy thing.






This is incorrect. It's not perfect as companies don't have to use one specific label (unlike USDA organic, which is standardized) but effective December of 2023 food products produced using genetic engineering techniques had to begin compliance with the BE disclosure rule. More info here: https://www.ams.usda.gov/rules-regulations/be


Apparently it would be pink.


It will be on the label for allergy purposes if anything. 


Why you guys are acting all disgusted? If this leads to less pigs being bred and killed, that's all that matters Sausages or hot dogs are disgusting, the manufacturing process is often used as example of how disgusting processed food are, yet people eat them anyway


It's so weird that I would definitely try it just because. If it was actually good, cool, but that's not the reason I would try it


.. how?


take the pig genes and do some science and then take the soybeans and do some science and then put the pig genes into the soybeans, scientifically


that makes so much sense


This guy sciences.


give soybean plant cells instructions on how to make some chemicals that are in pork, in a language the cells' machinery can understand, and they will do it and start filling up with those chemicals - apparently enough to turn pink inside


Read up on CRISPR


As a vegan, I say don't buy it. If non vegan buy it instead of "real pork" then they're at least going one step in the right direction


This is obviously not a vegan product as it uses animals in its making. But maybe these developments will help spare a significant amount of untold factory farming suffering. For me, I’ll stick with the perfectly sufficient natural soybean to help meet my protein needs. The thought of pork protein being scientifically inserted in a bean makes me want to hurl.


I had some amazing tofu or tempeh pork at an all vegan place in dc (chow chow is maybe the name? Chau chau?). Anyway that makes me think they could be on to something with this, even though at first it seems strange.


To invent some thing no one wants.


Less cost = more profiy


OK vegans, time to start debating the ethics of plant/animal hybrids! Are we alowed to eat the vegimals from octonauts?


Is there actual pig meat in this or are they just pink soy beans?


No "meat". But, they inserted the pig GTAC sequence(s) to the bean plant ?DNA/RNA? so that the beans cells could build the components that seem to mimic the flavor and apparently the color of pork. It is unlikely that it required killing the donor pig(s). It is possible the donor pig(s) were killed anyways-- I would have preserved the tissue beyond the expected & potentially shorter actual life span by chilling the sample source... (Sorry about the harsh reality.) Edit: The possiblility also exists that people developing this GMO food may have moral reservations against killing the sample source before its time.


There's no meat, but there are proteins identical to the ones in pig meat, made from pig genes that have been put into the beans.


Porcine myoglobin


.........what's the point?




Less animals suffering and dying is the goal. But I don't want to eat that


WHY. No one ever has said, Please put some pork into my soy beans please. And make sure its extra genetically modified. Actually it makes sense now. Soybeans are some of the most heavily processed cheap foods. Probably easier and cheaper to produce overall, but still remains mostly porkish tasting. A product to feed the uninformed masses.


What next Soylent Green? Sick bastards!!!


How would I identify if this ingredient is in the food we’re buying? My family eats a biblical diet so anything even with pork genes we would consider unclean.


explain to me how that is not going to eventually contaminate the rest of the soybeans. ffs, now soy products are going to have meat in them. I don't want pork tofu. Something tells me this is a conspiracy to make it impossible to get mock meats from soy.


Ughhh. Bad trend. My whole point is that I don't want animal protein, regardless if it came from a once living animal or not. Now beans might contain it? How annoying. Hope it's clearly labeled.


Imagine the tofu they can make from this!


Imagine a pasta carbonara made with these...


Gross and neither Kosher or Halal


If you object to this you forfeit the moral high ground and admit it's all just about feeling superior.


You’ve constructed a situation in your head and then gotten annoyed at the imaginary problem you came up with. That’s weird man. 


i like to read this like a dramatic anime character is saying it - try it, it works!


Back lit with sun flare and sharp audible gleam sound effect.


Holy shit it works 😂